R-361 - 02/28/1984 - SUBDIVISIONS- FINAL PLAT - Resolutions r:\ R-3 41 $4l8rrrlsiaU 0 RESOLUTION NO. R- _361._ mL" CAT 0� ;TEs A RESOLUTION PPROVING THE FINAL 4' SUBDIVIS ' 1 S T ED BATES DIVISION WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Oak Brook on November 21, 1983 recommended the approval of the final plat of the proposed Ed Bates Division; and WHEREAS, the Village President and Board of Trustees have considered the recommendation of the Plan Commission and concur with same, subject to certain conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IITPREESSOL COOK HEUPRESI ,ENT AND OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, DU Section 1: That the Final Plat of Subdivision known as Ed Bates Division s hpereebd approvedesubjecttt to e ythe as conditioons eannud Suearcty 4 t hhe is Resolution. Section 2: That the approval of.the Final Plat of Subdivision of Ed Bates Division as given in Section 1 hereof be and is hereby expressly subject to the following conditions: A. That installatiof sidewalks and Subdivision Regulations are waived. B. That the Subdivider and all of the necessary parties execute a written commitment, in fore and substance acceptable to the Village, to complete all necessary land improvements for the proposed Subdivision in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations of the Village and in accordance With the provisions of this, Resolution and in sutmtar►tiat cononmity with the Engineering Plans as revised on January 12, 1984. C. That within six months from the date hereof, the Subdivider and/or all of the necessary parties execute any easements, grants, covenants and/or other proposed dsezentatin as reasonably required by the Village for the property subdivided pursuant to this Resolution, said docusents to be acceptable in Orland.spbs ce to-the -Village of Oak Brook as:'appr ei byr its rage Attorney. Said documentation shall %Clbdebdt,not be limited to: - 4 Cavenan tES r1 14!g with the land =Sit ing a binding obligation on the part of all oxpers.of tha property subdivided-tb construct,.operate and maintain an on-site storm drainage system, including the stare sewer. outfall onto the right-of-way of Oak Brook load. In the event the owner fails to perform these duties, the Village shall have the right, but not the obligation, to repair and/or maintain this drainage system at the owner's expense. The Village shall have a lien on the property to secure payment of any awount due the Village for its work. That all the requirements, conditions and standards of the Subdivia !Nations of the Village of flak Brook exoept as waived or limited by this Resolution Shall be applicable to the subdivision and devalopaent of said Ed Bates Division. . ,., ,ape Si;. 7'1' Ilitr I,1111F '`� JQsolutt1�C1 .mr•<1F•' $1 di Approval St 111181'1 a wa _go Bets* 90istivi sicSa•, PASSED AND APPROVED this:2Nth'.iiay of: February , 1964 -by the President a d Board of Trueteea,off'°yi�liege• : DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois according a roll gsli rave,$a follows: I( I Area: Trustees Znrie istecki Hake ph i ' 1i:$ d�latsan �I Nays; None i 7 eta I _ I : � r � Is. ti t.' 4 a fit. + r � _ . �t � __ . ' YILLAGE OF OAK BROOK r�inutes - 2 - February 28, 1984 B. AN ORDINANCE GRANfiING VARIATIONS FROM THE PROVISIONS OF APPENDIX I OF THE ZON�NG ORDIN9�ICE OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ORDINA:�CE Pd�. G-60 AS AMENDED, RELATIVE TO COMPACT CAR PARKING REQUIREMENTS Official Airline Guides, 20Q0 Clearwater Drive As directed at the Regular Meeting of February 14, 1984. Trustee Watson moved, seconded by Trustee Listecki. . . To table this matter until the next Regular Meeting of March 13, 1984. YOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. C. AN ORDINANCE GRANTI�tG A FLOOD PI,AIN SPE�IAL USE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A PARKING STRUCTURE AND ADDITIONAL SURFACE _ PARKING WITHIN THE FLQOD PLAIN PURSUANT TO SECTION 10-34 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES Official Airline Guides 2000 Clearwater Drive , As directed at the Regular l�eeting of February 14, 1984. Trustee �Iatson moved, seconded by Trustee Listecki. . . To table this matter until the riezt Regular Meeting of March 13, 1984. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. D. RESOLUTION N0. R-359 � A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION WITH THE ILLINOI� DEPARTME;.VT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR TRAFFIC � IMPROVEMENT 22nd Street Butterfield Ftoad Camden Court As directed at the Regular l�eeting of February 14, 1984. - Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Watson. . . To pass and approve Resolution No. R-359 as presented and waive . reading of same. ROI,L CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Imrie, Listecki, Maher, Philip, Rush and Watson. Nays: None ' So ordered. ,--_� - �E. 1RESOLUTION N0. R-361 - A RESOLUTI01`I APPR�VING THE FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS ED BATES DiVISION 2021 Oak Brook Road) As directed at the Regular Meeting of February 14, 1984• Trustee Watson moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To pass and approve Resolution No. R-361 as presented and waive reading of same. � ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Imrie, Listecki, Maher, Philip, Rush, ' and Watson. � Nays: None So ordered. F. RESOLUTIQN N0. R-360 - 1984 PERMIT RESOLUTI�N Proposed Resolution required annually for work on State Highways within the Village li.mits. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Philip.. . To pass and approve Resolution No. R-36� as presented and waive reading of same: VILI�AGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes - 2 - February 28, 1984 ------.�. � � VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes - 3 - January 10, 1984 D. Investments: Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Philip. . . To approve and ratify the following investment from the Sports Core Bond Fund: One federally secured Certificate of Deposit in the amount of $142,473.41 to mature at Pathway Financial Savings and Loan on May 29, 1984 at a rate of 9.75� (145 days) . ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Imrie, Listecki, Maher, Philip, Rush Watson and President Cerne Nays: None So ordered. Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Philip. . . To approve and ratify the placement of $233,000 of the Water Fund in the Treasurer' s Pool/Repo Agreement vehicle on a temporary basis until the Certificate of Deposit rates become higher than the pool/repo rate. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Imrie, Listecki, Maher, Philip, Rush, Watson and President Cerne. Nays: None So ordered. E. Well #7 - Approval of Purchase Order (2415 Midwest Road) Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Listecki. . . To authorize a Purchase Order to Layne Western Company, Inc. for the repair of Well #7, including pulling of the well and reinstallation and test pumping, in the estimated amount of $29,900.00, and to waive the bidding requirement due to the emergency and specialized nature of the repair. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Imrie, Listecki, Maher, Philip, Rush, Watson and President Cerne. Nays: None So ordered. V. OLD BUSINESS: ��. � Ed Bates Subdivision - Final Plat (2021 Oak Brook Road) Tabled at the Regular Meeting of December 12, 1983• On November 21 , 1983 the Plan Commission recommended approval subject to certain conditions being met. Trustee Watson moved, seconded by Trustee Listecki. . . To concur with the recommendation of the Plan Commission and approve the Final Plat of Ed Bates Division, subject to covenants governing maintenance of the detentsion pond, and that the Village Attorney prepare the appropriate resolution of approval. VOICE VOTE: Al1 present, in favor. So ordered. B. Ben Fuller Museum - Extension of Time Limit - 3809 York Road Trustee Listecki moved, seconded by Trustee Philip. . . To amend Ordinance 5-470 by granting a two (2) year extension of time for completion of the renovation, and authorize the attorney to draft an ordinance to effectuate same. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes - 3 - January 10, 1984 a _ • _ '1 ."'� ,`vPG�pP Oqke9Oo� � � O N � G .. . � � .` O 4 � 9�� , , `��. COUN1�, VILLAGE OF QAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS G54-2220 January 5, 1984 MEMO T0: John H. Brechin, Village Manager FROM: Bruce F. Kapff, Assistant to Village Manager � SUBJECT: Ed Bates Division - Final Plat The Village Board, at its meeting of December 13, 1983, tabled consideration of this Subdivision pending a revision of the subdivision design by the applicant. Concerns expressed by the Village Board at that meeting included the vast amount of detention provided for this two-lot subdivision as well as the dangerous nature of the driveway system circling the proposed detention pond. In reviewing Dale's memo of January 5, it would appear that these issues have been addressed adequately based on the modified Engineering Plans received January 4, 1984. Should the Village Board wish to approve this Subdivision, it would be appropriate to direct the Village Attorney to draft the necessary resolution approving same. Respectfully submitted, y��� � Bruce F. Kapff Assistant to Village Manager BFK/j r . .�, t,z+ � `� � � � Ca��F�qk@ �P i 90 ��� �� �¢ � ' � O a' N G O 'G � , � t`' � 9C �� .: °' �,�'� � �COUNT�' VI LLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS January 5, 1984 G54-2220 MEMO T0: Bruce F. Kapff, Assistant to Village Manager FROM: Dale L. Durfey, Jr., P.E. SUBJECT: Ed Bates Division - Final Plat The latest revised subdivision plat was received on November 15, 1983 and • the latest revised engineering plans were received on January 3, 1984. My comments are as follows: A. PLAT 1. Since the comments within my letter of November 17, 1983 to Mr. Bates, I have not received any further information. B. ENGINEERING PLANS 1. The recent drawings have eliminated the one (1) driveway concept and now propose one (1) driveway each for the two C2) lots. The previously shown steep slopes from the edges of the driveway have now been replaced with either a small berm or land gently sloping down and away from the driveways . The proposed top-of-foundation for Lot 1 has been lowered to elevation 717.0 with a garage floor elevation of 713.0. This has resulted in slopes around the home being much gentler than previously submitted and also has the top-of-foundation more in line with the existing topography. Additionally, the 717.0 is approximately one (1 ' ) foot below the existing homes top-mf-foundation on Lot 2. In my opinion, the proposed top-of-foundation elevations for Lot 1 are reasonable. 2. Only items 2 and 4 ti,rithin my letter of November 23, 1983 remain unre- solved. 3. This newly revised plan contains several minor drafting revisions which need to be accomplished. 4. I discussed the issue of detention with Carl Blomgren of the Hinsdale Sanitary District. Mr. Blomgren informed me that the District requires detantion for all developments over one (1) acre in size. � ,� � - � '� Bruce F. Kapff, Assistant to Village Manager January 5, 1984 Page 2 C. COVENANTS 1. Covenants need to be generated following Village Board approval of the final plat and engineering drawings . 2. Covenants would iuclude the operation and maintenance of the detention facilities and storm sewers. Res ect ully submitted, Dale L. Durfey, Jr., P.E. . Village Engineer DLD/etg . ,..� -„'� DONALD G. EDDY C0. . �������,�JL�"C��� 7 So. Lincoln St. HWSDALE, IL 60521 L���'��'�' r-'-� '-'�� 'a�F� ��J ��1 �' �%��4���� �' ! (312) 985-0909 _ !t.`` �1.� �.,'� • a ;� f`'`�' Date January 3, 198�+ JAN 0 � ti9��� . To bir. Dale Durfey _ _ . _... _ .___..._.. , _'... Subject Ed Pe.tesf Division - Village Engineer � y,� _;,;;� OF Oah B�?0�;�. �� Site Plan.Revisions . 1200 Oak Brook Road . __ ....__. . __ __ _. . . _ .._ , Oak Brook, Illinois. c.t •��si�lc�'P?NG �r.r=' . Dear Da.le; � - _. __...._ .._...... ___ . _ . . . ... __ ..._.. .. . _.._......_ . . .... ....._ _.._ ...._ . ... __ __._ . ._..._.._ _ _ . ._.__.... ... ....... .. .. .__.. __ _ ... . . . � Enclosed �rith this note, please find four copies of the revised�site plan. This - �- - plan shoKs the ad�ustment of the top of foundation of the homs for lot I to be Io�ered . . to 717.0 with the garage at 713.0. The relocated drivevrays noW either do not face : - � th� po:�@ or there is proposed a 2 foot high berm betKeen the drive a.nd the �ond. .- .- -. �rle have shosrn the proposed water services �into each lot, but. not the fuL run to - - ezch of the homes. -There--srould-be three retaining walls, tKo at the narth end. of -- � the property,. by the driveways, and one three foot high wall to the 1,rest of the . - - �repose3 garage on lot L � I would trust that these revisions �rill meet all .of the � qaestions raised previozisly. Please contact me as soon as possib2e should you . - . .. ..... _...____. ..___ _._ .._.._ .__ __._..... _ _...__. . ... . _.. .._hs�e�-auy questions._... __ _._..._ ._... . . .... .. ..... --... �. �... . � . ... . . __..__ _ __ .. . __. .... .. .. _ ... ... ... .._. _.._.,. _._._. __. . ._ .. . ... . ... ........_ _._.. _. _. . . . .. _... ..... . _ _. �._ . . . . :_ .._... _ ....... .. . ...._ .... .._.. _... . .. ._... ...:. .. .. . _..... ..._ _.___ .._ _..:.. . ..._. .. .___.._ _....._ _.._ ...__. . . .. ..__...... ._.... __ _. _ . . _...._.... . ...... . ..... _..._ _ ... _...._ .. .... .. ._... ._ .. ._..... _.._._ _..__.... . ...__ _..._ __.__...__ ...__ _...__ _ __ ____ • ..... .. _... _... __. . _ . .._ ...._... . ......... .. ... ..._... .. _..... ... . .._.... ..... ....._ ...... .. _ . ......_.. .. __. .. __-........... . ... _. __._....... ._. ... ..._.. _ . . __ _ __ . _._.... ........ . ..___...._. ..._ . .. .._. ...... _._.._. _ . __.. _. .__.. ___ _ __ .. __ ....._ ..... SIGNED . - ❑ Please reply ❑ No repiy necessary . ' ' , D. Eddy - • �� `ypG��F OqKQ9oo �� � � � . . � . . . � � - � � �' � . . i ����� �`L� � . L� � � �� G .� � � � p a . � �EUJ151983 �� � ��� . FCOUN��' - - Vll.t�AGE 0F OPi( �TIC1N VI LLAGE CJF OAK BROOK A�M,�,�-r�z 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS � � 654-2220 _ . December 25; 19$3 Mr. Ed Bates . 689 Executive Drive . _ Willowbrook,. Illinois 60521 � Re: Ed Bates Division � � Dear Mr. Bates: . . ' The Village Board .of the Vil].age of Oak Brook at its December 13, 1983 meeting considered your request for approval of a two lot subdivision for property located on 31st Street (Oak Broak Road) in the Village of Oak Brook. The Village Board at .fihat meeting tabled the matter for further staff review because of unanswered questions concerning the necessity and desirability af the proposed detention pond located to�aards the front of the two lots i.nvolved in this subdivision. The Village Board did how�•,rer. express a consensus that they saw no zoning def iciencies in the praposed subdivision. . In. arder to address and resolve the issue of the detention areas we will be seeking infornation as to the need for the detention ponds, and specifically the authority of the Hinsdale Sanitary District to make this requirement. Mare- over we would desire information as to whether if. such a requirement is appli- cable it can be waived for purposes of this subdivision by the Hinsdale Sanitary District. Finally, if this requirement cannot be waived to look at other alterna- tives which result in a. subdivision in compliance with the Hinsdale Sanitary _ District regulatioas, and yet, avoid the presertt configuration of the detention : area as shown on the plat considered by the Village Board. _ Assuming that alI of this information. can be assembled and reviewed prior to ' the end of calendar year .1983 this matter will be placed on the agenda of the Village Board for its further consideration at its meeting of January 10, 1984. If you have any questivns concerning this matter please of course, feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, o H. Brec in Village Attorney/Manager JHB/c a k ec: Bruce F. Kapff - Assistant to Village Manager Joseph �Kubicik • Donald G. Eddy ._ . �� � v .. �. ..�.�.. ...<<...��..� . . . . -v . . . . . � Ul':C:E'ilIUE:L 1.J� �.L7CiJ. � .- , , .s � . . � . � . � . . � . . �1 '�� D. Pol� House -- __�24 Xor.k Road: C�nfinued from ttie Regular rieetings of. November 22, 1983 and October 11, I983. . 