R-11 - 04/21/1961 - STREETS - Resolutions• STOtem
RTE 93
wmm=, the dent Share NO Idne OmpRT, a Delaware oarDm'atlm with
a local etfioe at =3 Mat Avemues Post Office San 149; Des Plaiaeh, Mimla,
ban sub o tted a pstitism is writing reWatiag the right and privilege to
ocambroot, melm"Us opsrato ead remove pipes &nd plpeliae for the troaspmta-
tim of petralmom pedamts along, :.aces and onderseath the mwfaoo of the
pablle highrq known ms nLino ■ 83 within sold Vlllap of Qaldtrooks County at
voyage, State of Dllrale.
MM, IMMMO Be It Resolved by the Prealdsst and tho Board of Irvrtess
at tba VjUago at Oakbrook; Doftp County, nlinoia, that add mitlamer,
Womb 8bore Pipe Lim Ca Wp a Dalaware omporotian; its anaoeasore, gmatoes
and asolgesp be mad it is bereby granted the right amd privilege at OW tim
to ounatrnet, nalmt&in, operate mad rwav atosg, &mess and m4o;aeeth the
martaee of the pol"a hU*W kwm as nlinois 83 witbin said Village of
OsMaq s emb A" and pipellas as mp be meeemmasy to wiry sad tranapmt
patroloas pr+adaeta for the gyres and pneposw of the PMtitlaamr, its socmme s,
gra *"o sod asdgam, at the 1"Alm as ;bean are Mididbit NAe attaobed as a
part berates npom the follm im tom mad ooadiiiessr
1. PM4itloaers its aaeee m"s grantems and as&igess In psa?ornlsg
the work dIDU beep the hlgteraye open to tw -wa tratfio at sal
tlawr, mad as aeon as prostdaal after Isylag and ssmatreetisg
sold pipollL,e PWOU rembera the kkbwwo to a sommsm stmar
or ognl to tbet exiAl g bedMse the amieanoosnA of the deaoribed
work, 0wb3004 to the foal appraeol of tke Doper"" of Pdale
foots and Boildimge, Divimiam of IUglam O. of tlr Rate at lllimodr.
2. Pstitlmmsrs its rm4oeesmors; Pemba" sad asodgmas abou esmdrac48,
MOAAim and opeorto add pdpa3l" as as mot to boll" vab
tho sstaral draimbp of tke bighacysSod es as nab to lAwfore
Nab Rho semaI maim or mot6ammee of am kdglmmvsl sad smld
pdpwm don be laid as gab 440b bameatb Us ON 00 me as so
to useri re wab psbiie 41ns4.
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3. iMtitl mw obeli senora oat ebtais all ns"sssry pawdts sad
approveis free the sppropriste amtratllat
p, ratitle"r, be saweassorse graRZass sod wdWs SMU pop &W dmmw "
to the om s of propertr abattift as sol,d Vdalc WW wMeh slob
ouswre ep mmetaln b7 ressso of the owsbruatlen of said "iodine.
5. 1Mtitiooar, its moesmocres grant "e and awdsm, shall &OVms
all risb end liabilities for alt aooidsmts and dories rsowltimg
ft.= its negligmw that ap &slow to parses or prapertr m
asmil of the oorwtraatisti aaintaialut and aperstiat Bald
pipeline, sad br the aeoeosme baroote across to indemnify
and save bowie" the village of Qskbroak from ow and all
ldabititiso, dump$, or immWAs, indlwdiut attomners• fees
and omit seat* is oaemaotian with the aforessid.
6. amid pdpalise shah be hosted and sonstruatsd to the satisfaction
of the Hoard of hwtow of said VIlloo and abodd 000stmAien and
sporatiss at said pablio we regaire mp roosesmblo alteratim or
ebsgfo of location of the pipallse, such alteratim or shams of
losstlaa AM be sods by Mitimer, its smsssssorap grantees
Bad mssigsn, at its eaposse to ano l or laaotim in the isndisto
vioinit,y of the original. looatioo to be provided bT the Hoard of
hostess of the village of Oakbrook Von writtsn repomb f*m the
said Hood of Trustees.
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daps avtfaa VID&V QU* ad the livap of 0410040
a M-lo pal a o$aoo4son* ad tla fe vw at Ow s.nmwda ad am% *.bwnt.
14o tarr W taet>tar nastily tlra attavtvd ba"o, =4 ado a past "I
is a tsao, OM4 40 am a- - .6 ow at a aMtain fMaoldfm paw" ad
M*" W 11640 psoofd" ad Hoard at ZVO.aaa at Oal6n* at a owtiaa 4ft
L and awwead w the �1 dq at �,.� �,,_ ^,, .
assaft to woo f wo pips um OWSW, a ftO,am" ft"MAIM walk a Ieoal
anima looatod at u" nrat dwums %* ammo an 749s Don "was, nuiM4a,
a ww" ria O od vivn"m ooar ad aasoaa 000tafa Ad~ at MU 1111ap,
tlr "lafal at W"oY nsoolotion u an tllo in w attiao ad is in idll tasty
and shoate
v iaf' , I �w, I boo tasn" oat q And ad Ww ottiofal oval of
tb /iaw of a %** two / dW at �..,..e lU .
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