G-157 - 11/27/1973 - FIRE DEPARTMENT - Ordinances ORDINANCE NO. G_15
BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the
Village of Oak Brook, Du Page County, Illinois , as follows :
Ordinance No. G-115 is hereby repealed in its entirety and the
following- provisions are hereby adopted as the Rules and Regulations
for the Fire Department of the Village of Oak Brook.
Section 1. The Fire Department of the Village of Oak Brook has
been created by ordinance as an administrative department of the
Section 2. The Fire Department includes officers and firemen as
provided by ordinance and volunteer firemen as provided by ordinance.
Section 3. The Fire Chief, heretofore provided for by ordinance,
shall report to the President and Board of Trustees as they may require
and shall be under the general supervision of the Village Manager.
Section 4. The Fire Chief shall create such administrative
divisions or sections within the department and among its personnel
as he deems necessary to the functioning. of the department.
Section 1. Appointment and promotion of officers and members of
{ the Fire Department shall be in accordance with the laws relating to
the powers and duties of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners.
Section 2 . Volunteer firemen shall be appointed by the Fire
Chief as needed,
Section 1. Removal or suspension of members of the department
shall be in accordance with rules promulgated by the Board of Fire
and Police Commissioners.
Section 2. The Fire Chief, after notice and hearing, may cause
the suspension or removal of a volunteer fireman_. An appeal from
that ruling shall be to the President and Board of Trustees,' if
requested 4vi:thin thirty (30) days
Section 1. Anv_ member of the Fire Department designated by -the
Fire Chief , within fifteen (15) days after the lst day of January of
each year, shall make an inventory of all public property on hand at
the end of the previous year, and the articles of property received
during said period and disposed of whether by being transferred, worn
out, or condemned. Such inventory shall be made in duplicate, one
(1) copy shall be retained for the records , and the original shall be
fors-yarded to the Chief of the Fire Department.
Section 1. The regular members shall be divided into platoons ,
the number of which shall be determined by the Fire Chief and based
�.- upon the needs of the community to provide proper fire protection.
Each platoon shall consist of adequate manpo,-,= to operate effi.ci.ently.
C- 4 shall .v )i .... the F re Chief,. uuema:�r � ie� � i�.x
Section 2 . General duties of ladder,,-,q--n at fires are to ascertain
that all occupants of a burning building are out, to make rescues ,
�. raise ladders , open up and ventilate burning buildings so that
nozzlemen may quickly bring their streams on the fire. Laddermen
carrying axes , pike poles , and wearing masks should accompany
nozzlet:ten working inside buildings , to open partitions or ceilings.
Section 3. Laddermen shall quickly remlove axes, pike poles , EK
hooks and -necessary ladders from the apparatus , carry them to the
building and use them as directed.
Section 4. Laddermen shall be responsible for the operations of
the aerial ladder pipe and the deck gun on the quint, and shall
proceed to set these up per department' s standards for the operation
of master streams appliances .
Section. 5. Laddermen will assist the squad_men in performing
salvage whenever they have the opportunity and will assist in the
covering of holes in the roofs , etc. , where the use of ladders is
Section 6 . The members of the truck company, known as ladde=m n
or truckmen, will be instructed in the operation of Unit #914 and
the use of all equipment thereon. They will become specialists in
"truck work" but will be given general instructions in all other
company work, ie. squad, engine , etc.
Section 1. Nozzlemen (also known as enginemen) shall be designated
by the Fire Chief.
Section 2 . The duties of nozzlemen shall include the handling of
small extinguishers, water, and chemical lines , such as foam, Unox,
etc . , to extinguish fires with a minivam amount of water damage.
Section 3 . At fires in buildings, hose lines shall be advanced into
the building with the nozzle shut off and not opened until the fire is
seen. After the main body of the fire is extinguished, the nozzle
shall be shut off and the -remainder cleaned up with small hoses and
nozzles .
Section 4 . In laying a line from a hydrant to a fire, a nozzleman'
shall drop off the truck with the butt end of the '_nose and a hydrant
wrench, connect to the hydrant, and stand by for the signal for water.
Section 5 . In laying a feeder line for an engine or pump for
other than master stream work, the iiozzleman stretches a 3" or 4" lire
or hose taking with him the hydrant valve and the hydrant wrench , and
connects the hose to one of the 2-1/2" ports of the hydrant and the
i. 7ran valve on the other 2--1/2" port , and stands by for the signal
f^ aateL.