1. Text Ainendment: � Trustee k'atson moved, secanded by Trustee Listecki . . . To deny the request for a Text Amendment for a new Special Use to allow for the conversion of a Tennis building into a MuI.ti-use polo facility. ROLL CALL �rOTF.: Ayes: Trustees Imrie, Listecki, Maher, Phil.ip, Rush; Watson and Fresident Cerne Nays: None • . So ardered. 2. Special Use: Trustee Wat�on moved, seconded by Trustee Listecki . . . To deny the request for a Snecial Use. _ � � ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees� Imrie, Listecki, Maher, Philip, Rush, � � Watson and President Cerne � - Nays: None . . . So ordexed. 3. Side and Rear Yard Variations: � � Trustee tJatson moved, seconded by Trustee Listecki . . . To deny the request for Side and Rear Yard Variations. ROLL C4LL 40TE: Ayes: Trustees Imrie, Listecki, Maher, Philip, Rush, - � Watson arrd President Cerne " I�ays; None � - So ordered. E. Ed Bates Division - Final Plat - 2021 Oak Brook Road. _ Concern was ex�ressed relative to engineering plans as presented.' . : . - Trustee• Watson moved, seconded by Trustee Listecki . . . : � ' To tab7.e until the concerns. expressec� as to the engineering plans of the detention pond can be resolved. 'VOZCE VOTE: All present., in favor. So ordered. VI. - NEW BUSINESS: � . . ' A. Appointment - Elcting Village Attorney. Trustee riaher moved, seconded by Trustee Rush . . . To authorize the execution of a eontract with Attorney Richard A. Martens to serve as Village Attorney for a minimum of 20 hours per week for the annual sum of $25,QOQ, effective .�anuar}� 1,: 1984.. . . ROLL GALL VOTE: �Ayes: Trustees Imrie, Listecki, l�iaher, Philip, Rush, [JaCson and President Cerne � � Nays: None So ordered. B. Whitehall Park. Subdivision ,- Partial Rele3se/Watermain Easement. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Watson , . V7I,I.AGE OF C�,k: L'ROQK Minutes -6- 1)ecem?��r I3. I983 . "'� r►1 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -6- , December 1.3, 1983 D. Polo House - 2624 York Road: � Continiied from the Regular Meetings uf November 22, 1983 and October ll, 1983. 1. Text Amendment: Trustee Watson moved, seconded by Trustee Listecki . . . To deny the request for a Text Amendment for a new Special Use to allow for the conversion of a Tennis building into a Multi-use polo facility. ROLL GALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Imrie, Listecki, Maher, Philip, Rush, Watson and President C�rne Nays: None • So orc;ered. 2. Special Use: Trustee Watson moved, seconded by Trustee Listecki . . To deny the request for a Snecial Use. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Imrie, Listecki, Maher, Phi]_ip, RustT, Watson and President Cerne Nays: None So ordered. 3. Side and Rear Yard Variations: Trustee Watson maved, seconded by Trustee Listecki . . . To deny the request for Side and Rear Yard Variations. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Imrie, Listecki, Maher, Philip, Rush, Watson and President Cerne Nays: None So ordered. � E. J Ed Bates Division - Final Plat - 2021 Oak Brook Road. l../ Concern was expressed relative to engineering plans as presented. Trustee Watson moved, seconded by Trustee Listecki . .. To table until the concerns. expressed as to the engineering plans of the detention pond can be resolved. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. VI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Appointment - Acting Village Attorney. Trustee Maher moved, seconded by Trustee Rush . . . To authorize the execution of a contract caith Attorney Richard A. Martins to serve as Village Attorney for a minimum of 20 hours per week far the - annual sum of $25,000, effective January 1, I984. ROLL CALL V�TE: Ayes: Trustees Imrie, Listecki, Maher, Philip, Rush, Watson and President Cerne Nays: Nane So ordered. S. Whitehall Park Subdivision ,- Partial Release/t�Jatermain Easement. Trustee Iinrie moved, seconded by Trustee Watson . . . VILLAGE OF 0�1K BROOK Minutes -6- Pecember 13, 1983 � � . . . . . . . . . . . .. . � f . � . . . _ _�._. ___ ._. � _. .. , �.,,,y -..,��,,c — . .� � SG�pF oqkeqo y� v < , O,F, � � . � � C O 4 � ♦ 9CF `�v COUNt�' VI LLAGE OF OAK BRQ� K 1200 OAK BROOK RQAD OAK BR04K, ILLfNOIS December 8, 1983 654-2220 MEMO T0: Bruce F. Kapff, Assistant to Village Manager FROM: Dale L. Durfey, Jr. , P.E. SUBJECT: Ed Bates Division � Final Plat The latest revised subdivision plat was received on November 15, 1983 and the latest revised Engineering plans were received on November 22, 1983. My comments are as follows: A. PLAT 1. Since the comments within my letter of November 17, 1983 to Mr. . Bates, I ' have not received any further information. B. EIdGINEERING PLANS 1. Since my letter of November 23, 1983 to Mr. Bates, I have not received any revised Engineering plans . 2. Concerning items 7 through 9 within my November 23 letter, I remain extx�emely concerned. Because of this concern, attached please find five (5) cross sections and an index map which I have prepared which depict both the existing and the presently proposed conditions . Sections 1-1 and 1-2 d�pict the antipipated top-of-foundation for Lot 1 of elevation 720.0, Please note that this a�ticipated top-Q�-foundation is between five to nine (S' to 9' ) feet above the existing groun3 eleva- tions. I bring this matter to your attention in light of past Village Board discussions concerning the artificial raising of property for homesites (as you recall, several members of the Board previousl}* stated their negative opinyons of such a proc�dnre) . Sections 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, and 2-2 depict the excessive ground slopes �which are proposed for Lots 1 and 2. Although the proposed 3:1 slopes are within design standards, I do not believe that they are appropriate in this case. Section 2-3 depicts the extreme condition of the 3:1 dropoff from the proposed driveway into the proposed pond at an area which does not have a wood barricade. This plan exhibits inherent potential dangers and hazardous conditions which will result should vehicles stray off of the driveway. I recomm�nd that either the pond be reconfigured or some form of safety de�zices utilized wherever this condition may exist. � � . � � t Mr. Brnce F. Kapff, Assistant to Village Manager � December 8, 1983 Page 2 . , 3. Since there were some twenty-one (21) items within my November 23, 1983 letter, a revised Engineering plan would be appreciated for further review. C. COVENANTS � 1. Covenants need to be generated foliowing Village Board approval of the final plat and Engineering drawings. 2. Covenants would include the operation and maintenance of the detention facilities and storm sewers . 3. If deemed appropriate by the Village Board, covenants regarding the common driveway would aiso be included. �� Respec"tfully subm'tted, ,i� � , : �'' !�� �, � Dale L. Durfey, Jr., P.E. , ' ' Village Engineer DLD/etg � Attach. ; � , ; , , : , ; ,., ___ _________. -_-_ i /z�j�� -----�---- � ----� -- --- � r --- - ----____- � � � ; ; --- �v,�. � 4 ; � + ; • �. � � � � � � � � ; ; . ; --�--z o __--------:--- : . --___- ; , _ _ __- ------------------ --_ ___- ; ; � _ ; . � � _ . ; : � �� � � 3 -�-���-2-- - { - - � \� `°'�� _` , ; , - - _ _ _ -- ---- , _ --- -- _ , -- --- _ ; -- _ { ' � � � - - - - - ' � ( ; ' 3 � ; ; - - : -;�0_4_ : __��- C � f O l� � I _----------------- .----___ _ _ 3 � . � . j � , � ; . � ; � ; , i ; ; -------- -- ------ -------_ --- ---_----------- ------_� _ i ; - . � . , ; , . ; . ; __:7z o -----Pf�o-p,---G�a�:�__ . , ; � 3 � - �. - - - '-� --� 1 � � :7�� _ ��- -- ---__------- -- -------- ------- ------ i E-X �ST G n�D E - ------------- _ __ --- — — — — -- �. ; ; . - ; -�-��¢---------------- ----_`��C T t O !�! 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' \� �� i r: _ � � � �/`- �• ..� _ ' _- ~" �`J • " �: /' , __ — . �- EXIST. 6��HOUSESERVICE �'� � ' - TO BE DISCONNETED FROM ' � � �•. � �� � • ; ' /�" . '' E�IST. HOME ANCUSEO BY " 720.5 ;� � � � �� - � QPOSED HOME, � � - 712.10 " " . '��- o --�1:�0.73':'�t �c' � � 16/.?3' ' - � _ �.: - :IST. MANFiO �"� 710.70 �l� •� ' ' i ��ROPOSE� � � - 8��`ANiT4RY SEWER J�I�.� � � �' 716.39 E'TFNSION ���� �. \� ... . . ♦.� _..._.. �.a._. �� �— ••----=y . , � 4. . ./i ♦ ��l� ' ��, . � � . � �� �"� � '� � �%� ��� �" � a,N��V�� � ' DONALD G. EDDY CO. 7 SO. LINCOLN STREET� HINSDAI�tlLLIN013 6052! (3!2)986-0909 ���� D�cember �?, 198�T � � . DEC07 1983 t�r. pal� Durf ey VtILAGE OF OAK �ROOK, IL. Vi 11 aqe Engi neer ADMINIBTRATi�JN 1.2���=r OaE: F�r�oE�: Road Oak: E�r-ook: , Illinois b��5:1 Re: Ed E��tes Di vi si on F'1 an F;evi si on Comments Dear r'ir-. Durfey: Thi s _1�tter i s i n response to your revi ew 1 etter , dated Nove�nt�er ���, 198.=, on the subject project. I will respand to your comrrients i n th� order of your- 1 i at i ng. i. Tt-�� p 1 an denotes �h�t the e::i st i ng 4 i nch F'VC pi pe i s to di sch- arge into the pand. �. WR had indicated the ASTM designation for- the filter fabr�ic . as it relate� to the tensile str�ngth. 4�Je are er,closing a copy of th� adver-tising comments on this product. _ . As concluded ;by the F;lan Commission; that since landscaping plans ar-�e not a reguirement cf the Village for single family projects, none r�eed be shawn on thE site pl�ns, and none are. 4. As you are well aware, the limits of tF�e drainage easement are, basically, the limits of the sodding requir�ments within the tv�o lats. Since there are many additional lines requir-�d to be shUwn an this plan. the se�arate delineation of this easement line can be difficult to =�haw. �e GJe hav� ac�ded the �1 e�vat i an of the �;;i sti nq rcradsi de di tch , even ttiouyh triat-'e is no WOt'�; t0 I]E dcne in that ditch , oth�r- than the dri v�way constr-ucti on. tjJ� a�o�.�l d add tt-��t the secti��n i s to sc�l�. It is unfc>rtunate that we were not told of the r-Equired width of th� bik:E� p�tli at 1_he time yo�_t gave ��s th� c�ther design criteri� for� thi.s fac�i l. i ty. Ai so, the �ecti c.�n di d �cr-ur��tel y i ndi cat� the required saf�ty ledr��, both vertic�liy and hori�ontally. 6. We t���re ��war�e that yo�i woul d requi re a detai 1 of thP wood guar-d rail and h�d added tt�at item to page two priar to your review letter. Additionally, we have added the r�quired length for- the rail . 7. As indicated at the Plan Commissian meeting, and accepted by thai � commission , the three to one slope, within the Village 's require- COIVSU(.TING ENG/NEER/NG� LANO PLA/�1M'NG�MUNlC1PAL E!�lG1NEER(MD�STL1FiM WATER MANAG�MENT� PROVECT MA/VAGEME'NT� GRAPH/C PRESEMATION! SCALE IyppL�"L CQIVSTRl1CTtON . 1 (: .. 1 .. � � � � �� ' , ` , page talo ' Letter to Mr. Durfey Ed Bates Division December .:, 1�8_ ments, only affects certain portions af the two driveways. Since th��se driveway� are to be used by only the residents of each �of the twa homes, ther-e is little chance of a problem by the general pu6lic of having difficuity. 8. The proposed top of f�undation ele�•ratian for the home to be constructed on 1 at 1 ��ras thorough 1 y di sc�cssed by the F'1 an Comm- is�ion. Thei� conclusion We"15 that such an elevation, as a m�;;- it�num elevation, would not be detrimentaZ to either this property or the abuttinq 1._,r�ds. It is understo�d that this elevation was a ma;:i mu�n 1 evel and that .thi s 1 evel rni ght bz 1 owered. at s��ch time as the home was �-�ct�ially desiqned. I have difficulty in urrdestandi ng a�f�y thi s has been br-�uqht !�.p agai n. 9. This is a repeat que�tian , covered in item �3. iE�. I had over-l�ok:ed the r-etaininq wall fram the rear af the praposed home on 1 ot 1 . Thi s wal 1 ��o�tl d be over .' f eet F-�i qh f or a di stance of some 15 feet. We have arnended this condition. All other- walls _ are af the three foot heiqht. 1�1 . The word 'typical ' has been added. - 1z. As commented , the dir�ctian of the arrow heads maF:es no difference di�ection. � 1•?. Tt-ie contour-s have be�n cl ar-i f i ed f or easi er readi ng. 14. The building on lot 2 no��r scales �1 feet. - 15. This is a r-�peat of conment no. 6; however we have noted not to scal e. 16. In acr�rdance with the F'lan Cam��ission �nzetinq , we had deleted the word ;miFlimum ' from the plans were it disc�issed the top of foundatian elevations. This is with the conclusion as discussed in your item no. 8. 17. Such notes have been amer�ded. I would add that the safety ledge docs remowe some of your concerns as yo�� h�-�ve e�;pressed under i tem � no. 6. 18. The safety ledge was shown on the typical section of the rip rap detail . The duplication af elevati�ns couid lead to problems st-�ould or�P o,'• the nunbzr�s be misread d��r-ing the constru�tion. 19. We h�ve �,dded a detaii �f the pro��vsed nrifice tq the plans even thauyh th i s i s si�T�pl y a t�ol e i.n a �ew�r pi pe cac>k:i e at the end of thE pipe. ��_�. Whi 1 e th i s c�ntour- was dr-a�•�n basi cal 1 y t� scal e� we have amended • the dr-awi r�g sl i ghtl y as you have di rected. � . � , ,,.� , F'age three Letter to t�ir. Durfey � Eci Hates Di vi si on December :�, 198:� 21 . "i"he tr�r�ch detail has been �mend�� �s per your r�c�uirement�. We woul d poi nt o�:t that not al 1 of the pr�oposed 4 i nch di ameter- outfall pipe can be so constr-��cted , sin�e to do so WO!llCj defe�t the purpose of the ori#i ce. As yo�_� are �war-e, the per-�r�eab i 1 i ty of stonk ba��::f i I 1 al so per-�ni ts tt;t� detai n�d w��ters to f 1 ow thr-v�igh the trench as wel 1 as thro��gh the ��ri f i ce. We wi 1 1 req�ii rE that a porti�n Qf this pipe, at least 1�> feet af its length , ,�nust have compacted cl ay enti r�l y around th� pi pE3 and for� the ful l � de�rth of the trench i n ar-der to prevent the bypassi ng of the detained storm waters. I a•taul d trust th�t thi s i r�f ct�m�-�ti an �•ai 1 1 Ce s��f�i ci ent to permi t vou to cam��lete y�ur review of this project. �t such tim� as th� Village Bo�r-d has completed their- c�nsider-atir�n �f thi:� ��atter- , I will tt-�en s�ibmit t� yo�i an engir��er 's �>pinion ��f �,r-cbable construction cost� for ��our revi ew. A1 so, at that ti me, I wi 1 1 s��bmi t �to the Hi nsdal �_- Sani tary Di str-i ct ttie requi red permi t appl i cati on f or the propcseci sewzr e:�;tensi on. . Sin ely, ,� � � C� ���:�, �'�� �� � �' �l` Donal d 6. Edd;� F'. E� cc: E�r�tce k':apff Mr. Ed Bates, � �i>9 E;:ecuti ve llri v� Willowbraok: , I11 . . 1 , ^� . ''� ' ,`vpG�p�OqK eqoo� � � o ' in G 0 4 � 9C� `v�,� COUNT�' VI LLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS G54-2220 December 2, 1983 President & Board of Trustees Village of Oak Brook 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, Illinois 60521 RE: Ed Bates Division - Final Plat (202I Oak Brook Road) Dear President & Board of Trustees: The Plan Commission, at its regular meeting of November 21, 1983, considered the application of Edward Bates, as contract purchaser, for a two-lot subdivision of the property located at 2021 Oak Brook Road. The Plan Commission recommends to the President and Board of Trustees approval of this proposed subdivision subject to the following conditions: 1) The top-of-foundation elevation of the proposed house on Lot 1 should be kept at 720.0 removing the note from the Engineering Plans which. states "The pro- posed top-of-elevations shown are the minimum suggested elevations". 2) A wooden guard rail barrier approximately 60 feet in length be installed where the proposed driveway forms a "T" providing a safety separation between the driveway and the steep slope into the proposed detention pond. This recommendation was made on a motion by Menber r�arcy, seconded by Member Antoniou and approved on a Roll Call Vote of six (6) ayes: Members Antoniou, Beard, Bushy, Marcy, 0'Brien, Chairman Reece; zero (0) nays; one (1) absent: Member Ramm. Sincerely, ��j���� �J, ��. �� �� � � Donald B. Reece, Chairman P1an Commission BFK/DBR/jr S � , , � �G�of oak e�o � ` L�.� , � °� ��_ ���-� .vsk'` . �, p / ��,a G ' �' /f z 3 ; '` o `� 9Q �`�� � �COUNY�� VI LLAGE OF OAK BRQOK t200 OAK BROQK ROAD . OAK BROOK, lLL1NOIS . November 23, I983 654-2220 Mr. Edward Bates 689 Executive Drive Willawbrook, Illinois 60521 � RE: Ed Bates Division - Final Pla� ' Dear Mr. Bates: : I have reviewed your revised engineering drawings and offer the tOIZOW2i1€; � COIDm2Tt t9: 1. The plan should specificaZly denote that the existing four (4"� inch � PVC drain is to be connect�d and discharge into the proposed pond. � 2. A copy of the specification utilized for the filter fabric must be submitted; a �caterial sample would also be appreciated. 