Minutes - 04/17/2015 - Foreign Fire Insurance Tax BoardOAK BROOK FOREIGN FIRE TAX BOARD
Minutes of April 17, 2015 Regular Meeting
Meeting was called to order by President Kornfeind.
Board Members Present: President Kornfeind, Secretary Kelly, Chief Liss and
Trustees Johnson, Corkey and Babcock. Not present: Treasurer Bielawa.
Three board member positions were up for re-election, Kornfeind, Bielawa
and Johnson. A motion by President Kornfeind and seconded by Trustee
Johnson, opened the floor for further nominations. There being none, a
motion to closed nominations was giving by Secretary Kelly and seconded by
President Kornfeind. The three current members retained their positions on
the board.
Reading of minutes from the 11/5/14 and 1/20/15 meetings. The minutes of
the previous meetings were reviewed and updates given on all outstanding
budget item. Motion to approve the reading of the minutes by President
Kornfeind and seconded by Trustee Babcock.
Fund balance as of 4/16/15 was $2,599.24 in checking and $213,673 in
savings. Motion to approve the treasurer’s report by Secretary Kelly and
seconded by Trustee Johnson.
List of previously approved items was reviewed and a motion to re-approve
all expired items was made by Secretary Kelly and seconded by President
1) A presentation was made by Lt. Pavlovic on the current state of the
Kitty system. The FFTB approved taking over the kitty system.
Motion: Corkey, 2nd: Kornfeind. (Pavlovic)
2) Tabled a request for new bed at each station until more information
could be gathered. Motion: Kornfeind, 2nd: Johnson.
3) Approved $2,500 for EZ-IO and Cynokits for the front line rigs with
the switch to ALS. Motion: Kornfeind, 2nd: Babcock. (Micek)
4) Approved $5,000 for sealing the patios at both stations. Motion:
Kornfeind, 2nd: Kelly. (Marciniak)
5) Approved $4,000 for bail-out equipment. Motion: Kornfeind, 2nd:
Kelly. (Kaczmarczyk and Micek)
6) Approved $7,500 for new door control locks at Station 94. Motion:
Liss, 2nd: Kelly. (Liss)
7) Approved $30,000 for a new 4x4 UTV. Motion: Kornfeind, 2nd:
Babcock. (Liss and Marciniak)
Being no other business a motion to adjourn was made by President Kornfeind
and seconded by Secretary Kelly.
Respectfully submitted,
Sean P. Kelly,
Oak Brook Fire Dept. Foreign Fire Tax Board