R-1246 - 03/26/2013 - ENGINEERING - ResolutionsRESOLUTION 2013 -ENG- TRANS - PRJT -AG -R -1246
WHEREAS, the Village has budgeted funds for the design and bidding of the St. Paschal
Drive /35th Street Transportation Control Measures Project ( "Project') in its budget for Fiscal Year 2013;
WHEREAS, the Village desires to retain an engineer to provide engineering design and bidding
services for the Project ( "Services "); and
WHEREAS, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LTD ( "Burke ") has previously provided
satisfactory engineering services to the Village in connection with various other roadway projects; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act ( "Act'), 50
ILCS 510/0.01 et seq., and Section 1 -7-6 of the Village Code, the Village is not required to follow the
notice, evaluation, and selection procedures set forth in the Act for engineering services provided by
engineers who have a satisfactory relationship with the Village; and
WHEREAS, the Village and Burke desire to enter into and execute an agreement for Burke to
provide the Services to the Village for an amount not to exceed $65,700.00, which agreement is attached
hereto as Exhibit A ("Agreement); and
WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees have determined that it is in the best interest of
the Village to enter into the Agreement;
Section 1: Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated into, and made a part
of, this Resolution as the findings of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook.
Section 2: Approval of the Agreement. The President and Board of Trustees hereby
approve the Agreement by and between the Village and Burke in substantially the form as attached as
Exhibit A and in a final form approved by the Village Attorney.
Section 3: Authorization and Execution of the Agreement. The Village President and Village
Clerk shall be, and hereby are, authorized to execute the approved final Agreement on behalf of the
Section 4: Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon passage and
approval in the manner provided by law.
Resolution 2013- ENG- TRANS - PRJT -AG -R -1246
Engineering Design Services for St. Paschal Drive /36'" Street TCM Project
2 of
APPROVED THIS 26th day of March, 2013
Gopal G. Lalmalani
Village President
PASSED THIS 26th day of March, 2013
Ayes: Trustees Aktipis, Manzo, Mov.Wolin, Yusuf. Zannis
Absent: None
Charlotte K. Pruss
Village Clerk
Resolution 2013- ENG- TRANS - PRJT -AG -R -1246
Engineering Design Services for St. Paschal Drive/3e Street TCM Project
3 of
9575 West Higgins Road Suite 600 Rosemont, Illinois 60018 TEL (847) 823 -0500 FAX(847) 823 -0520
May 2, 2012
Revised March 18, 2013
Village of Oak Brook
1200 Oak Brook Road
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Attention: Mr. Michael Hullihan, PE, Public Works Director
Subject: Proposal for Professional Engineering Services
St. Paschal Drive / 35"' Street TCM Project
(CBBEL Project No. P120208)
Dear Mr. Hullihan:
APR - 2 2013
4P, AGE OF 01K L' tOOK
We are providing this proposal to provide professional engineering services related to the
preparation of the bidding documents and plans for the Village's St. Paschal Drive / 351"
Street TCM Project (see attached Location Map). We understand that the Village will use
STP funding in addition to local funds. Therefore, IDOT procedural guidelines must be met
and IDOT approval will be required. Included below you will find our Understanding of the
Assignment, Scope of Services and Determination of Fee.
Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) understands that the Village of, ,Oak Brook
would like to use STP funds to resurface and widen the roadway to include paved shoulders
along 35th St. / St. Paschal Dr. from St. Stephens Green to Oak Brook Rd. for approximately
5,050 linear feet. The proposed 4.5 foot paved shoulders will be designated bicycle lanes
and will accommodate bicycle travel more safely.
This project supports the 31st Street Bike Path Project rated as a high priority project in the
DuPage County Regional Bikeway Plan. The proposed improvements will extend the
existing bike path along 35'" Street and connect to the 31 st Street Bike Path. The project will
also create additional access points to the DuPage County Forest Preserve District's
Mayslake Peabody Estate, especially for neighb9phoods to the south and west of the project
area. In addition, the St. Paschal Dr. / 35th Street TCM Project will provide a missing link
connecting regional trails with local bike routes. Those trails include:
Salt Creek Brookfield Trail 8.4 miles
31st Street 3.2 miles
The Salt Creek Greenway Trail North 5.0 miles
A map highlighting all existing b te.paths and trails with the proposed project is attached.
It is understood that the Village would also like to resurface approximately 1,200 linear feet
of 35th St. from 550 feet east of Covington Ct. to St. Stephens Green, where the bike path
currently exists. This portion will be locally funded as the STP funding for this area is Non-
Per the Phase I kick -off meeting held at MOT on April 30, 2012 it is anticipated that the
project will be processed as a Categorical Exclusion - Group I (without report). However, if it
is determined that right -of -way or easements must be acquired, FHWA approval and a
Phase I report may become necessary. If the project requires a Phase I report, a separate
proposal for any additional Phase I services will be submitted at that time.
The estimated construction budget for the St. Paschal Drive / 35th Street TCM Project is
$725,000. It is anticipated that all areas will be bid as one project and will be constructed
during the 2013 construction season.
Task 1 — Data Collection and Review: CBBEL will collect and review data to be utilized for
the determination of ROW and Phase II Design Engineering. This data will include the
• Plats of highways.
• Adjacent subdivision plats, DuPage County tax maps, and any other available
information to identify existing right -of -way and existing property lines.
• Information on state plane monuments to be utilized for horizontal control for the
• Information on benchmarks to be utilized for vertical control for the project.
Task 2 — Survey: CBBEL will perform a full topographic survey of St. Paschal Drive / 35th
Street (right -of -way to right -of -way) from 550 feet east of Covington Court to Oak Brook
Road (31 s' Street) — approximately 6,250' (1. 18 miles).
CBBEL will perform the following survey tasks:
Horizontal Control: Utilizing state plane coordinates, CBBEL will set recoverable
primary control utilizing our GPS equipment.
Vertical Control: CBBEL will perform a level circuit throughout the entire length of the
project establishing benchmarks and assigning elevations to the horizontal control
points. The elevations will be based on NGVD of 1929 to coincide with DuPage
County datum.
Existing Right -of -Way: CBBEL will establish the existing right -of -way of the roadways
within the project limits based on monumentation found in the field, plats of highways,
subdivision plats and any other available information.
Topographic Survey: CBBEL will field locate all pavements, driveways, curb and
gutters, pavement markings, signs, manholes, utility vaults, drainage structures,
driveway culverts, cross road culverts, etc.
Ocshrao Page 2 of 7
N9PROPOSALSMMIN1201ZP120208 Oak Brook St Paschal Dr3MStreet PhaselllWak Brook -St Paschals Or 35MSt TCMP.I�t031813doc 9
Cross Sections: CBBEL will survey cross sections along the project limits at 50'
intervals extending from 10' past the right -of -way to 10' past the opposite right -of -way
line. CBBEL will also survey cross - sections at all driveways, intersections, and at
other grade controlling features.
Utility Survey: All existing storm and sanitary sewers will be surveyed to determine rim
and invert elevations and pipe sizes. Above ground facilities of any additional
underground utilities including water main, gas, electric, cable, etc. will also be located.
Tree Survey: CBBEL will locate all trees over 6 inches in diameter within the existing
right -of -way
Base Mapping: CBBEL will compile all of the above information into one base map
representative of existing conditions of the project corridor for use in planning the
proposed improvements.
Task 3 — Environmental Surveys:
I. CBBEL will submit an Environmental Survey Request Form (ESRF) to IDOT. An aerial
plan will be utilized for the biological and cultural resource reviews. The biological and
cultural resource reviews will follow the integrated environmental survey process
outlined in (DOT's Circular Letter #00 -10.
II. It is anticipated that the improvements will avoid State right -of -way. Therefore, Special
Waste screening will not be required.
Task 4 — Preliminary Geometry: CBBEL will prepare preliminary geometry including
proposed horizontal and vertical geometry and a right -of- way /easement assessment for the
paved shoulders.
