S-291 - 09/25/1973 - BUDGET - Ordinances ORDINANCE NO. S_2O_1 AN ORDINraNCE TRANSFERRING CERTAIN APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING APRIL 30 , 1973 BE IT ORDAINED by the Presidnet and Board of Trustees of the Village ., Oak_ Brook, DuPage County, Illinois , as follotias : Section 1. There is hereby transferred from the Building and Improve ant FunC (A 151.1) of the General Fund to the various funds listed in the .._noun is set forth hereinafter, to-wit. TOTAL TOTAL APPP.OP. APPROP. ACCOUNT APPROP. BEFORE AFTER .DMINISTRATION DEPT. A NUMBER INCREASED REVISION REVISIOJ Custodian A 2.2 450. 00 2750.00 3200.00 emporary Help A 2".7 5250.00 1650.00 6900 .00 ..a _ c`. -V "A- - L. 2-+ 1�. � 3 t J v 8,2 5.0 0 1 t v_10.00 'rinting, Maps, Photos A 15. 1 100 .00 2200_.00 2300 .00 =eaal Publications A 15.2 400 .00 1100 .00 1500. 00 eating A 45.2 155.00 495.00 650.00 ;Water A 45.6 320.00 880.00 1200 .00 repairs and Maintenance-Grounds A 55.2 950 .00 550 .00 1500_00 :, iscellaneous Petty Cash A 125. 6 190.00 110 .00 300.00 Office Equipment z A 155 .1 60 .00 550 .00 610 .00 Department Equipment A 160 .1 450 .00 3850.00 4300 .00 -eetings and Conferences A 180 . 0 3625.00 .00 3625.00 - iscellaneous Commission Costs A 184.0 400 .00 550 .00 950.00 hvsical Exams A 185.3 220 .00 330 .00- 550 .00 sire and Police Com. Contingency A 185.6 400.00 1100 .00 1500 .00 - POLICE DEPARTMENT P _ rIatror. P 3. 7 250 .00 550 .00 800 .00 "ustodi ati P 3.15 2000 .00 .00 2000.00 Dvertimne P 3 .14 8000 . 00 7700 .00 15700 .00 Training and Tuition P ;12 .9 150 .00 4400 .00 4550 .00 ?0 stage P 20 .1 20 .00 440 .00 460 .00 ,eads-Teletype P 45.7 1300 .00 1100 .00 2400 .00 -Jehicle iTaintenance P 56.1 2450 .00 3850. 00 6300 .00 ,ar Washing P 56 . 2 10 .00 770 .00 780.00 Department Equipment Maintenance P 56 . 4 2100 . 00 1100. 00 3200.00 ', ? unition P 125 . 1 500 .00 550 .00 1050.00 'office P 100 .1 300 .00 1100. 00 1400 .00 Tinted Forms P 100.2 750.00 1650.00 2400_00 hotograph Supplies P 125.3 60 . 00 990.00 1050.00 -iergency- Flares P 125 . 5 205 .00 220 .00 425.00 Clothing Allowance P 30 . 1 120 .00 880.00 1000.00 Dues, Subscriptions P 35.1 167 .50 192.50 360.00 Equipment Rental P 160.2 1010 . 00 2200 .00 3210.00 tings and Conferences P 180 .0 65 .00 .00 65.00 _'IRE DEPFaR'I'NIENT F �Iolunteers F 4 . 4 2150 .00 8800 _00 10950 .00 Overtime F 4. 14 5550 .00 1650 .00 7200 .00 Padio Maintenance F 4. 16 310 . 00 550 .00 860.00 ,'raining and Tuition F 12 . 9 100 .00 1100 .00 1200 .00 _-Idrant_Rental_ F ___12.11 100 .00 3.850 .00 3950.00 -fuse Disposal F 12 . 15 85 .00 165.00 250 .00 -eating F 45 .2 850 .00 1100.00 1950 . 00 -elephon-2 F 45. 4 250 .00 2200 .00 2450 . 00 -.-pairs and Maintenance-Vehicles F 56 .1 3700 . 00 6600 _00 10300 .OG e2nin F 55. 4 400.00 550 .00 950 .00 oar, and Lite Water F 53. 5 200 .00 550 .00 750 . G0 -f oe F 100 . 