R404 - 01/14/1986 - SALARY ADMIN PLAN - Resolutions Supporting Documents (2) 4°4 • 'I File: SALARY PLAN gq 12/17/85 ii I. POSITION FORTY IN GRADE MINIMUM PERCENT MIDPOINT MAXIMUM RANGE GRADE ONE ANNUAL $12,972 $14,788 $15,242 $17,512 $4,540 II MONTHLY $11499 $11569 $11586 $1$674 GRADE TWO ANNUAL $14,564 $16,603 $17,113 $19,662 $5,097 MONTHLY $115600 $11639 1$658 $11756 GRADE THREE ANNUAL $15,751 $17,956 $18,507 $21 ,263 $5,513 MONTHLY $11606 $11691 #11712 #11818 . GRADE FOUR ANNUAL $17,533 $19,987 $20,601 $23,669 $6,136 MONTHLY - $1 461 $1 ,666 $1 717 $1 972 8I-WEEKLY 1674 $769 1792 1910 GRADE FIVE ANNUAL $19,233 $21 ,926 $22,599 $25,965 $6,732 MONTHLY I $1 603 $1 827 $1 883 $2,164 BI-WEEKLY.. $740 1843 1869 1999 GRADE SIX i . ANNUAL $20,860 $23,781 $24,511 $28,162 $7,301 Ii MONTHLY $1,738 $1 982 $2 043 $2,347 BI-WEEKLY 1802 1915 1943 $1 ,083 it GRADE SEVEN ANNUAL • $23,036 $26,261 $27,067 $31 ,098 $8,063 MONTHLY $1 920 $2,188 $2,256 $2,592 BI-WEEKLY 1886 $1 ,010 $1 ,041 $1,196 GRADE EIGHT ANNUAL $25,602 $29,186 $30,082 $34,562 $8,961 MONTHLY $2 133 $2,432 $2,507 $2,880 BI-WEEKLY 1985 $1 ,123 $1 ,157 $1 ,329 GRADE NINE ANNUAL $27,460 $31 ,304 • $32,265 $37,070 $9,611 MONTHLY $2,288 $2,609 $2,689 $3,089 BI-WEEKLY $1 ,056 $1 ,204 $1 ,241 $1 ,426 ;i GRADE TEN I i ANNUAL $30,042 $34,248 $35,299 $40,556 $10,515 • MONTHLY $2,503 $2,854 $2,942 $3,380 BI-WEEKLY $1 ,155 $1 ,317 $1 ,358 $1 ,560 •GRADE ELEVEN ANNUAL $30,856 $36,410 $37,799 $44,742 $13,885 • MONTHLY $2,571 $3,034 $3,150 $3,728 ;; BI-WEEKLY $1 ,187 $1 ,400 $1 ,454 $1 ,721 GRADE TWELVE Ii ANNUAL $33,972 $40,087 $41 ,616 $49,260 $15,288 MONTHLY , $2,831 $3,341 $3,468 $4,10 8I-MEEKLY $1 ,307 $1 ,542 $1 ,601 $1 ,895 GRADE THIRTEEN ANNUAL $41 ,260 $49,512 $51,575 $61 ,890 $20,630 MONTHLY $3,438 $4,126 $4,298 $5,158 8I-WEEKLY $1 ,587 $1 ,904 $1 ,984 $ ,360 EXHIBIT "A" Page 1 of 4 Az NA) if. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK - SALARY SCHEDULE FIRE DEPARTMENT Volunteer Firefighters $10.34 per hour for first hour & $5.17 per half hour thereafter responding to fire Volunteer Firefighters $ 7.38 per hour for first hour & $3.69 per half hour thereafter for training and drill (110 Volunteer Assistant Chiefs $ 11.80 per hour for'hest hour & $5.90 per half hour thereafter for emergency calls Volunteer Assistant Chiefs $ 384 per hour for first hour cic $4.42 per half hour thereafter for required training Special Duty Rates Pursuant to Section 11-25 of the Code of Ordinances: 1.5 X grade 7 midpoint 1.5 X 27,067 = 40,601 S. 2080 = $19.52/hr. 44, APPROVED: January 14, 1986 EFFECTIVE: January 1, 1986 _ EXHIBIT-A Page 2 of 4 _ _ mum %AYR.. 1+04 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK - SALARY SCHEDULE POSITION PROBATION ENTRANCE- GENERAL POLICE FIRE PUBLIC INSP. SPORTS IN GRADE MINIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT . DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING WORKS LIBRARY BUREAU CORE " ONE AEI. $12,473 $12,972 $17,512 Cleric/Typist Clerk/Typist Clerk/Typist VIONISLY 1,039 1,081 1,459 Receptionist BIKER= 480 499 6tl ►.- - ______J TWO $14,004 $14,564 $19,662 AHUiL Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary N01I8.Y 1,167 1,214 1,638 BI-WEEKLY 539 , 560 756 - ' THREE - Account Comm. Comm. Cust.1 Asst. fit. BST ANNUAL #15,146 $15,751 $21,263 Ciub Di r. E lQiBLI # 1.262 ; 1,313 # 1,772 Clerk Oper. Oper. Laborer Librarian -WEEKLY 583 606 818 � _ �r �act.COO ~ FOUR_ ANIMIL $16,859 $17,533 $23,669 Executive Engineering Maint.Il _____.Y - 1,405 1,461 1,972 Secretary Aide III-MEEKLY 648 674 •10 • tam FIVE Maint.I Asst. to 4'1 USUAL $18,494 $19,233 $25,965 Bldg. Comm. NDNXRLT _ 1,541 1,603 2,164 Auto • DI-mar 711 740 9199 _ Mechanic SIX Insp.lI UMIItL $20,058 $20,860 $28,162 110 U L! 1,671 1,738 2,347 111-..Y 771 802 1,083 ....... SEVEN Patrolman Firefighter Mechanic Librarian BST ~ T AID $22,150 $23,036 $31,098 Club Dir. 11011THLY 1,846 1,920 2,592 Foreman BI-WEOCLY 852 886 1 1.6 Aooptca and Approve*: January 14. 