R-224 - 05/10/1977 - APPRECIATION - ResolutionsFaAaaptk,
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l &8OLD
18. VaUM L_ 3MMT has faitbfbllX angered the Village
of Oak 834x* is hia cwmwitV as o sa*er of the Libaotq O000tsaioa of the
V111"M of (d* 8tedc IrM IM to date; asd
. M. S=mr, *am* kis dillpmt oftor" to baaalf of the
Village of Oak Btor$ be boa axatrox4ed to thM paoptaes and bettassmmt of
atld Villapa and its tesidaxs; nod
tae Vsestdmt aad ftwd of Tpaboo ate of the cpj"m
tbot a r ccfd of suah eorrico Mould be to do gad aparod tpae the 3eaads
of sold MUM;
of the V1ilAV of Oak B oak that W old JO. tIIIIiMM L. SHAD! bs sad be
beteby to aatomded it' his aaewUo to the Village of Oak faoxt gad to the
citiaoaa thete4f.
= VT i[Ni M RMOMM *At tbo Draaidwt aai Dowd of Trum as of
Om MUM of Oak flax*. *W Mad m batmlt of sold Vilbape and its altiaasa,
do booby exbmd tbodr tbmkn and rmtitu0e to tba sold V@. BMflpl' far his
M 1T FWM f1fM,= that a OW of them mwlutkos be delivered
to the =Ad VB. VDiUM L. am= h7 the t7ast of the Village of Oa* 8aoxk
end tbat these aesolutixos be spread qam the re mm, tm of said Vill pa.
PMW AND NFOO Ht1 by tae Reatdta t oad Board of Tnntem at the
Village of Chic &a*, Cook and D fto Omwtim. Illi®is, this 10th dsy of
Aby, 1977.