S-84 - 07/14/1964 - GOVERNMENT - Ordinances J1B:KM 7.9-64 1 & 8 cc* �R®9VA*Sd#CJ L��aRb�t G.e►vt(t#J*A+ it of V-013 - L+u "Eft: vF J AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONTINUITY 1 OF GOVERMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF OAEBROOK IN M Ulta 2Z MW An" BE IT ORDAINED by the Presidont and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oakbrook, DuPage County, Illinois: SAGUM ,j, na L As used in this ordinance, unless the context otherwise clearly indicates: (a) "Unavailable" shall moan either that a vacancy in office exists and there is no deputy authorised to exercise all of the powers and discharge the duties of the office, or that the lawful incumbent of the office (including any deputy exercising the powers and dis- charging the duties of an office because of a vacancy) and his duly authorised deputy are absent or unable, for physical mental or legal reasons, to exercise the powers and discharge, the duties of the office. (b) "Attack" shall mean any attack or series of attacks by an enemy of the United States cousins, or which may cause, substantial damage or injury to civilian property or persons in the United States in any manner, by sabotage or by the use of bombs, missiles, shellfire, or atomic, radiological, chemical, bacteriological, or biological means or other weapons or processes* (c) "Duly authorised deputy" shall mean a person who is presently authorised to perform all of the functions, exercise all of the powers and discharge all of the duties of an office in the event the office is vacant or at such times as it lacks administration due to the death, absence or disability of the incuabent officer. (d) "Emergency Interim Successor" shall now a person designated pursuant to this ordinance for passible tompocary succession to the powers and duties but not the office, of a Village officer in the event twat such officer or any duly authorized deputy is unavailable to exerciso the powers and discharge the duties of the offito. -simp Its and (a) AlassAme RL apae. within thirty days fellow ins the effective date o this ordinance, and t1bereater within thirty days after first entoari,ng upon the duties of his office the Village President, each of the Hoard of 'trustees aad the Vill a Clock stall, in addition to any duly outborised deputy,, lea to such number of emorSoncy interim successors to bio office and specify their rank in o"ev of sumeessiois after any dul autherised deputy so that tbwo will be not less than throo nor score than seven duly outborw i;sed deputies or toteria succossoco sc combination thereof for the office. ikik hre a` (b) Aonoientive The Prosidemt =4 Board of Trustees shall, witbin the ties specified in sub-soction (a) of this section: in addition to any duly authorised deputyo designate for appointive ficers includinS tho Trossursr,, Chief of Folico and Fir* Chief, such number of emerdeacy interim saerseossrs to these officers and specify thoix rank in order of succession after any duly autho risod deputy se that there will be not Loss Haan three nor mecum than seven duly authorised deputies for a ww"o re y inteCIS successors or combination tbw*of for each offieee. (c) �.at ba,.lazil The iaeceembeNa►t im the case of those electivo officers specified in sub- section (a) of this soctiont and the F&W&4Mt and Board of Trustees in the case of these appeintive officers specified in sub-section (b) of this section: shall review ands as necessaryp promptly revise tho designations of emorboncy interim stMenessers to insure that at all times there are at least three such qualified maerponcy interim successors or duly author- ized deputies or any combination: thereof far each officer specified. (d) 5 - No person shall be *014- natod or serve as an smorroncy interim succes+eos MRless he may under the constitution and statutes of this State and the charter or ordinances of this YilLaeso„ hold the office of the person to whose powers and duties he is designated to succoodp but no provision of eaa�rr ordianonco prohibiting an officer or employee of this VillaSs from � holdin& another office shall be applicable to an eawaonCY interim successor. (e) ISASUG A person dosiSnated as sa eerNarSe►ert r -intexAM successor holds that dosirmtion at the pleasure of the dosigmater. 5Sct....._.,�°...R IL AUUMMLIA as Dun so Ws as MUM E�-- JUteri,A &McS,t"" If in the event of an attack any officer named in sub-sections (a) and (b) of Section f of this ordinance and any duly authorisod deputy is wnavailablete his serer interim sueccossor highest in rank in order of avaeoasisn who is not available shall, except for titer power and duty to appoint SMAC8004X interim succossors, exorcise the p►JWOVs and di,soberde the duties of such officer. An SOW&otair ia►tsrim successor shall OWAVO&SO tb"* powers and diseeharpe them* duties only NOW such miser as the lawful incumbent of f iew or axe► dul'r a+athsriered doiratt sec ae WMWSSW interim sueeeessor hipheec to raxek in OV40C Of SUVOO&SLOO 0110OWN00s, . Z . 0 s� or resume* the exorcise of the powers and discharge of the 49tiSO of the offices or until* where an actual vacancy exists, a iu appointed to fill such vacancy or is elected a" qualified as provided by last. S.nt„�OU && 0 address and rank in ardor of succession of each duly authwis" deputy shall be filed with the Villa;* Clerk and each 400140sttions replacsmonts or chsnbe in order of succxwssion of an 00"Sency interim successor shall become effective when the desi#paater files With the Village Clerk the successors oan** a44 as acrd rank in order of succession. The Village Clock shall Keep om file all such data regarding duly authorized deputies and OMM44UPY interim successors and it shall be open to public inspection. .. At the time of their designations emergency interim successors shall take such oath and do such anther thingss if agys as stay be re- quired to qualify then to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the office to which they May succeed* sawn is in the event of an attack, (4) quorm roquirenonts for the Village Council shall be suspondeds and (b) whore this affirlativo veto of a specified proportion of nowbors for approval at aaa Or'diSsOme resolution or other action would otherwise be roquireds the scars proportion of those voting Cher"a shall be sufficiento ANGIM .Zw I If any seetieas sub-soetions seertences clauses phrase or portion of this 0"LASOM Is for any reason hold invalid or unconstitutional by MY Oowt of competent jurisdiction, such portim shall be deem& a sepsarttes distinct and judop9ndent provision end SM6 WHIM* shall 60t affect the valiaiity of the rom t* a 3 a in lull force aad of fact from and alter its adoption, and approval as by statute La such cases 0440 and ptwidad! Passed and approved by the President awd tb o lowd at Trustees of the Village of Oakbrook, wage countyt 'tllla ist this t'y :.,day of i� � 19640 • { 4 Attastt clock ti