3, The Iandscaping plan depictin� the screening of the two (2) lots � from both the roadway and the bicycle path has not been submz�ted. I understand from comments made by Don Eddy at the last Plan Coa�ission me�ti�g that the eliainatian af this landscape screeni.ng is under consideration by you. 4. T'ne drainage easement as depicted on the Engineering plan is extremely diff�cult to fol�ow along the easterl�7 edQe of the proposed pond and iurtner does not exist around the entire pond. I suggest that another type o€ -line be utilized other than a contour line so that the det:ention . ease�ent line. can b�e distinguished from the proposed contoux lineN, zetaining walls , and edge of proposed driveway. 5�. The typical Section A-A now states the eZevation of the progosed driveway, top of berm, and bicycle path; however, the invert of the swale and the pavement- edge, as stated in my previous letter to you of Noversbez 17,.. 1983 has not been included and is needed. Additionally, I note that this typical section is not drawn to scale and, therefore, a "not to scale" nate needs to be placed under the typical section title. This typical section aiso incorrectly dimensions the bi�ycle path, it should be eight (8') feet wide rather than five (5') feet. Additionally, the typical section does not accurately depict the safety ledge either in a vertical or horizontal dimension from the normal water level; please . refer to the bank riprap detail regarding thi$. < < � r ,.,� ,,,� 0 , Mr. Edward Bat�s _�;,.� Page 2 � ' November 23, 1983 � r 6. � Regarding the proposed 3:1 dropoff from the proposed driveway into the , - pond, Mr. Eddy stated at the Plan Commission meeting that a aixty (60' ) � foot long waod barricade would be constructed opposite the driveway entranc�; however, the plan scales � wood barricade of fort�*�-five �45' ) feet. Additionally, a detail of the wood barricade must be pravided within the plans so that it can be constructed as part ot` the subdivision ' improvements. 7. I am still extremely concerned regarding the 3.Z drapoff from the iproposed driveway into the proposed pond ati areas which do not have � the wood barricade. As I mentioned previausl.y, this plan er.hibits inherent potential dangers and hazardous conditi.ons which will result should vehicles stra.y off of the driveway. � L xecommend that eithe� the pond be reconfigure.d or some form of safety deuice i.s utilized. 8. General� discussion was heZd at the Plan CommissiQn meeting fegarding the propased top-of-faundation elevatic�n c�f 72Q.Q fax� Lot 1, I remain of the opiniori that this suggested te�s-c�f-faundation i.s excessives especia�2y in light of the existing ground elevations rauging from 7I1 up to 715. 9. An additiional problem of placing the top-af-foundation at 720.0 is that excessive ground slopes to the east and north sides of Lot I will then be necessary, Although the proposed 3:7. slopes are within design � standards, I do not believe that they are appropriate in this case. ' 10. Despite �Ir. Eddy's comments at the Plan Commission mee�ing that all retaining wal.ls are approximately three (3' ) feet zn height or less, the retaining wall immediately west of the proposed house on Lot I has a wall of six and one-half (6'�') feet in height snd the wa11 around the coaanon lot line between Lots l and 2 ranges up to five (5' ) feet in height. . 11. The word "typica]." should be placed within parer.thesis and put next to _ [alC 11�J LC ••J.iviiCLL ci cd l�J �JC J�J4�1�U , . . 12. The arrows .depicting Section A-A are gainted in the wrong direction and aust be corrected. Z3. The proposed contours within the northeasterly porti.on of Lot 2 need to have elevation numbers placed on them to ascertain their carrectness. � _ 14. Although the existing structure on Lot 2 is 21.6 feet from the common lot line, the Engineering plan still scales fifteen (15' ) feet. This item . must be corrected. 15. The bike path detail should contain the note "not �to sca�e" under its title and Che bike path dimension revised to eight (8') feet and the distance to the right-of-way line revised to one (1' ) foot. It would . also be appropriate to label the right-of-way Iine. 16. As mentioned at the P1an Co�ission meeting, the word "minimum" should be deleted fron the sixteenth specification note. � , � Mr. �dwa"rc� Ba te s '"\ � Page 3 - .;4 November 23, 1983 � , . 17. The bank riprap detail should be corrected to show the safety ledge . �under the water level, a 3:1 sZoge designation would be appropriate on � the riprap, and the elevation of 708.5 would be agpropriate to be stated � on the top side of the riprap at the safety ledge. 18. The six (C�` ) foot wide safety ledge under the normaT water level shauld be dimensioned and stated Either within the plan view of the drawing or within a section. 19. A detail showing the. proposed orafice must be shown� within the inlet detail. 20. The 708 contour near the southwesterly edge of the pond should be redrawri . to conply with the 3:1 slope up fram the normal waeer 2evel. within the riprap. . 21. Within the trench detail, the drawing incorrectly sfiaws that Erushed stone aeec3s ta b� placeci �a a dimensian of �welve (12"} i�.c;�es abov� tbe tap ca� the pipe, Additionally, the notation "DIA" is in.appropriate and sf�auld be erased. � If you have any questions or co�nents, please contact me at your conveniEnee. ' . Si�rely, i � , Dale L. Aurfey, .Tr. , F.E., . Villa�e Engineer DLD/etg . cc: 3ohn �. Brechin, Village Attorney/Manager Bruce F. I:apff, Assistant to Village Manager . UJil L:itl�%� SJ�icaill v. uuu� \�V11JL144L��i1 i,vi.��luaay . � � � , -1 � ^ , D4,'�t�4LD G. EDDY CO. , " 7 SO LINCOLN STR�ET� HINSDALE� ILLlNOiS 60:f2! f �� (3t2)986-0909 . ��� �� r November �i , 198:3 ` �, t -- - n ` '� �� ' _.� _ . : �CMr. Pal e Du�fey . � . ._ Vi 1 1 age Engi neer �"� ����:t' �, ,- - _,., 12�]0 Oa6: Broof: Road � , Oa�: BrooE:, illinois '. . ._ ' .' :`_�;. :�_. Re: Ed Pates Division ���� � � F'1 an FtRvi si ons and Comment � Nov z 2 1983 Dear Mr. Dur�ey; VILLAGE flF OAK BROQK, iL. Thi s 1 etter i s i n response to yo��r 1 etter dated Nav�t�N�1RT�4j►�1�3�� i n whi ch you di s�uss the engi neer�i ng cancerns. �.h�t yau have�. I wi Z 1 ' respond ta your comments i n the or-de� af yo�tr I�tter: 1 . T�e existing 4 inch pipe is a storm and qra�tnd water di.�eharge. 2. W� will g�nerate the covenants once the ste plan has been �ppraved. 3. Th� specificatior�s have been add�d to the plans. (�. The ripr-ap notes have been aitered to your direc'tions. � The safety ledge notes have been altered per yvur directions. 6. We have not shown the landscaping det��zls: for the -Front berm . areas since we do not F-now just what types of planting. th� owrier � wants. I would s�iggest that this detail is nar-mally covered in � / the site plan for the buildings, once they have been submifi��d tca �� the Willage -for their review. 7. The drainage easement has-6een added to the plans. 8. The safety ledge notes have been altered as per yo��r driections. �t . Th� pro�osed inlet mu�t have a closed .cover in order to profiect th� proposeci orifice from clogging. An apen cover would not provide this protection. . . �,2�4. Thi s i s repeat of the previ ous comment. , . � CONSULTJNG ENGIlVEER/NG� LAND PLA/1tNf1VCC�MUNlCfPAL ENGlNEERdVG�STORh4 WqTER MANAGEMENT� PROJECT MANAGE'MENT� GRAF�!lC PRL�`SENTATION�SCN4LE MODi�'L CQUNSTRIJCryON 1 ,:�.. � x: page two � L�tter- to Mr. Durfey � �d Ec�tes Di vi si on � November �1 , 1983 1 . F'ropos��i conto��rs have been added bei 4w the water 2 ine. � ;,�'�. �i E;e path removal no�ke has b�er� added. 13.� Tiii� note i s a repeat of a previ a�.�s note. 14: It is my apinian that the prop�sed grade far the home to be canst- ructed an lot i is prcper and matches the top a-F ground grade at the west line of this lot. 15. The proposed retaining walls are aIl ab�u� 3 f eet high c�r less. � 7his is a repeat of the previous comment. � �7. It is my in-Fvrmation that this homp is �o be va�ant �nd that the building addition is to be �dded a�ter th� pr-ese�t occupanf has vacated the home. 18. All shaded areas �re to be sodded. 19. The direction o�f the arr-ows does not matter since the detail shows the relatinn af the various items. 2C�. The contour-s, as shown, �re correct. - �. 7he pipe location has been adjust�d. ��. I have ch�c�::ed di.mensions �nd do not {cnow just wh�t the drawing problem is. The main point is that the contatirs are within • the 1 i mi ts o-F the �1i 11 age �s shown. . � �.�. The trench detai 1 h�s been amendeci per ya�er- corrrments. � The page no. has been added. I wo�cld tr��st that these comments and plan r�evisions are suf-Ficient to perr�it this project to receive your blesszngs�. � . Si r cerel y � � ./���Cl"� � .1.���J . . � Donal cJ G. Edd �,�. Y� 1 ''� --1 � � � � _ , . , � ''1, . , PLAN COMMISSION Minutes -2- November 21, 1983 III ED BATES DIVISION - FINAL PLAT (2021 Oak Braok Road) N�. Don Eddy, engineer, was present representing this application. Member Marcy reminded tre Commissa.on that at the last meeti.ng problems diseussed concerned the proposed detentzon pond and safety factc�rs a.nvolving the groxi.mzty of the road and bieycle path to tre po:�d. He noted that the current revi.sed Plan is also unsafe due to the "T" interseeti.on where the dri.veways split, at wha.ch poznt a driver unfami.li.ar wi.th the area could mi.ss the turn and dr9.ve i.nto the lake. N�. Eddy stated that thei.r current pl ans are to i.nstall a wood barrier guardrazl at this "T" a.ntersection apgroximately 60 feet i.n length. He further noted the need for the detenta.on pond is to meet Hinsdale Sanitary Distri.ct stormwater detention requir�nents. C�ai.rman Reece i.nqui.red as to whether same form of curb would be installed along the dri.veway as a safety factor. P�'. Eddy stated that they had no such plans at thi.s time. In response to Cha�rman Ree�e, Mr. Eddy stated that a safety ledge wa.tha.n the detention pond w�.11 be constructed to Vil.lage standards. Nl�mber Marcy stated that the proposed r,ouse on Lot 1 is zlleonceived from an aesthetie standpoi.nt, since it places the majarity of the r�ouse on top of a gro�d- level garage. l�. Eddy clari.fied that the bas�nent gara�;e would be located appoxamately 4-5 feet below natural ground level. Chaa.rman Reece revi.ewed the items i.n Bruce Kapff's memo of November 17, 1983 and determi.ned that: 1) The crass i.ngress/egress easements with respeet to a driveway wi.11 be handled i.n the covenants. 2) Covenants regarding the maintenance of thi.s common dri.veway and detenti.on pond wzll be handled at a later date prior to recording of the Plat. 3) Any form of landscape s.;reening separating the buildable lots from the ba.cyele path and 31st Street w�.11 be submitted to the Vi.11age in conjunct�.on wi.th the Building Permit. 4) The proposed berm segarati.ng the bicyele path i'rom the driveway has a maximtun slope of 3 to l . V�.11age Engineer Durfey noted that it would not be approgri.ate to require landseapa.ng i.n conjunetion �ri.th a Buildi.ng Permit, although sueh could be a PLAN COMMISSION Minutes -2- Novenber 21, 1983 � -. , ''� '� � PLAN COMMISSION Mi.nutes -3- November 21, 1983 III ED BATES DIVISION - FINAL PLAT (2021 Oak Brook Road)(Continued) cond9.tion of the approval of the Subdivzsion. � Village Enga.neer Dur�ey noted that the rnajor a.ssues contained in ha.s letter of Nov�nber 17, 1983 i.nclude: 1) The proposed storm sewer wzll be private with maintenance responsibilities governed by private covenants. 2) The proposed top-af-fo�dati.on elevatzon of Lot 1 at 720.0 a.s exeessive whi.ch ereates excessive ground slopes to the East and North sides of Lo� 1 . 3) The proposed retai.ni.ng walls reach a height of 10 feet as opposed to Mr. Eddy's note on the plans that none exceed 3 feet in height. Nh._ Eddy noted that plans will be revised sueh that none of the retazning walls wi.11 exeeed 3 feet a.n hezgr,t. Da.scussion followed eoncerni.ng the house elevation at 720 with a determa.nation that the need for thi.s height a.s caused , a.n part, by the need for the detent?on pond and also the desi.re of the developer to spread the excess excavation dirt on site. In response to G7iaa.rman Reece, Mr. Eddy stated that the Hi.nsdale Sani.tary Distri.et c�uld not wai.ve i.ts storm water detention requirements. He further noted tr�at the proposed basement on Lot 1 involves an average 3 1/2-foot cut below natural ground level. If thi.s hasement were to be lowered further, it would be necessary to truck the soa.l from the site i.nvolva.ng 50-60 loads of dirt, 10 cubic yards per truck, at a�cost of $5-$6 per cubic yard. Member Marcy noted the lar�e swale proposed between Lots 1 and 2. NN�". Eddy stated that the grade on the East side of the house on I.ot 1 could be lowered. P�mber Antoni.ou stated that as presently drawn, it �.s not possible to walk aroi.�d the house on Lot l . N�". Eddy stated that plans are be�.ng revised �n order to provi.de for steps bztween the proposed dri.veway and the hi.gher elevation to the northeast of the proposed house. In response to Chai.rman Reece, Mr. Eddy estimated that the eost of the progosed detention pond is ap�roxi.ma�ely $12,000.00. In response to Member Marcy, Mr. Eddy stated that the house on Lot 1 could be kept at the stated 720.0 top-of-foi,mdation elevation, stri.k�.ng the note on the plans that states that such elevati.ons are "minimtun�� , PLAN COMMISSION Minutes -3- NQve�nber 21, 1983 � � . „ . � � PLAN COMMISSION Minutes -4- November 21, 1983 III ED BATES DIVISION - FINAL PLAT (2021 Oak Broak Road) (Continued) . In response to Member Bushy, Mr. Eddy stated that the Hi.nsdale Sani.tary Distri.ct requa.res .2 aere feet of detention for every one acre tributary to a property. N�. Eddy alsa suggested that there would be no need for a landseape barrier with the current plan, si.nce the gond is mu�h further removed from the bi.cycle path. (�ai.rman Reeee noted that there were no members of the au�zence expressing support for or opposita.on to the pro�sed subdivision, A motion was made by Member Marey, seconded by Member Antoni.ou to recommend to the Presa.dent and B�ard of Trustees approval of the proposed Final Plat of Ed II-ates Di.vi.sian sub ject to the followi.ng; 1) The top-of-foundat�on elevation of the pro�sed house on Lot 1 should be l:ept at 720.0 removing the note from the Engineering Plans wha.ch states "The proposed top-of-fo�data.on elevations shown are the mi.nzm�an suggested elevatians" . 2) A wooden guard raa.l barrier agproxi.mately 60 feet in length be installed wY�ere the proposed dri.veway forms a "T" providzng a safety separation between the dri.veway and tr�e steep slope i.nto the proposed detenti.on pond. � ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: (6) Member�s Antoniou, Beard, Bushy, Marcy, 0'Brien, Chai.rman Reece Nays: (0) Absent: (1) M�nber Ran1m MOTION CARRIED. . . . . PI.AN COMMISSION Minutes -4- November 21, 1983 � . , ,.t ''\ ��v�G�OF o�k e O�¢ 9 � � O N C � 4 �s V� c��ouNt'�'�� VI LLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD O�AK BROOK, ILLINOIS G54-2220 November Z7, 1983 MEMO T0: Plan Co�ission FROM: Bruce F. Kapff, Assistant to Village Manager SUBJECT: Ed Bates Division - Final Plat (2021 Oak Brook Road) The Plan Commission, at their regular meeting of October 17, 1983, reviewed the plans as submitted. The following is a listing of the Commission's comments with a statement as to the applicant's current response to same: 1) The Plan Commission indicated that a 10-foot wide bicycle path easement should be granted on the property, and that the applicant should construct the re- located bicycle path. The current Plat received November 15, 1983 and Engineering Plans received November I6, 1983 indicate construction of a bicycle path in the relocated easement. 2) Cross ingzess/egress easements should be granted with respect to the common driveway. These easements have yet to be indicated on the Plat. 3} Covenants regarding the maintenance of the common. driveway and detention pond should be submitted for review. The documents have �et to be submitted, although it is common for same to be submitted for review following the Village Board`s approval of a subdivision. 4) The applicant stated that some form of landscape screen would be provided separating the lots from both the bicycle path and 31st Street. The Engineering PZans fail to indicate this screen. 