R-254 - 05/08/1979 - APPRECIATION - Resolutions21M
RR - -254
mmwm, Ewm x. amss has faithfully served the Village of Oak
Brook in his capacity as a member of the Board of Fire and Police Omnassionem
from May, 1957 to Dwembw. 1973, and Trustee fras My, 1975; and
logo=, collectively, Z= K. GLAVAS bas dedicated twelve years
to, for, and on Wall of the ViIINP and its residents; and
WMRW, by his wtirirg efft-ts in goch capacity he has rendered
outstanding Service to the VUIW of Oak Brook and on citizens thereof. and
NN In IT R&qMM by the preawnt and Board of
Trostess of the Village of Oak brack that tim said MM K. GUVM be md be
bwft in commanded for his f4t"A gargice to the Village of 0* IR and
the citLmmo tbawt.
M IT MaM HMEM tbat the Piesidgmt and the Board Of TnWt8em
of the Village of Oak Brock, for and an bobs) of -mid Village and Its citimms,
do bwft extend their tbaaks and gratitude. to the OU X= K. (RAVES fow his
services as
ffi lx X WSOLM that a mpg of thwe rembdions be dollve md
to the smid MM It. MAVIS bF the Cleft of the MUV of Oak Brook and that
these reeoluticas be agreed qpm the recorda of said VIIIW.
PASM) and AM93M by the President and Board of Trustmew of On
Village of Oak Book, D~ and Owk Cmrtim,' InImis this fth &Y Of OW,