CBBEL will prepare preliminary plan and profile sheets showing existing and proposed
horizontal and vertical geometry. It is anticipated that ten (10) plan and profile sheets will be
required at a scale of 1 " =20'. The proposed geometry will be set to meet design criteria for
federally funded projects and to minimize right -of -way and easement requirements. Typical
sections for the proposed improvement will be developed concurrently.
Existing and proposed cross - sections will be templated at 50' intervals and at all side
streets, driveways and other grade controlling features to determine right -of -way and
easement requirements, ditch locations and drainage patterns, and to fine -tune the
proposed vertical geometry. Existing conditions cross - sections will be developed utilizing
the topographic survey performed by CBBEL. It is anticipated that fourteen (14) cross -
section sheets will be prepared for this project. These cross - sections will show existing
right -of -way, existing grade, proposed grade (top surface only) and proposed right -of -way
and easements where necessary.
At the end of this task the project team will have completed preliminary geometry and
identified the proposed project limits including any right -of -way acquisitions and easements
necessary for the construction of the proposed improvement.
Task 5 — Coordination: CBBEL will need to coordinate the proposed improvement with the
DuPage County Forest Preserve, IDOT, DuPage County Highway Department and the
various utilities along the project corridor. CBBEL will coordinate with these various
OcGrj.c Page 3 of 7
N TROPOSA MDMIN@012 PUM0 Oak Brook St PasWal Dr3 th Sheat Phase 118Oak Brook - St Pasohals Dr 35th St TCM Project 031813 Coo g
agencies during the course of performing the tasks described above. We will also submit
Categorical Exclusion Group I (BLR 19100) to IDOT and will schedule and attend one follow
up meeting once survey has been completed.
Task 1 — Kick -off Meetinq
CBBEL will attend a Phase II Kick -off Meeting with IDOT staff to discuss the goals and
objectives of the project and to refine the scope and schedule. CBBEL will collect, examine,
review and evaluate data to be utilized for the preparation of the Phase II Contract
Documents utilizing FHWA/IDOT procedures.
Task 2 — Pavement Cores: CBBEL will hire Testing Service Corp. (TSC) to perform
pavement cores of the subject streets. A pavement core will be taken approximately every
1000 feet of roadway for a total of 6 cores. Auger samples will also be obtained of
underlying base course /subbase materials. A split -spoon will then be taken of the upper
subgrade to a depth of approximately 3 feet below the top of pavement. The core holes will
be patched upon completion using a cold mix asphalt. The cores will be examined by a
materials technician in the laboratory, who will accurately measure and describe the various
pavement courses. Subgrade samples will also be examined by a soils technician.
Laboratory testing will include moisture content and dry unit weight determinations as well
as pocket penetrometer estimates of unconfined compressive strength, as appropriate.
Upon completion of field and laboratory work, a Pavement Core Summary report will be
completed. The report will give complete pavement and base course thicknesses as well as
subgrade descriptions and laboratory test data that will be used to determine the best
method of rehabilitation.
1 a5K J — rfC111111nafy mans, apc{iu wauvua auu vvaa wuuraac
CBBEL will prepare preliminary contract documents consisting of plans, specifications,
estimate of time, status of utilities to be adjusted and an estimate of construction cost. The
plans will be prepared in accordance with all IDOT design criteria for the appropriate road
The preliminary plans will include the following sheets:
No. Sheet Title
1 Cover Sheet
1 General Notes
• Including IDOT standard notes and additional major notes to clarify
project's intent and define incidental items
1 Alignment, Ties and Benchmarks sheet
1 Typical cross sections that are
• Complete and comprehensive
• Extending from ROW to ROW
• Clearly describe improvement
1 Summary of Quantities
10 Path Plan and Profile sheets
• Existing topography, drainage structures and sewers and other
• Items to be removed or adjusted
• Existing property lines and street addresses
• Proposed horizontal and vertical alignment
OCOrmc Page 4 of 7
N WROPOSALMDMIN120121P120208 Oak Bm k St. Paschal Dr35th Street Phase IIBOak Brook - St Pas"Is Dr 35th St TCM Project 031813AM g
• Proposed edge of pavement, shoulder, etc.
• Any proposed drainage and utility structures and pipe in plan and
• Existing utilities to remain in place
2 Erosion Control Plans and Details
1 Construction Details
14 Cross Sections
• Sufficient in number to approximate cuts and fills (50' intervals plus
• Sufficient in number to verify ROW /Easement needs
• Through driveways to determine proposed slopes and identify need
for temporary construction easements
• Sufficient in number to delineate drainage patterns
CBBEL will use IDOT standard pay items or Village standard special provisions where
applicable. Otherwise, project - specific special provisions will be written as needed. Plans,
special provisions, and the estimate of cost will be submitted to the Village and IDOT for
CBBEL will also make any required submittals to IEPA to meet NPDES requirements.
Task 4 — Utility Coordination
Upon notice to proceed, CBBEL will send a location map to all known utility companies
requesting their atlases or plans of their facilities within the project limits. CBBEL will add
the received information to the existing conditions plan and send it back to the utility
companies for verification. CBBEL will then send preliminary plans with potential conflicts
identified, and will set up meetings to discuss necessary utility relocations or plan
adjustments. A set of pre -final plans will be submitted to utility companies for verification of
facilities concurrent with the submittal to IDOT and the Village.
Task 5 — Pre -Final Plans, Specifications and Estimates
Based on preliminary review by the Village and IDOT, CBBEL will revise the plans,
specifications and cost estimate for re- submittal to reviewing agencies.
Task 6 — Final Plans, Specifications and Estimates
Upon meeting with the Village staff and IDOT to review their comments on the pre -final
submittal, CBBEL will revise and finalize the contract documents and cost estimate. During
this task the exact letting date will be determined and an estimated construction schedule
will be provided.
Task 7 — Bid Documents
CBBEL will make the final revisions to the final submittal based on the Village's and IDOT's
final review comments. The requested number of copies of plans and specifications will be
submitted to IDOT and the Village. A final estimate of cost and estimate of required working
days will also be submitted. In addition to printed copies, we will provide the plans,
specifications and estimate to the Village in electronic format. CBBEL will make application
and obtain all required permits.
Task 8 — NOI and SWPPP Preparation and Submittal In order to maintain
compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES) General
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NSPROPOSA SIADMINI¢01MP120208 Oak BPaschal rook St Pa Dr35th Street Phase IlltOak Brook - St Pas&als Or 35th SI TCM Project 031813.4. g
NPDES Permit No. ILR10 (ILR10), CBBEL will prepare and submit an ILR10 Notice of
Intent (NOI) and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). The SWPPP will be consistent with the IEPA
and Illinois Urban Manual (IUM) Specifications. As part of the NOI submittal, CBBEL will
initiate preliminary Illinois Department of Resources (IDNR) EcoCat and Illinois Historic
Preservation Agency (IHPA) consultations. To obtain ILR10 NPDES permit coverage the
NOI, SWPPP, and a permit application fee will and submitted to the IEPA.
CBBEL will prepare the SWPPP for the project in accordance with Part IV of the General
NPDES Permit No. ILR10. Please note that completion of this task will require input
from the site owner and signed certification statements from all contractors,
subcontractors, and the operator as identified in the SWPPP. This task also covers the
submittal of an electronic copy of the SWPPP to the IEPA. As required by the NPDES
Phase II Storm Water Construction General Permit (ILR10), an up -to -date copy of the
SWPPP must be maintained on the project site during construction activities.
CBBEL proposes the following not to exceed fees for each of the tasks described above for
each Area:
Task 1 — Data Collection and Review
Task 2 — Survey
Task 3 — Environmental Surveys
Task 4 — Preliminary Geometry
Task 5 — Coordination
Sub Total $
Task 1 — Kick -off Meeting
Task 2 — Pavement Cores
Task 3 — Preliminary Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate
Task 4 — Utility Coordination
Task 5 — Pre -final Plans, Specifications and Estimates
Task 6 — Final Plans, Specifications and Estimates
Task 7 — Bid Documents
Task 8 — NOI and SWIPP Preparation and Submittal
2 500
Sub Total
Outside Copies, Blueprints, Messenger, Delivery Services Total A 1,500
GRAND TOTAL $ 65,700
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NIPROPOSALSIDMIM20121P120208 Oak Brook St. Pas chal Dr- 35th Street Phase,IBOak B. k- St Paschal. Or 35th St TCM Project0.318134c 9
We will bill you at the hourly rates specified on the attached Schedule of Charges and
establish our contract in accordance with the attached General Terms and Conditions.