5) The Commission also requested a typical cross section indicating locations of Oak Brook Road, the proposed bicycle path, berm, driveway and detention ponds. This cross section is indicated in the upper right corner of page 1 of the Engineering Plans. The typical section indicated contains the following deficiencies: a) No vertical scale is shown. � b) The indicated berm has a very steep slope which might prove difficult to landscape screen as proposed by the applicant. , - ,., ,.� ,`v�G�pF Oqk e OO� 9 � � O m • G o o `�s 4C�COUNt�'`�y . VI LLAG � OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS C54-2220 November 17, 1983 MENIO T0: Bruce F. Kapff, Assistant to Village Manager F'ROM: Dale L. Durfey, Jr. , P.E. , Village Engineer SUBJECT: Ed Bates Division - Final Plat I received revised Engineering Plans and Subdivision Plat on Tuesday, November 15, 1983. I completed a review of those documents today, the co�ents of which are stated within my letter to Mr. Edward Bates. .< Resp,�ctfully submitted, t ;` � ���:���./ " Dale L. Durfey, Jr. , P.E. Village Engineer DLDfjr e • • , '� G��F o4Ye � �,.., ,��� AO�� � � � � p q G � . 4 �s r� 9C�COUNtY,��. � VI LLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLtNOIS ssa-ZZao November 17, 1983 Mr. Edward Bates 689 Executive Drive Willowbrook, Illinois 60521 RE: Ed Bates Division - Final Plat Dear Mr. Bates: � I have reviewed your revised final plat and engineering drawings and offer the following comments: � . A. PLAT > 1. The ten {10') foot easement for a public bicycle and pedestrian path must be so noted with the exact verbage as stated within the easement certificate on the plat. 2. The detention easement as depicted on the plat does not contain sufficient information to fully define its exact location. In. addition, a blan� must be reserved for the recording document number of covenants to further define the detention easement on the plat, said blank would be within the detention easement note. � 3. Some dimensional arrows depicted on the plat do not correctly state the location to which the dimention is intended. . 4. The legal description must include the document numbers and recording dates of the previously dedicated roadway sections. B. ENGINEERING PLAN 1. The existing four (4") inch PVC drain must be confirmed as to whether it is storm drainage or sanitary drainage. Additionally, the plan should specifically denote that it is to be connected and discharge into the proposed, pond. 2. I understand that your proposed storm sewer will be a private responsibility; therefore, its ownership, operation, and maintenance must be defined within covenants. -- ----1_-___----- ____ . . "'t • . .� � -Y'''`t� ' Mr. Ed Bates l�ovember 17, 1983 page 2 " 3: A specification must be stated regarding the filter fabric which is proposed for use within the underdrain detail. Sample of manufacturers documentation must be submitted; a material sample would also be appreciated. 4. The bank. riprap detail must extend twenty-four (24") inches below the normal water level. The proposed eighteen (18") inch dimension above the normal water levei is acceptable in this subdivision. 5. The grading plan of the proposed ponds must also include safety ledges, one (1) above the normal water level and one (1) under the normal water level. The grading plan of the pond, as submitted, is in conflict with the bank riprap detail. The safety ledge above the water level should commence at the top of the riprap. The safety ledge under the normal water level should commence at the bottom of the riprap. Even though your engineer's letter states that the pond is proposed to be four (4') feet deep, it is still appropriate to construct a safety ledge two (2') feet under the normal water level. We have had an instance in the past in which an adult drowned in a lake at an elevation of approx- imately four .(4') feet. 6. The landscaping plan depicting the screening of the two (2) lots from both � the roadway and the bicycle path has not been submitted. 7. The drainage easement is not depicted on the engineering plan as stated � within one of the erosion notes. $. The typical section A-A must have its scale noted and key elevations specifically stated, such as the driveway, top of the berm, bicycle path, invert �f the swale, and pavement edge. Additionally, I note that the ground within the thirteen (13`) foot distance from the driveway to the pond does not comply with the proposed grading contours, not to mention the needed safety ledge. ). The inlet within the proposed pond should have its rim set at 709.0, the high water level, with an open lid. This will allow the overflow to take place in the pipe rather than overflow the proposed. driveway. However, it is sound planning to utilize an overflow point and elevation over the driveway for emergency use should the discharge pipe become inoperable. 10. Within the bank riprap detail, the riprap should extend twenty-four (24") inches below the water level. Consideration should also be given to placing a geotextile fabric between the riprap and the soil. 11. The grading plan needs to contain contour lines below the normal water level of the pond. 12. The plan should state that the existing aggregate bicycle path is to be removed and a new bicycle path constructed in a relocated position. Additionally, a detail must be stated as to the proposed bicycle trail construction. 13. I note that there is proposed a 3 to 1 drop off from the proposed driveway into the pond. This, in r.ry opinion, is extremely poar planning because of the inherent potential dangers and hazardous conditions which will result should vehicles stray off of th� driveway. T,his is especially the case regarding Someone unfamiliar with the driveway and pond as he drives into the site and � Mr. Ed Bates • • ''� ' � ,,r,1,, November 17, 1983 Page 3 ' may not be aware that he must turn either left or right immediately. I recommend that either the pond be reconfigured or some form of safety devices utilized. 14. The proposed top-of-foundation elevation of 720.0 for Lot 1 is, in my opinion, excessive, especially in light of the existing ground elevations ranging from 711 up to 715. I understand that the 720 elevation was put at such a height to a11ow a garage entrance into the basement; however, I do not believe that this complies with the spirit or intent of Village of Oak Brook policy. 15. Utilizing the proposed top-of-foundation elevation of 720.Q for Lot l, the plan depicts excessive ground slopes to the East and North sides of Lot 1. Additionally, a ten (10') foot high retaining wall is required at the North edge of the proposed building. In my opinion, these issues are not the result of proper planning. I6. Mr. Eddy's letter to me of November 14, 1983 stated that the walls are no more than three (3') or so feet high; however, an analysis of his plan quickly shows that several walls are much higher than that, up to a height of ten (10') feet. I7. With the construction of the pond, the existing driveway to the existing home an Lot 2 will be removed. As its access will be removed, is the house addition and resulting driveway construction part of the subdivision improvements? T. 18. Although the shaded area within the right of way is noted as "shaded ar�a to be sodded", I question the shading of the other areas as depicted on the plan, especially in light of their inconsistency. 19. The arrows depicting section A-A are pointed in the wrong direction. 20. The proposed contours within the northeasterly portion of Lot 2 are incorrect. 21. The proposed fifty (50') feet of twelve (12") inch PVC within Lot 2 goes to a 708 contour although its proposed invert is 707. 22. .Although the existing structure on Lot 2 is 21.6 feet from the common lot line, the engineering plan still scales 15 feet. � 23. The trench detail should note that the crushed stone goes to a distance of , twelve (12") inches above the top of the pipe and that it is mechanically compacted. Also, the twelve (12') inch diameter PVC should state twelve (Z2") inch or four (4") inch. 24. The first sheet of the engineering plan should be listed as Sheet 1 of 2. C. COVENANTS I. The items within. my November 3rd letter still apply. ( , ` Mr. Ed Bates ' , � � -'''� November 1�7, 1983 Page 4 If you have any questions or comments please c�ntact me at your convenience. , ' Si cerely, /7 ;�! L / Dale L. Durfey, Jr. , P.E. - Village Engineer DLD/3 r � cc: Renneth G. Carmignani, Village Manager � Bruce F. Kapff, Assistant to Village Manager Donald G. Eddy,. Donald G. Eddy Company � /�. . ' � � � � . � / . � � .. . . � � . .. . . � � � . � � . DUIVALD G. EQt�Y�i - 7 S� L/NCCILN STR�'ET� H1NS0'ALE�ILLINQIS 6Q'S21 (3l2)986•0903 r.� r'' 1 " : , f; I�tove�ber lb, 1983 p�� , . : - . � ,f,� . 1� �1 ,, /�. :,�;ti• ._ - -, . � Mr. Da].e Durfey � '� . Village Engineer � _. � �':� L�; f% ��::,. :+-. 1200 Oak Brook Road ' � ;:� �a�.�"':;�; .'":�T. . Oak Brook, Illinois 60521 � r �► , Re: Engineer3ng Revie� Comments Ed Bates Division Dear Mr. I�urfey; This letter is in response to your letter �a.t�d �tovember 3, 19$3 covering yotzr . review of the secorad s_ubmission. While we appreciate this xev�e�r, th� plans s�ere voided after this submission by actians oP the V�.I.].age k��an Ca�tission. �he �oLlo�fin� are my. conunents based on the number system you used in your letter.. l. The tog of foundation shown is the top of fouudation.for tbe existing I�ozs�� as indiacted on the surveyor's dxawing . � 2. The property line lacation for the water service baxes has been added to ,: tbe drawings, . 3. The detail for the water main servi�e construction has been added to the plans, �t. � The k inch PVC pipe is no longer a problem since it is discharge inta the . proposed pond. There would be no interrugtion of servi�e fox this 1ine. 5. Spelling has been corrected. . - b. Third sentence has been deZeted. " 7. The change in wording has been done. 8. I ha.ve nat changed the word "earthwork" ta distrubed. since the lands dis— cussed are a11 under the phrase of earthwork. g. Change of plans responded tQ this item. � 10. date added. 11. Surveyor has altered his line ta the actual deminsion, 12. S�.nitary manhale deta.il has been added. CONSULTlNG ENGINEER)NG� LAND PLANNIIV��MtlN1C1PAL ENGl1V�ERlNG�S'TC)F;M WATER MANAt„EMEl1►'rf � PR0.lECTMANAGEM,E'NT� GRAPNIC PRE��NTAT/OIV�SCALE MODEL COIVSTRUCT'101V � � Novemb�r lk, 1983 - Letter to Mr. Durfey ° Ed Bates Division � I3. Storm seWer trench detail for outlet pipe was on the drawings. l�. The operation of the storm sewer and pond has e.lways bee thought to be the obligation of` the owners. 15. The question of mort�ring the flagstane re�aining walls has been addressed by app7.ying a batter to the wa11s which is 1 to 1+ back slope. Considering that. � the,walls sre rio more than three or so feet high, this slape (batter) oP the . wa].ls would be sufficient to overcome any requirement for mox�a.ri�g. 16, Agpropri.a:te note added. _ 17. The detail yQu have requested was on the glan.. In the ri�prag, we haf�e sha�n 18 inches above and below the water line since thi.s is a very sma11, pond a.nd the Wave action wi13� nat reach as high as ttro f'eet on the• banks. � . � 18. Since the pond is only four feet deep at the mos�, the battam �.ets as the safety iedge. The pond edge has been reduced in slape. . 19. $ee revised plan. 20. See revised plan. 21. See revised p1an. � 22. I see no reas.on for a 6 inch diameter pipe whe� the �t inch pipe is larger than ' permitted for discharge. There is an orifice in the � inch pipe to.ccmtply : �rith the Hinsdale Sanitary District oridinances. ' .._ . •.. 23. The �xis�ing top oP found�tion for the home was on the plan. 2�. Center lot line has been ad�suted to meet the surveyor�s ad�usted lot lines. ��5. The bike path has been shown where. required. ' 2�6. The owner has not chosen the types of plantings he wishes to use. We have not shown -the plantings until xe haxe beeii told what h� will want ta use. 27. The tygeiel�. cross section has been �ddec� as per the Plan Commission request. � � 28, Appropriate nate added. The covenants are being generated and should be available within a short period oF time, pending the awner's reviel,r before submittal. I would trust that these responses are sufficient �'or your needs. Should you have questions, please cQntact me. . Si e y, _ . . ���j�' . �il�� -� �,���G Donald G. Eddy, P.E. / . �""� ,..� � �1`v Op � � � �..� �; �r��J • . '"'� � � �' � �;� � +�,�, \1 G o � 'c . p . ���� . � �?��%, 9�fi .��'�a A f w � �\ � couNt`�, !M Y Q ri IJ�� � ✓� VI LLAGE O� OAK BRQC�� �AGE Gr 0AK 8R00K, t�. �MtN1a 1200 OAK BROOK R�AD TRATtQ�+,� OAK $ROOK, ILLtNOIS � . November 3, 1983 _ 65d-�220 - Mr. Edward Bates b$9 Executive Drive tdillowbraok, I2linois 6052I _ . RE: Ed Bates Divisian - �ina3. Plat Dear Mr. Sates: . I have reviewed you= revised final plat a9.oAg with the seVised eng�.z�eerin drawirrg and offer the following coxmnenCsa g A. PLAT _ - _ - - 1- The plat still depicts ownership to the centerl.i,ne of 3lst Street e�en though .r,ry last memo sited a recorded document which clearly • 1 dedi.cated a fiftp (50') foot portion of Oak� Broak Raad. Sin�e oxnership does not extend past the fifty (50') foot right-of-way line, the plat must be revised by removing the heavy bound$ry Iine � af the drawing and also withia the Iegal descri tian F . � 2. The ten (1Q'} fo.ot easement for a pub7.ic bicycle and pedestrian - path mUst be so noted withxn the exact verhage as stated within the easemsnt certificate on the pZat. 3. A legend still remaias to be placed on the plat describirtg the k'p(�:rr as being a Publit Utility Easement. 4.. The actual Iocation of the bicycle and ped�s�g�,a.� �athway shou�� �� . accurately depicted on the drawing; the easterl� gartion of the bik� gath has not beer� revised to xef�ec� the hea�d z� has intcr an existi�g easement on the easterlq side, � . 5. I note from the Oak Brook Christian Center Subdivision do�cuszent, a recorded distance:of 350.78 feet is fro� the east Iine of the northwest quarter of the narthwest quarter of Section 34 ta the northeast corner of this site; however, the two (2) distances listed add ug to 35Q.7I' feet. . ---��- -- If these discrepancies are due to recorded and measured distanc�s, they e so noted as_�ecor���}-an� measured. Likewise, the 3I1.68 foot . distance as statea on your plat �near Midwest Road} is stated as 311.74 feet within the Oak Brook Christian Center plat. g... � . . � . . .- . Mr. Ed Bates . Page 2 November 3, 1983 b. I note tha� the couuaon lot line between Lots 1 and 2 has besn revised in dimension but has not been revised in actual drawi.m�t Since a���staiitia c a e—h�-�e�-in�zY�;"the drawing must it�f J__ -�vised to scale accurately� - 7, Place the words "Building Setback Line" next to the setback li�e - Fzithin, Lot 1 e $. A �etention eas.ement must be stated on the plat since the eng�ering ' plans wi11 be creating detention faci�ities. The plat must a�c� state a cross-reference to the covenants regarding thig det�nt:�t easement in that the easement wi�.l be of a private natur$ with grivate opera�ion and maintenance responsibilities. In addition, a b�k must be reserved far the recording document number of the coa��ants `to furCher define the detention easement on the pTat. : � 9. Near the eleven (11 ') foot offset on the common lot line b�tweat Lats 1 aad 2 should be placed two (2) additional` dimensians rgg�rding . the publi.c utilit�y easements offsets fram the east-west portio� a# the lot 1ine. � � I0. State the acxeage of each lot adjacent to the iot number. . B. ENGTNEERING PLAN . � 1. The existing top-of-foundation elevation of the existing structn� on Lot 2 remains to be stated on the drawing. --- 2. �'ne plan� should show a amall cire3e where the wa�er b-box is contem- . . pXa�ed to be �canstructed on the wat�r service Tzne immediately adjacent ta and on the street side of the right-of-way line. 3. Likewise, a detail and/pr specifications need to he added pertain3.ng to water main serviee construction aad specification. � .4. . The issue of the existing four {4") inch PVC ta be abandoned still � remains to be resol.ved. 5. Tiie word "mulch" is misspelled within the second paragraph o� the eros�on end sedimentation control plan. 5. With the inc:lusion of the approximate constxuction schedule, the third sentence within the second Qaragraph of the ezosion and sedimentation plan should be deleted. . e� � � �"'� • , - Mr. Ed Bates • � ^ - - Page 3 �.,,,,�� November 3, 1983 v 7. The word "restored" should be changed to "disturbed'' w�.thin the l�st sentence of the second paragraph of the erosion and sedim�ntatian cantrol plan (I apologxze tk�e incorrect wording in my previous le�ter to you1. 