S-108 - 06/28/1966 - POLICE DEPARTMENT - Ordinances } N-LU0ii FUND AKD YOR T
BOARD Of DRUSTUS ,rk ~ )ro>y 1414 Irate
ILLA Gw OF GAKba ,)A j DU PAGE COU�4 ry,
WHE"A30, there waag submitted to tho oleactorato of the
Village of Oakbrook,, Dui a ge: County* allli>s olst, on tho 21st day
of lusty, 1966# at a Special- Zleect on tbo question wbothor the
Village of Oakbrook ebou.l4 adopt Art Le to 3 *1 the Illinois
Pension Cod* pertaeizin's to the croation of ae pollco pension fund,
WliULA36 the number of votes for the► pseoposition was 74
send the number of votes against thet parop"Ition was, 12; aid
WHU&-$s they pr idtat and Board of Trusts" csnv4sse4
tbo ballots aen+d have her*-tafore adopted arR canvassing resolution
d+eela ring the Proposition to bave been passed and adopteads
Im, 7aERLIO L, BZ IT 0R%DA1R1;D by the President nt and Loiard
of Trustoes of the Village of Oak-brro , Dupa&* County, Illinois,` as
42W22 _La 990AR121L 21 LUBA& free is hereby created
d PoL ce'a Pension Fund pursuant to th* provisions of -Article 3 of
the 1111001aec Pension Code approved March 180 19630 as hraC`stofore
or hereafter amended*
I j2g,. Thorn Ls hereby created
a board of Trusteas of the Police Pension Fund„ which said a rd
shall perform all the duties under the provisions of said .4rt clo 3
of the Illinois Pension Code approved Iftrch 18, 1963, as heretofore
or b*reaaf tem>r a ndod.
Such Board shall bo composed of five aetombers, aat maj*Vity
of whom shall be residents of the VLllags of Oakbrook. Two ontbers
of the Board shall be a:ppoi.ntod by the ?resident of tbo board of
Trustees and theta third and fourth members of the Board sbasl,l be
elected from the regular police force by the active members thereof.
The fifth member shall be erected by and from the beneficiaries of
the fund aand until such time as there is cut or move beneficiaries �
of said fund, the fifth position heroin designated shall remain vacant.
One of the board members appointed by the President sball
se XV& for one year after the second Tu os4aay in May of 1967 the
other meabor appointed by the President #b all s4VV0 for two years
after the Soccered midday to May of 196% ivacessors to any of the
.swabers appoiotdd by the yrosl4ost shall serve for tvb years ch
ter until fir successors tiers appointe,4 and qualif eed
The election provided for in this motion fear elected
gird melobors shall be herd bi,e i&iIy .on the third Monday April$
at such place or places, i tbo tidi.p*11tty arA un4st tho Australian
ballot Syste and such otbor' rogul.atLohs as shall be prescribed d by
the appointed ed sera of the boards pacovid+ede ho vei e that the 4
first olectiou shall be as soon as yvactic&blo oftor ,the, offeectivo I
"to of this ordinance
All meters of they ro&ulaer police force shall be entitled
to vote only for tba, police forces members of the mod. All ben*-
fictoriees of legal age shall be, entitled to vote only for the members
chosen from among hen beneficiaries. 0i� r..
� �@� aahaal.l. b!� ltit$.t�,e� to
cast wrt two *no ballot at such esleection. The meters oloct#A at
the first el*ctioo shall servo for a terse ending two years after the
second Tuesday of the first May after such election. All succiaaors
sball be elected for as term of two years.
Upon the d"tit, resignation or inability to act of say
member of tho beard elected under this suctions his successor shall
be elected for the uroxpiread term at as Special Aloctica, to be called
by the Board and conducted in the same -sannor *a a regular bL&nnlal
election* I.
tio� ward smeti.ri lea Shea Zoaerd shall. hold regular �
� will rri r
quarterly meetings on tho second Tuesday of July$ Qctob*r, J anuery
end April annually, and special Mottings " called by the Fresidont e
At the regular July m*etia& the Board shall, select from its members
a PreisW ent, Vice krasWent, Secretary and Assistant Secretory to
serve for Ut period of an* year anti until his respoctiv* successor
is elected amid quaelifiedo l first elettLon of such officers shall
be bald by the board immediately ely after tbo solectioo of its member-
#Up " the officers so elected shall sure until tht regular July
meeting of 1967.
Tb* ,Vice l esident of the Ord shall performs the dutLea
of the Presidolkt during any vacancy in that officer, or during such
time #a the Pre sid*nt is absent from the municipality, or for any
ether reason to disqualified or by reason of LlIa"s or other causes
Is unabl<o to puform his duti.ss.
The sUtant Secretary shell act for the Socrotery when.
*vat necessary to 4Lsa bargee the functions of *aid office.
l 'ti -4 T j" Th* Village Treasurer shall be
ex officia treasuraatr of the 'folico Pension Yund.
2ggj&gU..js- Apg I&gjj g n`�" ga Sj fir.=*2j `jdI All or4Lnanc"
■..��.■ � ��� �i S.w�7AiTirwr
or parts of ordioaanc*s in conflict herewith are to tba oxtent of such
conflict hereby repealed.
Passed and approved by the fragidont #a4 board of lrrrustoos
of the Vil l*&* of Oakbrook this....2$tjl,..,.d&y of-rr.r.rnaVY@wrar.Rir .■r...* 1�V6.
r-r* a Ld*nt
S/Lorraine E. Frieek