Please note the direct costs for blueprints, photocopying, mailing, overnight delivery,
messenger services and report compilation are included in the not to exceed Fee
Determination and will not be charged separately for this project. These General Terms
and Conditions are expressly incorporated into and are an integral part of this contract
for professional services.
Please sign and return one copy of this agreement as an indication of acceptance and
notice to proceed. Please feel free to contact us anytime.
Christopher B. Burke, PhD, PE, D.WRE, F.ASCE
Encl. Location Map
Schedule of Charges
General Terms and Conditions
Occimc Page 7 of 7
N WROPOSALS MINt201ZP120208 Oak Brook St. Psu W D,3 Ih Street Phase IIROak Brook - St Pas&... Dr 3 Ih St TCM Project D31813 tl 9
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PROD. NO. 12WO -
DATE: 05-02 -i2
,= 2,000
CB 9575 W. Higgins Road, Suite 600 • Rosemont, Illinois 60018 • (847) 823 -0500
I slvzmz
St. Paschal Drive / 35th Street TCM Project
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _ day of April 2013, by and between
Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER") and the
Village of Oak Brook, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "VILLAGE ") covers
certain professional engineering services in connection with the St. Paschal Drive / 35th Street
TCM Project, (hereinafter referred to as "PROJECT ").
The VILLAGE wishes to retain ENGINEER for these certain professional engineering
services and ENGINEER is willing to perform such services for the compensation and in
accordance with the terms and conditions described in this Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits, covenants and agreements
contained within this Agreement, the parties agree as follows:
ENGINEER agrees to perform engineering consulting services as defined in the Scope of
Services attached as Appendix I and made a part of this Agreement.
ENGINEER shall be paid by VILLAGE for all services stipulated within this Agreement
according to the Compensation Schedule attached as Appendix II and made a part of this
Payment to ENGINEER shall be made by VILLAGE upon receipt of ENGINEER'S
monthly invoice. The invoice shall consist of a summary of direct labor hours by
ENGINEER'S standard job classification times the respective factors as depicted in
Appendix II plus listing of reimbursable costs incurred with copies of appropriate
invoices. The invoice will state the phase of work for which it applies, if a multi -phase
scope is used (e.g., design, construction, etc.). If VILLAGE identifies an item in the
invoice which appears to be in error, VILLAGE may withhold the amount in question,
pay the balance of the invoiced amount, and provide ENGINEER with a statement
concerning the questioned item. Alternatively, VILLAGE may pay the invoiced amount
in full, provide ENGINEER with a statement of the questioned item, and an adjustment,
if appropriate, will be made in the next subsequent invoice submitted by ENGINEER.
Engineer will mark "Invoice number and final" on the invoice which closes
out this contract or a phase of the contract.
If VILLAGE fails to make any payment due ENGINEER for services and expenses,
including amounts wrongly withheld, within thirty (30) days after submittal of
ENGINEER'S billing thereof, the amounts due ENGINEER shall include a charge at the
Page 1
rate of one percent (1.0) per month from such thirtieth (30th) day; and, in addition, the
ENGINEER may, after giving seven (7) days written notice to VILLAGE, suspend
services under this Agreement until it has been paid in full the amounts due it for services
and expenses. During the period of any such suspension, the parties shall have the same
rights and obligations as are provided by Subsection 5(e) of this Agreement.
The services required by this Agreement shall be completed in accordance with the Time
Schedule attached as Appendix III and made a part of this Agreement. It is recognized by
the parties that the Time Schedule may be contingent upon factors beyond the control of
either party. Both parties will take all reasonable steps to adhere to the Time Schedule.
Unless extended by amendment, this Agreement shall terminate at the time of receipt of
final payment by the ENGINEER, provided that all warranties and representations shall
survive said final payment.
a. Modification
The nature and the scope of services specified in this Agreement may only be
modified by written amendment to this Agreement approved by both parties.
b. Relationship between ENGINEER and VILLAGE
ENGINEER shall serve as VILLAGE'S professional engineering consultant in
those phases of the PROJECT to which this Agreement applies. The relationship
is that of a buyer and seller of professional services, and it is understood that the
parties have not entered into any joint venture or partnership with the other.
C. Responsibility of the ENGINEER
That all plans and other documents furnished by the ENGINEER pursuant to this
Agreement will be endorsed by him and will show his professional seal where
such is required by law.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary which may be contained in this
Agreement or any other material incorporated herein by reference, or in any
agreement between VILLAGE and any other party concerning the PROJECT,
ENGINEER shall not have control or be in charge of and shall not be responsible
for the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or
the safety, safety precautions or programs of VILLAGE, the construction
contractor, other contractors or subcontractors performing any of the work or
providing any of the services on the PROJECT, nor shall ENGINEER be
responsible for the acts or omissions of VILLAGE provided that the ENGINEER
Page 2
has properly executed his duties. ENGINEER shall not be responsible for the
failure of VILLAGE, any architect, engineer, consultant, contractor or
subcontractor to carry out their respective responsibilities in accordance with the
PROJECT documents, or any other agreement concerning the PROJECT. Any
provision which purports to amend this provision shall be without effect unless it
contains a reference that the content of this Subsection 5(c) is expressly amended
for the purposes described in such amendment and is signed by ENGINEER.
d. Corrections
In the event plans, surveys or construction staking is found to be in error and
revisions of the plans or survey or construction staking are necessary, the
ENGINEER agrees that he will perform such work without expense to the
VILLAGE, even though final payment has been received by him. He shall give
immediate attention to these changes so there will be a minimum delay to the
e. Suspension of Services
VILLAGE may, at any time, by written order to ENGINEER (Suspension of
Services Order), require ENGINEER to stop all, or any part of, the services
required by this Agreement. Upon receipt of such an order, ENGINEER shall
immediately comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the
occurrence of costs allocable to the services covered by the order.
ENGINEER will not be obligated to provide the same personnel employed prior
to suspension when the services are resumed, in the event the period of any
suspension exceeds thirty (30) days.
f. Termination
1) The VILLAGE shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with or
without cause upon serving thirty (30) days written notice upon the other
2) Upon such termination, the liabilities of the parties to this Agreement shall
cease, but they shall not be relieved of the duty to perform their
obligations up to the date of termination. All warranties and the provisions
of Section 5, Paragraph I shall be in full force and effect after termination.
3) Upon such termination, ENGINEER shall cause to be delivered to the
VILLAGE all drawings, specifications, partial and completed estimates,
and any and all other data concerning the PROJECT which ENGINEER is
then accomplishing for the VILLAGE. ENGINEER shall be paid for any
services completed and any services partially completed in accordance
with Sections 2 and 3.
g. Warranties
Page 3
In addition to the covenants herein made, the ENGINEER represents and certifies
that its engineering services shall be performed in accordance with the standards
of professional practice, care, and diligence practiced by recognized engineering
firms in the industry in performing services of a similar nature in existence at the
time of performance. The representations and certifications expressed shall be in
addition to any other representations and certifications expressed in this
Agreement, or expressed or implied by law, which are hereby reserved unto the
h. Representations
In addition to the covenants herein made, the ENGINEER represents and agrees:
1) That all plans and special provisions to be famished by the ENGINEER
pursuant to this Agreement will be in accordance with the current standard
specifications and policies of the VILLAGE, it being understood that all
such plans and drafts shall, before being finally accepted, be subject to
approval by the VILLAGE.
2) That he has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a
bona fide employee working solely for the ENGINEER, to solicit or
secure this Agreement, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any
company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for
the ENGINEER, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts, or
any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or
making of the Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, the
VILLAGE shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability,
or in its discretion to deduct from the Agreement price or consideration, or
otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage,
brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee.
