G-112 - 11/25/1969 - SUBDIVISION - Ordinances E§WU:mk 11-13-69
R70-- 1682
Whereas, Section 11-12-5 of the Illinois Municipal Code of
1961, as amended, provides that every Plan Commission may recom-
mend to the corporate authorities a •comprehensive plan for the ,_ . T _
development of the municipality and said plan adopted in a_ munici
pality may be made applicable to land situated within the corporate
limits and contiguous territory not more than one and one-half
miles beyond the corporate limits and not included within any other
municipality; and
Whereas, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village -
of Oakbrook on June 10, 1969, passed and approved Ordinance No.
S-188, entitled "An Ordinance Adopting• An Official Comprehensive - L !_
Plan and Official Map For The Village of Oakbrook, DuPage County,
Illinois" , and notice of the adoption of said ordinance, the. afore.- N
said ordinance, and the official comprehensive -plan and official �,
map were -recorded in the office of Recorder of Deeds of DuPage. .
County, Illinois, on June 25, 1969 , as Document R69-28082; .and-
Whereas, such comprehensive plan and official map may be im-
plemented by ordinances establishing reasonable requirements
governing the size of lots to be -used for residential purposes
in contiguous territory not more than one. and one=half miles be-
yond the corporate limits and not included within any municipality; :
Whereas, the Plan Commission of the Village of Oakbrook has
recommended to the President -and Board of .Trustees certain reason
able requirements governing the size of 'lots to- be used for
residential purposes in contiguous territory not more than one
and one-half miles beyond the corporate. limits and not included
within any municipality and the President and Board of Trustees
of said village did schedule a public hearing on the said matter,
which public hearing was held November 17, 1969, before the afore-
said Plan Commission after at* least fifteen (15) days' notice
of the time and place thereof, published in the "Oakbrook Doings"
on October 30, 1969, as required by statute; and
Whereas, less than ninety (90) days have elapsed si'�ce the
conclusion of said hearing and the Plan Commission has iFCOmmended
the adoption of the hereinafter prescribed regulations and the
President and Board of Trustees concur in said recommendations;
BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the
Village of Oakbrook, DuPage County, Illinois:
Section 1. Sub-paragraph 2 of Paragraph F, of Section VIII l
of the Oakbrook Subdivision Regulations Ordinance, adopted 'by the
President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oakbrook on the
10th day of *April, 1962, known as Ordinance No. G-37 , be and the
same is hereby amended, and as amended shall read as follows:
"2. Width and area of lots within the corporate _
limits shall conform with lot width and area require-
ments in "The Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Oak-
��. R70- 1682
brook, Illinois, of 1966" , as amended, known as
Ordinance No. G-60. In the case of corner lots,
the Plan Commission may make variations to en-
courage the proper development of intersection
design and traffic safety, and corner lots shall _
be increased in width by twenty (20) percent over
the width of typical interior lots, except that
corner lots need not exceed ninety (90) feet in
width, if the ninety (90) feet in width is greater
than the width of the typical lot."
Section 2. Paragraph F of Seption VII of the Oakbrook Sub- ' •
division Regulations, aforesaid, is further amended to add a new
subparagraph number 1110.18 , which -shall read as . follows: c
"10 . The size of lots to be used for residential
purposes in the contiguous territory not more than one .
.. and one-half miles beyond the corporate limits and not ,
included within any municipality shall meet *the follow-_
ing minimum standards in the areas designated, as •fo1=
lows and which are shown on the map attached hereto
marked "Exhibit A" and- by this reference. made a part
A-1 The area bounded by a line beginning at the north-
east corner of the northeast. quarter of Section 4-
in Downers Grove Township in DuPage County,. Illinois,
and running west along the northern Downers Grove
Township line to -the center line of 'Williams Street,,
thence south along the center line of Williams Street --•
to the center line of Ogden Avenue, thence east along •
the center line of Ogden Avenue to the center line ..
of Cass Avenue, thence north along the center line of
Cass Avenue to the point of beginning.
A-2 The area bounded by a line beginning at the center
line of Meyers Road and the Illinois Toll Highway
in the northwest quarter of Section 28 in York Town-
ship in DuPage County, Illinois, and running south-
westerly along the center line of the .1,11inoisRl'oll
Highway to a line extended from the west edge =.,f the
Tall Trees Subdivision, thence running southeasterly
along the west edge of said subdivision to the •center
r line of 31st Street, thence running east along the
\_ center line of 31st Street to the western edge of the
Oakbrook corporate limits and the Tall Trees Subdivi-
sion, thence running northerly along said corporate
limits to the point of beginning.