Section o . In laying feeder lines for master stream work , the
no� ;ler�an shall assist Lhe ladderman according to the standards set
up for :Waster stream work.
S^ction 7 . -In laying a line or lines from the fire to the hydrant
or c-stern , a nozzlemian shall drop off at the fire with the nozzle and
ample nose to reach the fire, and all necessary tools shall be unloaded.
i A the agent multi-ple lines are Called for, the nozzle tan will unload
the hose back and will drop off the second bed, the sat_te as the first,
FWa certain there is ample hose to reach the fire and then will
`., signal the driver to go ahead. The engine shall then be driven to
�t-?h�e� c:'-anr�ar�
c1-` h-- ho se connected, and the p ^-er operated according to
Section 8 . 'The members of the engine company, known as nozzlem.en,
will be instructed in the operation of the department' s engines. They
will become specialists in "engine work" , especially on their assigned
engine , and the use of all equipment thereon, but :,,,Ill be given
general instructions in all other company work, ie. truck, squad, etc.
Section 1. The Fire Chief shall appoint' a mechanic, who shall be
charged with the duty of maintaining all the apparatus of the depart-
ment in good condition and ready for immediate service.
Section 2 . The mechanic is responsible to the Fire Chief and
m;intenance officer and ,shall keep and maintain the mechanic's files,
reports , schedules , tools , equipment , lubricants , parts, etc. , and is
responsible for their expenditure and replacement when department
policy demands .
Section 3. The mechanic shall change the oil and grease in all
apparatus in accordance with the "Lubrication Schedule" set forth by
the Fire Chief' s office and the specifications set forth .by the
manufacturer of the apparatus.
Section 4. The radiator and cooling system of all apparatus shall
be thoroughly flushed and refilled once every six (6) months. The use
of a recognized radiator flushing solution shall be used and the
instructions thereon followed. After the radiator is flushed, it is
to .be refilled and a rust inhibitor is to be added along with clean.
water (exception to rule - vehicle with permanent anti-freeze solution,
which shall be done once every twelve (12) months.
Section 5 . The mechanic shall work with the apparatus field engineer
when he is here to fulfill the semi-annual service contract and any time
he is here to do major work on the apparatus .
Section 6 . It shall be the duty of the mechanic of the department
to maintain, repair, and adjust all fire apparatus and equipment. This
member, under the supervision of the Chief of the department shall
instruct the drivers or operators of, motor fire apparatus as to their
care and necessary lubrication.
Section 1. The secretary shall be designated by the Fire Chief.
Section 2 The secretary shall have the custody of office supplies
and equipment and shall preserve, and cause to be kept, the necessary
books, papers , records and reports which are required by law, and the
V"Mage ordinances and the rules and regulations o= the department,
as amended from time to time. Such books , papers , and records , etc.
shall be kept in such a manner as to be easily accessible , properly
filed and indexed. He shall keep a docket, showing the reports
required by lava to be made by the Fire Chief. He shall prepare and
subrsit- to the Chief of the Fire Department for distribution all blank
forts required for the transaction of department business .
Section 1. A training officer shall be designated by the Fire
Chief and shall be charged with the responsibility for preparing a
department training prora-m.
Section 2 . The training officer shall be chosen for his ability
to teach and only after re has qualified through tiarticipation in
special vocational training courses , such as the F.D.I ,C. , and shall
be responsible only then t0 the Fire Chief in all `matters relating to
the training division.
Section 3. The training officer shall. submit to the Fire Chief a
proposed training program for the education and training of the
mem: ers of this department each year in the month of I-larch, and
after it is approved by the Fire Chief shall ad here to 1t Lln'leSS
of erwise ordered by the Fire Chief.
Section 4 . The regular training sessions or drills of this
derart-ment shall be posted monthly.
Section 5. All regulars and volunteers are required to attend all
drills designated by the training officer with the approval of the
Fire Chief.
.Section o . All volunteer firemen are required to attend all
drills in the month, either the morning or the evening session or
each drill.
Section 7 . Any and all drills missed, even though permission was
received to be absent, must be made up at "make-up drill sessions.
Any member absent without permission from three (3) drills in one (1)
wear shall be dropped from the department.
Section 8 Work at drills shall be done in a quick, orderly and
quiet manner.