3) The ENGINEER represents and certifies that the ENGINEER is not barred
from contracting with a unit of state or local government as a result of: (1)
a delinquency in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois
Department of Revenue, unless the ENGINEER is contesting, in
accordance with the procedures established by the appropriate revenue act,
its liability for the tax or the amount of the tax, as set forth in Section 11-
42.1-1 et seq. of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/11- 42.1 -1 et seq.;
or (2) a violation of either Section 33E -3 or Section 33E -4 of Article 33E
of the Criminal Code of 1961, 720 ILCS 5/33E -1 et seq. ENGINEER
represents that the only persons, firms, or corporations interested in this
Agreement as principals are those disclosed to the VILLAGE prior to the
execution of this Agreement, and that this Agreement is made without
collusion with any other person, firm, or corporation. If at any time it
shall be found that the ENGINEER has, in procuring this Agreement,
colluded with any other person, firm, or corporation, then the ENGINEER
shall be liable to the Village for all loss or damage that the VILLAGE may
Page 4
suffer, and this Agreement shall, at the VILLAGE's option, be null and
4) That he is qualified technically and is conversant with the policies
applicable to the PROJECT; and that he has and will furnish sufficient,
properly trained and experienced personnel to perform the services
enumerated herein.
5) That he will not employ, for the duration of this Agreement, any person
presently employed by the VILLAGE without the written consent of the
6) ENGINEER represents and certifies that, to the best of its knowledge: (1)
no elected or appointed VILLAGE official, employee or agent has a
personal fmancial interest in the business of ENGINEER or in this
Agreement, or has personally received payment or other consideration for
this Agreement; (2) as of the date of this Agreement, neither ENGINEER
nor any person employed or associated with ENGINEER has any interest
that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the
obligations under this Agreement; and (3) neither ENGINEER nor any
person employed by or associated with ENGINEER shall at any time
during the term of this Agreement obtain or acquire any interest that
would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the
obligations under this Agreement.
i. Documents Property of VILLAGE
Drawings, specifications, reports, and any other documents prepared by
ENGINEER in connection with any or all of the services furnished hereunder
shall be the property of VILLAGE and the VILLAGE shall obtain any and all
intellectual property rights in the drawings, specifications, reports, and documents
prepared by ENGINEER in connection with any and all of the services furnished
hereunder. ENGINEER shall have the right to retain copies of all documents and
drawings for its files. All construction drawings shall be prepared electronically
using MICROSTATION software. Paper copies will be provided to the
VILLAGE in full -size (24" x 36 ") or quarter -size (11" x 17 ") as requested.
Electronic design files will also be transferred to the VILLAGE.
If construction services are a part of the ENGINEER'S work, he will create
electronic "As- Built" conditions and will deliver them to the VILLAGE within
thirty (30) days after completion of construction and before final payment to the
ENGINEER. ENGINEER will title these files "Record Drawings ".
If construction services are not part of the ENGINEER'S work, he will deliver
electronic MICROSTATION files to the VILLAGE upon request and before final
payment to the ENGINEER.
j. Access to Records
Page 5
The ENGINEER shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records
and other evidence pertaining to his costs incurred by reason of this Agreement
and agrees to make such material available, at his office at the address indicated
in Section 5, Paragraph u of this Agreement, at all reasonable times during the life
of this Agreement and for a period of three (3) years from the date of final
payment of the obligations of this Agreement by the VILLAGE or such longer
time as requested by the VILLAGE, for inspection by personnel of the
VILLAGE, or any authorized representative of the VILLAGE, and copies thereof
shall be famished if requested. The cost of any copies shall be paid by the
k. Reuse of Documents
All documents, including drawings and specifications furnished by ENGINEER
pursuant to this Agreement, are intended for use on the PROJECT only. They
should not be used or modified by VILLAGE or others on extensions of the
PROJECT or any other project without specific written verification or adaptation
by ENGINEER. Any reuse or modification without written verification or
adaptation by ENGINEER shall be at VILLAGE'S sole risk.
1. Indemnification
ENGINEER agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend (or pay the
VILLAGE for the costs of defense if the Village so desires in its sole discretion)
the VILLAGE and any of its officers, employees, or agents from and against all
liability, claims, demands, and causes of action arising out of or related to any
loss, damage, injury, death, or loss or damage to property resulting from any
negligence, errors or omissions by the ENGINEER in the performance of this
In the event of joint or concurrent negligence of ENGINEER and VILLAGE,
each shall bear that portion of the loss or expense that its share of the joint or
concurrent negligence bears to the total negligence (including that of third parties)
which caused the personal injury or property damage.
m. Entire Agreement
This Agreement sets forth all the covenants, conditions and promises between the
parties. There are no covenants, promises, agreements, conditions or
understandings between the parties, either oral or written, other than those
contained in this Agreement and the attached Rider No. 1.
n. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois both as to
interpretation and performance.
o. Successors and Assigns
Page 6
The terms of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the
parties and their respective successors and assigns; provided, however, that
neither party shall assign this Agreement in whole or in part without the proper
written approval of the other.
P. Waiver of Contract Breach
The waiver of one party of any breach of this Agreement or the failure of one
party to enforce at any time, or for any period of time, any of the provisions
hereof, shall be limited to the particular instance, shall not operate or be deemed
to waive any future breaches of this Agreement, and shall not be construed to be a
waiver of any provision, except for the particular instance.
q. Severability of Invalid Provisions
If any provisions of this Agreement shall be held to contravene or be invalid
under the laws of any particular State, County or jurisdiction where used, such
contravention shall not invalidate the entire Agreement, but it shall be construed
as if not containing the particular provision or provisions held to be invalid in the
particular State, County or jurisdiction and the rights or obligations of the parties
hereto shall be construed and enforced accordingly.
r. Force Majeure
Neither VILLAGE nor ENGINEER shall be liable for any fault or delay caused
by any contingency beyond their control, including, but not limited to, acts of
God, wars, strikes, walkouts, fires, or natural calamities.
S. Access and Permits
VILLAGE shall arrange for ENGINEER to enter upon public and private
property and shall obtain all necessary approvals and permits required from all
governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the PROJECT.
t. Designation of Authorized Representatives
Each party shall designate one or more persons to act with authority in its behalf
in respect to appropriate aspects of the PROJECT. The persons designated shall
review and respond promptly to all communications received from the other
u. Address for Notices
Whenever it is provided in this Agreement that notice shall be given or other
communication sent to ENGINEER, such notices or communications shall be
delivered or sent to:
Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd.
Page 7
9575 West Higgins Road
Suite 600
Rosemont, Illinois 60018
Attn: Orion Galey, PE
Whenever it is provided in this Agreement that notice shall be given or other
communication sent to the VILLAGE, such notices or communications shall be
delivered or sent to:
1200 Oak Brook Road
Oak Brook, Illinois 60523
Attn: Michael Hullihan
Public Works Director
Notices personally delivered or sent via U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, shall be
deemed, for all purposes, proper notice.
V. Insurance
ENGINEER agrees to obtain and maintain, for the term of this Agreement, and
for a period of twelve (12) months after the services contracted for hereunder
have been completed, insurance hereinafter provided, furnishing a certificate or
certificates of insurance to the VILLAGE prior to commencing work under this
Agreement. The certificate or certificates of insurance shall be in a form
satisfactory to the VILLAGE from companies authorized to do business in Illinois
and shall provide that the policies referred to shall not be canceled or changed
without first giving thirty (30) days written notice thereof to the VILLAGE. Said
insurance requirements are attached as Appendix IV and made a part of this
The VILLAGE shall be named as an additional insured and a cancellation notice
recipient on all Required Insurance Policies.
W. Additional Services
ENGINEER shall supply such additional services as requested in writing by
VILLAGE and agreed to by ENGINEER in connection with the PROJECT.
Separate proposals shall be submitted by ENGINEER for furnishing these
additional services. Compensation for such additional services shall be negotiated
by the parties and included in this Agreement by a written amendment.
ENGINEER shall supply such additional services as requested in writing by
VILLAGE and agreed to by ENGINEER in connection with the PROJECT.
Separate proposals shall be submitted by ENGINEER for furnishing these
additional services. Compensation for such additional services shall be negotiated
by the parties and included in this Agreement by a written amendment.
