Minutes - 10/13/2012 - Hotel Convention and Visitors CommitteeMINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 13, 2011 MEETING OF THE OAK
16, 2012.
The regular meeting of the Oak Brook Hotel, Convention & Visitors Committee of the Village of
Oak Brook was held in the Upper Level Conference Room of the Butler Government Center and
officially called to order by Chairman Norm Canfield at 10:15 a.m.
Chairman Norm Canfield called the roll with the following persons:
PRESENT: Martin Schooley, Dick Turner, Norm Canfield, Tracy Mulqueen, Linda Hunt, and
Richard Allison.
ABSENT: Chuck Fleming and Gail Long
IN ATTENDANCE: David Niemeyer, Village Manager, Sharon Dangles, Village Finance
Director, Donna Bettin, Executive Secretary, Mike Hullihan, Public Works
Director/Engineer, Beth Marchetti, DuPage Convention & Visitors Bureau,
Krystal Glispie, Hyatt Lodge and A.J. Kowski, Residence Inn Oak Brook.
Chairman Canfield welcomed everyone to the meeting and had everyone in attendance introduce
A. August 11, 2011 Meeting. M. Schooley motioned to approve the August 11, 2011 meeting
minutes. R. Allison seconded. VOICE VOTE. Motion carried.
A. 2012 Budget Discussion
Manager Niemeyer distributed handouts on the 2012 proposed Hotel Tax budget. Earlier in the
week, information was requested on how the Village was spending the 2% portion of the budget.
To bring everyone up to speed, Village Manager Niemeyer reviewed the whole 3% budget, how
it is broken down between the I% and 2% and how this budget is funded.
A 3% tax levy is in place for all overnight stays at the hotels. Within the 3% there are two
separate accounts. 1% is spent on the advertising/marketing, Point B, DCVB, Chamber overnight
stays program and website development.
Five years ago, the Village went to a referendum establishing a 2% tax voted on by the residents
of Oak Brook. The intent of the 2% tax was to use these funds primarily for beautification
purposes throughout the Village.
Manager Niemeyer distributed a handout and explained that per a recent discussion, the Village
has not spent a lot of money on construction of the beautification plan. Between the previous
election and downturn in the economy, the Village Board put a hold on any of the beautification
plans. About a year ago, the Village applied and was awarded a grant from the state to fund a
portion of the beautification plan from Spring road to Salt Creek. The good news is that grant
fund is about 80 % of the construction. Under the 2% portion of the budget is 20% of the cost or
$140,000. This is the Village's portion of the project, so the Board gave the go ahead to proceed.
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During the last couple of years, the Village has not budgeted very much for beautification other
than this project. You will see a very aggressive budget for this.
Several years ago there was a Hotel District established, by law, that the Village can spend hotel
tax dollars in. Manager Niemeyer explained the boundaries. Plans were then developed for
beautification on 22 "d Street from Salt Creek to Spring Road and Spring Road to the tollway.
Again, these plans were put on hold. Village staff is proposing to have 22 "d Street —Spring Road
to the tollway project move forward next year. Engineer Mike Hullihan explained the already
designed project details and why the grant project is so expensive. Discussion regarding the
projects and where to spend the money ensued. The Hotel General Managers present prefer the
22nd Street —Spring Road to tollway project be spent closer to their locations.
Manager Niemeyer explained that the direction from the Village Board is to be aggressive on the
beautification plan. Currently, this is the most aggressive plan in place for implementation.
Discussion ensued on the possibility of placing more sidewalks within the Hotel District.
B. Point B — 2011 Marketing Recap
Point B recapped the marketing efforts from 2011 in both the leisure and meeting sites and
distributed handouts.
On -line results for 2011 did exceptionally well this year as well as the local meeting planner
website. Ad network saw a 50 % increase in click through rates. This is partly due to the change
in partners for the Ad network. Point B thinks they can do better in 2012. They reviewed the
creative marketing campaigns, Romance eblast, View at the Zoo promotion and Group creative's.
In the fourth quarter, the Holiday campaign will incorporate the same vehicles used to date.
A. Point B — 2012 Marketing Thoughts /Changes
Point B explained that they created two plans at two different budget levels. One at $200K and
one at $250K. Handouts were distributed.
