Minutes - 01/29/2009 - Foreign Fire Insurance Tax BoardOAK BROOK FOREIGN FIRE TAX BOARD Minutes of January 29, 2009 Regular Meeting CALL TO ORDER -0841 Meeting was called to order by President Kornfeind. ROLL CALL -0841 Board Members Present: President Kornfeind, Vice President Kaczmarczyk, Treasurer Bielawa, Secretary Kelly. PREVIOUS MINUTES -0842 Motion to waive the reading of the previous meeting minutes by Secretary Kelly and seconded by President Kornfeind. TREASURER'S REPORT Current fund balances $843.42 in checking, $130,560.72 in savings as of 05/22/09. Motion to approve treasurer's report by Treasurer Bielawa and seconded by Vice President Kaczmarczyk. OLD BUSINESS /APPROVAL TO PURCHASE -0845 The list of previously approved purchases was reviewed and updates were provided. Motion to keep old business as is by President Kornfeind and seconded by Vice President Kaczmarczyk. ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS -850 The election of Board Members was held to fill the positions held by President Kornfeind and Treasurer Bielawa, normally scheduled term expirations. Previously submitted nominations for FF Kornfeend and FF Bielawa were noted and the floor was opened up to further nominees. No additional nominees were requested and ballots were handed out. Election results were Kornfeind 14, Bielawa 12. NEW B USINESS /PROPOSED PURCHASES -0900 1) Approved the purchase of new department pictures, frames and rack hanging system. - $3000. 2) Approved the purchase of medicine ball racks for both stations. - $175. 3) Approved the purchase of Ab bars for the new multi -gyms. - $225. 4) A proposal for foam back rollers was denied. 5) Approved the purchase of radio straps for all members for the HT1000 radios. - $2500. 6) Approved the purchase of HDMI cables for Station #1. - $150. 7) Approved the purchase of a new TV for the day room at Station #2. - $4000. 8) A proposal for clock radios for the dorm area denied. 9) Approved the purchase of a new couch for the Station #I library. - $1500. 10) Approved the purchase of new table and floor lamps for both stations. -$500. 11) Approved the purchase of station t- shirts for both stations. - $2500. 12) Approved the purchase of an ice marker for Station #1. - $2000 13) Approved the remodeling of the Station #1 patio area, pending village approval. - $35000. 14) Approved the purchase of coffee for both stations on a trial basis. - $500. ADJOURNMENT-0915 Motion to adjourn made by President Kornfeind and seconded by Treasurer Bielawa. Respectfully submitted, Sean P. Kelly, Secretary