Page 8
X. Time
Time is of the essence in the performance of all terms and provisions of this
Y. Third Party Beneficiary
No claim as a third party beneficiary under this Agreement by any person, firm, or
corporation shall be made or be valid against the Village.
Z. Conflicts
If any provisions of this Agreement conflict with any provisions of the attached
appendices I through IV, the provisions of this Agreement shall control. If any
provisions this Agreement conflict with any provisions of the attached Rider No.
1, the provisions of Rider No. 1 shall control. If any provisions of the attached
appendices I through IV conflict with any 1 conflict with any provisions of the
attached Rider No. 1, the provisions of Rider No. 1 shall control.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties set their hands and seals on the date first written
above. ra OF o�
A Municipal Corporation .
Village President
Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Lta
&JX �Uk
Duly Authorized O cer
Page 9
Per proposal submitted by Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd., Ltd. dated March 18,
Page 10
Per proposal submitted by Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd., Ltd. dated March 18,
Page 11
Per proposal submitted by Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd., Ltd. dated March 18,
Page 12
Engineer shall maintain for the term of this Agreement, and for a period of twelve months
after the services is contracted for hereunder have been completed, insurance policies covering:
Workers Compensation: Statutory.
2. Employers Liability Insurance:
$1,000,000 injury-per occurrence
$500,000 disease -per employee
$1,000,000 disease- policy limit
Such insurance shall evidence that coverage applies in the State of Illinois.
3. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance:
$2,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit. Coverages shall include Broad
Form Property Damage Endorsements and Blanket Contractual Liability (must
expressly cover the indemnity provisions of the Agreement).
4. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance:
$1,000,000 combined single limit, any auto.
5. Professional Liability Insurance (errors and omissions):
$1,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 in aggregate.
6. Umbrella or excess liability:
The required coverages may be in any combination of primary, excess, and
umbrella policies. Any excess or umbrella policy must provide excess coverage
over underlying insurance on a following -form basis such that when any loss
covered by the primary policy exceeds the limits under the primary policy, the
excess or umbrella policy becomes effective to cover such loss.
Engineer will provide the Village with a certificate of insurance and additional
insured endorsement showing the Village added to the General Liability Insurance
as an additional insured.
8. Coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled, or reduced except after thirty
(30) days prior written notice by certified mail has been given to the Village. If a
standard Certificate of Insurance form is used with a cancellation clause, the
words "endeavor to" and "but failure to mail such notice shall impose no
Page 13
obligation or liability of any kind upon the company, its agents or representatives"
will be stricken or crossed out.
Page 14
FOR THE St. Paschal Drive / 35th Street TCM Project
R -1. Conflicts. This Rider constitutes a part of the agreement ( "Agreement ") dated
, 2013 between the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois ( "Village ") and
Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. ( "Engineer") for the St. Paschal Drive / 35th Street
TCM Project ( "Project "). In the event of any conflict between the terms and provisions of
this Rider and those contained in the Agreement or any other contract document, the
terms and provisions of this Rider shall prevail.
R -2. Commencement. The date of commencement of Work by the Engineer shall be agreed
upon by both the Village and Engineer.
R -3. Statutory Provisions. The Engineer shall comply with the provisions of the
Employment of Illinois Workers on Public Works Act, 30 ILCS 570/0.01, et seq.; the Drug
Free Workplace Act, 30 ILCS 580/1, et seq.; the Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 5/1 -101,
et seq.; and the Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/0.01, et seq.; the Veterans
Preference Act, 330 ILCS 55/0.01 et seq.; but nothing herein shall require the application
of those Acts unless required by state law.
R-4. Bid Ringing. The Engineer hereby certifies that it is not barred from bidding on or
entering into this Agreement as a result of a violation of Article 33E of the Criminal Code
of 1961, 720 ILCS 5/1 -1, et seq.
R -5. Arbitration /Litiaat'ronNenue. All disputes between the Village and the Engineer shall,
at the election of either party, be the subject of a civil suit. Venue for any such suit shall
lie in the Circuit Court of the 18th Judicial Circuit (DuPage County).
R -6. Termination. The Village reserves the right at any time and in its absolute discretion to
terminate the services of the Engineer by giving written notice to the Engineer. In such
event, the Engineer shall be entitled to, and the Village shall reimburse the Engineer for,
an equitable portion of the Engineer's fee based on the portion of the services completed
prior to the effective date of termination.
R -7. Miscellaneous. The provisions which follow shall apply generally to the obligations of
the parties under this Agreement:
a. This Agreement may not be amended except pursuant to a written
instrument signed by both parties.
b. This Agreement is binding upon the successors and assigns of the
C. The waiver by either party of any breach or violation of any provision of
this agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver or a continuing waiver of any
subsequent breach or violation of the same or any other provision of this
d. Each of the parties to this Agreement represents and warrants that it has
the full right, power, legal capacity, and authority to enter into and perform its
respective obligations hereunder and that such obligations shall be binding upon
Page 1
at paschal tcm enginnering rider no 1.docx
' such party without the requirement of the approval or consent of any other
person or entity in connection herewith.
e. This Agreement contains
the entire understanding between the Parties with respect to the subject matter
herein. There are no representations, agreements, or understandings (whether
oral or written) between or among the parties relating to the subject matter of this
Agreement which are not fully expressed herein.
f. This Agreement creates no rights, title or interest in any person or entity
whatsoever (whether under a third party beneficiary theory or otherwise) other
than the Parties.
g. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts. Facsimile signatures
shall be sufficient.
h. Under no circumstances shall this Agreement be construed as one of
agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment between the Parties. The
Parties shall each be solely responsible for the conduct of their respective
officers, employees and agents in connection with the performance of their
obligations under this Agreement.
R -8 Burke Terms and Conditions not Applicable. The Village and Engineer acknowledge
that the Engineer's proposal attached to this Agreement and setting forth the services,
pricing, and time schedules that are incorporated in the Agreement as appendices I, ll,
and III ( "Proposal "), also includes a copy of that certain document entitled "Christopher B.
Burke Engineering, Ltd. General Terms and Conditions ", consisting of 10 pages and 30
paragraphs dated June 13, 2005 (collectively, the "Burke Terms and Conditions "). The
Village and the Engineer acknowledge and agree that the Burke Terms and Conditions:
(1) do not and are not intended to bind the parties to this Agreement, (2) are not
incorporated as terms or conditions of the Agreement, (3) are entirely superseded by the
terms of the Agreement, and (4) are included in the attached Proposal for the sole
purpose of accurately depicting the Proposal as submitted to the Village. The execution
of this Agreement by the Village does not constitute, nor shall be interpreted as, an
acceptance by the Village of the Burke Terms and Conditions or the incorporation of the
Burke Terms and Conditions into this Agreement.
Gopal Lalmalani 0 '< °;�
Village President o
Attest: aureTY .o�\ ttest:
By: B .
Charlotte Pruss ff
Village Clerk Itsk'w7r� ��
Page 2
st paschal tcm enginnering rider no 1.docx
Engineer VI
Engineer V
Engineer IV
Engineer I II
Engineer 1 /II
Survey V
Survey IV
Survey III
Survey II
Survey I
Resource Planner V
Resource Planner IV
Resource Planner III
Resource Planner 1 /II
Engineering Technician V
Engineering Technician IV
Engineering Technician III
Engineering Technician 1 /II
CAD Manager
Assistant CAD Manager
GIS Specialist III
GIS Specialist 1 /II
Landscape Architect
Environmental Resource Specialist V
Environmental Resource Specialist IV
Environmental Resource Specialist III
Environmental Resource Specialist 1 /II
Environmental Resource Technician
Engineering Intern
Survey Intern
Information Technician 111
Information Technician 1 /II
Direct Costs
Outside Copies, Blueprints, Messenger, Delivery Services, Mileage
'Charges include overhead and profit
Cost + 12%
Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. reserves the right to increase these rates and costs by 5%
after December 31, 2013.
Relationship Between Engineer and Client: Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd.