Point B plans on shifting some of the priorities to the group segments with the major change in
shift from the leisure plan to the group segment. Typically Point B spends about 3/4th" of the
budget marketing the leisure segment and 1 /4d' in the group segment. In 2012 it will be 50/50.
From a media vehicle standpoint, the internet will be the primary media vehicle method. The
direct mail gets a little bigger in 2012. This is how we plan on reaching the meeting planners
method. One change in 2012 is the use of the Ad network, utilizing the ad running platform.
Point B has used this avenue for other clients and it has worked well with good results, higher
click through rates and lower cost per click. It will give Point B the ability to target people when
they are on google, yahoo and related websites.
A lot of the current hotel marketing is centered in February then June through the middle of
August along with a renewed campaign during the holiday season in the winter months.
Currently, Point B stated that there is a consistent trend of a move towards marketing for group
meeting spaces.
A big part of the focus going forward is generation packets and group marketing. Point B is
moving toward a more aggressive campaign three times a year with different promotions for
different seasons. This strategy is something that started towards the end of last year is based on
pursuing leads and talking to different companies about where they had their different group
conferences last year.
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Point B stated that about $40,000 is spend on this part of the marketing campaign, and while this
is more than last year it enables more promotional activity to happen, including the direct
mailings which are a large part of the program.
At the $200,000 level the marketing plan includes a campaign that is somewhat smaller. There is
also less support in the lower level campaign as they cannot advertise in all the local mailings.
Manager Niemeyer stated that this committee makes a recommendation to the Village Board on
which marketing plan they approve of and then the Board will make the ultimate decision.
Laura Barker from BridgePoint Technologies explained that one of the goals they are working on
for the next year is to try and work with Point B more in terms of tailoring their website more to
what Point B is doing. The company has a recorded 14,500 visits from January to September on
their website, with 33 out of 50 states using the website and the majority of the browsers are on
Internet Explorer. This is the reason the company wanted the Village of Oak Brook to update
their website because the old site was not conducive to smart phones.
The current trending on the website now is that the summer months were the biggest hits, with
the average time that a potential customer staying on the website was 2 1/2 minutes, which is
very good. The balance rate for the site is 56% which refers to how many people went to the
website and quickly left it which is a number that the company hopes to lower. Almost 22% of
the traffic was from people going directly to the website and 36% of the traffic came for people
being directed there through search sites.
Beth Marchetti from the DuPage Convention and Visitor's Bureau stated that their mission is to
promote the area of Oak Brook as a place for travel and leisure. She stated that their company
creates and distributes literature and electronic campaigns all through the Midwest.
Last year, the Bureau was able to secure for Oak Brook 3,700 hotel room nights earning an
estimated economic impact of close to $4 million dollars. She explained that for every dollar
allocated by the Village of Oak Brook the DCVB generated $75 dollars in return on investment.
At the annual meeting, the Bureau found out they received a decrease in state grants and therefore
assembled a task force to study how the Bureau could remain sustainable. They decided that
2012 will be the transition year and after that the membership fee for the organization is based on
whether the municipality supports the organization.
Beth also mentioned that the Bureau provides marketing services for hotels and they currently
handle the hotel marketing campaigns for Willowbrook and Oakbrook Terrace.
Richard Allison questioned if the Bureau's website upheld Oak Brook's brand name and if there
was cohesiveness between all of the different sites.
Beth Marchetti explained that while the Bureau would take input from the Village they still serve
all of DuPage County and would like to have their own identity.
Tracy Mulqueen stated that the Chamber of Commerce will continue on the current path that they
are on, but plan to expand their current activities. She explained that the hotels have stated that
they would like the Chamber to continue to fill office space, because it leads to more hotel rooms
being rented out. She stated that a commercial development panel will be held on October 19th to
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focus together on a plan for development for the future.
Manager Niemeyer stated that the Board is requesting more due diligence done in regards to the
budget and what ultimately will happen is in the next week the staff will put together their
recommendations for the budget. After this there will be two public meetings regarding the
The recommendation from the committee is to forgo the $1.3 million for the Salt Creek to
tollway project and remove the $80,000 for additional marketing for the sports core and hotels
banquet facilities.
M. Schooley motioned to accept the 2012 budget with adjustments. R. Allison seconded.
VOICE VOTE. Motion carried.
Motion by M. Schooley, seconded by R. Allison to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Hotel
Convention and Visitors Committee at 12:10 pm.
David J. Niemeyer
Village Manager
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