Section 1. All members shall assist in the work of the department'
whether it be their assigned duties or not, and in the absence of any
specific orders or apparent work to be done, they shall report to the
officer in charge of their company.
Section 2. All members shall give strict obedience to the orders
Of their appointed officers . Obedience to orders shall be prompt,
implicit and unqualified.
Section 3. Members shall exercise complete respect for senor
officers. All senior officers shall be addressed by proper rank and
surname. This shall apply not only to this department but to members
of the Police Department as well. Undue familiarity is discouraged.
Section 4 . Fire Fighting and emergency operations are the primary
functions of the department. Knowledge of regulations, procedure and
orders provided as a guide in the performance of required duties at
such occurrences shall be the responsibility of all-members.
Section 5 . Members reporting for a tour of duty shall promptly
place their fire clothing on the apparatus according to their assigned
�. duties . Members going off duty shall place their fire clothing neatly
on racks or hooks provided for such purpose.
Section 6 . Fire alarm signals shall be such as prescribed by the
Fire Chief , and it shall be his duty to test or have tested, at a
regularly designated time each day, the fire alarm system to see that
it is working properly.
Section 7 . Each member of the department shall be issued a fire
radio receiver as soon as sets are purchased and he shall be responsible
to see that it is supplied power and is in good working condition at
all times . He will receive a test call every day at a specified time,
and, if his set does not function, he shall return it to the fire departmer_fi
radio shop and get a spare set, it available , until his radio can be
repaired and :returned to him.
Scction 8. Upon receiving an alarm or fire or otherwise, every
officer and.menber of the fire department on duty shall immediately
re�art for fire duty. Apparatus shall leave quarters on the command
of the officer in charge.
Section 9 . When an alarm is giver_, off-duty men and volunteer
men shall ir-F!ediately proceed to the fire or emergency by the most
direct route to assume their assigned duties or assist in any work
necessary, unless they are assigned to report to the fire station
for driving apparatus, etc. , in which case they will immediately
proceed to the fire station b_,r the most direct route and perform
the duties assigned.
Section 10 . Response to alarms shall be made with all proper
sTeed consistent with safety. V:hen responding to alarms , sirens or
other warning devices shall be used as needs dictate. These signals
likewise be used YJ�'1Cn p�SSing through residertL_ al neighborhoods
at night when people may be asleep. Sirens shall not be used when
returning from alarms. Apparatus stall obey all traffic regulations
w.-.en returning. All emergency lights are to be turned off and only
the apparatus running lights , headlights, etc. , shall be left on
open ret urning from alarms.
Section 11. Racing to and from fires is strictly prohibited when
more than one (1) commany is proceeding in the same direction, they
shall follow in a single line.
Section 12 . One-wav streets against traffic shall only be used
when. responding to alarms and then only if such is urgent.
Section 13. When arriving at an alarm and finding no fire, -the
officer in charge shall cause a thorough investigation to determine
the cause of the alarri. Upon any sign of fire, the officer in charge
sha-11 cause a Line to be laid to the fire or exposure.
Section 14. Apparatus shall not be driven over the fire hose unless
absolutely necessary. Members of the department shall not allow other
vehicles to drive over the fire hose without the permission of the
officer in charge. Where drivers of vehicles persist in driving over
fire hose, ,.embers shall re::;uest the c000peratior_ of the police
department and cause. swrtmons to be served.
Section 15 . Members of a fire or emergency shall wear helve-`,
coat, boots , and rope hose tool at all tires and each shall have
:•7ith him one pair of mitts, one folding spanner wrench, and one
flashlight in good work4 ng order. The :Mitts are to be worn as
protective gear .whenever the occasion_ demands.
Section 16 Members at a fire or emergency shall not wander
i_ndiscrii:!inately through buildings . Unless otherwise ordered, they
shall remain with the officer or at the apparatus
Section 17 . Members shall not smoke Tti it_- le training or when
riding the apparatus . A member shall not sA oke at a fire or other
evrge~ ^y unless permission is granted by his officer or by the
Fire Chief.
Section 13 . reamers arriving at false alarms shall make every
fort to find the responsible party for transmitting the false
alarm. They shall be prapared to testi-cTy in court t should such
u�_rson be aoDrehended.
S2Ct1o'1 19 . Me.:ber s o-)e-Tat?ng apparatus shall not leave apparatus
�nattendza, if at all possible.
