R-38 - 04/13/1965 - APPRECIATION - Resolutionsd Apppp���iA�►oA! AMTON pas Q O rc'N R E S A L U,3 I O N WOUX gs AWM DWCDMI, in big Captdty ae a duly mlo¢ted.aad_aatieg Juetiss of taw pease and later in his - ospecits se <# -*OxI strate at <tha Circuit covet of Dan* Camtys lllinsiss.hss. #aa'mna' year# lest past *peat MW Iona hours serving as the left, jW$a for the Village of Oakbrook; a" VIOW"s by hie mitiriag effects in slab Capacity he bas seaeQefed oueataudiug servile to the Vlllago of Oekbreek Ana the citljAma* tkeref Z and W30*0. by operation of tees resent 801080aaut of the dudl.Cial Article of the 11-11MLS Cosetitutions he will ne &"$ar be able I* itertle the,Vil,tge is suCh stpaetty; sad it . the lose of hip easvieee'te.tbn Citing" of ehls area reeegnisad by "a prosideit'ad Sea" of Yrwtees Mara sevW*.`,daeL dintiget ceignmity lean; sad WNUM"i it to the apfnion of the- president and Son" of Trustees of.tks`Viilage of Oakbrook that sus; untiring service *hou,d aqR ;' for is"; Mm' =ROM,, S1t IT BpSOE,VIZD by the president and the Saard of Trustees of the Village of Oakbrook: Heat oa bebalf of tbo rmarnment of the Village of oomwook and them citing" theroof the corporate autbrrttles'of the Village of Oakbrook do ,by these resolutions oaprees the %%gI*$ of'tbo entire eomwanity to tM said ARM DQSCW= ent hit eutnt6m4,4 ssrviaos to V" oesAeeity. 220410 Z Shit this resebmies shall become sffeetive imsrdiatoty W"A' its, itapRisn, :bat a eersifled sop► beeoef be tem"Lttad by the VLlla$o Clank of the Villa&* of oakbroek to the said AUM 1 -:i "pg •.q,w•ie' rr u,...:•„.. : "'r: i r t �7 9: } w cif, A*WiAy! . Naas. y r A � �♦� `...fy_ f�� .V r e 4 i. € fl � #ti ( 3 ' i rA 50. . �, f y tV ` e , a n �, % r •�� t 4 t 5 r # ! r M, s- ��' IV M 52 1 t• ( a d � gyp`. z• t , , 'If •A �`a y l iyy !! t'�R7