R-243 - 07/11/1978 - APPRECIATION - ResolutionsRESOLUTION MMM, RICHARD A. RARTCN has served the Village of Oak Brook successively as a member of the Board of Trustees from 1985 to 1989, meaber of the Oak Brook Plan Commission from 1971 to 1973, and as CLairinan of the Oak Brook Plan Oamdesion since 1973; and 1dMM, collectively, RICHARD A. PAMM has dedicated eleven years to, for, and on behalf of the Village and its residents; and SAS, during his many years of leadarshiP, direction and service to the Village of Oat Brook, RICBAM A. BAM01 has given rmeelfishly of his time, effort and expertise, actively participating in the progress and well- being of said Village and its citizens; and NOW, TSB, BE IT RE9MM by the President and Board of Trustees Of the Village of Oat Brook that tbey do hereby expmM their sincerest thanks, grmtitude and admiration to RIBA A. BANWK for his imigbt and concern for the quality of life for the residents of the Village of Oak Brook. - ME IT PUgDffit RHXj= 'dmt a copy of th9m,reaolutions be delivered to the said RICHARD A. BAIM14 by 'Chs Clerk of the Village of Oat Brook and that these resolutions be spread upon the records of said Village.: PA.SSM) and APPROM by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook, Oook and DuPage Counties. Illinois, this 11th day of July, Im. ATIEST: �' - ,: ry I r. A '?