R-63 - 02/14/1967 - APPRECIATION - Resolutions® J$B:KLM 143 -67 1 i 8 cce
. .SAAMAQL. E. Ofi4N
R$ 7 .L T O N
WHEREAS, SAMUEL E. DEAN has faithfully served the
Village of Oakbrook as Chairman of its Plan Commission since
the inception of said Commission in 1959; and
WHEREAS, through his untiring efforts in behalf of
the Village of Oakbrook het has greatly contributed to the progress
and well- being.of paid Village and its eitizons; and
ilhi$$EAS, the President and Board of Trusteem.of the
Village of Oakbrook on behalf of the said Village of Oakbrook
and the._citizens thereof desire to espreas their gtatituds to
the said SAMUEL $e DBAN for his great eastribution,of.both time
and experience to the Village and the well -being of the citizenry
1, T'H$RVOBE,:BR IT RESOLVED by the President and the
Board of Trysteeaj:of the Village of Oakbrook that the amid SAMUEL
E. DEAN be,and he Is hereby cosonded for his valuable contribution
to the growth and orderly development of the Village of Oakhrooke
BE IT'FURTHER RESOLVED that the President and the Board
of Trustees of the 'Village "o1 Oakbrook, for aid on behalf of the
said Village and its citiaens, do hereby extend their thanks and
gratitude to the said SAMUEL $, DEAN for his services u afore -
BR IT FURTHER RESOLVED that -a copy of these resolutions
be delivered to the paid SAMUEL $, DEAN by the Clerk of the
Village of Oakbrook and that these resolutions be spsoad upon
the records of said Village.
Passed and approved by the president and board of Trustees
of the Village of Omkbrookm 00age County$ Illisoiso thi i edsr
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