R-568 - 08/11/1992 - SALARY ADMIN PLAN - Resolutions , , i -- <o Ao M N�p�,Aly �a sa. RECORDS MAWIICAMNT Giff:RK PosiTioN RESOLUTION R- 568 $�1 f'-4�.• A RESOLUTION APPA0dIM = AST TO Tf� zm Lorm PAY PLAM POR 1992 WHEREAS, the Village President has previously approved the 1992 Employee Pay Plan; and WHEREAS, at its regular meeting on April 14, 1992, the President and Board of ".trustees passed and approved the Employee Plan for 1992 by Resolution R-557; and WHEREAS, it is deemed appropriate to amend the Employes Pay Plan so as to classify the newly created position of Records Management Clerk, a Grade 1; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, DU PAGE AND COOK COUNTIES, .ILLINOIS as follows: Section 1: That the provision of the preamble hersinabove not forth are hereby adopted as though fully set forth herein. Section 2: That the salary schedule made part of this Resolution be and is hereby amended ro as to classify the position of Records Management Clerk as Grade 1 which has a current annual salary range of $17,963 to $24,250. Section 3: That the Pay Plan be and is hereby amended to read as set forth in the attached Exhibit A. Section 4: That the attached job description for the position of Records Management Clerk, hereby attached as Exhibit S, be and is hereby approved. PASSED AND APPROVED this 11th day of AuSust . 1992, by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook, DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois, according to a roil call votes as follows: Ayes: Trustees Bartecki. Mayer, Payovich, Skinner and Winters Nays: None Absents Trustee Shumate I i I village President A , ST.r- 63 woe 7 d_✓ � !.i� SALAW PLAN { POSITICK GRADE IN GRADE MINYMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM RANGE 1 Receptionist Annual $17,963 $21,107 $24,250 $6,287 Clerk/Typist Monthly 1,497 1,759 2,021 S.C. Laborer Bi-Weekly 691 812 933 Records Mgmt. Clerk 2 Secretary Annual $21,221 $24,937 $28,652 $7,431 Comm.Operato.r Monthly 1,768 2,078 2,388 Golf Pro Bi-Weekly 816 959 1,102 { 3 C.S.O. Annual $22,533 $26,475 $30,419 $7,886 Account Clerk Monthly 1,878 2,206 2,535 Bi-Weekly 867 1,018 1,170 4 Maint.II Annual $24,298 $28,549 $32,802 $8,504 Asst.Librarian Monthly 2,025 2,379 2,734 Secy/Banquet Sales Bi-Weekly 935 1,098 1,262 5 Executive Secy. Annual $26,062 $30,623 $35,185 $9,123 Maint.1 Monthly 2,172 2,552 2,932 B1dg.Maint. Bi-Weekly 1,002 1,178 1,353 Auto Mechanic S.C. Mechanic P.W. Journeyman Food & Bev. Mgr/Chef 6 Asst. Bldg. Comm. Annual $26,699 $31,431 $36,114 $9,415 Inspector II Monthly 2,225 2,619 3,010 Bi-Weekly 1,027 1,209 1,389 7 Firefighter Annual $29,832 $35,052 $40,273 $10,441 Police Officer Monthly 2,486 2,921 3,356 Librarian Bi-Weekly 1,147 1,348 1,549 8 Foreman (PW) Annual $33,081 $38,871 $44,660 $11,579 Foreman (W) Monthly 2,757 3,239 3,722 Dead Mechanic ji-Weekly 1,272 1,495 1,718 Detective B1dg.Maint/Journeyman Civil Engr. I Senior Inspector 9 Fire Lieutenant Annual $35,732 $41,986 $48,239 $12,507 Police Sergeant Monthly 2,978 3,499 4,020 Greens Supt. Bi-Weekly 1,374 1,615 1,855 10 Civil Engr. II Annual $38,239 $44,932 $51,624 $13,385 Asst.Finance Off. Monthly 3,187 3,744 4,302 Bi-Weekly 1,471 1,728 1,986 11 Police Lieutenant Annual $39,21,3 $46,099 $52,964 $13,731 Fire Captain Monthly 3,269 3,842 4,414 Asst.Village Mgr. Bi-Weekly 1,509 1,773 2,037 Dir.Code Enforcement 12 Finance Officer Annual $43,564 $53,367 $63,170 $19,606 Village Engineer Monthly 3,630 4,447 5,264 P.W. Superintendent Bi-Weekly 1,676 2,053 2,430 Fire Chief Police Chief S.C. Manager 13 Village Manager Annual $52,910 $66,138 $79,367 $26,457 Monthly 4,409 5,512 6,614 Bi-Weakly 2,035 2,544 3,053 Approved: 8/11/92 Zffectives8/12/92 uipiani.frs EXHIBIT A (Page 1 oil 3) II " J VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SALARY SCBRDULX FIRM DEPAR2N=T Vbluntser Firefighters $13.25 per hour for Sat hour & $6.63 per Your thereafter responding to fire Vblunteer Firefighters $ 9.47 per hour for lot hour & $4.73 per $ hour thereafter for training and drill vblunteer Assistant Chiefs $15.13 per hour for let hour & $7.57 per hour thereafter for mmorgency calls Volunteer Assistant Chiefs $11.33 per hour for lot hour & $5.67 per hour thereafter for required training special Duty dates Pursuant to Section 11-25 of the Code of Ordinances 1.5 x Grade 7 Midpoint 1.5 x 35,052 52,578 + 2080 25.27/hr. Appcoved: 8/11/92 sffectives 8/12/92 W[H SIT A (Page 2 of 3) mapl=2.fm a VILL= OF OAR BROOK - SALARY SCBSDULB FoslrloR zi MMU310! maxm