8. The word "earthwork" should be changed to "disturbed" within the last , Iine of tha appxoximate construcrion schedule. 4. I recouaaend that the proposed catch basin and seventy (?0') fe�t of . . twelve (12") inch PVC s�arm sewer be deleted and thaC overland £low be utilized (overland flow wiZl take p�ace anywag near th%s location due to the proposed grades). 10. The date "1978" needs to be added within the sixth paragragh of the � specifications�. � . I1. With the change of the lat ga.ne between Lo�s 1 and 2t. �he ��gx���ring drawing is now not ta scale. The ctrawing must be reua.sed so ��iat it is accurately depieting subdivision improvements . _ 12. � A sanitary manhole detail is required. . 13. A storm sewer trench detail is required. . j : 14. Clarification needs to be made regarding whether the proposed storm aewer wi12 be a public or private responsibility, If it' is to be a public responsibility, public utility easements need to be created on th.e pl:at to caver the storm sewer location. Zf private, the covenants must state the owi}ership and maintenance responsibilities. � . 15. Within the retaining wali d�tail, I recommend that the detail also contain � . a statement regarding the ,mortara.ng af the flagstone slabs. to iusure s � u�ore permansnt type construction. � I6. Within the underdrai.n detai.l, the �ilter fabric should b.e darkened �or clazity and a specification s&ould be stated r�garding the filt�� fabra.c, � 17.. A detail needs to be added to the glan regarding erosion protection of the shoreline of the two (2) proposed ponds. Generalzy, rigrap has been used throughout the Village and should be glaced along the bank for a minimum distance of two (Z') �eet above. and below, vertically, the normal wa�er level. � Mr. E.d Bates Fage 4 November 3, 1983 1$. The grading plan of the proposed ponds should also include safety ledges, one (I) above the normal water level and one (1) under the normal water level. Above the noraaal water level T recommend that a strip of land five to ten {5' to 10') feet in width at approximately lU:�, slope.be utilized. Below the normal water level, a strip of land five to ten (5' 'to ��') feet in width and two to three (2' to 3') feet � below the normal water level is required. . - 19. In i.ts present location, .I nate that tl�e inlet near the proposed pand wi11 stick up above the ground about one (1`) foot. In reviewing the plans, I don't s�e any �nginaering reason for this and also note tha� . it might be unsightly. . 20y The elevation "707.00" in tl�e bottom half ot an ellipse does not go. to any structure. , � 2�. The proposed £ootage of the four t4") inch PVC outlet pipe is illegible. 22. The progosed outlet pipe should be in minimum size of six (6") inch. - . 23, Before a suggested top-of-foundation elevation for Lot 7. can be estab- � lished, the �xisting top-of-fouz�dation elevation of the structure on I.ot 2 needs to be stated. � � � . 24. I note from the piat,that the westerly edge af the existing str�cture � on Lot 2 is 21.60 feet from the common lot line; however, the engineering . plan scal.es 15 feet. � 25, i understand from the Plan Commission Minutes that you were directed ► to glacs and construct a bicycie path within the northerly ten (10') feet - o� your property. The present plan, submitted the day;of the Plan , Com�eission meeting, October 17, 1983, obviously does not contain this � item. OncQ tk�e bicycle traiZ is correctly �hown on the pZan, respective - revisions to ponds will be necessary. � + 2G. I understand that you are planning to landseape screen the two (Z) lots from both the roadway and the bicycle path. Xour subfmittal of a landscaping plan regardi.ng this wo�ld be appropriate. " � 27. As per the Plan Coimmission direction, you will be preparing a cross- section indicating the existing 31st Street pavement, swale, proposed bicycle path, proposed berm, and detention gonds. .1 . . � . . � � . . - � � . / � . . � - � - • . • ' . . � . \ ^ . ` . . ' Mr. Ed Bates . •-r �'� Page 5 �,,;,�' November 3, 1983 . ; 28. The existing eighteen (18") inch CMP must be removed zather than ab�andaned. C. COVENANTS , 1. Covenants need to be generated regarding the operati.an and mai.ntenance of the detention faci..lities. 2. If the storm sewers are private, their operation and ma%ntenance must also be defined. . 3. If deemed appropriate, cov�enants regardi.n� the �Qr�mror� driveway might be aFPropriat�. Since the nexC VilLage Plan Commissi.�n Meetir�g i� Monday, �November 21, I983, T. will need your revised plan by Thur�day, Nc,v�ember l.Q, 19&�: in arder ta comp�.ete say review. �f you have any quastions or comanents please contact me at your conveniance. Si�cfe fely, �� /� � ,'�. t/'' . ` Dale L. Durfey, Jr. , F.E. , Village �nginee� � DL12�etg . c�: Kenneth G. Carm.ignani, Village Manager , . Bruce F. Kapff, Assistant to Village Manager Donald G. Edcty, .Donald G. Eddy Company � � ♦ � . . � . .. . . . . . . . � . . . � . . \ . � I . Y� � / '�i� / 1% � i PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING . October 17, 1983 I CALL MEETING TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Oak Brook Plan Commi.ssi.on was called to order by the Seeretary at 7:31 P.M. in the S. E. Dean Board Room of the Village Commons on Nbnday, October 17, 1983. ROLL CALL: Present: Members Anthany A. Antoniou � Kenneth H. Beard � Karen M. Bushy Henry 0. Marcy Walter J. 0'Brien Kent A. Ramm Absent: Chairman Donald B. Reece Also P;^esent: Assistant to Vi.11age Manager Bruce F. Kapff II ACTING CHAIRMAN A motion was criade by Member Beard, seconded by Member Ramm ta appoint Member Bushy as Aeti.ng Chai.rman i.n the absence of Chazrman Reece. VOICE VOTE: All a.n favor. MOTION CARRIED. . . . . III APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Member Marey, seconded by Member Beard to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 19, 1983 and to waive the readi.ng thereof. VOICE VOTE: All in favor. MOTION CARRIED. . . . . IV ED BATES DIVISION - FINAL PL.AT (2021 Oak Brook Road) _ I�. Don Eddy, Engineer, was present representing this application. He stated that both a revi.sec! Plat and Engi.neerzng Plans have recently been submitted to the Village but have yet to be reviewed due to the Vzllage Engineer's vacation. He noted that the current Engi.neeri.ng Plan, revised Oetober 15, and subm9.tted on th�.s date, has been modi.fi.ed to address the coneerns expressed by Vi.11age Engi.neer Dale Durfey per hi.s letter of September 29, 1983• In adda.tion, the plans have been modified to provide for a com:non dri.veway syst�n, servi.cing the two proposed lots, located along the common lot li.ne wi.th trx� smaller detention ponds, one on each side of the dri.veway. PLAN COMMISSION M�.ntues -1- � Octaber 17, 1983 PLAN COMMISSION Mi.nutes -2- Oetober 17, 1983 ZV ED BATES DIVISION - FINAL PLAT (2021 Oak Brook Road) (Conti.nued) In response to Acting Chazrman Bushy, t�. Eddy noted that these plans have been ehanged to the extent that the previ.ous des9.gn called for a dry baszn detention pond, wY�ereas the current plan i.s for a wet basin retention pond. In resgonse to Member 0'Brien, Nh•. Eddy stated�that the applicant is willi.ng to grant a 10-foot Bi.cycle Path Eas�nent. Acti.ng Chairman Bushy reva.ewed the i.tems li.sted in Dale's letter of September 29, 19g3 with Mr. Eddy stating that he agreed with all of Dale's comments except far page 2, i.tem 5. Concerning that ztem, he wi.shes to establish on the Plat a minimum top of foundation elevati.on and not the aetual, final top of foundati.on at this time i.n order to ga.ve certazn flexibili.ty to the archi.teet in deszgning the future strueture. Aetin� Chairman Bushy inquired as tQ the status of item 25 on page 4 of Mr. Durfey's letter whi.ch questi.ons the purpose of the �4-incrs PVC pipe which is proposed to be abandoned. [�. Eddy stated that thi.s pipe presently runs zn a northerly directi.on to the 31st Street swale, although he presently doesn�t know the source of the pzpe. His assunption zs that the pi.pe comes from a sunp pung located i.n the exist�.ng residence. He noted that wi.th the revised detenti.on pond layout, this pi.pe could be shortened in order to empty into the new detention pond, although he will have to veri.fy that no sewage i.s bei.ng punped by this sunp pung. Member 0'Brzen i.nqui.red as to wYaether eross i.ngress-egress easements would he created governi.ng combi.ned use of the progosed dri.veway. l�. Eddy stated that such wauld be accomplished to the satzsfacta.on of the V�.11age, and in additi.on, a Mazntenance Agreement created by means of Covenants would be drafted covering mazntenance of the common dri.veway as well as the two detenti.on pands. In response to Commi.ssion Members, Mr. Eddy noted the laeati.on of the two proposed water services. He further noted that the detenta.on ponds, as proposed, would probably need some form of aeration during summer months to prevent sta�nati.on. He stated that the ponds are designed for a normal depth of 4 feet whi.ch i.s a balance between the optimtun depth for preventing plant growth on the bottom, and health, welfare and safety coneerns. During flood conditions, the ponds are desi.gned to show a 2 foot increase i.n height. Aeti.ng Chairman Bushy questioned the safety of the proposed ponds in relation to 31st Street. Nh�. Eddy noted that the ponds would be located a minimun of 15 feet back from the roadway. Their plans are also to 1 andseape screen the two lots from both the roadway and B�.cyele Path. PLAN COMMISSION Mi.nutes -2- Oetober 17, 19$3 ,_ � _ �. � t . � . � y . '. . �. � � � � �` � . A �' PLAN COMMISSION Mi.nutes -3- C�tober 17, Ig$3 IV ED BATED DIVIS�ON - FINAL PLAT (2021 Oak Brook Road) (Conta.nUed} In response ta Member Antan�ou, Mr. Eddy not� that the �anztary service is providecf through an existing b-ineh lin@ owned by Hinsdale Sani.�ary Dis�rict wh�.ch is located within a utzli.ty ease�nent. Member 0'Brien su�gested that the ponds be maved further back from the raadway and Bi.cycl�e Path. Member Antoni.ou stateci that tY�e Bicycle Pa�k� shauld be con�tructed by �he develo�er and maved back wi.th3.n the praposed easementp and tha� the �_ake� lae maved a correspnnding di.stanee to the South. In response to Member 0'Brzen, Mr. Eddy ��a�ed �hat ��e plans presently eall for a 15-foot separation between the Bzeycle Pati� and the ponds anc� that ther� w�ould l�e a: one to twn foot hi.gh berm between tl�e gc�x�d� and the B�.cya].� patY�e : Aetzng CY�airman Bushy nQted that there wer� na rr,embe�� af tl�e atada.�ne� expres�:�.n� support for or oppasition ta th� propos� �ubdi.vi.siar�.� A mot�.on was made by Member 0'Brien, sect�nded by Member An�oni.ou ta table furtY�er co�szderat�.an of thi.s a.tem to the November regular mee�ing of the P3an Cammissian, pr%or to which ti.me, the Vzlla�e Engi.neer wa.11 hade adequa�e time to revzew revi.sed. � engineera.ng and, furtY�er, that the appli.cant prepare a eros� seeti.on zndieatir�g the � exista.ng 31st Street pavement, swale, groposed B�.cyele Path, proposed berm, and detention ponds, It was furtr�er noted that the 2-foot se�ara�ion between the ° pro.posed path and the hi.gh water level may be i.nadequate� ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: (6) Members Ant�niou, Beard, Marcy, 0'Brien�, Rammt Ac�zng Chairman ' &ashy � Nays: (0} Abserato (1} Chairm�r� Re�c� MdTION C�RRIED. .. .. PLAN C�IMISSION Mi.ntues -3- October 17, lg$3 , � � �, L�}�f� � a// � • � , • '"'ti / �, , . �- :.s� � � � . DONALD Q. EDDY CO. � T SOt LINCOLN 3TREET� H/N30ALE� ItL/N0/3 60'•52/ (3/2)996-0909 October 17, 1983 � ����� � � O Mr. Dale Durfey - OCT I 7 1983 , Village En�ineer V1LtAGE Or OAK BROOK, (L, 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, Illinois 60521 ADMtNi�TR,ATION Re: Site Plan Revisions � Ed Bates Division Dear bIr. Durfey; This letter is in response to your revieW letter of the first submission of the proposed site pla.ns for the sub,ject pro�ect. Admittedly, the first submission Was designed in a great ruch to meet the deadlines set forth by the developer. This submission reflects the more considered application of both your comsents as well as several meetings with the developer's agent as to �just what they would hope to accomplish on this property so that the end result would be in keeping �rith both the Village's requirenents as well as the develo�er's visions. First, the question of storm Water detention, which is not a requirement of the Village Por this parcel, but rather a requirerient of the Hinsdale Sanitary Dist- . rict. We have amended the land grading plan so that now we are intending to construct a pond9 divided in part by the common driveway that would serve both of .the proposed lots. It is proposed that the driveway would span the pond and that the levels of the pond would be maintained through the use of a submerged 12 inch diameter culvert. In this fashion, less actua.l land area is impacted by the requirements for detention vhile also lowering the top of the berm along Qak Brook Road. The pond is intended to have a stone erosion course around the edges and that a portion of the edge would also act as the outlet control. �usina a weir at the ,junction inlet. The storm water would be discharged at the original point first indicated. On the grading plan we have indicated the approximate location of the proposed home to be erected on lot 1. Ylease note that the home location has been changed from the first submission. The grading plan does continue to have the word minimum grade for the proposed top of foundation. It is �ur opinion that until the actual home plans have been generated, tlie only grades that can be indicated are those grades beloW which the home should not .be constructed. The home, once it is designed, could well have several elevations for the top of foundation around the home. Thfs flexibility should be allo�red for the designer to consider as he pertormed his tasks. Of the other items indicated in your letter, these have been addressed on the revised site plan. I would trust that these revisioas Would be found to be ade- quate for your purposes. I would further trust that this site plan Would be in in accordance with your revierr standards. I would comment that the final opinion CONSULTlNO ENG/NEER/NQ� LAND PLAN�MNO�MUrVICPAL ENO/NEERMtK��S'TO!?M WATER MANAGEMENT� PRQIECTMANAQEMENT� GRAPHIC PP?ESEMATlON� SGALE MOUEL CQN3TRl1CT/ON v .. af . . . . � . . . . . - . page tWo Letter to Mr. Durfey Ed Bstes Division October 17, 1983 oP probable construction costs for this pro,�ect vill be submitted to your office - at the time of final review. It Would presently be a waste of our times to generate one now should there be additional changes that might impact on that document. Both a4Y client and myself appreciate your prompt revie�r oP the first submission and would trust that this revised concept and plan xill meet With your approval. Shc�uld you have questions on this matter, please contact me. Sin ely, ' � :/���// � ��� � /C�„C�, �� . Donald G. Eddy, P.E. � 3 • . . . . '^y . . ,.� . . . . . VILI.c�GE OF OAI: BROOI� F�tinures - 4 - October 11 , ty�s w � _ Trustee ��fatson maved, :�nded by Trustee Listecki . . . To con�ur with the re^c�mmendation of the 7.oning Board of Appeals and approv� a variation for I.ot Area from 1 acre to 0.5697 a�res on Lot i and 0.639 a^_res on Lot 2 and an encroa�hment of 19 feet into the required 60 foot Rear Yard a�lowing for the constru^tion of a poolhouse addition; and that the Village _ Attorney prepare the necessary ordinance. � � VOICF. VQTE: AlI present, in favor. So orderec}. Trustee Watson moved, seconded by Trustee Liste�ki . . . Ta au�horize the issuan^e of a building permit prior to adaption of the ordinan�eo VOICE VOTE: All present9 in favor. So ordered. Trustee ��atson moveds se^onded by �'rustee F�ush � o 0 To concur with the Plan Commission and approve the Final �'Iat of Bey].er- Skinner Resubdivision, wa-i.ving the requirement f�r street lights, sidewalks.s � and �opography and that the Village Attorney prepare the �necessary resolu- tiona , . VQICE VOTE: Ali presentp in favore So ord�redE F. Village of Oak Brook .- Conservation/Recreation Zanin Bistrict -, Text Am�ndment � Trustee Watson moved, seconde� �Sf `Trustee Zistecki a . . To tabl� this matter urt�il the klegular Mee:i.ng of �'anuary I�, ].