1986 Effective: Jams 1986 EXHIBIT "A" Page 3 of 4 ' ' .-R 40 - VILLAGE OF OAK B100( SALARY SCHEDULE P0SITI08 ENTRANCE— GENERAL POLICE FIRE PUBLIC INSP. SPORTS a CRAM MINIMUM MAIIMUM GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING WORKS LIBRARY BUREAU CORE CRANE EIGHT ANIMAL, 825,602 $34,562 Detective Civil Bldg.Maint/ Senior MONTHLY 2,133 2,880 Engineer Journeyman Insp. NN -314Y •85 1 s MANE NINE Golf • ANNUAL 827.460 $37,070 Sergeant Lieutenant MONTHLY 2,288 3,089 Pro 11=WEVKLY 1,056 1 426 Mgr. r Mg 111 Asst.to Lieutenant 141114\'' ANNUAL $30,042 $40,556 Vi11.Mgr. MONTHLY 2,503 3,380 jOir II-411KLY 1 1 1 60 Finance Off • 1 INANE ELEVEN a { ANNUAL $30,856 $44,742 Sept. Manager 0 { NOWAY 2,571 3,728 • Y 1 187 1 21 GALE IN UE ANNUAL $33,972 $49,260 Attorney Chief Chief Village MONTHLY 2,831 4,105 Engineer g .,ii Y 1 07 1 8' CNNNE THIRTEEN ANNUAL $41,260 $61,890 Manager maw 3,438 5,158 _ _ :_,, T 1 8 2 80 . Adopted aN Approved: January 14. 1986 ltteettve: Jaewan 1. 1986 EaTRIT CAR Page 4 of 4 W �4 Ott .11 4 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -2- January 14, 1986 RESOLUTION NO. 8-404 A tft 0 UTION APPROVING 1.86 AMENDMENT TO Discussed at the Special Meeting of December 14, 1985. Trustee Winters moved, seconded by Trustee Rush... To pass and approve Resolution No. 8-404 as presented and amended to add Bath and Tennis Director under Sports Core in Grade Seven and waive the full reading thereof and that the Village Attorney prepare the necessary document to add Paramedic with a $1,200.00 pay differential to the Fire Department. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Maher, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: Trustees Bushy and Philip. Absent: Trustee Imrie So ordered. D. ORDINANCE K0. G- •72 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING NOISE IN THE VILLAGE OF Discussed and direction given at the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting of January 13, 1986 for Staff to prepare draft ordinance to declare prolonged or unusual noise as being unlawful. Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... To pass and approve Ordinance No. G-372 as presented and waive reading of same. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Philip, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Imrie So ordered. IV. FINANCIAL: A. O int Lank Brook Road/Concord Drive/Tr e Pr o eet - Traffic Si nals 1 : Trustee Rush moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... To authorize payment of Payout $1 to Virgil Cook & Sons, Inc. for installation of traffic signals at the subject location in the amount of $77,099.73, subject to receipt of waivers. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Maher, Philip, Rush, Winters and President Cerne. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Imrie So ordered. B. ARPTOM1 of $J)s: Warrant Register by fund dated January 8, 1986 to reflect payment from the following funds: General Fund $ 355,215.36 Water Fund 106,996.61 Sports Core Fund 45,894.63 Trustee Rush moves, seconded by Trustee Maher... To approve payment of Warrant Register by Fund in the total amount of $508,106.60 and authorize the Village President to affix his signature thereon. Trustee Winters abstained from voting on the bills from Illinois Sell due to employIent by same. VILLAGE OP GAX SNOOK Minutes ,4.. January lM, 1988 Y y11T