1 200 . 00 220 .00 420 . 00 t t Ci r Orii,S F 103 . 2 1G0 .00 2 5 - i ,, 5 F i ��_� 3 U�n . nn Lynn ^r�r� TOTAIT, TOTAL APP ROP APPRO-D . ACCOU=NT- APPROP. BEFORE AFTER TP.E DFP`I'_ - (continued) NUMBER INCREASED REVISION REVISiOIN4 ��c; Fue1 and Oil F 115 .1 50. 00 1650 .00 1700 .00 ,mss ; Slibscripti ons F 35> 1 40 . 00 1.1 0 . 00 1.50= 00 _-Service Training F 35. 2 75. 00 275 .00 350 . 00 ant Rental F 160. 2 150 . 00 550 ,00 700 _00 co Equipment F 155 .1 320. 00 330 . 00 650.00 , n artment Furniture F 155 . 2 400 .00 8800 . 00 9200 . 00 ;apartment Equipment F 160 .1 14180. 00 21120. 00 35300.00 iILDIisG DEPARTMENT B - : mporary Help B 3. 7 20. 00 330. 00 350 . 00 ?radio 1�-Iaintenance B 3. 16 35. 00 .00 35.00 lephone B 45 .5 30.00 330 .00 360 .00 Tres B 125.2 46 . 00 .00 46 .00 :upp1ies--Office B 100 .1 100. 00 165.00 265. 00 ravel B 25. 1 50. 00 55_00 105.00 �:ar Allowance B 25. 2 70 .00 110 .00 180 .00 eetings and Conferences B 180 . 0 125.00 .00 125.00 21 GINErRING DEPARTMENT E Clerk Typist E 2 . 2 1770. 00 4730 .00 6500.00 emoo_ra.rt7 Help E 3.7 1550 .00 550 .00 2100. 00 Consulting Engineer E 12. 1 900 .00 3300 .00 4200.00 Telephone E 45. 4 30.00 - 330.00 360.00 Printed Forms E 100 .2 30 .00 220 .00 250.00 ?eprod,:ctions E 100 .4 100.00 330.00 430.00 Car Allowance E 25.2 125.00 660_00 785.00 Department Equipment E 160 .1 400.00 660.00 1060.00 STREET, ROAD AND BRIDGE DEPARTMENT S Temporary Help S 5.7 1200. 00 9900 .00 11100.00 )vertiri=_> S 5. 14 650. 00 1650 .00 2300. 00 _?adio Maintenance S 5.16 450.00 .00 450.00 Street Program S 12. 14 2000.00 22000 .00 24000.00 '-Iiscellaneous S 12 . 15 100. 00 550.00 650.00 Telenhone S 45. 4 70..00 110.00 180.00 Sand, Gravel, Cinders S 100 . 4 1400.00 6600 . 00 8000.00 SPIa1t S 100 .6 400. 00 9900 .00 10300.00 Traffic and Street Signs S 100 .7 750 . 00 4400 .00 5150.00 %BRAR7- h `'art-tirla Librarian L 6.7 750. 00 1650.00 2400. 00 ' 'sues , S ,i'nscriptions L 35. 1 125.00 .00 125. 00 " elep �on L 45. 4 5. 00 55.00 60 . 00 _.,00ks L 160 . 3 1700. 00 3300.00 5000.00. E_vSION FULN!D _�linois T�uni.cipal Retirement Fund P 10 .0 6000.00 39900 . 00 47900.00 SUF J-141C ' -'ire Con Cents 40.1 2400.00 5500.00 7900.00 .-Iedi cal anc1 Hospital 40 . 8 8450. 00 27500 . 00 35950. 00 or'�men ` s Compensation 40.7 12600.00 8800.00 21400. 00 'OTAL TO ABOVE ACCOUNTS 109593. 50 -'OTAL APPROPRIATION BEFORE REVISION 259762 .50 L'O•TAL APPROPRIATION AFTER REVISION 369356 .00 Section 2 . This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and ;ter -ts passage and approval as by statute in such case made and provided. -2- PAS-S-ED and APPROVED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village Oak ?roz)k this 25th day of Sept-ember . 1973. APPROVED /s/ George B. Howell Presid.en_t /s/ Marianne Lakosil Village Clerk 'ES: 6 _Ys:: Q SEAT_ 1 PUBLISHED 9-25-73 E FFECTIVE Sept 25 , 1973