S-922 - 01/12/1999 - PERSONAL PROPERTY - Ordinances Supporting Documents + � ' �'aav ,,.,,ie '•`;-'F ._.,t i r '13�. .i { y''r: `5 .a' '' ,; -c *WWI , � 17 VILLAGE VILLAGE +CAE OA 's BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60523.2235 PHOANE: 630 990.3000 FAX: 630 990-0876 Date: January 6, 1999 ` To: Village President and Board of°Tnistees From.: Deborah S. Murphy,Purchasing Clerk Subject: Donation of Surplus Village Property The attached ordinance requests surplus status for certain items of Village personal property. We will be donating these items to school districts and other governmental agencies. j Respectfuily Submitted, Deborah . Murphy Purchasing Clerk I� I r`� � . , d 1'ill,Jill 5. ±QM'NIBUS AGENDA: 1 Motion by Trustee Shumate, seconded by Trustee Kenny, to approve the Omnibus Agenda. ROLL CALL VOTE: I Ayes: 6 - Trustees Bartecki, Caleel, Kenny, McInerney, Savino and Shumate. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. A. APPROVAL OF BILLS: APPROVAL OF BILLS - 1) DECEMBER 30,199:9-. Approved Omnibus Vote. $550,484.141 2) JANUARY 12= 1999: Approved Omnibus Vote. $253,310.401 ? B. APPROVAL OF PAYROLL FOR PAY PERIOD ENDING: PAYROLL - � j 1) DECEMBER l2. 1998: Approved Omnibus Vote. $332,415.43(gro:s 2) DECEMBER 26. 1998: Approved Omnibus Vote. $328,765.03(gro.s l C. CHANGE ORDERS: cH.A.NGE ORn s I) 1398 PAVING PROJECT INFRASTRUCTURE PORTION - 1998 PAVING CHANGE ORDER NO.4: Approved Omnibus Vote. PROJECT D. PAYOUTS: PAYOUTS: 1) JAMES J. BENES & ASSOCIATES. INC. - PAYOUT t:2 - 1999 r 1999 PAVING PAVING PROJECT-$14248.26:'Approved Omnibus Vote. PROJECT 2) JAMES J. BENES & ASSOCIATES. INC. - PAYOUT #3- 1999 1999 PAVING PAVING PROJECT-150.619.62: Approved Omnibus Vote. PROJECT 3) JAMES J. BENES & ASSOCIATES INC, PAYOUT `14 _1998 1998 PNING PAVING PROJECT- $427.00: Approved Omnibus Vote. PROJECT 4) JAMES J. BENES & ASSOCIATES. INC. - PAYOUT 'rj-15 - 1998 1998 PAi'_NG PAVING PROJECT-$608.87: Approved Omnibus Vote. PROJECT i 5) JAMES J. BENES & ASSOCIATES, 'INC. �- PAYOUT #18- 22\-n 81R_yT' 22 "STREET/YORK ROAD CONS'T'RUCTION $25,566.33: YORK R0. Approved Omnibus Vote. CONSTR C7TON 6) JAMt S J. BENZ S & ASSOCIATES INC P-„1 „OIL_ 19- 22\5 STR.£T! 22"°S'I REET!Y ROAt? CQA' T!&ZUC t ICON S1.722.24: Y0RX ROxDI Approved Omnibus Vote. CONSTRUCTION VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 2 or 15 January 12, 1999 I PAVING AND WATER MAIN PROJECT: Approved Omnibus 1999 PAPi t< Vote. WATER MAIN N. MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES: NATIONAL LINK Approved Omnibus Vote. OF CITIES MDMERSPIP O. ACCEPT AND PLACE ON FILE - TREA5UII2'S REPORT OF TREASURER NOVEMBER. 1998: Approved Omnibus Vote. REPORT-NOV '4 P. ORDINANCI; 99-PP-S-922 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ORD.99-PP- THE VILLAQ E OF OAK BROOK TO DONNE CERTAIN s-922 PERSONAL PROPERTY TO SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND OTHER DONATE PER ON GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES: Approved Omnibus Vote. PROPERTY Q. ORDINANCP 99.PP-S-923 AN ORDINANCE AUT14ORIZING on.99-PP- SALE OF CERTAIN PERSONAL PROPERTY OMVNED BY THE s-923 SALE o VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK: Approved Omnibus Vote. PERSONAL PROPERTY b. ITEMS REMOVED FROM-3MNIBUS AGENDA: F. AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS OR PROPOSALS: 1) GOLF:CAR FLEET: _ GOLF CAR FLEET Trustee Bartecki requested Agenda Item 5.F.1, "AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS OR PROPOSALS: GOLF CAR FLEET", be 'I removed for an explanation to replace the golf cars. Staff is seeking authorization to obtain bids for seventy (70) electric golf cars and four(4) gas golf cars to replace the existing golf car fleet at the Oak Brook Golf Club. The current fleet is three years into a four-Rear lease/purchase. Several factors have led staff to suggest that buying out the last year of the Village's lease/purchase and obtaining a new fleet may be in the golf club's best interest. Staff acknowledges that after the bid process, it may be determined that the purchase of a new fleet is not in the best interest of the golf chub. Factors that have led staff to suggest bidding are as follows: l) The clubhouse expansion has left staff without the ability to charge the golf car batteries during, the winter months. This %vill lead to battery failure and cause the need for replacement in the spring, as the cars are currently unprotr_-cted. fltving them sent away at this time would remove them from the construction site. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 4 of 15 January 12, 1999