Minutes - 03/29/2014 - Foreign Fire Insurance Tax BoardOAK BROOK FOREIGN FIRE TAX BOARD Minutes of March 29, 2014 Regular Meeting CALL TO ORDER-0815 Meeting was called to order by President Kornfeind. ROLL CALL-0816 Board Members Present: President Kornfeind, Secretary Kelly, Treasurer Bielawa, Trustees Babcock and Corkey. Not present: Acting Chief Clark and Trustee Johnson. PREVIOUS MINUTES-0816 Reading of minutes from the 10/26/13 meeting. Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve by President Kornfeind and seconded by Trustee Corkey. TREASURER’S REPORT-0817 Current fund balances $1685.53 in checking and $2245589.78 in savings as of 3/29/14. Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Secretary Kelly and seconded by President Kornfeind. OLD BUSINESS-0818 List of previously approved items was reviewed with the previous minutes with the no action taken. ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS-0819 The board received no email nominations for the three board positions up for election, all the current members were seeking re-election. A motion to open nominations from the members present was presented by President Kornfeind and seconded by Secretary Kelly. Being no nominations, a motion to close nominations was made by President Kornfeind and seconded by Secretary Kelly. The current board members were re-elected. NEW BUSINESS/PROPOSED PURCHASES-0821 1) Tabled a request for new electric PPV Fans due to purchasing two (2) fans trough a consolidated bid process with Addison for the new truck to be delivered in April. 2) Approved $2,500 for new cold and warm weather baseball caps. Motion: Kornfeind, 2nd: Babcock. (Meyers) 3) Approved $1,00 for new table for the departments ceremonial bell. Motion: Kelly, 2nd: Kornfeind. (Clark) 4) Approved $11,250 for a humidifier for the HVAC remodel at Station 93. Motion: Kornfeind, 2nd: Babcock. (Clark/Public Works) 5) Approved $5,000 for Streamlight Flashlights for all members. Motion: Babcock, 2nd: Corkey. (Nyhanna) 6) Tabled a request for new radio holsters for the Star-Com radios. 7) Approved $10,000 four (4) infared saunas. Motion: Corkey, 2nd: Bielawa. (Vassios) 8) Tabled a request for new Sleep Number Bed for both stations. ADJOURNMENT-0910 Being no other business a motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Corkey and seconded by Treasurer Bielawa. Respectfully submitted, Sean P. Kelly, Secretary Oak Brook Fire Dept. Foreign Fire Tax Board