Minutes - 11/05/2014 - Foreign Fire Insurance Tax BoardOAK BROOK FOREIGN FIRE TAX BOARD Minutes of November 5, 2014 Regular Meeting CALL TO ORDER-0830 Meeting was called to order by President Kornfeind. ROLL CALL-0831 Board Members Present: President Kornfeind, Secretary Kelly, Chief Liss and Trustees Johnson and Babcock. Not present: Treasurer Bielawa and Trustee Corkey. PREVIOUS MINUTES-0832 Reading of minutes from the 8/29/14 meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and updated given on all outstanding budget item. Motion to approve the reading of the minutes by President Kornfeind and seconded by Trustee Johnson. TREASURER’S REPORT-0835 Fund balance as of last meeting was $4,750.86 in checking and $209,623.72 in savings as of 8/29/14. Motion to waive treasurer’s report by President Kornfeind and seconded by Secretary Kelly. OLD BUSINESS-0836 List of previously approved items was reviewed the reading of the previous meeting minutes. NEW BUSINESS/PROPOSED PURCHASES-0837 1) Approved $2,500 for three (3) King Vision Glidescopes. Motion: Kornfeind, 2nd: Babcock. (Micek) 2) Approved $8,000 for the Annual Recognition Dinner. Motion: Kornfeind, 2nd: Kelly. (Kaczmarczyk) 3) Approved $7,500 for lighting and striping for new utility vehicles. Motion: Kelly, 2nd: Liss. (Marciniak) 4) Approved $8,000 for new stair climbers for both stations. Motion: Kornfeind, 2nd: Babcock. (Vassios) 5) Approved $25,000 for a new Striker Lift cot and supplement the purchase of a second unit for the medics. Motion: Kelly, 2nd: Kornfeind. (Liss) 6) Tabled a request for new beds for each station while more information is gathered. 7) Tabled a request for Oakley sunglasses for the members until more information can be gathered. ADJOURNMENT-0935 Being no other business a motion to adjourn was made by President Kornfeind and seconded by Chief Liss. Respectfully submitted, Sean P. Kelly, Secretary Oak Brook Fire Dept. Foreign Fire Tax Board