(Engineer) shall serve as Client's professional engineer consultant in those phases of
the Project to which this Agreement applies. This relationship is that of a buyer and
seller of professional services and as such the Engineer is an independent contractorin
the performance of this Agreement and it is understood that the parties have notentered
into anyjoint venture or partnership with the other. The Engineer shall not be considered
to be the agent of the Client. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a
contractual relationship with a cause of action in favor of a third party against either the
Client or Engineer.
Furthermore, causes of action between the parties to this Agreement pertaining to acts
of failures to act shall be deemed to have accrued and the applicable statute of
limitations shall commence to run not later than the date of substantial completion.
2. Responsibility of the Engineer: Engineer will strive to perform services under this
Agreement in accordance with generally accepted and currently recognized engineering
practices and principles, and in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill
ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in the same
locality under similar conditions. No other representation, express or implied, and no
warranty or guarantee is included or intended in this Agreement, or in any report,
opinion, document, or otherwise.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary which may be contained in this Agreement or
any other material incorporated herein by reference, or in any Agreement between the
Client and any other party concerning the Project, the Engineer shall not have control or
be in charge of and. shall not. be responsible for.- the - means, methods, techniques,
sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety, safety precautions or programs
of the Client, the construction contractor, other contractors or subcontractors performing
any of the work or providing any of the services on the Project. Nor shall the Engineer
be responsible for the acts or omissions of the Client, or for the failure of the Client, any
architect, engineer, consultant, contractor or subcontractor to carry out their respective
responsibilities in accordance with the Project documents, this Agreement or any other
agreement concerning the Project. Any provision which purports to amend this provision
shall be without effect unless it contains a reference that the content of this condition is
expressly amended for the purposes described in such amendment and is signed by the
3. Changes: Client reserves the right by written change order or amendment to make
changes in requirements, amount of work, or engineering time schedule adjustments,
and Engineer and Client shall negotiate appropriate adjustments acceptable to both
parties to accommodate any changes, if commercially possible.
4. Suspension of Services: Client may, at any time, by written order to Engineer
(Suspension of Services Order) require Engineer to stop all, or any part, of the services
required by this Agreement. Upon receipt of such an order, Engineer shall immediately
complywith its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the costs associated with
the services affected by such order. Client, however, shall pay all costs incurred by the
suspension, including all costs necessary to maintain continuity and for the resumption
of the services upon expiration of the Suspension of Services Order. Engineer will not
be obligated to provide the same personnel employed prior to suspension, when the
services are resumed, in the event that the period of suspension is greater than thirty
(30) days.
5. Termination: This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days
written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perform in
accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of the terminating party. This
Agreement may be terminated by Client, uder the same terms, whenever Client shall
determine that termination is in its best interests. Cost of termination, including salaries,
overhead and fee, incurred by Engineer either before or after the termination date shall
be reimbursed by Client.
6. Documents Delivered to Client: Drawings, specifications, reports, and any other Project
Documents prepared by Engineer in connection with any or all of the services furnished
hereunder shall be delivered to the Client for the use of the Client. Engineer shall have
the right to retain originals of all Project Documents and drawings for its files.
Furthermore, it is understood and agreed that the Project Documents such as, but not
limited to reports, calculations, drawings, and specifications prepared for the Project,
whether in hard copy or machine readable form, are instruments of professional service
intended for one -time use in the construction of this Project. These Project Documents
are and shall remain the property of the Engineer. The Client may retain copies,
including copies stored on magnetic tape or disk, for information and reference in
connection with the occupancy and use of the Project.
When and if record drawings are to be provided bythe Engineer-, Client understands that
information used in the preparation of record drawings is provided by others and
Engineer is not responsible for accuracy, completeness, nor sufficiency of such
information. Client also understands that the level of detail illustrated by record drawings
will generally be the same as the level of detail illustrated by the design drawing used for
project construction. If additional detail is requested by the Client to be included on the
record drawings, then the Client understands and agrees that the Engineer will be due
additional compensation for additional services.
It is also understood and agreed that because of the possibility that information and data
delivered in machine readable form may be altered, whether inadvertently or otherwise,
the Engineer reserves the right to retain the original tapes /disks and to remove from
copies provided to the Client all identification reflecting the involvement of the Engineer
in their preparation. The Engineer also reserves the right to retain hard copy originals of
all Project Documentation delivered to the Client in machine readable form, which
originals shall be referred to and shall govern in the event of any inconsistency between
the two.
The Client understands that the automated conversion of information and data from the
system and format used by the Engineer to an alternate system or format cannot be
accomplished without the introduction of inexactitudes, anomalies, and errors. In the
event Project Documentation provided to the Client in machine readable form is so
converted, the Client agrees to assume all risks associated therewith and, to the fullest
2 _.
extent permitted by law, to hold harmless and indemnify the Engineer from and against
all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and costs, including but not limited to attorney's
fees, arising therefrom or in connection therewith.
The Client recognizes that changes or modifications to the Engineer's instruments of
professional service introduced by anyone other than the Engineer may result in adverse
consequences which the Engineer can neither predict nor control. Therefore, and in
consideration of the Engineer's agreement to deliver its instruments of professional
service in machine readable form, the Client agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by
law, to hold harmless and indemnify the Engineer from and against all claims, liabilities,
losses, damages, and costs, including but not limited to attorney's fees, arising out of or
in any way connected with the modification, misinterpretation, misuse, or reuse by others
of the machine readable information and data provided by the Engineer under this
Agreement. The foregoing indemnification applies, without limitation, to any use of the
Project Documentation on other projects, for additions to this Project, or for completion of
this Project by others, excepting only such use as may be authorized, in writing, by the
7. Reuse of Documents: All Project Documents including but not limited to reports,
opinions of probable costs, drawings and specifications fumished by Engineer pursuant
to this Agreement are intended for use on the Project only. They cannot be used by
Client or others on extensions of the Project or any other project. Any reuse, without
specific written verification or adaptation by Engineer, shall be at Client's sole risk, and
Client shall indemnify and hold harmless Engineerfrom all claims, damages, losses, and
expenses including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting therefrom.
The Engineer shall have the right to include representations of the design of the Project,
including photographs of the exterior and interior, among the Engineer's promotional and
professional materials. The Engineer's materials shall not include the Client's confidential
and proprietary information if the Client has previously advised the Engineer in writing of
the specific information considered by the Client to be confidential and proprietary.
8. Standard of Practice: The Engineer will strive to conduct services under this agreement
in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of
the profession currently practicing in the same locality under similar conditions as of the
date of this Agreement.
9. Compliance With Laws: The Engineer will strive to exercise usual and customary
professional care in his/her efforts to comply with those laws, codes, ordinance and
regulations which are in effect as of the date of this Agreement.
With specific respect to prescribed requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990 or certified state or local accessibility regulations (ADA), Client understands ADA is
a civil rights legislation and that interpretation of ADA is a legal issue and not adesign
issue and, accordingly, retention of legal counsel (by Client) for purposes of
interpretation is advisable. As such and with respect to ADA, Client agrees to waive any
action against Engineer, and to indemnify and defend Engineer against any claim arising
from Engineer's alleged failure to meet ADA requirements prescribed.
Further to the law and code compliance, the Client understands that the Engineer will
strive to provide designs in accordance with the prevailing Standards of Practice as
previously set forth, but that the Engineer does not warrant that any reviewing agency
having jurisdiction will not for its own purposes comment, request changes and /or
additions to such designs. In the eventsuch design requests are made by a reviewing
agency, but which do not exist in the form of a written regulation, ordinance or other
similar document as published by the reviewing agency, then such design changes (at
substantial variance from the intended design developed by the Engineer), if effected
and incorporated into the project documents by the Engineer, shall be considered as
Supplementary Task(s) to the Engineer's Scope of Service and compensated for
10. Indemnification: Engineer shall indemnify and hold harmless Client up to the amount of
this contract fee (for services) from loss or expense, including reasonable attorneys fees
for claims for personal injury (including death) or property damage to the extent caused
by the sole negligent act, error or omission of Engineer.
