Minutes - 01/21/1992 - Library CommissionT_ I BRARY C aU I S S I ON MEETING MINUTES
Members Present:
Also Present:
Members Absent:
:1anuary 71, 1992
3oseph Fullan
Barbara. Benezra
Barbara Haffner
Joanne Fritter, Librarian
Mack Shumate, Trustee
The Oak Brook Library Corrrnission met on January 21, 1992,
at 7:38 p.m. in the library.
Uoon receiving the oath of office from Village Clerk Linda
Gonnella, Barbara Benezra and Barbara Haffner were welcomed
as new members of the library commission. The Commissioners
terms of office are as follows:
Barbara Benezra May, 1993
Barbara Haffner May, 1994
Joseph Fu11an May, 1994
The Commission was then given a guided tour of the library
facility and introduced to some of it's services.
Joe, as temporary chairman asked the Commissioners to think'
how they would like the Corrrnission to be organized and
have suggestions for the next meeting as to its structure.
1-UPAGE I., I BRARY SYSTFAI - Joe gave a background report on the
system and the services that are available to us as members.
Joe is representing Oak Brook as a trustee on the system
board at the present time.
OAK BROOK LIBRA.R.Y ASSOCIATION - An introduction to the
association was given to the new members with the history
of the organization and its evolution to the present clay.
The association serves as a varied friend to the library.
OUARTERLY REPORT - Joanne described the quarterly report
as compiled for the Commission and the Village Board of
Trustees each quarter. It was noted that circulation of
materials has been decreasing since 1986.
NEW BUSINESS - The new commissioners were given a packet
of material to study for purposes of discovering what
course the library con-mission has taken in the past in
regards to planning for the library's future. Included in
the packet was a
a. telephone survey report,
b. focus group surrmary,
c. building program, and
d. a notebook of collected memos and articles
regarding this topic dated from 1986.
Each member agreed to come to the next meeting with comments,
questions and proposals with regard to were we should go
from this time on.
The meeting adjourned at 9:54 p.m. with the questions,
"Where are we going ?" and "How are we going to get there ?"
to be explored further at the next meeting.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is April 21, 1992,
at 7:30 p.m. in the library.
Respectfully submitted,
Joanne Fritter, Librarian