A-3 The area bounded •by a line beginning at. the center line -
'of the intersection of Roosevelt Road and Michigan Avenue
in the northeast quarter of Section 21 in York Township
in DuPage County, Illinois, and running west along the
center line of Roosevelt Road to the south edge of the
Lombard corporate limits, thence south along said corZor-
ate limits, thence west along said corporate limits, -
thence northerly along said corporate limits to the center
line of Roosevelt Road, thence west along the center line
of Roosevelt Road to the center line of Highland Avenue,
thence south along the center line of Highland Avenue to
the center line of 18th Street and the southern edge of
the Lombard corporate limits, thence along the center
line of 18th Street and said corporate limits to the west
edge of Stewart Street, thence running south along the
Lombard corporate limits to the north edge of 22nd Street,
thence running along the north edge of 22nd Street to the j
eastern edge of the Lombard corporate limits, thence run-
ning southerly along said corporate limits to the center
R73- 1682
line of Butterfield Road, thence running northeasterly
along the center line of Butterfield Road to the west
edge of the Oakbrook corporate limits, thence running
northeasterly along said corporate limits to the inter-
section of Butterfield Road and 22nd Street and said
corporate limits, thence running east along said corpor-
ate limits to a point- 260.0 feet west of the center line
of Summit Avenue, thence running north along said corpor=
ate limits to a point 399. 23 feet north of the south
edge of 22nd Street, thence running east along said corp-
orate limits to the center line of .Summit Avenue and -said
corporate limits to the south edge of Butterfield Road
and said corporate limits, thence running northeasterly
along said corporate limits to the .Oakbrook Terrace corp-
orate limits, thence running northeasterly along the
Oakbrook Terrace corporate limits to the centerline of
Section 22 in York Township, thence running north along
said section line and the Oakbrook Terrace corporate
limits, thence running west along said corporate limits
to the center line of Euclid Avenue, thence running south
along the center line of Euclid Avenue to the south edge
of Sunshine Drive, thence running west along the sc"th
edge of Sunshine Drive, thence running west along t.te
( south edge of Sunshine Drive to the east edge of Midwest
Road, thence running south along the east edge of Midwest
Road to the center line of 14th Street, thence running west
along the center line of 14th Street and the Oakbrook Ter-
race corporate limits to a point where said corporate limits
run north, thence running north and west along said corpor-
ate limits to the center line of Roosevelt Road, thence
west along the center line of Roosevelt Road to the center
line of Ardmore Avenue and the Villa Park corporate limits,
thence •running south along the center line of Ardmore
Avenue to a point where said corporate limits run west,
thence running west along said corporate limits to the
center line of Michigan Avenue, thence Running north along
the center line of Michigan Avenue to the point of begin-- * X
(1) Lot width- - 75 feet within the buildable area.
(2) ' Lot area - 18,000 square feet.
B-1 The area bounded by a line beginning at the southeast
corner of the northeast quarter of Section 24 in York
Township in DuPage County, Illinois, and running north
along the DuPage County line to the south edge of Roose-
velt Road, thence running west along the south edge of
Roosevelt Road to the northeast corner of the northwest
quarter of Section 23 in York Township in DuPage County,
Illinois, thence running south along the quarter section
line to a point 600.55 feet south of the south edge of
Roosevelt Road, thence running west along the Oakbrook
Terrace corporate limits, thence south along said corp-
orate limits, thence west along said corporate limits.
- to the northeast corner of the Elmhurst Countryside
Unit No. 2 Subdivision and the northern edge of the
Oakbrook corporate limits,thence running south and easterly along the
northern edge of the Oakbrook corporate limits to point of beginning.
B-2 The area bounded by a line beginning at the northeast
corner of the southeast quarter of Section 32 in York
Township in DuPage County, Illinois, and running west
along the Downers Grove corporate limits, thence run-
ning southwesterly along said corporate limits, thence
running west along said corporate limits, thence running
southwesterly along said corporate limits to the York
Township line, thence running east along the York Town-
ship line and the Downers Grove corporate limits to the i
center line of Earlston Road and said corporate limits,
-4- R73-- 1682 �.
thence running south along the center line of Earlston Road
and said corporate limits, thence easterly along said corpor-
ate limits to the center line of Dumnor Road and the Downers
( Grove corporate limits , thence northerly. along said . corporate
limits, thence east along said corporate limits to the center
line of Fairview Road and the Downers Grove .corporate limits,
thence north along said corporate limits,' thence east along
said corporate limits to the center line of Dumnor Road and '
the Downers Grove corporate limits, thence north along the
center line of. Ciimnor Road and said corporate limits to the
south edge of the York Township line, thence running •east
along the southern edge of the York Township line to the
center line of Park Street, thence running north along the .
center line of' Park Street to the southern edge of the Oak-
brook corporate limits , thence west along said corporate limits
as extended to the intersection of the center line of Cumnor \
Road and 38th Street, thence westerly along the center line of-'-
38th Street to the centerline of Fairview Road, thence north
along the center line of Fairview Road to the point of begin-
(1) Lot width 100 feet within the builda,�le area!
(2) Lot area - 25,000 square feet.