Client shall indemnify and hold harmless Engineer under this Agreement, from loss or
expense, including reasonable attorneysfees, for claims for personal injuries (including
death) or property damage arising out of the sole negligent act, error omission of Client.
In the event ofjoint or concurrent negligence of Engineer and Client, each shall bear that
portion of the loss or expense that its share of the joint or concurrent negligence bears to
the total negligence (including that of third parties), which caused the personal injury or
property damage.
Engineer shall not be liable for special, incidental or consequential damages, including,
but not limited to loss of profits, revenue, use of capital, claims of customers, cost of
purchased or replacement power, or for any other loss of any nature, whether based on
contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, by reasons of the services rendered
under this Agreement.
11. Opinions of Probable Cost: Since Engineer has no control over the cost of labor,
materials or equipment, or over the Contractor(s) method of determining process, or over
competitive bidding or market conditions, his/her opinions of probable Project
Construction Cost provided for herein are to be made on the basis of his /her experience
and qualifications and represent his /her judgement as a design professional familiar with
the construction industry, but Engineer cannot and does not guarantee that proposal,
bids or the Construction Cost will not vary from opinions of probable construction cost
prepared by him/her. If prior to the Bidding or Negotiating Phase, Client wishes greater
accuracy as to the Construction Cost, the Client shall employ an independent cost
estimator Consultant for the purpose of obtaining a second construction cost opinion
independent from Engineer.
12, Governing Law & Dispute Resolutions: This Agreement shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with Articles previously set forth by (Item 9 of) this Agreement,
together with the laws of the State of Illinois.
Any claim, dispute or other matter in question arising out of or related to this Agreement,
which can not be mutually resolved by the parties of this Agreement, shall be subject to
mediation as a condition precedent to arbitration (if arbitration is agreed upon by the
parties of this Agreement) or the institution of legal or equitable proceedings by either
party: If such matter relates to or is the subject of a lien arising out of the Engineer's
services, the Engineer may proceed in accordance with applicable law to complywith the
lien notice or filing deadlines prior to resolution of the matter by mediation or by
The Client and Engineershall endeavorto resolve claims, disputes and other matters in
question between them by mediation which, unless the parties mutually agree otherwise,
shall be in accordance with the Construction Industry Mediation Rules of the American
Arbitration Association currently in effect. Requests for mediation shall be filed in writing
with the other party to this Agreement and with the American Arbitration Association. The
request may be made concurrently with the filing of a demand for arbitration but, in such
event, mediation shall proceed in advance of arbitration or legal or equitable
proceedings, which shall be stayed pending mediation for a period of 60 days from the
date of filing, unless stayed for a longer period by agreement of the parties or court
The parties shall share the mediator's fee and any filing fees equally. The mediation shall
be held.. in the place where the Project is located, unless another location is mutually
agreed upon. Agreements reached in mediation shall be enforceable as settlement
agreements in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
13. Successors and Assigns: The terms of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure
to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns: provided,
however, that neither parry shall assign this Agreement in whole or in part without the
prior written approval of the other.
14. Waiver of Contract Breach: The waiver of one party of any breach of this Agreement or
the failure of one party to enforce at any time, or for any period of time, any of the
provisions hereof, shall be limited to the particular instance, shall not operate or be
deemed to waive any future breaches of this Agreement and shall not be construed to be
a waiver of any provision, except for the particular instance.
15. Entire Understanding of Agreement: This Agreement represents and incorporates the
entire understanding of the parties hereto, and each party acknowledges that there are
no warranties, representations, covenants or understandings of any kind, matter or
description whatsoever, made by either party to the other except as expressly set forth
herein. Client and the Engineer hereby agree that any purchase orders, invoices,
confirmations, acknowledgments or other similar documents executed or delivered with
respect to the subject matter hereof that conflict with the terms of the Agreement shall be
null, void and without effect to the extent they conflict with the terms of this Agreement.
16. Amendment: This Agreement shall not be subject to amendment unless another
instrument is duly executed by duly authorized representatives of each of the parties and
entitled "Amendment of Agreement ".
17. Severability of Invalid Provisions: If any provision of the Agreement shall be held to
contravene or to be invalid under the lawsof any particular state, county or jurisdiction
where used, such contravention shall not invalidate the entire Agreement, but it shall be
construed as if not containing the particular provisions held to be invalid in the particular
state, country or jurisdiction and the rights or obligations of the parties hereto shall be
construed and enforced accordingly.
18. Force Maieure: Neither Client nor Engineer shall be liable for any fault or delay caused
by any contingency beyond their control including but not limited to acts of God, wars,
strikes, walkouts, fires, natural calamities, ordemands or requirements of governmental
19. Subcontracts: Engineer may subcontract portions of the work, but each subcontractor
must be approved by Client in writing.
20. Access and Permits: Client shall arrange for Engineer to enter upon public and private
property and obtain all necessary approvals and permits required from all governmental
authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. Client shall pay costs (including
Engineer's employee salaries, overhead and fee) incident to any effort by Engineer
toward assisting Client in such access, permits or approvals, if Engineer perform such
21. Designation of Authorized Representative: Each party (to this Agreement) shall
designate one or more persons to act with authority in its behalf in respect to appropriate
aspects of the Project. The persons designated-shall-review and =respond promptlyto all
communications received from the other party.
22. Notices: Any notice or designation required to be given to either party hereto shall be in
writing, and unless receipt of such notice is expressly required by the terms hereof shall
be deemed to be effectively served when deposited in the mail with sufficient first class
postage affixed, and addressed to the party to whom such notice is directed at such
party's place of business or such other address as either party shall hereafter furnish to
the other party by written notice as herein provided.
23. Limit of Liability: The Client and the Engineer have discussed the risks, rewards, and
benefits of the project and the Engineer's total fee for services. In recognition of the
relative risks and benefits of the Project to both the Client and the Engineer, the risks
have been allocated such that the Client agrees that to the fullest extent permitted by
law, the Engineer's total aggregate liability to the Client for any and all injuries, claims,
costs, losses, expenses, damages of any nature whatsoever or claim expenses arising
out of this Agreement from any cause or causes, including attorney's fees and costs, and
expert witness fees and costs, shall notexceed the total Engineer's fee for professional
engineering services rendered on this project as made part of this Agreement. Such
causes included but are not limited to the Engineer's negligence, errors, omissions, strict
liability or breach of contract. It is intended that this limitation apply to any and all liability
or cause of action however alleged or arising, unless otherwise prohibited by law.
24. Client's Responsibilities: The Client agrees to provide full information regarding
requirements for and about the Project, including a program which shall set forth the
Client's objectives, schedule, constraints, criteria, special equipment, systems and site
The Client agrees to furnish and pay for all legal, accounting and insurance counseling
services as may be necessary at any time for the Project, including auditing services
which the Client may require to verify the Contractor's Application for Payment or to
ascertain how or for what purpose the Contractor has used the money paid by or on
behalf of the Client.
The Client agrees to require the Contractor, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to
indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the Engineer, its consultants, and the employees
and agents of any of them from and against any and all claims, suits, demands, liabilities,
losses, damages, and costs ( "Losses "), including but not limited to costs of defense,
arising in whole or in part out of the negligence of the Contractor, its subcontractors, the
officers, employees, agents, and subcontractors of any of them, or anyone for whose
acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not such Losses are caused in
part by a party indemnified hereunder. Specifically excluded from the foregoing are
Losses arising out of the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports,
surveys, change orders, designs, or specifications, and the giving of or failure to give
directions by the Engineer, its consultants, and the agents and employees of any of
them, provided such giving or failure to give is the primary cause of Loss. The Client also
agrees to require the Contractor to provide to the Engineer the required certificate of
The Client further agrees to require the Contractor to name the Engineer, its agents and
consultants as additional insureds on the Contractor's policy or policies of
comprehensive or commercial general liability insurance. Such insurance shall include
products and completed operations and contractual liability coverages, shall be primary
and noncontributing with any insurance maintained by the Engineer or its-agents and
consultants, and shall provide that the Engineer be given thirty days, unqualified written
notice prior to any cancellation thereof.
