R-843 - 04/22/2003 - TAX - Resolutions Exhibits_ ,WWII:
.Parcel That part of lot 5 in Sports C,-(,re /Westchester Park Subdivision, being a
subdivision In the East half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 39
North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in DuPage County
recorded on November 6, 2002 as Document Number R2002- 302921, described
as follows.
Parcel 1
Beginning at the northwest corns ;r cif said lot 5, then proceeding NSJ °- 58' -16 "E
along the north line of said lot 5 a distance of 140.19 feet to the northeast comer
ofl said lot 5, then S000- 03' -04 "W along the east line of said lot 5 a distance of
2d 00 feet more or les% to the north line extended of lot 1 of Becker's
Resubdivision, hFing a sutulivision in the East half of the Southwest Quarter of
Sectiuri 25, Township 39 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in
DuPage County recorded orl Octuber 9, 1997 as Document Number R97-
154108, then S89a- 58' -16 -W alorirl the north line or said lot 1 of Becker's
Resubdivision a distance of 140.20 leet more or less to a point on the west line of
said lot 5 (said point being the northwest corner of said lot 1 of Becker's
Resubdivision), then N000- 04'41 "E along the west line of said lot 5 a distance of
20 00 feet more or less to the point of beginning; and
Parcel 2.
Commencing at the. northwubt cornei of said Jot 5, then proceeding N89 °- 58' -IQ "E
along the north line of said Int 5 a cil-Aance of 140.19 ft-at iv the northeast comer
of said lot 5, then S000- 03'•04 "W along the east line nf said lot 5 a distance of
20:00 feet more or less to a point on the north line extended of said lot 1 of
Becker's Resubdivision, said point I ?eing the Point of Beginning, then continuing
S00°- 03' -04 "W along the east line rlt said lot 5 a dist -ance of 75.04 feet more or
less to the south line extended of lot 1 of Becker's Resubdivision, then N69 °-
56'-50"W along the south lirie extended of said lot 1 of Becker's Resubdivision a
distance of 10 00 feet More or lest, to the southeast corner of said lot 1, then
N00- 03' -04 "E along the east line of said lot 1 a distance of 75.04 to the northeast
corner of said lot 1, then N89 ° -58'- I G "E along the north line extended of said Jot 1
a distance of 10.00 more or lass to fhc- Point of Beginning; and
Parcel 3:
Commencing at the northwest cornei of said lot 5, then proceeding N89 °- 58' -16 "E
along the north line of said lot 5 a distance of 140 19 fE:Ft to the northeast comer
of said lot 5, then S00 -03 -04 W alnng the east line of said lot 5 a distance of
95.04 foet more or less to a pc�mt uil the south Bile Ghtended of so'd lot 1 of
Becker's Resubdivision, s:iid point being t l d st�Rc'P eiiofl35. 9 feet more o
S00 °- 03' -04 "W along the east line of said lot 5 a
less to the south Ilne of salt! lot 5, then N89 ° -57' -03 "W olnng the south line of said
lot 5 a distance of 140.26 fe'l't to the, , outhwest corner of saidt more or less OOtoOthe
4�1 "E along the west line flsaid lot ;E�e distance s Re�ubdiusion, then S89 °- 56' -50 "E
southwest comer of said
along the south line of Said lot 1 �i distance of 140.00 feet more or less to the
Point of Beginning.
Permanent Parcel (Part) No, 06 -25 302 -044
Parcel B Lot 5 in Sports Core/ Westchester e5t
chester Park Subdivision, being a resubdivision in the East half of the
Southwest aster of Section 25, Township 39 North, .Range 11, East of the Third Principal Mebdlan,
cording to the Plat thereof recorded on November 6, 2002 a.s'Document Number 82002- 302921, in DuPage
County, Illinois