�84� � ilOICE VOTE: A1.1 presentg in favorF Sc� cxx�de�ec�4 , VI. NEW BUSI:iESS: A. Trinity Lakes Subdivision - Unit III - EXtension of Time - . Completion of Improvements: , Trustee Imrie moved�y seconded by Trustee Watso�a ea . To grant an extension of time to Swissco, Iac. for the completion of al�; re- mainin� improvements related ta the subdivision, until May I5, 1984; �onditioned upon receigt of an amended Letter of Credit to reflect the � . revised datee ROLL CALL VOTEa Ayes: Trustee� Tmrie9 Listecki, t�laher� Philig, Kus�, Wa�son and Pr�sident Cerne � Nay�� �Ione s . So ord�red� B. Ref.errals• � With no obje^_tions, President Cerne made the following referrals: 1:� Ed Bates. Divisian - 2021 Oaic Brook Road - �'inal Plat � referred to the Plan Commission Meeting of October 17, 1983. 2e Breakenridge Farm Unit 1 � Final Pla.t - referred to the Plan Commission Meeting of October 17, 1983. VII ADJOURNMF,NT: Trustee Liste�ki moved, seconded by Trustee Rush . . . . To adjourn this regular meeting and meet. in Executive Session to discuss personnel review and salary adjustments. � VOI:CE VOTE: A11 present, in favor. So ordered. TIME: 1Q:20 P.M. AT'CI:ST: _ _ � . , - � � , _.._��3..�f�.+.►,r�.� :��-��.�_ �� �_'t-�.��.Z., � ':s \..�. L�_�. rL•1RI�Iv'13E I:AK(3:� L A��roved C11i_I,.4GE CL�:kK . ; �.�,� VILLACI�:_� \ BROOK I�i.nutE•s _ 4 - Octoher ]l;. 1953 _ , � , _� - . . ,,.� _ . � _ �. G��F�-0k @ �p 9 `J' Op� �` � o m e a 9 �,�2 � . FC�UNT�`` . VI LLAGE OF OAK BROQK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 654-2220 October 12, 1983 MEMO T0: Plan Co�ission FROM: Bruce F. K.apff, Assistant to Village Manager SUBJECT: Ed Bates Division - Final Plat (2021 Oak Brook Road) Mr. Ed Bates is contract purchaser of a 2+ acre lot located on Oak Brook Road between the Oak Brook Christian Center and Midwest Club Subdivision. The Subdivision Plat, as proposed, meets all Village zoning requirements, although there is a question concerning the separation between the existing structure and the side lot line directly West. As noted on the Plat, this di.mension is 18.1 feet which meets the Village's 18-foot side yard require- ment. The applicant, however, is verifying that this measurement is not si.mply to the existing foundation but is to the closest point of the structure. I wouTd refer you to Dale's letter of September 29, 1983 which notes his review regarding the Plat and Engineering Plans received September 15, 1983. The majority of the items listed in Dale's letter are engineering and drafting details. The Plan Cou�ission has, in the past, recommended approval of subdivisions subject to aIl necessary engineering details being rectif ied to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer. The applicant is in the process of revising their Plat and Engineering Plans and hopes to have such ready for the Plan Commission meeting of October 17, 1983. Respectfully submitted, � / Bruce F. l�apff Assistant to Village Ma.nager BFR./j r _.�,._..�,� _...,__�.� _._._.... _. _ __ _ . �._ -, - _ - _ _ -- - - __ _ ,- _- - - _ : ,- _ �f -> �r'1 �� A G E N D A - YILLA�E OF OAIC BROOK TUESDAY, OCTOBER I1, 1983 7:30 PM I CALL ME�TING TQ ORDER: ' Roll Call ' II APPROVAL OR MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 27, 19$3 III ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, VARIATIONS, PLATS, ETC • No Business IV FINANCIAL• A. Tre�asurer's Report . B. Payouts: 1) Mola Construction - Payout �2 � 1983 . Bicycle Trail Project - �83-�.8Q1 2) I.R.M.A. �- 4t� I980 Supgiemea�ta� ksse�sment� � 3) Franzen Peters - Payout �2 - Woodside Estates _ - Paving & Drainage Project - �$3-1.10� �' � C. Approval of Bills V OLD BUSINESS• . " A. Acceptance of Bids - Robin Hood Ranch Center .Storm Sewer � B. Butler National Final Plat - C. Polo House - 2624 York Road: 1) Text Amendment 2} Special Use 3) Side & Rear Yard Variations D. Christ Church - 501 Qak Brook Road - � Special Use - Parking : E. BeyZer-Skinner - SIS/521 Wood Avenue: 1� Lot Area Variation ` 2) Resubdivision F. � Village of Oak Brook - Conservation/Recreation 2oning District - Text Amendment VI NEW BUSINESS• • A. Trinity Lakes Subdivision - Unit III ` Extension of Time - Completion of Improvements - B. ReferraZs: 1) Ed Bates Division - 2021 Oak Brook Road - Final Plat Referred ta Plan Cammission Meeting 10/17/83 2) Breakenridge Farm Unit I - Fi.nal Plat - � Ref erred to Plan Commission Meeting 1Q/t7/83 - VII ADJOURNMENT:� Ad�journ to Exeeutive Session - Personnel. 10/11/83 cak A � � _ ,vPG�OF o�K e9oo� � � � � � � � � ; ` � � � � � � � G m � '.` �p r 9C�COUN�v'`� VI LLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD � " OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS October 6, 1983 �sa-aazo Dear Resident, � The Oak Brook Plan Commission and/or Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Village Board will be considering a: Variation Preliminary Plat Special Use g Fi.izal Plat _ Zoning Amendment at the meetings as scheduled on the reverse side of this notice. The application has been filed by Edward Bates Name of applicant 689 Executive Drive Willowbrook, Illinois 60521 Address Relationship of applicant to property contract purchaser Ed Bates Division Nar:ie of Subdivision (if applicable) The property in questior. is situ«tnd at: 2021 Oak Brook Road We have attached a map ot the area to assist you iri determining your relation- ship to the property in question. The request which h�s been made .is as follows: Two-lot Subdivision If you desire more detailed information, we would suggest that you contact Mr. Bruce F. Kapff, Assistant Lo the Vili_age Manager, at the Village Ha11 to review the file on this a�3pli.cation. We will .be looi:ing forward to your attendance at the public me�tings. � Respectfally yours, ! �. p o �.u+`�'.� ���:�;�- � h neth G. Carmi�ani Village Aianager �� KGC:jr AIJ. i�feetings are hc:ld in the Samuel E. Dea.; I3o�rd Room of the Oak Brook Villa�e Hall, on O�il: Brool: R�ad (31��t Street) and Spring Ttoad, Oak Broak, � Ill.inois Plan Comn�ission Tleeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:3t� P.M. rlonday Oct. 17, 1983 Zoning Board of Appeals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:3J P.M. Tuesday N/A Board of Trustees rle�ting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..7:30 P.1�1. Tuesclay Oct.. 25, 1983 ij " r�r oF �x� �� V /� � yr0 f �� M � lOf• � �c; 6 R�l� �1 j q � L���\ {�' "� . � t�s i Y� �e 1i4 1.�.. 2'f //j/ _ _ �'��t �t�a��.��aa�N��\.. � ts� a.a _ _ ��s � �2.� �� . . f`°" « ' w �� � �-� - . -�.� a�r' 'h a�• yr .. .c�, � h � �^ � • ' e\,s �� �� bs� _ � � ��� �o•���J� �od �'� . •� . „n. w ..o � � .' _.- "'R % a � �.._s, ri r y . 4 p J` c • .eu .OY 0 �. • � ( � � 7 � `�a ?s� 23 � • . � " � ,�. ;.. � � , z � M �,�b= ,o f:, ,_ ,wt> _, .. � . . s� o . ws �� � j � .r�`w . ��79iW � �m ai� �� !��zt� ,s 16 � � .. � �A �Q 211 J � �.W M OQc wa � . t7{ �� � 1R� J Szo if]i 1J6 811 IJ� �� � . �+ � �► � i15 ow �� 21t '+� ]3l 7R Yn1 �00 . � .ie,A ». � ns "' . . p . - . .�� !f w � z�22s� �� ` J t7[ Y1'1 ,��� . - . . ` . . .' - ivo � 2zD. » z:� u. °! � -_�s..�.--1 ( 2 3 � ` � _ . .o ��ts �s�.� rss =_.� �x °a 1 t � ���_'4st o� '°` vs ` �sr °. 'o ( � . � � ' � � . . . '� �'�O� t99 �� =u �ie � '=i p . . r,. y},14� f98� iyy ai :� . �'' __ '' t ' s 0 ? � " � . 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Yr rt ��i �y�-_—i / ��91- � nej`�+ vd �, � f ' 95 / � i l eT0 �/�\ 2Li . ?'� ��� 87 flG 90 95 94 97 � / 60 73 sw ZL� �, �� y�! ti18�X �.ai • �11�tt��u.ti"'W\1 5- 93 �/ 0 W'� �rt 91 no�rt 1 t21 �M S ' � . 22� 9g y . � � � ���m �� . Q �'�04 1 �al__. �tai Np�;:�e5 0{- ` B8 8! 4i qe , � '� � 93�}-�--�o q� 10, T't�l.i�"io� ��` �x��� °i;�� b 9i ' . . � �` �'S (���J �1V�105. ' `'. 147V 1�3 1'A . s K'= 100 �� 107 . �t! � 92 �,.'?,.� � �1qy�—� ,y �O\ 10� � ! ll M� s� �Y��Ip� 106 �u`2i`v�u ��� �N �� �sr��,�b �c1��cs t09 �at � �ci wL 3 L_ " ' . 33 - -` . w----• _ _�`-� .� ./ � _ . V .= il n 9 ! 1 t !'♦ f 1 ' � � +4 O 1� � r y i1 1 Q O , '� � r ~ ! s I O�. M r.r y^ .s � Y . . ��' x ' *� u u � • . �u� � N . � ''d}.�� /K � .. 1�ti aT . �,`'' i� � r— . . u � ��rN ��! " �M 21 L » � � � . . . . , . at ��w s� u�� � . ' . 'U rt � u� » / . . . , . • � t1�7 � �! �° -� • / . � . � • . . . rK • �:� b T . / - . � � �v V st a I � . . � . � 'lo �f . � l :. _ _ �Sc u .YF � N . il1 �� M;� � . /� . t �� wj =� . � . . d n� M '" . i _ ___ • - , , ,_•� �^ _ �. G�pF Oqke ��.:,.. < . `� 90O _ ,�,,- � . 1, � . � a . � � , a' - _ \ � � • 9� ��� . _ '��� �C�UNS'�.� . ' � /� ��' �� VI LLAGE OF C7A,K BR�CaK 1200 aAK B ROQK ROAD . � QAK BRO�K, ILLtNOIS � • Sep ���:� �li.�� . 654-2220 . 0CT 0 3�983 . . � � Mr. Edward Bates � 6L9 Exe�utive Drive ����p�f OF �DAK SROOK, IL. willowbrook, Illinois 60521 � �qDMINiSTRATIC�N � � RE: Ed �ate;� IIiviszor� --. Ei_naI PIa� Dear Mr. Bates: � - I have reviewed your submitted fi.nal plat of subdivision. along with the Engineeri�;g- drawing accomplished by Xour Engineer, I�onald G. Eddy, aa�d o�t_er the £ol],owi.r�g coumnents: A.. PLAT. , - � � , 1. �T6e plat depicts ownership to the centerline of 3lst Street, howeuer, � _T understand that a fifty {50') foot dedicati6n exists. Document R72-447$4 dedicated the southerl.y twenty (20`) feet of the existing fifty (5Q') foot dedication, dedicated by Peter and •Rerni.ee Albert. Since ownership does not extend past the fifty (50`� �oot right-of.-�ray " line, tha pZat must be revised. Z. The road name "Oak Brook Road" needs to be placed on the plat and the aame 31st Stree� needs to be put i.nto par�nthesas. � . 3• The Village staff would Ii.ke to see a ten (1Q') foot bicycle and pedeatrian. pathway easem�nt granteci on th.e northerly ten (.�,0' ) f.eet of �he prop�zfi}� � � adjacent ta the fifty (50`} foot dedicatio�ia 7.'his would be in keeging caitii the existing path Iocatian on either side an.d further pxovide. for a safe � relocation of the pathwag shou�d roadway �r�den3;�� t�e a�ccomplished. 4. The building setback line should be one hundred ten (IIO') feet from the centerline of Oak Brook Road. � S. Each lot li.ne needs a bearing description or each angle•within each lot needs an angle description. 6. The descri.ption "W. Line of E. 1/2 of N.W. 1/4" on the left side of the drawing is incorrect and must be revised. � - - � . 7. The commori Iot line between lots 1 and 2 need a. six (6`) foot pnb�lic � utili.ty easement on both sides. m��i -— ---_ -__ - ---- - --- _. ---- ---- __ -_ _ _ __ ____ ._---- ____ ___._ . ___ .__ _____ __ _ _ _ - --- --- — . _ . _ -- -- _ -- _ � _ . _ -- __ - - - _ -- -' --_ - _--- - : €.�r _ __ _ _.._ _�:: r . � Mr. Ed Bates � . September 29, 1983 �. Page 2 . . � 7. The description "�. line of N.W. 1/4" toward the right side of the drawing is incorrec.t and uust be revised. 8. The designation "D.U.E."is incorrect and mus� be changed to "P,U.E.rr. � and a Iegend placed on the plat describing the "P.U.E." as being a � .� Public Utility Easement. � 9. The line with the dimension 312.46 feet toward the bofitom right of the � � drawing should be removed in light of the fact that a� Zot line daes not . exist at that loca�tion. � . - 10. The actua], location of the bicycle and pedestrian. pa.thway should he accurately depicted on the drawing; it bends inta the "1Q` Easeraent Bil:e & Ped. Path" on the wes� aide and also bands into an easement on the easterly side. � . 11. The word "uses" is mzsspelled in the third Zine of the Owner`s Cartifi- cate. . . . �, 12. Within the "Utility �and Drainage Easement Provisions", the term "PubZic . Utility Easements" should be inserted• into the firs� line. Also, the � Hinsdale Sanitary.District needs to l�e stated after Commonwealth Edison Company. Also, the words "AlI and" shoul,d be deZeted from the ninth line and the word "way" should be deleted from the twel�th line. Additionallv, � � the word "Operation" is misspelled in the fi£tesnth line. . , . 13. The Plat Certificate can be removed or crossed-out from the plat in. that . it does not apply. - B. ENGZNEERING PLAl�'S � - . - � ' 1. Zhe title of the plan sheet should be "Proposed Subdivision Improvements � Ed Bates Divisior►". . 2. Wzthin the underdr.ai,n detail, the plan shauld state either decorati.ve stone or eop soil and seed, but not both. Also, a dimensian zs nee�ed from the bottom of the pipe tp the bottam a� the trench, Also, a portion of a note within. the. detail is illegible. . 3. Within the sixth specificaCion note, the words "Published August 1, I96? and amended" should be removed and the date should be September, I97$. • 4. The eleventh, sevenCeenth, and eighteenth specification notes s�tould be . deleted. � . 5. The words "the minimum" within th� nineteenth specification note shouZd be . deleted. , �.. ,� ^\ _ '-�-� , . _ _ --- -- _-- _ ._ -- -- - -- -- -__ _ ---- -- --- - --- - - -- --._ ._ _ _ _ _ :-_ _ .,__ _� . . - �„\ ,. ,. �� " _ _ . �. ��. . _ ' - Mr. Ed Bates � � September 29, 1483 r� . Page 3 - 6. The third paragraph within the Erosion and Sec3imentation Control.Plan - states that drainage and overland flow easements are indicated on this plan; however, I do not find their depictian. � ?. From the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, I understand that the ' � . improvements for this subdivision will take place during the calender yea�r of 1984. The control plan shou2d place time limits from construction ,� dates for erosio�z control activities., e.g. , restoration of the sanitax�y sewer construction will take place some many days after its construction, � etc. 8• The estimated construction time schedule withirc the control plan does not depict the entire construction improvements slated �or this site. A1soF is this time schedule strictly for the detention area? Also, the words � , "Zf any" within the third listing u�der the time scheduls should be removed in that earth filiing i,s contemplated within the propos�d gradzng . plan. � 9. Also regardin.g a construction time schedule, reasonabxe dates should be _ 3isted rega-rding alI items .of constructian, e.g., sauitary setatr: water main, detention area, culvert construction, storm sewer, grading, xestora- tion, etc. - 10. The ouner or attorney needs to date and szgn the l]rainage. Certificate. 11. The drawing should put 31st Street within parenthesis and state the _ - roadway as 'bak Brook Road". � � 12. I recommend that� sod be placed�within the area of the southerly Oak . Brook Road right-of-way which will connect the three (3) existing culverts to the proposed storm sewer. Since this is. a drainage way, � sod should be installed to act as a permanent erosi,on control device. � 1�3. � The �torm sewer structure within the detention facility does not say if it is manhole, catch basin, or inlett � Additi.onally, the s�ructure must be detailed as to its constructzon. as we2J. as i�s frame. or casti;�g. 14. Since the subdivision does entail detention, homeowners covenants need to be drafted and executed regarding the maintenance of the detet��i,on �acilities. � 15. The word "plu�" alona with an arrow needs to be placed near the existing �ix (6") inch sanitary house service so that the drawino depicts a proper plugging of the service for the proposed residence. C� �.. . . � �~vRt Gi.Av• . . . . � � � ,�- " .-. _-:_— ___ — ._ .. _ _ - .__ .��.. .._ -._. _.. _... _.. �_._ .. .. ._.a�. . �; �. � 4 . Mr. Ed Bates ' � . : , . Segtember 29, 1983 Page 4 ' : 16. Lot numbers neec3 ta be added. � � 17. The grade 715.5 needs ta be placed near the southeast corner of the � proposed building on Lot 1 so that its grade is one (1`) foot Iower ., than the top-of-foundation. 18► The proposed sanitary sewer needs. to be dimensioned from the souther3.y lot line. 19. The proposed sat�itary sewer manhole needs to be dimensioned from the . comrnon lot 3ine. � - 20. . Lot 2�depicts th� floor elevation as �17.b0; tha existing top-af-faundation elevation should also be shown. - . . � 21. The pl�n should show proposed water main service stnbs to bath lats. 22: Since the detention facility takes up the majora.ty of the frant. yard of . Lot 1, I queation how a driveway to service the house on Lot l is to be . constructed. � - . � 23. A note needs to be added stating that the Village of Oak Brook will not accept the subdivision improvements until a growing and thrivi.ng stand of grass exists on aIl restoration areas, . ' 24. The proposed twenty-five (25') feet of G2� culvert will not have adequate � , cover over .it if placed in the proposed elevations. . 