In the event the foregoing requirements, or any of them, are not established by the Client
and met by the Contractor, the Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the
Engineer, its employees, agents, and consultants from and against any and all Losses
which would have been indemnified and insured against by the Contractor, but were not.
When Contract Documents prepared under the Scope of Services of this contract
require insurance(s) to be provided, obtained and /or otherwise maintained by the
Contractor, the Client agrees to be wholly responsible for setting forth any and all such
insurance requirements. Furthermore, any document provided for Client review by the
Engineer under this Contract related to such insurance(s) shall be considered as sample
insurance requirements and not the recommendation of the Engineer. Client agrees to
have their own risk management department review any and all insurance requirements
for adequacy and to determine specific types of insurance(s) required for the project.
Client further agrees that decisions concerning types and amounts of insurance are
specific to the project and shall be the product of the Client. As such, any and all
insurance requirements made part of Contract Documents prepared by the Engineer are
not to be considered the Engineer's recommendation, and the Client shall make the final
decision regarding insurance requirements.
25. Information Provided by Others: The Engineer shall indicate to the Client the information
needed for rendering of the services of this Agreement. The Client shall provide to the
Engineer such information as is available to the Client and the Client's consultants and
contractors, and the Engineer shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and
completeness thereof. The Client recognizes that it is impossible for the Engineer to
assure the accuracy, completeness and sufficiency of such information, either because it
is impossible to verify, or because of errors or omissions which may have occurred in
assembling the information the Client is providing. Accordingly, the Client agrees, to the
fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold the Engineer and the Engineer's
subconsultants harmless from any claim, liabilityor cost (including reasonable attorneys'
fees and cost of defense) for injury or loss arising or allegedly arising from errors,
omissions or inaccuracies in documents or other information provided by the Client to the
26. Payment. Client shall be invoiced once each month for work performed during the
preceding period. Client agrees to pay each invoice within thirty (30) days of its receipt.
The client further agrees to pay interest on all amounts invoiced and not paid or objected
to for valid cause within said thirty (30) day period at the rate of eighteen (18) percent per
annum (or the maximum interest rate permitted under applicable law, whichever is the- -
lesser) until paid. Client further agrees to pay Engineer's cost of collection of all amounts
due and unpaid after sixty (60) days, including. court costs and reasonable -attorney's
fees, as well as costs attributed to suspension of services accordingly and as follows:
Collection Costs. In the event legal action is necessary to enforce the payment
provisions of this Agreement, the Engineer shall be entitled to collect from the
Client anyjudgement or settlement sums due, reasonable attorneys' fees, court
costs and expenses incurred by the Engineer in connection therewith and, in
addition, the reasonable value of the Engineer's time and expenses spent in
connection with such collection action, computed at the Engineer's prevailing fee
schedule and expense policies.
Suspension of Services. If the Client fails to make payments when due or
otherwise is in breach of this Agreement, the Engineer may suspend
performance of services upon five (5) calendar days' notice to the Client. The
Engineer shall have no liability whatsoeverto the Client for any costs or damages
as a result of such suspension caused by any breach of this Agreement by the
Client. Client will reimburse Engineer for all associated costs as previously set
forth in (Item 4 of) this Agreement.
27. When construction observation tasks are part of the service to be performed by the
Engineer under this Agreement, the Client will include the following clause in the
construction contract documents and Client agrees not to modify or delete it:
Kotecki Waiver. Contractor (and any subcontractor into whose subcontract this
clause is incorporated) agrees to assume the entire liability for all personal injury
claims suffered by its own employees, including without limitation claims under
the Illinois Structural Work Act, asserted by persons allegedly injured on the
Project; waives any limitation of liability defense based upon the Worker's
Compensation Act, court interpretations of said Act or otherwise; and to the
fullest extent permitted by law, agrees to indemnify and hold harmless and
defend Owner and Engineer and their agents, employees and consultants (the
"Indemnitees ") from and against all such loss, expense, damage or injury,
including reasonable attorneys' fees, that the Indemnitees may sustain as a result
of such claims, except to the extent that Illinois law prohibits indemnity for the
Indemnitees' own negligence. The Owner and Engineer are designated and
recognized as explicit third party beneficiaries of the Kotecki Waiver within the
general contract and all subcontracts entered into in furtherance of thegeneral
28. Job Site Safety /Supervision & Construction Observation: The Engineer shall neither
have control over or charge of, nor be responsible for, the construction means, methods,
techniques, sequences of procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in
connection with the Work . since they are solely the Contractor's rights and
responsibilities. The Client agrees that the Contractor shall supervise and direct the work
efficiently with his /her best skill and attention; and that the Contractor shall be solely
responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of
construction and safety at the job site. The Client agrees and warrants that this intent
shall be carried out in the Client's contract with the Contractor. The Client further agrees
that the Contractor shall be responsible for initiating; maintaining. and supervising all
safety precautions and programs in connection with the work; and that the Contractor
shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary
protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to all employees on the subject site and all
other persons who maybe affected thereby. The Engineer shall have no authority to stop
the work of the Contractor or the work of any subcontractor on the project.
When construction observation services are included in the Scope of Services, the
Engineer shall visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of the Contractor's
operation, or as otherwise agreed to by the Client and the Engineer to: 1) become
generally familiarwith and to keep the Client informed about the progress and quality of
the Work; 2) to strive to bring to the Client's attention defects and deficiencies in the
Work and; 3) to determine in general if the Work is being performed in a manner
indicating that the Work, when fully completed, will bein accordance with the Contract
Documents. However, the Engineer shall not be required to make exhaustive or
continuous on -site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. If the Client
desires more extensive project observation, the Client shall request that such services
be provided by the Engineer as Additional and Supplemental Construction Observation
Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
The Engineer shall not be responsible for any acts or omissions of the Contractor,
subcontractor, any entity performing any portions of the Work, or any agents or
employees of any of them. The Engineer does not guarantee the performance of the
Contractor and shall not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to perform its Work in
accordance with the Contract Documents or any applicable laws, codes, rules or
When municipal review services are included in the Scope of Services, the Engineer
(acting on behalf of the municipality), when acting in good faith in the discharge of its
duties, shall not thereby render itself liable personally and is, to the maximum extent
permitted by law, relieved from all liability for any damage that may accrue to persons or
property by reason of any act or omission in the discharge of its duties. Any suit brought
against the Engineer which involve the acts or omissions performed by it in the
enforcement of any provisions of the Client's rules, regulation and /or ordinance shall be
defended by the Client until final termination of the proceedings. The Engineer shall be
entitled to all defenses and municipal immunities that are, or would be, available to the
29. Insurance and Indemnification: The Engineer and the Client understand and agree that
the Client will contractually require the Contractor to defend and indemnify the Engineer
and /or any subconsultants from any claims arising from the Work. The Engineer and the
Client further understand and agree that the Client will contractually require the
Contractor to procure commercial general liability insurance naming the Engineer as an
additional named insured with respect to the work. The Contractor shall provide to the
Client certificates of insurance evidencing that the contractually required insurance
coverage has been procured. However, the Contractor's failure to provide the Client with
the requisite certificates of insurance shall not constitute a waiver of this provision by the
The Client and Engineer waive all rights against each other and against the Contractor
and consultants, agents and employees of each of them for damages to the extent
covered by property insurance during construction. The Client and Engineer each shall
require similar waivers from the Contractor, consultants, agents and persons or entities
awarded separate contracts administered under the Client's own forces.
30. Hazardous Materials/Pollutants: Unless otherwise provided by this Agreement, the
Engineer and Engineer's consultants shall have no responsibility for the discovery,
presence, handling, removal or disposal of or exposure of persons to hazardous
materials /pollutants in any form a{ the Project site, including but not limited to
mold /mildew, asbestos, asbestos products, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) or other
toxic /hazardous /pollutant type substances.
Furthermore, Client understands that the presence of mold /mildew and the like are
results of prolonged or repeated exposure to moisture and the lack of corrective action.
Client also understands that corrective action is a operation, maintenance and repair
activity for which the Engineer is not responsible.
June 13, 2005
PiProposals \Terms and Conftons\GT &C 2005.061305.doc