Minutes - 08/23/2005 - Commercial Revitalization Task ForceMINUTES OF THE AUGUST 23, 2005 COMMERCIAL
OCTOBER 25, 2005.
The Commercial Revitalization Task Force was called to order by President Quinlan in
the Upper Level Conference Room of the Butler Government Center at 9:33 a.m.
Village Clerk Linda Gonnella called the roll with the following persons
PRESENT: President Kevin M. Quinlan, Trustees Jeffrey J. Kennedy, Robert G.
Sanford, Plan Commission Chairman Lexi Payovich, Zoning Board of
Appeals Chairman Champ Davis and Community Development Director
Robert Kallien.
IN ATTENDANCE: Richard B. Boehm, Village Manager.
A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — None presented.
A. Establishment of long term objectives & goals
Trustee Sanford suggested discussing the scope of what should be included such as office
buildings, expansion of shopping center and Enterprise Drive. He noted also that
Oakbrook Terrace is in the process of developing some of their land which would impact
the Village.
Trustee Kennedy indicated focusing on the whole commercial area in Oak Brook as the
end product of the goal. How does the Village facilitate and promote either major
redevelopment or rehab of those properties. Consider a broad approach of these areas
including traffic issues, revising the Comprehensive Plan, being open to relocating streets
in the Enterprise and Commerce area, zoning and planning changes in terms of allowing
more mixed use such as the hotel, retail, office, condominiums and theatre. What changes
would need to be made in the building and fire codes to make it more user friendly to
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President Quinlan explained that the Village Board heard a presentation of the Hitchcock
Group last evening regarding the Village's beautification project. Discussions of
esthetically improving the Village were discussed. A copy of their proposal will be given
to the Committee members. He recommended that this should be part of the Committee's
goal and address the commercial district concept from the beautification project. He
asked if the Committee should define what areas they would want to address. Trustee
Sanford suggested all Village areas but residential and Sports Core. Regarding traffic
issues, he recommended addressing the commercial sector only.
Manager Boehm commented that the Committee is discussing corridor planning and sub-
area planning. 22nd Street is a corridor and Enterprise Drive /Commerce Drive is a sub -
planning area as to what should be created in these areas. He suggested one outcome
from these efforts is to show the development community what the Village is willing to
allow or what type of sub -area plans we would like created. Detailed sub -area plans
could be developed and shown to developers.
Trustee Kennedy, in speaking with Oakbrook Center Manager Chuck Fleming, suggested
how flexible does the Village want to be in some of its restrictions when the Center
requests redevelopment. There are some synergies between what happens at the shopping
center and what would occur between the Enterprise /Commerce areas.
Manager Boehm explained that Community Development Director Kallien and he have
met with Chuck Fleming and representatives of the new owners of the Center and what
changes they wish to address. He presented to Mr. Fleming that the Village would like
them to consider updating the exterior of the shopping center such as the parking areas
and pedestrian linkages refined. The new owners are considering these areas now while
they would like the Village to consider allowing them additional development on that site
such as out lots, restaurant pads, etc.
President Quinlan reiterated is the objective of the Committee to develop some type of
Lohan Plan that encompasses the commercial district in Oak Brook. Trustee Sanford
commented that the Lohan Plan was a concept and he believes that the Village should
encourage builders to come and redevelop the land. If the Committee develops a concept
as to how much flexibility is allowed, then one can gage any redevelopment within the
context of that concept. He suggested that if multi -use buildings are to be considered, that
the Village be aware what areas could be considered for this and what ability is there to
enhance this so that builders will be encouraged to do this.
Director Kallien suggested that the Committee consider why Oak Brook is the way it is
today. He recommended addressing the following factors: Is Oak Brook still relevant to
the market? Is the Village's position in the market due to competition from area
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communities? Is there availability of land? Since the answer is no and the Village is land
locked, what should be done. Are there any available buildings on the market or planned
or are they outdated. Are there site constraints which does not allow a builder to expand
or are the Village's regulations limiting the expansion on property. Are there code issues
that prevent re- investment or tax considerations that impact the Village? Is traffic
congestion an issue or are there infrastructure problems? If expansion occurred, would
the water, electric or sewer system be able to support larger buildings? Is there a
perception that the Village has an unfriendly business climate? Is the Village impacted by
trying to get labor to the expanded commercial area?
Trustee Kennedy indicated that young or single people should have the availability of
urban lifestyle housing for them. Manager Boehm also noted the ease of transportation
into the community as the Village centers in the hub of the transportation network of the
region. The Village is working with different groups and there are grants to study the
transit system in Oak Brook connecting the train stations into the commercial buildings.
A water rate study is being done to identify the need for additional storage of the Village's
water system that will be brought before the Village Board in the near future. If the
Village is going to do a revitalization to allow for larger buildings, there will be a need to
supply those buildings with the proper water, pressure, etc. Peripherally staff is
addressing some of the issues such as the transit system is approximately a year away, the
water system upgrades a year to two at minimum.
President Quinlan indicated that these questions need to be answered. Director Kallien
indicated that Downers Grove recently hired a firm that basically did a financial
feasibility for the community for paving the way for new development. He suggested
retaining a consulting firm that could assist in these matters. He remarked that a
consultant may have to contact developers to determine what it is they need to develop in
Oak Brook.
