R-226 - 06/28/1977 - AGREEMENT-DUPAGE CO. CRIMINAL - Resolutionsthe part *os to this agreement are goveremnetal
Malts of the state of Tiltoeis is AoPSgs Cousty, Illinois;
WXMU". Article T, geotioe 10 of the Coastitattos of
Illinois state* that •soffits of local govermo nt cad school districth
MY contract or otbordss associate m eng themselves, with the
state. With other states a" flair units of legal toy resent to
school diatrsots cad With the Wetted 9istes to obtsis or share
seaviees sod to emoreiso. 0=01". or tromoter any powor or function
!n OUT tmtamcr net proh.bftsd by Ise or ordinance. Waite of load
9"Ornmsst sod wheal districts may esstrmst sod otherwise aeso-
ciato with tadi"Aduals. asesooiatiesr, and earpe"tions is any
maDser Dot Probibitsd by law oe ordleanoo. participating wits
of govorm"t May a" their credit. sevwotaes, and ether rseaurees
to pay Cost and berries debt related to latesYOVSr®bantal activ-
AND 1, the County of AaOegs qd the cities and
village& in Dnpage County are each isdopeadmtly oligible to ester
Into such ,joint and 000perstivr agreement; and.
WMER8AS. the Crime Control At of 1978 an4 acts omsads-
tory thereto. provide for the establiahaest of rriodnal juetiee
Planning capabilities in major urban areas to assure improved
planning and coordination of crinieal justice activities Within
those jurisdictions; -
VHEREA.S, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency prevention
Act of 1974 (P.L. 93 -415) provides tar the act of oonsultatics With
and participation of local goverments in the development of the
State Juvenile Justice plan; and,
Mc. pursuant to the * IR .-Q(. crime 1 Act of I�97d As
Part R, section 31 (C) of the Juvenile Justice and Deliseme"Y
Prevention Act of 1974 snob urban areas shall be eligible to receive
financial asslatsace for tte purpose of planning and coordinating
law eaforeemeat asd criminal justice activities and participating
to the development of a state ivaK.atle Justice Plan; and,
MRBB$A8. it Is the volley of the parties bereto, that
the Interest of effective criminal justice system planning and soor-
divation as a county -wide basis would best be served by the creation
of a local advisory body coneiatios of reprosestatives of the part-too
bereto to serve as the **"sty-adds advisory boo to osordlnats
activlttow wblob wily iapay"s and atroostbom low enforcement and
criminal jnsties, encourage veoeerob and deeelapreust directed to-
ward the improvement of low enforcement and criminal joatioe, and
to asolot in do sloping now motbade for the prevention and "ducts"
of crime and juvenile delisgmemey and the datostlaa, apprebousicm
and rehabilitation of crimloals as amtbcrised by tbo Crime Control
Act of 19" and Delinquency Act of 1974;
NOW, SRS, US IT 9E81"W. that the Davage County
Criminal Justice Coordinating Connell be aatablisbad and lspoawred
to operate on Whaif of cue yiiiaav ae oak eceok to
consideration of the mutual covenants snd agreements hereinafter
met forth and pursuant to the provisions of the Crime Cfpatrol Act
of 1978 and the Juvenile Justice and Dellagwzey Prevention Act of
1974. Illinois Revised 8tatu", and all other statutes and ordinances;
BE `T !'UMMER PE806v8D that the yinaae ..
of oak nrm* hereby valves its right to Part
9 planning funds made available to D.Pagw County by virtue of its
status as a "Major county" as defined in regul�tiong issued br LV&A.
BE IT F4RTHEP RESOEAID, that this agreement shall become
operative when approved by the County Board of Dupes County and
the city and village governments within Dupes* County, provided
that the population of cities and villages approving this agreement
rspreasnta has 51 percent of the cation of all the
cities and villages in Depage C~%l based an the latest official
United States eessus (iscludieg special cosass)6 as of Juae 1. 1871.
IT 13 FUWMU iG-R= that the attached Charter of the
D%page County Crinfaal isetiu Coordi:ating Cwwil be sad the sane
bore" is incorporated by refereSCO u It the saw rest sot forth
herein in its entirety.
806 IT YORTR= tffS VW that the
vu Elea, VUZAP6 dt ag MOM
(corporate 2001)