tk! GIZEM PMICB FIRS BAOIlSSRIBG PUBLIC WORKS LIBBARR IN ION SPORf3 can GOVERRO P: DEPAR'DffiiT DlPARTHM �RgaU aM.DR an Clerk/Typist Clerk/Typist Clerk/Typist Receptionist S.C.Laborer asmaai $17,963 $24,250 Pt Monthly 1,497 2,021 Records Mp al-1Mk1y 691 933 t.Clark GMIBR TW Secretary secretary secretary Secretary Secretary Golf Pro 1 Aapal $21,221 $28,652 Como.Oper. ( Mkoltlay 1,768 2,388 !4 !i-MSakl 816 1,102 QMOR T� _ Acct. Clerk C.S.O. Acct.COOrd. Ismael $22,533 $30,419 nuawy 1,878 2,535 si-wookly 1 867 1,170 � FM Maint.II Asst. Libr. Banquet Asmaal $24,298 $32 802 Sls/Secy. Monthly 2,025 2,734 Ei�estl 935 1 262 �M<FlY! h5cecutive B1dg.M.M. S.C.Machanic Annual $26,062 $35,185 Secretary Maint.I Food i Bev. now"ay 2 172 2,932 Auto Mechanic Mgr,/Chef Jk1IW1akl 1,002 1,353 Journeyman Asst. to As ail $26,699 $36,114 Bldg.COmm. Houthly 2 225 3 010 Inspector yy ]Bi-Waskly 1,027 1 1,389 Patrolman Firefighter Librarian At®al $29,832 40 273 Frfghtr/ Axothly 2,486 3,356 Paramedic* 1 Id-waskly 1 147 1,549 Detective Civil Bngr.I Foramen-W&PW Senior Insp. v, Aamasi $33,081 $44,460 Bldg.Maint/ F Maatlnly 2,757 3,722 Journeyman Read ttt al-1ASakly 1,272 1,718 Mechanic XIM Sergeant Lieutenant Greens Supt. Asoaal $35,732 $48,239 Momih 2,978 4,020 BL-Weday 1,374 2,855 Asst. Civil j Anneal $38,239 351.614 Finance Bngr,yy rWAW 3,187 4,302 Officer 1,471 1,986 t L V Asst. to Lieutenant Captain Director of l $39 2 33 52 964 Vill.Mgr. Coda lnf. 3 269 4 414 1 509 2 037 Lttornsy Chief Chief Vill.sngr. Supt. Manager.1 343 564 63 170 Fin.Officer l 3 630 5 264 dal 1 676 2 430 Manager l 52 910 79 367 s 4 409 6 614 dal 2,035 3,053 Adopted and Approved: 8/11/92 *Additional compensation in the amount of $125 per month for all firefighters who are certified as paramedics lffdctive: 8/12/92 and who serve such function for the Village of Oak Brook and maintain said certification in good standing. Q ---- a trage .) ii. RECORDS MANAGEMENT CLERK i ii NATURE OF WORK: This is an administrative position coordinating Village archive records with Administration records. The position is moderately �i complex involving typing, filing, record-keeping, clerical, and related work. Filing and record-keeping are emphasized and follow Village, State and Federal procedures. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF WORK: Properly identifying records with indexing �! system by labeling; listing records for computer library and placing on a rolodex; after Board approval, implement a record with a copy of the agenda, approved minutes, and circle action approved with producing approximately fifteen (15) records per agenda. Record and certify any Village documents with DuPage County Recorder's office. Research Freedom of Information requests by reviewing files for requested information;: receive authorization for release of information and/or certification;. and process the request in accordance with the law. j Purge Administrative and Archive records to properly maintain the Village's current record system and to dispose of records in accordance with the Local Records Commission. Maintain and operate the microfilm reader/printer; microfilm• library and training program for` microfilming other. Village departmental records. it RZ.UIREMENTS: High School diploma, including or supplemented by school courses in typing, and experience in office practices and procedures. PAY GRADE: Grade 1 8/11/92 rmc(forms) k i l �i I EXHIBIT B i rz i g 0 T. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD III OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521-2255 708 990-3000 August 4, 1992 II ' MEMO TO: Village President and Board of Trustees PROM: Vince Long, Assistant to Village Manager SUBJECT: Amendment to Pay Plan - Addition of Full-Time Records j Management Clerk RECOMMBNUTIOR: That the Village Board approve an amendment to the 1992 Employee Pay Plan to add a Full-Time Records Management Clerk position (Grade 1) The village Board, at its Executive Session meeting of July 14, 1992 considered and approved the request of Village Clerk Connell& to make the current part-time Village Clerk Intern position into a full-time Records Management Clerk position �I (Grade 1). Therefore, the Village's Pay Plan must be amended accordingly. I The Resolution amending the Employee Pay Plan for 1992, that reflects the addition of the Records Management Clerk position, and job description is attached for your consideration. Respectfully submitted, Vince Long Assistant to Village Manager VL/mr:PPR