President Quinlan inquired into how the Village addresses types of developments. He
indicated that on 22° Street there are one story buildings that could be converted into
other types of businesses. Director Kallien explained that the Village's Zoning Code is
very explicit in that if a business is listed it is allowable and if not listed, then it is not
permitted. He noted that there is a whole segment of businesses that have not been
considered by the Village such as car dealerships while the shopping center has any
traditional out lots. There aren't any stand alone big box retails except for Costco. Is that
something to be considered including drive thru's, as this has to go through an extensive
review. He recommended a code analysis of what uses are being missed by the Village.
Trustee Sanford noted that car dealerships do not generate a large amount of traffic, they
are relatively clean, normally attractive and generate great sales tax revenue as the Village
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needs to generate revenue. Trustee Kennedy explained that the residents need to know
what is happening in this process, in the Village newsletter, press and Civic Association
newsletter so that they can have an opportunity for input.
Trustee Sanford indicated there are two approaches to this. One is by developing panels
that meet with builders, resident builders or developers. The other approach is to hire a
consulting firm that would study this. The Oak Brook Chamber of Commerce is having
ComEd do an infrastructure study for their Economic Development Committee and the
Village could gain information from this. It would be beneficial if someone would give a
report once a month of what is being done by this Committee.
Director Kallien remarked that more information is needed and possibly a selective survey
could be done for the business community and then another survey to the residents. Give
them examples of what uses could be instituted in economic terms.
Manager Boehm distributed the Hitchcock Group's presentation of the beautification
project. President Quinlan asked that this document also be e- mailed to both the chairmen
of the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals.
Trustee Sanford noted that the budget will be discussed shortly and a consultant firm
should be included. Director Kallien indicated that a consultant could be retained now to
work with the Task Force and other selective groups to orchestrate the whole process.
Director Kallien indicated that the Hitchcock Group does this type of consulting.
President Quinlan indicated that the Promenade is the starting point of Oak Brook's
revitalization. While Director Kallien noted that the Oakbrook Center wants to do major
redevelopment of the mall. Manager Boehm indicated that Inland also would like to do
redevelopment on their property and John Buck would like to create an office and
cultural /entertainment on their property.
Trustee Sanford asked if the first step is to do an RFQ for consulting firms of who is
available, what ideas they offer as a catalyst to get the Committee to determine what is
appropriate within the Village. It was a consensus of the Committee to place an RFQ for
a consulting firm to develop concepts of revitalization of Oak Brook for Village Board
approval. The Task Force Committee will interview the firms. He asked if it could be
announced at the Village Board meeting this evening that it was a consensus of the Task
Force to offer an RFQ and then have Manager Boehm and Director Kallien prepare an
RFQ for Village Board approval. Manager Boehm explained that it could be handled by
consensus vote at the Village Board meeting this evening and then ratified at the next
Village Board meeting on the Consent Agenda. Director Kallien and Manager Boehm
will go ahead with getting consulting firms for the corridor and sub - planning areas.
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Manager Boehm then explained the display from the Illinois Department of
Transportation's 22nd Street improvement project of widening that street. Director Kallien
noted the poor cross connections between buildings on this street where the Village could
in the future create cross connections between buildings. Trustee Sanford indicated that
Smart traffic lights are a solution to alleviate to some extent traffic congestion. Manager
Boehm serves on a committee that is considering this and Oak Brook is on the top of list
to receive these types of improvements. Trustee Kennedy suggested that maybe the
Village could contribute partial funding for some type of enhancements of Smart
intersections. Manager Boehm indicated that enhancements of the program would include
signal timed coordination, transit priority lanes for buses that could move more quickly
for linkage and Smart signage that directs vehicles around problem areas. They are
discussing a county -wide transportation center that coordinates the major streets and
networks in DuPage County.
President Quinlan asked if the Task Force is comfortable with the list of questions
Director Kallien gave to the Committee. If so, could it be included in the ComEd survey
by the Oak Brook Chamber of Commerce. The list will be given to Tracey at the
Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman Davis asked if the Committee could review the
Lohan Study. Manager Boehm will have the Executive Summary for each member to
review. Director Kallien suggested he would like to find how Lohan was retained and
what they were asked to do. Chairman Davis felt that that the firm was to assist the
Village in a new comprehensive plan. Director Kallien noted that the Lohan Study had
pictures of how things should be in Oak Brook but there weren't any implementation
Chairman Payovich suggested that the enhancements of signal coordination could be
something that the Village could address now with funding to demonstrate some progress.
President Quinlan noted that all of the newer buildings are filled and haven't any vacancy
which indicates that commercial entities want to be in Oak Brook. Trustee Kennedy
suggested that the inventory of older buildings is the problem in Oak Brook as the modern
Class A office buildings are full. President Quinlan noted that McDonald's is retaining
their property in Oak Brook if expansion is possible and have also ordered a face lift to
their Plaza building.
Director Kallien will e -mail any additional items to Trustee Kennedy to be included in his
working document.
B. Discussion of methods to achieve goals — None discussed.
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Motion by Trustee Kennedy, seconded by Plan Commission Chairman Payovich, to
adjourn the Task Force meeting at 10:47 a.m. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried.
Linda K. Gonnella, CMC
Village Cleric
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