R-869 - 01/27/2004 - PERSONNEL - Resolutions Supporting DocumentsVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Village Board Transmittal Memorandum MEETING DATE: January 27, 2004 SUBJECT: Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency FROM: Kenneth T. Kubiesa, Village Attorney RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to approve the Resolution 2004- IRMA -R- , appointing a new representative to the Board of Directors of the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency. The attached Resolution appoints Jeffrey P. Moline, Assistant Village Manager, as representative of the Village of Oak Brook to the Board of Directors of the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA). Darrell Langlois, Finance Director, will continue to serve as the Village's alternate representative to IRMA. WORDDOC /BOARD MEMOS/IRMA r f 3 A. Trustee Caleel again reiterated that a multi -year lease should be presented to our residents in a referendum. President Quinlan indicated that it is a forty year lease and that the Village will ask for input from the residents. Trustee Miologos suggested developing a focus group for this project and develop questions for residents response of this proposal. President Quinlan recommended that the Village Board develop a list of questions for Mr. Matthews' response of the proposal with a two week deadline This information would then be given to our residents for their response. Trustee Caleel suggested that this proposal be done with revenue bonds after the hopeful resident approval of the sales tax referendum at the March, Primary Trustee Craig noted that the homeowner presidents have been invited to a, meeting in which this topic will be discussed. ` Resident Nancy Hayden asked for the rational of this proposal. She indicated that it would achieve traffic congestion and not a cultural center and asked that the Village do their diligence on studying this proposal. Resident Peter Huizenga asked that the Board spend time on this proposal as resident support is needed. He suggested considering a homeowner' presidents meeting for the near future and this would be a topic to discuss for their input. The homeowner presidents could then receive input from their respective homeowners. President Quinlan stated this information will be given to the homeowner presidents at the upcoming February 3rd meeting. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING OF JANUARY 13 2004 Motion by Trustee Caleel, seconded by Trustee Konn, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Board of Trustees Meeting of January 13, 2004. VOICE VOTE. Motion carried. .. CONSENT AGENDA: All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion. Motion by Trustee Caleel, seconded by Trustee Korn, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. ROLL CALL VOTE: VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 4 of 13 January 27, 2004 MINUTES Reg Mtg — 01 -13 -04 C AGENDA i l 5. Ayes: 6 - Trustees Aktipis, Caleel, Craig, Konn, Miologos and Yusuf. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. IA. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FOR PERIOD ENDING JANUARY 23 2004 - ACCTS PAY 1 -23 -04 $984,637.56 $984,63756 Significant items included in above: 1) DuPage Water Commission - $170,299.61 2) Water Resources, Inc. — Payout #9 — Automated Meter Reading Project - $50,000. APPROVAL OF PAYROLL FOR PAY PERIOD ENDING JANUARY 17 PYRL - 1 -17 -04 - 2004 - $550,419.06 $550,41906 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REFERRALS 1) MARRIOTT HOTEL TEXT AMENDMENT AND SPECIAL USE FOR OUTDOOR DINING - REFER TO THE PLAN COMMISSION FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION AT THEIR MEETING ON FEBRUARY 16, 2004 AND TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR PUBLIC HEARING AT ITS MARCH 2. 2004 MEETING D AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS OR PROPOSALS OR NEGOTIATE CONTRACTS 1) AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE MOSQUITO ABATEMENT SERVICES 2) AUTHORIZATION TO BID TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE & 0 STREET LIGHT REPAIR E. RESOLUTION 2004- IRMA -R -869, "A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A REPRESENTATIVE THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK MANAGEMENT AGENCY" REFERRALS MARRIOTT HTL TXT AMND & SPEC USE - OUTDR DNG BIDS, PROP OR CNTRCTS MOSQUITO ABTMNT SERV TRFC SIG MAIN & STRT LGT REPAIR RES 04- IRMA -R -869, APPT REP TO IRMA F RESOLUTION 2004 -BD -AFC -R -870, "A RESOLUTION RES 04-BD- AFC -R- 870, EST AD HOC ESTABLISHING AN AD HOC COMMITTEE FOR THE PURPOSE OF CTE 04 AUTUMN PLANNING AND COORDINATING THE 2004 OAK BROOK , FEST AUTUMN FESTIVAL" G REDUCTION IN SUBDIVISION SECURITY — FOREST GATE RDCTN SUBDIV -SUBDIVISION SEC - FOREST GATE H 2004 IRMA ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION 04 IRMA CONTRIB VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 5 of 13 January 27, 2004 Co