25. Regarding the existing four (4") inch PVC to be abandoned, a determi.nation must be made as to where this pipe comes from so that its abandonment will . . noC damage anything upstream. - . � I will be on vacation during the weeks of October IQ thzu ��.; therefore, yaur. - expediti�usly accomplishing the necessary r�visions_ and resubrsit�al is requi�ed . for a further review before the Plan Commission of Qctaher 17, 1983. If you have any questions or comments, pleas� contact r,me a� your convenience. . Si�ely � . r : : � -�'' .`'---' . , _ - . Dale L. Durfey, 3r. , P:E., . • Village Engineer � DLD/etg : � cc: Kenneth G. Carmignani, Village Manager Bruce F. Kapff, Assistant to Village Manager - � � Donald G. Eddy, bonald G. Eddy Company � . - � . � :..._ - . ..�-_:. ., , .�. . , . :, . _ _ �> - = �. :.. _.,._ . , <. _ _._ . �:r K.,Yt.� ..}c._ - . . ��. ... r .. . . . �..�. ' .s ..a.,. ..���...� ..�i,. .. ....:�.. ...�. , ..: ..� .. �.,� . x YT �. _. ,i: re x .� , ..n , :.� a ... . y� , a �. ) \ r�� \ �' ' _"« ___._ __�__ ____ __ __ _. ___.__ _'—__ "_ __ _ . ._ " __— . _._— ___. .___._ _._ ._. ._... .. ._ _ ... . _..: _ ._ ... . __..... _._.. . _ . . . .___ - .._ —. _. .... _�. ._.. __ _ . �-- >_ . . ._.. _.: �?7 :._. .. , .� ''",, `^ . _ . _ �: ED BATES DIVISION SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNER�S 06-34-100-007 Oak Brook Christian Center 3100 Midwest Raad - �a.k Braak 6C�521 06-34-101-006 Padan Paubel 398 Shady Lane - E�hurst 60126 06-34-101-007 Chicago Title � Trust �1Q7242I 111 W. Washington - Chicago 6�6Q2 06-34-101-012 Ricky Leonhardt 2S749 Theresa �ourt - t?ak Brook fs0521 06-34-1Q1-013 Chicago Title & Trust #�I(�72411 211 W. Washington - Chicaga 6(}6E32 06-27-300-001 Butterfield Country Club 31st at Midwest - Hinsdale 6U521 06-34-10�003 No name given ;�' ! ).t.:;G��G 4��,.f',���La��'9-� �1.�� �'� ��� ��� � � . f � J v�.� , `��;�.�f� ,��-���..�,� �� ____ _ _ _ __ � � _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ --- --- - - _ _ -- - --- - - -�� M� � . � ' �� � . . �� . � . . � � .. . � � � . . � � . . �� . .• . � . . . . . . . . . ' . . . (�F '� � . � . .. - . � � . � .. � . � .i��. . . . . . . . . � � � �. . . . � . . . . . . l (��` , . UOIIIALD C3 EDDY CO. � 7 9Q L/NCOLN 3TREET� H1N3DALE�/LLfIVO/3 60321 (3!2)9g6,psQg. October 17, 1983 ' � ,,.,���� __� � {41 . ,- � � �; ,.,,�+..�. ,� ;a . � . � . . � t 1 ..oa` .»,. � i # 4 . . , . . �� � .�� . Mr.� Dale Durfey . ��.+� � `� I��,�j Village Engineer 1200 Oak Brook Road tJ(t ��`.�c �{= Or�+� 6��iv�{, rL. � Oak Brook, Illinois 60521 �`��`�t�'�;::. ':'�,�,i s'F�„� Re: Site Plan Revisions Ed Bates Division Dear Hir. Durfey; This le�ter is in respanse ta your revieW letter �,f �he first submission of the proposed site plans for the sub�ject pro�ect. Admittedly, the first submissian Was designed in a great ruch to meet the deadlines set for�h by �he developer. This submission r�fleets the more considered application af both y�ou� conments e.s well as several meetings with the developer's sgent as ta �ust what they would � hope to accomplish on this property so that the end result would be in keeping with bath the Village's requiretRents as well as the develoc�er's visions. First, the question of storm water detention, whzch is no� a requ�rement og the Village for this parcel, but rather a requirer�ent of the kinsdale Sanitary Dist- rict. We have amended the land grading plan so that now we are intending to construct a pond, divided in part by the common driveway that would serve both of .the praposed lots. It is proposed that the driveway Would span the pond and that the levels of the pond would be maintained through the use of a submerged I2 inch diameter culvert. In thi� fashion, less actual land ares. is impacted by the requirements far detention while aZso Iowering the tap aP the berm alang Osk Brook Road. The pond is intended to have a stone erosion eourse around the edges and that a por�ion of the edge would also act as the outlet control; �using a weir �t the �junction inZet. The storm water �ould be. discharged at the original point first indicated. On t�ie grading plan we have indicated the approximate location af the propased hame to be erected on lat l. Please note that the home Iocation has been changed from the first submission. The grading plan does continue to have the word minimum grade for the proposed top of faundation. It is aur opinion that until the actual home plans have been generated, tlie only grades that ca.n be indicated axe those grades beloW which the ho�.e should not be constructed. The home, ance it is designed, could we�l have several elevations for the tvp af Poundation around the home. Thfs flexibility should be a1laWed for the designer to cansider as he perPrsrmed his tasks. Of the other• items indiceted in your letter, these have been addressed on the rev�sed site plan. I Wou1d trust that these revisions srould be found to be ade- quate for your purpraes. I would further trust that this site plan �ould be in in accordance with your revierr standards. I would comment that the final opinion COI�StJLTtNQ ENCilNEER/NCi y LANO I�LAfVANNKi�MC�MVIC�'�IL ENQlNEERWQ�STD�FtM WATER MANAC�'ME'NT* pRGlECT M.4NAGiEMENT� C3RAPHtC PRESEKTAT'lOIV�SC�4t_E MUDEL CQN3TRtJGTIQN �; � '"� � page two Letter to Mr. Durfey Ed Bates Division Octaber 17, 1983 of probable construction costs for this pro�eet Will be submitted to your office � at the time of final review. It would gresently be a waste of our times tt� generate one now should there be �dditional changes tha� might impact on that document. Both my c�lient and myself appreciate your prompt reviesr of the first submissioz� and would trust that this revised concept and plan Will meet with your approval.. ShcSuld you have questions on this matter, please contact me. Sin ely, - i : /,�/%� �.� t!l'�.,G�, l ' � ' Donald G. Eddy, P.E. / E:: ' 1 , r r� ' . f�.-, ` �,;,,� V I t.LAC; �: C.) f- '�" . , ... � �1p,���,-y 3i ;� /� � �� (''� ,�( � I'1C1t1T� 3%�^ GF�' �:C.�3DrlIS��CI_� IPPLiC:1 i�;iC�; G .�..� ;�.a.._ .a �f \ 1�. � _�..J Q 1�. „Y� r.s ,_ Q `-�� �:; � �'�� A5ST;S�iFT�tl:` PI.�:i' l,I.=F'LIC�+'I�•; ,.r..--�a:%�`��.-..,,� ��C?-'t�.i�� I.200 4ak �3rook �d , 0��;: Prt�ok, Illinois 60521 lb E:�' Filed [•Tith Vill�c;� C�er.'r : _..__ SL�3D7ZTISICC�� �t'I'�1JE: � ��1�, .� Y f,��,5'�-�1v D11t``� FILID: X . ��' �s� __-/�` - C-�:.�TEFt�,L IAC'.�frICN OR r'�T7DRE�S P�"Y TO BE SUf3DIVIUID: , __ . - •�-�Z-/ Dr9�'C�',�oo,{�' �i� . _ ��� ��oo�. . i� � � ��� oF apPrsc�,�ti-�: — ���'�-�'� :��}%�S � p� �o. aZS �233 ��ss- �/�9 �X��'yT"r,�E �'�.'� cr.r� G�i�o�rJ�,eYB�.sr� ��. �'�..s�Zf Zip Cix�e R�LI�TSFiIP OF APPLIC�1 TO PRQPE�'i'Y: . C.._.Oi�/"L�-r���% �G/�C' -e�� a� aF xEoo�: 3��.�fC'� �L/3��/� ri:�w r�o. . �xEss: 2o Z-1 o��' �'-�.'oo,� ��, c� 4'79�C' �-n� s�; /� �..-/..�o/S _ � Zip Coc?e � � � BEr.'VEE'3CIARY(IFS} Or TRU�'i': - - t�r�; �j� � �xc� r1o. f , . E ADDR�.SS: � CITY� STATE . � 2ip Ca�e X . � (Signature f fi licant} CG��.S �F'F�?�V�'t' FOR SL�IVZSI�7� QI' I��'i' lE'�3iZE `.E`F�'`SI FIVE (5) 7.�7l.'S: . Zrn.is plat cant�.i.tzs ti�e entire contigu.ous undeveloped d a.xea �n which T have . . any intere�t. � � . ignat of :aner} : II3�iITIF�' STRIICI'GRr.5. Aiv� �E'�ER Ti�RC�tTF2��`i��S �J trlE PROPFaK'`X: Q.1/�� �/�'�'.y' ,%�,�'/� ���i�'/a�: r,� � Flood P1a�xLs: - -- Sq. Ft. are txxr_�ex Flco� P�ai..ri Ordznance and are r,raprac�lZy . clepictec� on attacn�ci plans. SIZIi3G BY I,AND USE CAi`"�'ARY . • RGSIUav1I1�.L ' COL��IE:ItCI11L �PE�3 SPAC;E ��:Ft ��.�3, ��0. OF I.�OFI'S ` �_ " . i�TO. (J� 74^FtE5 !�. d�� 1 � . - NO. Qy' S4. FT. . Page 1 . I��S Or SURRC)Ulc'1.)�� PRt?PL'�iY 06.'NE1.2S: Fol?c��..ng ar� the nar�.s and �dres�s ot surrounc�ing :�rc��erty-��cr��iie�� frcm tY�.e prcper�,l i.n` c�uestion for a distance ot aPpro�tizr�ately 250 feet �..n all disectzens, ar:.d �he n�vrl�s of feet occt-pied by all p�bli.c roads, sixects, alleys, and public ways ha.�e Y�en +excluded in- c�uting tl� 250 foot rnquir��nt. Sai.d names are as recor_ded in the office of the � Ca�n�ty I'.ccorder of L�eds (or the ReSistrar of Tittes of the County) ar�d as a�peax fr� tlie authentic icax records of thi�.s County. � _ . 1�1E ADDRESS R���tir fi�o Oa}c Brook Code: Av�.nclix B - Subdivision P,egulations * � * � � � �r � �r * �r Al2. appLieations m�t be acc�mpanied by proper fEe a..nd (1$) capies of the p�ciaosed sub-- division, and must be receiued prior t�o tI4e 15th of the month for Plan Com�nission review 1on the third-r?anday of �-,e,fo�.laaing imnth. ' G-289 Prelimi_naxy Plat $20.DO per lot or $25.00 minimasn . ` 3124/81 F1.na1 p�at .�,_ $TOO.ao — �vo n��c►`rfi�rs - r--�Z7$.or.� - _ (Plus Plan P,eview & Ir.spEcti.on Fe�s, - if r�ui.red) G-259 . . ' I2l11J79 As�esssrent P�at `�o charc3e .. _ , �t�7ED: NP1�: DATE: �/5���iOt3'i�'��7s.va (�e�k tdo. . �IV� T3Y: ` ��.rrv ` D�: �`1 t S �� • Va.11�.g� C k �'.PF'LIC.I�r SHOU'LD .LF. PRESF3V'!' �7.' I=�'7.1ti� CI�.CI� ,_� _ � A11 mEctinvs are h�id �i �h� .�.. ._ d ��ea.�i roar_d F.ecm of ihe Oal: Broc:k �'illar,e Corr�ns, 1204 Ga� Erc�ck t�c�, Qa}; �rcc�k, Il].inc,�., � �_. � ; Pc�ard �f Tzustecs (IZeferral) .. .. .... ...... . r.Ps., ��:�s�ay C?�� �1r lRS.� � t Pl� Cor�rn.i.ssion Tk.�rt:.ir�c1. ... . . .....�.. ..... 7:30 P.Pi., Ak�r_ci.�y ���7 19$3 � P��d o� ^ar_�tccs I:c:etii�c�.. . ...�. ... .. 7:33 P.P�I-s �ttes�aY �, /t$3 ,. ... . . L��c-r. 2 1�ZZG11 'i0 SCI�.lii_7JU r7�LT]I;G, APPL:�C1�.Ifl IS�`IC7 COi�?i1�.C`:' �,�T1�L,��C:�: I:�:t',7I;r�:I? E�!•.1� F:L�L''I�f�i SZ'll'US OF F'J:,�1T RTi'TIZ��, 11LI�t•:II��G FCI2 ��� �UI�'7:CIII7Z' T7I�_E 7fl r1.SL'L3thIT ��TI'I'Ii P1�Y r'L'Q::�Sr�RX iT��I�IC�`?:i GR C�rZiJ:,�,rl'zrJi\.�i.� — . � — -- --..--. , : ��a�C�Ev � ���� � � �. !" ,�. �, �+. ^. ' " "Z ^"t '� "Z t� � . � � WM.L.SCHUSTE;R $ SON�ELMMUHST�Ill.60136 �� /fi1 �� � . : � r �UuPAGE BOARll OF REALTORS � aEA�Torr�`' STANUARD RE5IUENT[AL SA LES CONTRACT '°„"`"°"S"` uwnei unirr Edward J. Sates and L. Nicole Bates (His Wife) 1. BUYER, �� --------------- - - ------ ..__. __ ------ - - __ _._ _ . --------- __.—_�_�__� Address_Sz$�_EX��t�._v_��)r...�_Willowbrook_____; County,_�'a5�__; State Ili•_agrees to purchase,and - SELLER�__._.__Her�?��..F. Albext _ _ __- __ __..__-__:_ .-------- -----_�__._ Address_____.2021. 318t_St,. Od1c B7COOk ; County, DuPdg@ ; Statc I11,._ agrees to seH ta Buyer. at the PRICEof � H[R3DRED_EI_GHTX THO�LSA�3f� ------------------�-- Dollars($ 180�OOU.00 � �� _ .. / � _����monly known as ___2Q21_ - 31st St. , Oak Brook, Ill. ---- and legaily described as follows: ___- - -- __._ - --___.-------------- ---- (hereinafter referred to as"the aremises") witfi approximate lot dimension of _ 1.99 Acres (to be detex'mined by survey) _ together with all improvements and fixtures,if any,including,bucnvt timited to:AI}central heating,plumbing and electrical systems and equipmenr, the hot water heater; central cooling, humidifying and �ltering equipment; fixed carpeting; built-in kitchen appIi- ances,equipment and cabinets;water softener(except renta]units);existing storm and screen windows and doors;attached shutters, shelving systems,fireplace screen;roof or attic T.V,antenna;all planted vegeiation;garage door openers and car anits;and the fol- lowing items of personat property: pven/Range, water softener, and all existing carpeting Atl of the foregoing items shal{be left on the premises,are included in the sate price.and sha(1 be transferred to the Buyer by a Bill of Sale at the time of c(osing. 2. THE EARNEST MONEY:Buyer has paid$_10i000 Check_______�______ (Indicate check and/or note and due date)(anc!will pay within ____- days the additional sum of$ "" )as earnest money to be applied on ihe purchase price.The earnest money shall be held by the Listing Broker for the mutual benefit of the parties concerned and upon the closing of the sale,shalt be applied first to the payment of any expenses incurred by brol�er for the Sel- ler in said matter,and second to payment of the broker's sales commissian,rendering the overplus,if any,to the Seiler. 3. THE CtOSING DATE: Oct_ 31.�9��_4��2oner_k�_��}�'u�_�p����e,if any,to which said date is extended by reason of p�ragraphs 12&6)at_ to be determi.tied____ ___,or at Buyer's lending institution,if any. 4. POSSESStON:Possession shall be granted to Buyer at ciosing or as otherwise agreed praviding this transaction shail have been closed. 5. THE DEED:Seller shall eonvey or cause to be conveyed�c�Buyer(in joint tenancy)or his nominee,by a recordabie,stamped gen- eral warranty deed with release af homestead rights,good title to the�remises subject only t�the following"permitted exceptions"if � any: (a)General rea(estate taxes for 19 _83 and �ubsequeni years; (b)Spccial Assessments confirmed after this contract date; (cJ Building, buitding line and use or occupancy restrictions, conditions and covenants af record; (d)Zoning taws and Ordinances; (e) Easements for public utitities;(f)Drainage ditches, feeders, laterals and drain tile,pipe or other conduit;(g)If the property is other i than detached,single-family homes, party walls,party wa(1 rights and agreements;covenants,conditions and restrictions of record; terms.provisions,covenar�ts, and conditions of the declaration of condominium,if any,and all amendments thereto;any easements estabtished by or implied from the said declaration of condominium or amendments thereto, if any;timitations and conditions im- posed by the Illinois Condominium Property Act, if applicabte; instatiments of assessments due after the date of closing and ease- ments estabiished pursuant to ihe declaration of condominium. 6. FINANCING CONDITION:This Contract is subject to the condition that on or before _2Lsl�ys *the Buyer shall secure,or there shall be made a�+ailabte to the Buyer,a written commitment for a loan to be secured by a mortgage or trust deed an the property indhe amount of$ 120.QOO.QO ,or such lesser sum as Buyer accepts,with initial interest not to exceed �'rent % per annum,said loan to be amartized over a period of____34____years with a loan service ct�arge not to exceed�_..___°lo,plus any other usual and customary processing fees or closing costs charged or required by the lender where application has b�en made.(If the loan is to be other than a variable-rate mortgage, fill in the biank space immediately following, stating the type of loan to be acquired:___C..onY�ilt�.4t��_-__varia}�le_ _ __ __ _ ._..___ ) If after the Buyer has submitted a true loan applicatian and otherwise made every reasonable effort to pmcure a loan camt�itment from any soorce rnade available to him and has been un- able to do so, and af►er serving written notice thercaf upon the Scilcr or his age�it wilt►in thc time speeified herein for securing sEich . commitment,then this Contract shall become null and-vc�id,�rnd aii monirs paid by thr 13uyer hereu��der shall be refunded;however, it Seller, at hIs oplion,�otifies Buyer within 5 days of Buyer's nulice, that Seller intends to procure for 13uyer such a commltment within 30 days,then this Contract shall remain in full force and effect.Buyer shall,at his expense,execute all documents neeessary to procure a mortgage loan from any one reasonable source suggested by Se(ler. IN THE EVENT THE BUYER DOES NOT SERVE N4TICE OF FAILURE TO PROCURE SAID LOAN COMMITMENT UPON SELLER AS HEREIN PROVIDED,THEN THIS CONTRACT SHALL CONTINUE IN FULL F�RCE AND�FFECT WI'CHOUT ANY LOAN CONTINGENCIES. $uyer shatl be allowed a reasonable time prior to closing to have a mortgage or trust deed plac�d of record and to arrange for access to the proceeds thereof,and any delays caused by Buyer's leriding institution in ordering a Cornmitment for Title Insurance required nnder paragraph t2 hereof shap not constitute a default by the Seller.Seller shaltallow reasonable inspection of the premises by the Buyer's lender and • Furnish any pertinent information requested by lender's representative. 7. SELLER'S REARESENTATfON�:Sel(er represents:(a)that he has received no notice of any ordinance or building code violation or pending special assessment from any governmental body in connection with the premises; and (b) that all equipment and ap- ptiances to be conveyed, including but not limited to,the following are in operatiiig condition on the date of cfosing:al}mechanicaf equipment, heating and�cooling equipment. waten c�aters and softeners, sepeic and plumbing`systems, elecErical systems. kitchen equipment remaining with the premises,and any misceilaneous mechariical peFsaF�at property to be transferred to the Buyer.UpoR the Buyer's request,Buyer or his representative shall have the right to inspect atl said equipment,appliances and systems prior to closing. The Buyer is requested to make a preliminary inspection at least ten(10)days�rior to closing and thereafter promptly serve notice to Seller of any dePiciencies discovered; which deficiencies Setler sha11 prom�tty,and at his expense, remedy. IN THE ABSENCE OF - WRI'fTEN NOTICE OF ANY DEFICIENCY FRnM THE BUY�R PRIOR Tn CLOSING, IT SHALL BE CONCLUDED THAT THB CONDITION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT 1S SATtSFACTORY 1'U 7'}�E Bl1YER AND THE SELLER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RESPONSIBILITY WITH REF�RENCE THERETO. 