C-1 The area bounded by a line beginning at the center line of
35th Street and Illinois Route 83 in the northeast corner
of the southeast quarter of Section 34 in York Township in
DuPage County, Illinois, and running along the center line
of 35th Street and the southern edge of the Oakbrook corpor .
ate limits to the center line of Cass Avenue, thence running I
south along the center line of. Cass Avenue and said corporate
limits* 524.3 feet, thence running west along the southern
edge of the Oakbrook corporate limits, thence running south
along said corporate limits, thence running west along said
corporate limits to the center line of Park Street, thence
running south along the center line of Park Street to the ,
southern edge of the York Township line, thence running eat t `
along said township line to the center line of Cass Avenue,
thence running south along the center line of Cass Avenue to
the center line of Ogden Avenue, thence running along the
center line of Ogden, Avenue to the western edge of the Hins-
dale corporate limits, thence running. northerly and easterly
along said corporate limits to the center line of Madison
Street, thence north along the center line of Madison Street
to the northern edge of the Downers Grove Township line,
thence west on said township line to the center line of Adams
Street and the Oakbrook corporate limits, thence west along
the Oakbrook corporate limits, thence north along said corpor-
' ate limits, thence west along said corporate limits to the
i center line of Section 2 in Downers Grove Township to the
northern limits of the Downers Grove Towmship, . thence west
along said township lines to the east edge of Illinois Route
i 83, thence running north along the east edge of Illinois Route
j 83 to the point of beginning.
C-2 The area bounded by a line beginning at the center line of
the intersection of 35th Street and Roslyn Road in the south-
] west quarter of Section 33 in York Township in DuPage County,
Illinois, and running west along the center line of 35th Street
to the center line of Fairview Avenue, thence Running south
along the center line of Fairview Avenue to the the nter
• 38th Street, thence running southea y g
! of 38th Street to the center line of the intersection of 38th
Street and Cumnor Road, thence running east along a line ex-
tended from the western edge of the Oakbrook corporate limits
�- to the western edge of said corporate limits, thence running
north along said corporate limits to the point of beginning.
C-3 The -area-bounded by-a line beginning at the center line of the _
R70- 1 82•
- -5-
Illinois Toll Highway and the northwest corner of the
Tall Trees Subdivision, as extended, in the southeast
quarter of Section 29 in York Township in DuPage county
and running southwesterly along the center line of the
Illinois Toll Highway to the center line of Highland
Avenue, thence south along the center line of Highland - - --
Avenue to the northern Downers Grove corporate limits,
thence easterly along said corporate limits to the south-
west corner of the Tall Trees Subdivision, as extended,
thence running north along the west edge of the Tall Trees
Subdivision to ,the point of beginning.
C-4 The area bounded by a line beginning at the center line
of Summit Road and 31st Street to. the south edge of the
southwest quarter of Section 27 in York Township in DuPage
County, Illinois, and running north along the center line
of Summit Road to- the north edge of the Butterfield Country ;� 1
Club, thence running .west along the northern edge of the h
Butterfield Country Club to the western section line of
Section 27, thence running south along- the west edge of:
Section 27 to the southwest corner- of- the northwest quarter
of Section 27, thence running west .alorig 'the center line
of Section 28 to the east edge- of the Ging-r Creek Subdivision,
thence running south along the east edge -of said subdivision
to a line 633 feet north of the center line of 31st Street,
thence running west along said line to •the centerline of'
Liberty Boulevard, thence running• north. along the center -
line of Liberty Boulevard to a line 243.73 •feet 'south of .
the south edge ' of Whirlaway Drive, thence west along said
line to the centerline of Section 28, thence running south.
along said section line to the center line of 31st Street, •
thence running east along the center line of 31st Street to
the point of beginning. -- - -
(1) Lot width - 150 feet in the buildable area.
(2) Lot area - one (1) acre.
Section 3. That Section XVII 'of the Oakbrook Subdivision
Regulations Ordinance, adopted by the President and Boar,; of Trustees
of the Village of Oakbrook on the 10th day of Ap^il, 196 , known as
Ordinance No. G-37 , be and the same is hereby amended, acid as amended
shall read 'as follows:
"Section XVII. Variations.
"The Plan Commission may recommend variations from these _
requirements in specific cases which, in its opinion, are
in harmony with the intent and purpose of the Comprehensive .
Plan and Official Map of the Village of Oakbrook and in L
harmony with the intent of this ordinance. Such recommenda-
tions shall be communicated to the corporate authorities and,
where the land affected lies outside the corporate limits,
to the DuPage County Board of Supervisors, the Zoning and
Plat Committee of the DuPage County Board of Supervisors, `
and the Plat Officer of DuPage County. The President ands..
Board of Trustees may approve variations from these require-
ments for subdivisions within the village limits or for
those where the land affected lies within one and one-half
miles of the limits of the Village of Oakbrook, when, in
its opinion, such variations will not be contrary to the
purpose or intent of the Comprehensive Plan and Official
Map or the spirit of. this ordinance."
Section 4. Should any provisions of this ordinance be held to
be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall
not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole, or any part there-
of, other than the part to be so declared invalid. Y
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R70 1682 . -
Section 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict
with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section 6. This ordinance shall be in full force a- A effect
after its passage, approval and publication as provided ;by law.
November 25, 1969
j S/Samuel E. Dean I
S/Lorraine E. Frieek
Village Clerk
PUBLISHED Hinsdale and Oak Brook DOINGS, Thursday. nAnAml ar. L4 h69