R-618 - 02/22/1994 - FINAL PLAT - Resolutions Supporting Documents REFERRAL: JUANG SIDS: & RY VAR. D. REFERRAL - SIDE & REAR YARD VARIATIONS (Juana - 200 Forest (20.0 Forest Tr. Trait Drive): Approved Omnibus Vote. E. RESOLUTION 94-TX-MFT-R-617 RESOLUTION FOR MAINTENANCE RES.94-TX-MFT- OF STREETS AND HIGHWAYS BY MUNICIPALITY 1JNDER THE R-617 ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE: Approved Omnibus Vote. MFT FUNDS F. OAK BROOK HOTEL. CONVENTION & VISITORS COMMITTEE OBACVC-FUNDS: REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF FUNDS- 4TH gUARTER REVENUES 1993: $10,880.62 Approved Omnibus Vote. 6. ITEMS REMOVED FROM OMNIBUS AGENDA: None 7. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. RE.SOLUTION 94-SD-R-618 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL RES.94-SD-R-616 PLAT KNOWN AS OAKBROOK COURT RESUBDIVISION Northeast OAKBROOK COURT Corner Castle Drive & 16th St RESUBDIVISION 1 Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee Bartecki, to pass Resolution 94-SD-R-618 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 - Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich, and Skinner. Nays: 1 - Trustee Shumate. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. B. RESOLUTION 94-SAP-EX1-R-619 A RESOLUTION APPROVING RES.94-SAP-Ex1- SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE EMPLOYEE SALARY PLAN FOR NON- R-619.: AMEND. UNION EMPLOYEES FOR 1994: SALARY PLAN Motion by Trustee Kenny, seconded by Trustee Bartecki, to pass Resolution 94-SAP-EXI-R-619 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 - Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, McInerney, Shumate and Skinner. Nays: 1 - Trustee Payovich. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. C. ORDINANCE 94-TX-AB-SC-S-768 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ORD.94-TX-AB- THE PARTIAL ABATEMENT OF THE 1993 TAX LEVY OF THE . S-768:ABATEMEN, $10,270,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION RECREATION BONDS OF THE G.O.RECREATION VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS DATED SEPTEMBER 1. 1977: BONDS Trustee Shumate requested these monies be used for capital improvements to the Sports Core rather than an abatement to the residents. President Bushy stated that Bond Counsel, Village Attorney Martens, and the Village Manager advised abating the remainder of the monies to the taxpayers. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 3 February 229 1994 �i '