R-678 - 09/24/1996 - FINANCE - Resolutions OA.K"BROOK BANK
1400(Nest Sixteenth Street
Oak Brook. IL 60521
FAX: (706) 571-0256
Village Clerk Munici
I, Linda K. Gonnella &MOMMMy of The Village of Oak Brook aA cotgpron
organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois , do hereby certify that, at a
mixing of the Board of ustees of said corporation, duly held on the 24th day of
September , 19_96___, at which a Quonun was present and acting thtoughout, the
following resolution was adopted and is now in full force and effect:
RESOLVED: That OAK BROOK BANK., as a designated depository of this corporation, be and it
(including its correspondent banks) is hereby w*wsted, authorized and directed to honor
checks, drafts,or other orders for the payment of money drawn in this corporation`s name,
including those payable to the individual order of any person or persons whose name or
names appear thereon as signer or signm ther eot when bearing or purporting to bear the
facsimile signature(s)of any, of the following:
7X Darrell J. Langlois, Treasurer
Karen M. Bushy, President
Stephen B. Veitch, Village Manager
and OAK BROOK BANK shall be entitled to honor and to charge this corporation for
such checks, drafts or other orders, regardless of by whom or by what means the actual or
purported facsimile signature or signatures thereon my have been affixed thereto, if such
signature or signatures resemble the facsimile specimens Secretary or other officers of this
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said corporation, this 24th
day of September , 19 96
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Village Clerk
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