R-874 - 02/10/2004 - DUPAGE MAYORS & M DUMM-L - Resolutions Supporting Documentsr 4 � VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Village Board Transmittal Memorandum DATE: February 6, 2004 SUBJECT: DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference 2004 Legislative Priorities FROM: Richard B. Boehm, Village Manager ((J- ie•� RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to approve the attached Resolution Adopting the 2004 Legislative Positions of the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference. The Village has in the past adopted the legislative positions of the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference and the Illinois Municipal League (as expressed in their respective legislative programs and in other legislative positions taken in the course of the legislative session) as Village policy through adoption of formal resolutions to that effect. The motivation for this step was to provide guidance and clarity in those instances when professional municipal employee associations, (e.g., fire chiefs, police chiefs, public works) to which our Department Directors belong, adopt positions on legislation that are contrary to the positions taken by the municipal associations '(e.g., DMMC and IML) to which their employer belongs. Although not a frequent occurrence, these situations do arise from time to time. Additionally, by adopting these positions, our area Legislators have knowledge as to where Oak Brook stands on these matters. In order to provide appropriate guidance to our Legislators and Village staff, I encourage the Board to adopt the legislative positions expressed by the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference In its 2004 Legislative Action Program (copy attached) and during the session via the attached resolution. RBB /mr Attachments 2004 DMMC LAPadoptMem doc N 9 B 1) RESOLUTION 2004- BD -CL- MIN -EXI -R -873 "A RESOLUTION RES 04- BD- CL -MIN- APPROVING THE RELEASE OF CLOSED MEETING MINUTES— ExI -R -873 RELEASE CL MTG MINUTES JULY, 2003 THROUGH DECEMBER 2003" Effective January 1, 1982 ILSC 120/2.06 required that all public bodies shall keep written minutes of all their meetings, whether open or closed. The public body shall periodically, but no less than semi - annually, meet to review minutes of all closed sessions that had not been released to the public. At this time, it is recommended that these minutes be released. Motion by Trustee Aktipis, seconded by Trustee Caleel, for passage of Resolution 2004- BD -CL- MIN -EXl -R -873, "A Resolution Approving the Release of Closed Meeting Minutes," approving the release of Closed Meeting minutes of July through December, 2003 with items still pending and requiring continued confidentiality having been redacted. ROLL CALL VOTE. Ayes: 5 - Trustees Aktipis, Caleel, Konn, Miologos and Yusuf Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 1 - Trustee Craig Motion carried. J2)� RESOLUTION 2004 - DUMM -LP -R -874, "A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2004 DUPAGE MAYORS AND MANAGERS CONFERENCE LEGISLATIVE ACTION PROGRAM" The Village has in the past adopted the legislative positions of the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference and the Illinois Municipal League (as expressed in their respective legislative programs and in other legislative positions taken in the course of the legislative session) as Village policy through adoption of formal resolutions to that effect. The motivation for this step was to provide guidance and clarity in those instances when professional municipal employee associations, (e.g., fire chiefs, police chiefs, public works) to which our Department Directors belong, adopt positions on legislation that are contrary to the positions taken by the municipal associations (e.g., DMMC and IML) to which their employer belongs. Although not a frequent occurrence, these situations do arise from time to time Additionally, by adopting these positions, our area Legislators has knowledge as to where Oak Brook stands on these matters. Motion by Trustee Konn, seconded by Trustee Caleel, for passage of Resolution 2004- DMM -LP -R -874, " U A Resolution Adopting the 2004 Legislative Positions of the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference" providing appropriate guidance to Village of Oak Brook legislators and VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 7 of 15 February 10, 2004 RES 04- DUMM -LP- R- 874 -ADOPT 04 DMMC LEGISLATIV PROGRAM I 9 B 2 staff. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes 5 - Trustees Aktipis, Caleel, Konn, Miologos and Yusuf Nays- 0 - None. Absent: 1 - Trustee Craig. Motion carried. 3) ORDINANCE 2004 - SAP -EX 1 -S -1061, APPROVING THE 2004 SALARY PLAN A TO THE SALARY ADMINISTRATION REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES OF THE BROOK, ILLINOIS" "AN ORDINANCE ND AN AMENDMENT POLICY FOR NON - VILLAGE OF OAK The proposed 2004 Salary Plan and 2004 Salary Administration Policy for the Village of Oak Brook effective January 1, 2004 is as follows: The Mayor Tenants of the 2004 Salary Plan and Salary Administration Policy Include: A) 2004 Maximum Base Salary Increase of 7.00% (Combined Adjustment and Ment); B) Extension of an Annual Base Salary Adjustment based on the Hay Group Study and Staff Review and Recommendation; C) Revision to the Performance Based Merit Pay Program for Full Time Employees; D)Replacement of the Merit Bonus Pay Plan for Topped Out Employees with a new Longevity Pay attached to the Performance Appraisal; and E) Institute a new 7 and 1/2 percent employee contribution towards health insurance premiums. The Plan, similar to the Salary Plan and Policy of previous years, is comprised of a two tiered approach to adjust the annual salaries of full time employees. The first tier, annual base salary escalator, is an increase aimed at maintaining external market equitability. The second tier, the mentorious pay increase, is an increase to an employee's base salary measured by individual performance and structured to recognize and reward performance. Tier 1: Annual Base Salary Adjustment The Village's Salary Administration Policy provides for pay ranges to be adjusted as of each January 1 with due consideration given to the following annual variables: 1) The Change in the Chicago- Gary -Lake County "All Items" Consumer Price Index ( "CPI ") for the twelve months ending on VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 8 of 15 February 10, 2004 010 ORD 04- SAP -EX I -S 1061 -04 SALARY PLN & AMEND ADMN POLICY FOR NON - REPRESNTD EMPLOYEES