Minutes - 03/12/2009 - Hotel Convention and Visitors Committeev G� OF OA/f �& MINUTES OF THE MARCH 12, 2009 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE OAK o BROOK HOTEL, CONVENTION AND VISITORS COMMITTEE OF THE ® - VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK UNOFFICIAL UNTIL APPROVED AS z WRITTEN OR AMENDED ON JULY 14, 2009. COU NS`l,\�\ CALL TO ORDER: The Special Meeting of the Oak Brook Hotel, Convention & Visitors Committee of the Village of Oak Brook was held in the Upper Level Conference Room of the Butler Government Center and called to order by Chairman John Wagner at 9:08 a.m. Chairman Wagner welcomed everyone in attendance. R011, CA LT, - Chairman Wagner called the roll with the following persons: PRESENT: John Wagner, Rusty Middleton, Kerry Mickelson, John Lampa, Ralph Maxson and Tracy Mulqueen. ABSENT: Dieter Heigl, Joanne Cascio, Chuck Fleming and Heather Wehling. IN ATTENDANCE: David Niemeyer, Village Manager, Moin Saiyed, Village Trustee, Donna Bettin, Village Executive Secretary, Deborah Wichers, Doubletree Hotel, Beth Marchetti and Skip Strittmatter, DuPage Convention & Visitors Bureau, AJ Kowski, Residence Inn — Marriott and Krystal Glispie, Hyatt Lodge. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Rusty Middleton motioned to approve the minutes from the February 6, 2009 meeting. Seconded by Kerry Mickelson. Motion passed. Minutes approved. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. 2009 Point B Marketing Campaign. Krystal Glispie stated that the Marketing Committee met with Point B and discussed different marketing packages. Currently there is a package set up with the Brookfield Zoo called "Shopasaurus" and a Meeting Planners incentive and the FAM trip with the Chamber. There was some question as to whether or not the Hotel Committee should continue to support the "group" trips. The consensus of the Committee was to continue to utilize this strategy but keep watch on attendance and demographics of those participating. So far it appears that there is a wide net of attendees and marketing efforts seem to be reaching further out demographically with each event. Chairman Wagner stated that there needs to be some expectations of how many people /different entities respond and attend these events. Point B has a fiduciary responsibility to the Village and Hotels on how money is spent on marketing and should be able to have a better accounting of work being performed. Ralph Maxson stated he just received a brochure on March l lt" in the mail that has snowflakes. It appears to be outdated for this time of year. It was also stated that their website is not accurate. Chairman Wagner was going to discuss this issue with Point B. B. Update - Additional Funding Request at the next Village Board Meeting. Krystal Glispie stated that Point B was going to handle the marketing presentation at the Village Board Meeting. Chairman Wagner would like to re- evaluate the costs included in the presentation. C. 2009 Village Events. Manager Niemeyer distributed a financial sheet regarding the I% and 2% hotel tax funds that shows the breakdown of revenue and expenses in both categories. (Exhibit A). Manger Niemeyer explained that staff may be returning to ask the Committee to help fund the Taste of Oak Brook/Independence Day celebration. He mentioned that OAK BROOK HOTEL COMMITTEE Minutes Page 1 of 2 Mtg. of March 12, 2009 McDonald's has already committed a donation of $50,000 but the Village needs to raise an additional $80,000 to host the event. There was some discussion regarding this funding and whether or not this event brings in hotel overnight stays. A marketing package for this event was also discussed. It was stated that in the past, the Western Open used to be held in Oak Brook and fireworks followed the event. When the Western Open moved to another location, the fireworks remained in the Village on July 3'a. Manager Niemeyer explained to the Committee that the cost sharing of the Taste of Oak Brook/Independence Day event was the worst case scenario. Staff would not come back with a recommendation if it was not necessary. Tracy Mulqueen mentioned that the restaurants are going to be handing out gift cards to the hotels for use for overnight stays. There will be some restrictions on them. Chairman Wagner informed the Hotel Committee that there have been a number of small committee meetings to work on the request for additional funding presentation that will be made to the Village Board. During these meetings it has been discussed as to what the best use of generating money that can be spent back in the Village. Chairman Wagner stated that he would like the General Managers to get him a copy of what they feel will work best with them in their marketing needs. The Committee wants to show to the Village Board that they have done their homework and are working to come up with alternative solutions that will enable the Village and the Hotels to get the best bang for their buck. Manager Niemeyer stated that he would like a copy of all information by the Thursday before the Board meeting so it can be included in the board packets. There was some discussion on what the Hotels need to do to out perform the competing hotels in neighboring communities and it was stated that while the Hotels of Oak Brook compete against each other, they still need to work together as a whole to generate more business. Due to the economy there is a lot of empty office space and there is a need to generate more business to occupy those spaces. Tracey Mulqueen stated that the Commercial Revitalization plans have had to be placed on hold due to the economy, but other "behind the scenes" is taking place such as updating codes. Those items in the long run will have a positive effect on in coming businesses. NEW BUSINESS - None at this time. DUPAGE CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU Skip Strittmatter reported that the DCVB came up with the additional information requested from the Hotel Committee at their last meeting. (Exhibit B) This includes a proposal of marketing services and costs that the DCVB can provide the Hotel Committee along with possible recommendations for 2009. It was also pointed out that the Village's website needs to be updated to remove restaurants no longer in Oak Brook and reflect new ones that are currently doing business in Oak Brook. Skip also recommended that the Hotel Committee keep a watchful eye on several House and Senate bills that relate to tourism and trade show rebates that would possibly benefit the DCVB and the services they provide. Skip explained that area associations are also marketing to keep meeting planners informed in hopes of securing meetings and events. Skip listed the amount of events they are currently working on including: PGA -Ryder Cup, BMW Championships, Western Open, Solheim Cup, among a few. They are working on a new incentive, "Signature Elite" for meeting planners to encourage them to "look in their own backyards ". The DCVB has had a lot of hits on their internet marketing and may have found a way to track the packages they offer. Due to the economy they DCVB are expecting a 20 -25% decrease in funding. OAK BROOK HOTEL COMMITTEE Minutes Page 2 of 2 Mtg. of March 12, 2009 GREATER OAK BROOK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Tracey Mulqueen updated the Committee on the Overnight Stays project. The immediate goal is to ensure that 30 associations /organizations and corporations that meet criteria, participate in the next Oak Brook Tour, (March 30th). The total booking goal for the tours is to achieve 100 new meeting bookings (booked as far out as 2015) at Oak Brook hotels that are not already taking place with a minimum of 100 — 200 participants with one or two overnight stays. The revenue goal is to achieve between $10,000,000 and $20,000,000 in new meetings, with each meeting averaging approximately $50,000 to $100,000 which would result in an additional $300,000 i'll hotel tax revenue for the Village of Oak Brook. Tracy Mulqueen announced that the Chamber has hired a new employee, Lara Fleurima, Vice President of Business Recruitment and Retention. She comes with a tremendous sales background and will be sending the Hotels a status of all her work. This will ensure that work is not being duplicated and will save the Hotels some time and effort. OTHER BUSINESS - None at this time. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Ralph Maxson, seconded by Rusty Middleton to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Hotel Committee at 10:28 a.m. ATTEST: David J. Niemeyer Village Manager /�� D e OAK BROOK HOTEL COMMITTEE Minutes Page 3 of 2 Mtg. of March 12, 2009