8. COMMtSS10N:Seller agrees that __._____Centu�y._21_�as.tl�_s_�y_Kit�qt Ltd._____._______ _ Listing Broker,brought about this sale and agrees to pay them a Broker's c�mmission as agreed. 9. COOPERATtNG BROKERc - --__ None. _ .__ _ __ ____. __._----_--------_.._._ �._��_..� 10. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS:This contract is subject ta the Terms and Conditions set forth on che reve€se side hereof, which are expressiy understood to be a part of this contract. THE PRINTED MATTER OF THIS CONTRACT HAS BEEN YREPARED UNDER TNE SUPERVISION OF THE DUPAGE BOARD OF REALTORS AND THE [)UPAGG CnUNTY I3AR ASSnC1AT10N. HOWEVER, THE PARTIES ARE CAUTIONED THAT THlS IS A 1.F.GALLY B(Ni�tNG CONTR�CT. FF' TkiE TERMS ARE NOT UNDERSTOOD PLEASE SEEK LEGAL COUt�fSEL BEFURF.SfGNING#'T. DatcoFAcceptance _ //�Tf�3 __ _ --. _ (Thc date sha11 he inserted only after the parties have agreed tn all the tcr�ns and conditions of this Contract.) ' Buyer. __ �lrtt�� GG'c%s-�-'� �_ . Seller �YLEC-e- �' •. � 11, LEGAL��ESCRiPTi�N. �t .�... �, ... ! ,r '. . . ,. ' �,i�,? , ;rt. ,�,�s,. r,�.<< �f i-��. . � ,, ' '. >', , iihri :r1y hr.rci�'s. . ..,. � � � � r��� � � 12. TITLE.(.t► ��1 i. r���. =-ie� i.�u�ir�e��.� N.:�� {�ri��r t<t tlrr�:ii��.in :;(r, ti<�lier r..lr��l t'a��iti�ri���t ca�:ti:•' . �r��rii;`-irc� tc� tiu;•��r<t! G�tirr'ti rti- j�ericr iitt();+,t5rr', f)i�, ',::i!i c ;_t tif, .�t.•�:? s 4i;� �•.,�, i 1�., ;i �,t � :ti:•. .i..:. . �,F , -i,:: f : .sn,f l i�:r,`-?r�:�r�i7 r,r a.,�n�t:i�t�nt•��t . i�\\tlCi��-R':1 :el�C t!t�lI1:.4.:e�i`ill7114'.:�111' Iti. .;'�i:.� l�):����r11i•11?i�'. .1� illliN.Il*:, il.)1�-,511�':Itl � �I�,-. f •.,lt�ll'��1�tiUf.I1;�..:Y�1c��ICy�_)Il Iflt:��;.il"fi��!. �!)Jflt tl� � :�nler�tcau I datc3�l ute �•�ucia:iun i)���,.'��':• S�`t�ii,��. t�,r ,���u�,�.�i ., ;'�a�i�,.i{�scis;.;rnu ,,, •t:u�r��;,.� �.�.���ci:ti��+s--;�,ilr I�C'xs:en�iom,in�f�e � � amt�utit of it�r��t,rch:c:c��r��.°:<n��risr� !i:c.i,��c i�c�coi�. •��i�t. �:�!. :.�. i 11 ti4e"prri��i��<�ri �;rt��F r��'� a•��el inrst�in�araL.r:tph 5,127 � lI1�C tatiC�7iF�li�> !'l�i�t'171it�1 !;�1�L'il�.i�t i'til.tl:i� :f:s;�a' . . . ':1'!:t!, .�� .��.,� �.�.:.i� � . i,, .. . .� .�' . . . t`;�t.l Ic' il!,•.+i�i�:, K�fUi�l ;i�-iy � � (Clqflr('Q t)�� (j1C(i:iy]l)�I�I Ot � �n1o�ley:it t1�e�irnt i,f�is,�;��g(an�.ti;�� t���^ .ut?ic:ic�rt t, ,�.���.,=�� .. •<it:.���� , �:�� . � + �i� i�� 3 :ic�c;:.<<���ur�s�.�;z.�Uc�_cc.u:�c�i I'iorn the l�rz>�;ceets,:�#� s�le due ticlls:r at cic��ingl. �+n.1 t3) .tctw ;l,.,nr ��r 4�i���,:rcri � ; s�l�;,r;�.-�o:, .�s;.:�ns� i3ukcr, or ti,�;�� ii.ain�i�a� by; thr<�u,,l� c>r ��n.lcr � � � . �UL'l'T,.{�T���i�ll'(ItiP C�ITlllllihlii_•��1 L�ICit�.�..i:'•, Ufit:t'?:y... i.'��','\. � t �l!.ti. ?�ftr���•i(�'� �..��Y,i�f �'.. +`l�IITlt-C}11';ti fi�C�fj7 t1iC:�I11C QS C�C�It'�`C�: ��'?t:.i'�ll�� . . !i1 t�;t�•t t.jR'�:til) ��.c 'ii�!t. U.u:•,;:i ;+- ?,,.+,t,s" il?�• �� • .. .;1t � ��I,i , . . { � �, �:s�, ,� ���[ ��,� t�na��.c� �3 �,� anati `+a ca;� �3 ht-,��c13 C�ic��i�t?R< <:'tt� 1hc 1t>,Ii t�.1.c :it�l; !?•. �:��� t,�'d. :f . .,� :�s t; . a; . t� ;1:�, E ; _�?..Iln.,. � t . , , , ' ci rr ti�++t' tu hd�e �;iitj >t�'j,l�i�n5 . ��U'J]!'('C{. �1 !:"iC tit��l'?" '.?1{'< IO �lil�'� Ui�.i'�l'!i:iftil't� C�.,:C�ti<"iii,S N:.U�i'(j, �i,", Iii ':��f'rf{1Cii13l.�'�. 10 t�.�'l?�i.;i � 4Ulllilil{litCl)1. �Oi 1.1F�t, 1[151.If3l1Cl' . �� � s{�ecif��c� �i�o4:��� 1� s�icl� �-xce,tior�,, ,���it��n the �:;€���;1'icci �_�:�. [i;��� i�r4v��; rr�:iy i�zt�.=,;��;ite ttie t�crt=tract bet�i�i�en the par�ies, or may � . I�{1 i�+ixtt io'tCe !� ttc Sellcr i��ititui ��:� .����,+� ,.� �ti: , �s� � i � :i; �l��� t��r ��,i. tc �� :i c dttl.:<35 �t �',st3 .�, .��i;it �t t �i�aht ?t� �eci�:t t�ri+i�i .h� #�tu�.i.ii ; priCe, lic�t� �,s <<.i��r�,nta.� . � ..�._:� !G,. .�r i ���E��i� ���� ;i�.tc,itn; ?'! ,1�� i3uy;: :io��; noF t� <:lect, i'ie �� C��nt.ract betueen the ��arties st�all he,�.�t� � ���,.kli :,z��:t �;,i.�. ,���i.<�i, �t "c�rtl��c: .icti=,,, ::�� ;hf: ;�t���iie.., ,�nd ,�i! ;i�:�tiies paiei by l;uyer � • he:ettt�tier ,i.:j!lt,cr'erli�,ir3���i (�)[��n ±�t,_.,�:�r;;rn:t, ;.ut •.��.i: . ... � �, ...;. <!.tt��j�ar ��r.t,nh..•;E".h:tlthe•:��n,_lu;ivee��idcn�.Ct�('rc�t�d � -11I�t':i����iCR��lI�I-ttaN'�F,dti ii�:1��[11ii11P!'}tit5tl!-i�(j��j';�'�;i'(l��it'` , .!� �Ci .„�� !t� �� ..i:'t�:.�.�..t(�11<1fl` :�:riilti�f:1�C'(�. _ - � . 13. AFFtQAV1T OF T(TLE:Srlier�Irll! lurui�l� Ru�c•r a�i ��{�,•�ttpt :t�l;:in A?Iic{:::tt c�! t;i;c,�otc'iri_ �hc�d:�t�c>; ,lrisinr,�Uhii;ti nnl•y t!+ � It�i�s��ern�itied skxcial rsceptic���s srt '��rtl� ;ii p�r�a�rapli y, .�nd Un��ernzitieil cticpti+>ns. tf at�y, a5 [i-> u hicb the title ins�arzr commits � to e�ter.d in�uraiace in�tie manner�pccit icd�tn I?:�ra�r.tpt� 7? It�ti�e e�c�i�t flti.�t�tfyc totitraet ben��reFi the parti�c�alls for titlr to he con- �� � +�eti�ed t�y a i rusiec:'s Deed, 4he��fiida.zi oi l�itle r�c�uircd t�}i:e itsrni,i�ed bti 5ella�shali ne sig�ied by tfie beneficiary or beneficiaries of said Trust_ � . � �14, INSPECTiONS AND WRRRANTlES�i��) t���yr��r�tial: !��p��s�»ii�t::ci rca�c,ri:,blc r7spe�;i�3ri ai;he_prtimise� ��f�ic�r Ec��;(Qs,�i�g. A ficial � � � inspectic�n ef�he pren�i�ec shall be mad<��, if reqire�,c�.l, ���� }ai+; 5 rt��r�: c�;�zhe :•lrninF �.3ate; {��} I�ti� co�enants, w�ar�aniies and c��her ��� }�TOviSiORc C?i:;itti t�i7S1tC:�C( >ha�l SUI'�'i�"�t�?<<�t3�„1�7 ��'; (�iS• �i.11t�iti:lit)ti. f(t»t�;�.t.f, i�t�ltilf�r�t;f?!;:ir�ecl i[i ,t�il"��f�3il}I (?()���3321 ht C(1t}. strued as a�:�a:rarttti•t}i.�t ti;c items ilier�in fiier�tic�*�«.ci•,:riil F��nain�n noc>d rpair b�}�c>r�d ihe clocing. � �� )5.� ESCFt���tt CtOSING: r'1t the etec!it�n e�f Sel,er ar au}sr. iipc>r� i3c,tice Cc� :�se «cl;er {�artu nut les� ihan !'i�c (5) days prior to Ehe closing date.i�e sale ch��t be ctosed tt7rou�h an E:�;iru�,�4it�;a titie�cc�mpa?ty lieensed �o�o hu�:ineis in the State of iliittc�i�,it�accord- astce N'ith C#r��enerai provisic�t�s ol'a deeJ an�l mcin���escrr�.ti �,�.�it�i;;tn; c«n�„�c�u .�.ith tiic tc:ii�� ot�hiti ctmiract. Upon tcea:i�ri e�f >;uclt an F..c�a�,�..,invthin�in !hi�cc�ntract E�clwcri►tl`�� n�zrtt��tc�t'�;c.��nlr:wra ix,t;�irh,i��tutint. p.i�merii.�i'ttic��urchasc pricc and.tJc- li�efy'c>f the t�pad�halt be m.r<ie ihri�n�.�i �iir• F•,c;�,��. ,i��t. ;+ n;;i,r�,lcr iti iyte•i�l�cd i�i tlie tr.arz..i�ti:a�. the ea!�,CSf 111C1t1C\'SFl7II I)t'CIl'- � nas�teci in tne I=Scruw, 'Itic cezst ol'tt� k �;:: >,� �,l�::.1 1, uR;; ti,�i ;��u;ill� fis•ty,;��_r: rt�e ���t?rr ati�l �I�r tittycr, c�:crr, �hat the Eiuyer �,h��ti pay the mc�frAs lender's c,crr��e�ctiar�;c�. � •1S� RR�RAT10lVS:(a)G*�ne:=ii real ev,�ic ,a�:c, ;r�,t i�r�;��,�,jt.�-�1 �:�;ti��I�e ilcnisi,.� ���t�cim thc:bvsi<:�P ihe tar.i;�es�or'S i.tletit�qttat- . . � . IICd aSSeSSCL�L'��12a11C)lt Iiii{C�ij��18test#�:ntat:�n t3x r,ttc��. i!1y i'r<'R11S.ii17�:(�Il.tti}V 1TtSilt'dfli.:'�)('�fIC1P.�a;�ig�cd t+�f31e}�er.rents.iP the s�.l�tC�1 : . � reat est�te is not ouner-occuPied, t+ccri�eci interest �; un} a��ume,ci mc���t ra�e, ��'at�r� an<i se���er �h�r�e,, fe�els,'and �rivate ser�•icc - � contra�ts,ifany�shall i�e prorated as of the rlosin�i1a�e. 1�.`CLEAN COIVD!'TION: Sc!!cr agree� to Iea�c che �remite, ir; l�rc����,i �;ea�� �„nclitio,i. :1i1 refi.•e ancf perc��nal prupersy noI tc�be conveyed to Buy�r shatl be removed fr�m tlle prer;iici�;at�;rl,r.r�',ca��ens;l�e'�c?r�the�tz:?e<?i oceupanc�, � ��� t$. PERFOi�IWANGE:�Iime is of tlie e;aen��e��f t;zi�;cc���t�•;r,r tih��i�ltl 13Ea��.+r fail t�+pe�i��rm iltiis ce�7tracl,tl�en at fihe optic�:�t�f the Sri- ler aiid u}x�n �t=risten n«zice :c,the l��>>�e�r, th� e:+rn�.� rr}r;rti, �t,;�il !,� fn�fc�itzr9 hti° tt�c I3u�•rr a. li�;i�iriat�d rl:�naa�e� anci rlie zrn�tract �hail thereu�+c�n h�come i1cU a�ui����ic4;�ncl tF c �e l�:•� t .!i! ;�,�.c�4�t••�s+)t� �f� ie<<��r��.+�iii.�{+(�iie:�hlr, in rt-rntcr at�d i;ikC rc+c�ttcctt�n i�f the premises afnres;�id,aiul;�ii righi in;ar,d !itic[ci�;�i:;�?�c•i.�i.�:�,ren;.i:�n. �i��i.!,ili ittt�u��ti�incrnti rratir u{7cro s:�id pr�mises hy thr l3caycr shatt,est in thc Scllcr. , . . . 19: N0710ES:Ali no4.ice<recjtnrci!to'�c.i�i'il t1F:(�if ':'.�S;i�?i!i dli .!;:I�i i)C .��,i;tf;,. .. :.?C:iii !?(Il±�'C,!1 i1'I'3(IDSt�i�?liCt{�l'r'tt!'�.>!1��C�1i1it �f the pariy �ivin¢thc +"rlSllC'. ililC� �}1C �i3lTlt' �1�!:!! }l� l�`rt't'{� .iitt311 ih[ ;�lilcr »�slt': ;.�r }'''� <!�l'!1i '�CS'C(lSli?��V()!' (?i" ;'('TtislC(j UC tf'�:�tCTCC� mail,return receiptrequected,to the part=e•at the<�r!{�rr��c e;�� fnr({t ItEr�ist. � �20.=St3#iVEY: Ni•ior tc�cic�si.�g date, SetEe:'J�xl[�����ii����� :t. � ,+� ��,rt�a �a. :�z�ssled�urti•et�t>f:i��e��rcmi.es, ce�titied h� a licenscd � � � .� . SU[VCyfJt, f)�'•'lLt.{..i 8�1 C6.•:lf'_CS `+i$�(l'.L� Iilllt 3j?(}•"'!!l)t :� � llitj:�`i .�,lti':=.; �.<:ti1:1'.,. �,. ,,1�ll}. C:(�T111.1C) .�'.I(�. ri3il� :1��l'1��('Ti1Cl1iS titti� [111Ii!�Ipi. . - �721QS�.��T3 I}IC C1'Qill t}"iC�.1irlTllti:".S-:S:i l"US'i�.�iiG'iil7l24C.i, �t1��E'y.1_ �'t�i C)I :11 f�Lf�<�-:�.ttti::�i'ftiL�_.:�:c;� ;)��f,iticf:�s�p tf1E:Cl'tf?'(��i�tliCVi:t':i:ta��tCt� !e'� t�lf�CCiiiCalFflil t?���OltC�plAttl?iSlll S�ldf� bt I£'t�U1C�Cl�. i1� fS',;y i�. C�:' ;7{::-:t.'�lCf �.il',.st�"ti�1{rC;ii'S�7ff�it�:3i-t3 �CCt�F7f1E:fi2l4 li(�17it1T�CeS S!+ :fi1^ piOY�iTif(iiS i:it'•C i)t;c'!1 friA{��51I1i:�I�le(j�Ec i)j`S81C1��af•F•�:t'. 21: STATEM�NT C)� ASSESSMENTS: (�i .t�e r:;���t i,�• :�r�.s�;i,;t�, i� :.t t��{:�hc�u�,e, r:nclbm;s.iits�.�, ur athe:'�vi.e �;ubiec'i t�� a hc��ttc- . ��a�rt�r'S ��s .:aiit�n, Sc:iler �lsaii It,:ri�,h fiiarret a �:,e,,.. + .ri:�,s t:.• Nc< � . �,t ^�t .:?.ts�:�, t�:c:,,�i�rer. i�r '11;j�i.tkin., ,�L�•ni t�! tlt� .. � Uu`j'tCi�S ii»ititi>:?1i�3f} C,Nltil�iiil�.! �]i;i'Itll•U�� �-'±. �.�.c .-=1=� :7. �- 1��, -,•�il<,.,, _•X}'C�'-.t'�- �t11�3, i? :�t`.�-�i:.d4�lc�_ �7���T{)f�lt�V�,'3�b�Cr�t?�t.�i�.�li1£lti.�tl �1�� �. any fii,ha uf iit,l rettt�>:i! ��t t,enrral iti�itsi,;t c+.mt,t+rr�i +n ki�,• i si_�.a•;�+i��n c,; C i�uc;urz��rnuan u� 1)�•::ar.�tit�n �.�f{ �tvcnattt�, c c�niiitic+ns anci Iteslnclic�m,anil ait}•r,lh�r cicui�mc?a�,a•, �cun�aeci I�� •i;�t�����. � c�.:tLr� �ti+h arr;.'urunirrii.rcyi�ir.i1 h� tl�c {)i•i�l��ral�i�ri, t3tla�is, � �� � or c�+vcu�+nt4 a,�a precondit��n to ttr�:t�an:l�cr ot si�,r f��t�x:i�ip. � � � � 22. �R#$K OF LF)SS; Lt th����ent tt�ats j-�ri< <cf t i+����>��, '�;u �!�;�r�� t�i�csui��s �,:lta�] �c 3cttru}•t���by fir� �r c�ti3er caaualty ti>3n e�tent that tl�c,_o�t af'repair �hereof�xcecd, if<<'',� t�� ,lzr.�� 1��� �� �� , ,, , � ,�rtY? (�� �ci��l;{�x :n:he c�.�ni am• n��rtic�n uf thr�ubinct preali�e� . � S�IIt�� 1'f' '�t�C.R h\• L,',tlt'iI'�SSIiICfI(�Ll 3C1i(�:t .�7 t .+}';}t.,�• tJ.� ,::1:;1 . �r�, :.iCi�. 3! 1..t ;-p%i:i)f� lfi CI(!ii! h.2F�4� �fCCCSt1, :})i;: COflifdtl >}l:ii� hc � :I...`�,t,�.t ., .il . .cf. �.l�,t ti •z,�, ." . � . . . . . . , , �y. , � . . . . . . .t� ... . , .� .._:siliiil�. . . . 23. FLUOO PLA1N:2f!hc rrn�ierty i�:tnca�ed witttiri,f �tev,.�e;{r�_�t f'!��E,ti rlain as dcicrmine� b� thL Ftoocl Ptaii�'tlaps of the lhpan- ^�=�1� � , ,� _ .. , �, , .. . . . 1` �� � fi'-�:i�(�'� I�'1 !:• F !�a,�i�1 .�. . ti� -!'� ? _ _ , _ .ctE;� �:� . ... �::i.jt'.F. � . 24. CISY TRANSFER TAX STAMPS: {:i}1 ti� ,c�;�r���:,if� ;•,i� (��l ti�:� '�tatc ��i tiliuoi, a��c! C'uunt� l2ca1 Estatr 7�sa�isfer'Cax Starn��s; � i111Q(t1};'�:1'�.i�.�i:�ii.l�l�t t..:i'. �!C�t'�i:�i1�.� .�3i7ir�c.i '�iL .� , : :"!�:. . ..; :.'., , s%.sC�'�-..it•-3Lii.3l�ti ri "IR't)ii�lt{df1iC i)��I�1C���1.II11C3�.)All�\' Ifl?(?tt�lll� . . . !he?: . ir,>!-. . :r:t r,t���:�r�t i^,cicsii*� _ . _ �: I�, . ,liali l�r j;.xii4 h� ;}+� ii,i _,. fif-_ Yt�;`d1�I:i) �3�\1if�.i2 C)f t�i�1.15 /�{),".f}t:1( i ��"�L �� z�ts�'1�'�. 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EDDY C�D � " 7 SQ LMK�Oi.1Y 3TREE7.'� H/N3DALE�lLLINOl3 60'.f2/ (312)9Btf-Q909 September 15, 1983 Mr. Rudy Jurinek 15 West 200 91st Street Hinsdale, Illinais 60521 - Re: Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Costs , ' 3�st Street Subdivision, Oak Brook Deax Mr. Jurinek; . � At your request, I have generated the site improvement plans for the twa lot devel- opment on the south side of 31st Street, �rest of Midwest Road in the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois: Together with that plan, I have �enerated an opinion of • probable construcitan costs that you might reasanably expect to encounter. The � following is the breakdown of those costs: SANITARY SEWER' CONSTRUCTION � 8" diameter sewer 1�0 l.f. C $12.50/lf $1,750.QQ 6" diameter house service 85 l.f. � 8.50/lf 722.50 1+' diameter precast ma.nhol�s 1 ea. @ 900.00 ea. goo.00 � SUBTOTAL $3,372.50 STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION . 12" diameter CMP culvert 25 T.f. � $],S.Q�/lf $ 375.�� �+" diameter PVC, schedule 35 6Q l.f� @ 8.00/Zf �80.Q0 �+" diameter PVC perforated underdrain 55 l.fF @ 8.00/Zf 1+k0.00 2' diameter inlet with sea.led cover l ea. e 35f3•00 ea. 350.40 � . SUBTOTAL � $1,6�+5.00 MISCELLAi1E0i78 I'�'EMS � - , . Earth excavation l�Q c.y. @ $ 2.00/cy � 340.00 � Top soil stripping 150 c.y. e 2.00/cy 300.Q0. Top soil respreading, fine grading 150 c.y. @ 2.50/cy 375•�a . Hydroseeding 0.�+ ac. L 2200.00/ac. 880.00 SUBTOTAL $1,855.00 � � GRAND TOTAL $6,8?2.�j0 � � Sincerely, �'� %� Danald G. Eddy, P.E. � �� - CONSULTyNG E QINEEftlNC3�tAND PtANM �MUVlCPAL ENQMIEERMIK3�STl7RM WATER MANAraEMENT� P CT MANAQEMENT� GRAPN C PRESENTATtON� SC'.r4C.E MODEL G�QIVSTRtK7/0/r� '"1 .� y _ . . . . . . . . . .. � � . . � /a y � . � � f���� ��� � � � . � � //(�f /J //////''' /�/� . � � �. . V/J�/G+��/J''�J �jK�/t�� � ' . � . . . � I ! � G;j2 ��2-� /.T x���v�D = �G cSl� ��_ �' ��� .�. . , � .C�G�S' ���'G iG'..j!/� ` . 4� O�� � C%,(G��o�'�.�1'CX/J_x o� � �) � - . �� ,�2 ���G-'�/�2�d�; � � � � . � . . . . . . . � . 4 . � � � � _ G� "'�`�vl�-.�� vcG�G�'�' �G� �i�.� f'✓�. . � • -..._�� �� � , .. .. . .. , � . �, � 1 1 i f 1 !3 /� /�" /G /� 18� !� zo ���� i _ . � � t , �TORM iiATER �lAIUGffi�98NT S?imY . ; . CLIEi� l�AlSE �� /�GGSG���'•� - dt+te ,�/��� _.._... LOC.ATION o?/�dSr.G��?'- �._.._.__..� .. � VILLAGE OR CITY �iSZ.•� �/�'•�� � LA1�D ,AREA Z•�'� ACRES, � 100 YEAR STt)R2�t RATE • 6 inches in a 24 hour pariod SOIL ?YPE = A, B� D, RAI�iFALL ItUI�IOFF RATE o�yB it�ch�s TI?IE O! CO�iCENTRATI01f. - Tc � length � ��o�s'cr'x� high elev. . 72�� . V x 36Q0 "l�t.�1.e, m.2/l',e�� lo�w elev. • 707• 2' • ' aifferenee = �.�� . length of alope � ��' X of slc►pe R ��S" COl�OSITE �Cn VALUE . . ieQervious :reas • 98 ' iister aurfacs� � 100 pert�ious ueas = A� � 39 ` B = 61 • C � 74 D � 80 � . (D. 2�x'yB) + ( /:�`�' x �) � 7�,8 `u-•� �7� - - - . Z.� Z.i� - � = ~ � • ??ME � = 11:0 11.5 11.7 11,$ � 11.9 12.A 12.1 12,2 12.3 12.4 .v3 x�c�c1 x c�. o.2? O,S �/r? .sy'p 9.ZZ 1f�1`' 9�9/ 2 �.y:� 1(0 640 . _ , � 12,5 12.6 12.7 12.8 . 12.9 13.0 13.2 13.5 14.0 14.5 15,0 16;0 18.0 20.Q /.�10 /.20 0,� O,B7 o,BZ o,7y �� 0�7 0,y� o,a�' e.3�/• �,.z8 a,�/ d./G , _ - -. . , �_ � � f , . . � . . . . . . � . � � . f . . . . �� . . � . . d'`�/� J ' _ � . . ' �--� < RUDOLF JURIN�K � � JUDlTH M. JURWEK � 114�+ . . . � � -� PH. 323-7510 L � ' ' ; �s`�y � 15 W 200 91ST ST. • �� � � TO-2421/719 i . - HINSDALE. ILI, 60521 . a 4.��' �'�� Q� l�',p�� $ � : ��� 3�s � _ � ',�' �,�r =,� ,,�� ` . . ST�T� ��Q�' ��U�f�'�'�I�� 6724 JOLIET ROAD . . � e . � � . . . . � . . - . . - . GOUNTRYSIDE, ILIINOf3 60325 � � � � � � �� . � � � . �� � � � . � . . � �:0 ? �9 2 4 2 1 2i: 38 900 4 300u' � _�,4 . � � � � � � , - _ � . . _. . .... r .. _ �:,.. --.... . .. ,. . __— _ _._. _.. ._... -- - -- — ` . ; � 5��� � � � 1� ._ . . .. . - -- . . - - ---�-� . m� . _ _ . -- - �- -�--- - ------- --_..__� __ - - . _ . . ._.. _ .:w�,��c,�.k. � "_�°' 7f�"� � BaNK � RECEIPT RECEIVE ; TRANSIT S CHEGKS S CASH NUMeEFt DATE NAME DESCRIPTIOtJ BY: � NO. � ��`� "K VI LLAGE O� �AK BRUOK S�'Np°�; � �-- }�� • 1200 OAK BR40K ROAD G�`'�,,'� ,- 6 9 ? OAK BROQK, t LLiNO1S ,41�� � � `��QUN PH�O N E: i312) 654-2220 RETAIM THtS RECEIP7 ���K� FOR YOUR RECORDS � ���.SIAFEGVARD BUSINESS SVSTfMS �. . . � . � � . �� � � � . " � � � iQ��CR•4TC . � . . . - . . � � .. .