Section 20 Me-bers , ;, her. opera= ��c� a.pparatus during cold weathe- ,
src. l take all necessary precautions�to avoid da-mage to apparatus or
e i�~ent by freezing-
Sec�Cion 21 Vrhen hose is laid across tracks or on streets with
fas moving traffic , ade c�uate warning lights and/or devices shall
be displaved at least 300 yards each side of the nose, plus telephone
L Li1�-' id:LlLUQa d1JSa r..SiCL �o have ate_ �ia_ns stopped.
action 22. Members shall report all injuries to the officer in
r, � as onn as possible .
Section 23 . During fire operations , all members shall be
constantly alert to the possibility of arson. Any such suspicion
S.1-tall b� CJ. t:iutlicctC�C1 to she officer _L charge _�rr2ed i ateiy. Members
at fires shall avoid disturbing any evidence or discussion of fire
W tl� unauthorized persons .
Section 24 . Articles of any value at fires or e-inergencies shall
be tw_ned over to the platoon officer who shall turn over to the
police department and receipt for sage requested. If it is evident
the valued article belongs to the occupant of the premises , said
article nay be turned over to such person after obtaining a receipt.
Section 25 . Hours of duty: No member of the fire department shall
be required to remain on duty for periods of time which, in the
aggregate in any month, amount to more . than twelve (12) hours for
each day in the month, dxcept in case of serious conflagration or
great emergency.
Section 26 . Sick while not in quarters : Members of the fire
department, who have been taken sick or who have been injured while
absent from company quarters, shall give notice- of such fact to the
Chief of the Fire Department without delay, and forward to him a
physician's certificate stating the nature of such sickness or injury.
Section 27. Sick while in quarters Members of the department
beco=ming sick or ill while on duty shall notify their superior officers,
who in turn shall notify the Chief of the Fire Department in writing
of such fact.
Section 28 . Annual furloughs : Members of the fire department,
who have served for more than_ one (1) year prior to the posting of
furlough lists, may be allowed an annual furlough. The furlough
shall commence and end on such days as nay be designated by the Chief
of the Fire Department.
Section 29 . Assist police: It shall be the duty of every officer
and member of the fire department to assist the police in making
arrests or quelling disturbances , when called upon to do so'.
Section 30 . In matters of general conduct, members shall be
governed by the customary rules of good behavior observed by law
abiding and self-respecting persons. Members shall conduct them-
selves at all times in a manner which will not bring discredit upon
the department.
.Section 31. Uniforms not to be bought from other members : No
rates:der of the fire department shall purchase or wear a uniform of
anovher member without. the permission of the Chief of the Fir.-
Section 32 . Each member of the department shall be furnished "
with the necessary regulation buttons , cap device, and coat badge.
It shall be deemed neglect of duty for any member of the fire
department to lose or give a7ay any of the regulation buttons , cap
devices or coat badges, or other .Village property unless authorized
by the Chief of the Fire Department.
Section 33 . Upon the resignation or death of any member of the.
department , the commanding officer of the company to which said
member was assigned shall require the return of all department
pro-erty and forward it to the Chief of the Fire Department , unless
othe_-wise authorized.
S�:aion 34 . Officers shall be just , dignified and firm in their
relations with subordinates, and abstain from violent, abusive or
ir.-Lmoderate language in giving orders or directions . Officers shall
enforce strict obedience of all rules , regulations and practices by
mcmbers or employees under their command and report, by well supporl- ,t
charges , transgressions thereof.
Section 35 . ierlbers shall not visit the headquarters of the
Sef or� t o_ L-_�cirs � i2�mot permission 1 mimed at� nnmmandin
officers . If such permission is denied, they may fortaard a request
ion an interview by mail stating the purpose of the interview.
�.. Section 36. Political activities : No member of the department
shall be a delegate to or member of any political or party convention,
and shall not take part in political campaigns or solicit contributions
for any political party, club, or association or for any other
political purpose .
Section 37. Members shall not solicit or contribute, nor cause to
be solicited or contributed, any money, or other valuable article or
? ?2�j , to be used in connection %Iith a matter affecting the department
—. 'hout the =„ri"ten permission of the Chief of the department. This
?° does not apply t0 honey for house assessments such as comr.li ssary,
dues to official organizations, or other similar authorized purpose.
Qection 38 . A�ewers shall treat the business of the department
as confidential. They shall not discuss matters for publication,
without the permission of the Chief of Department. This does not
preclude explaining department routine to visitors .
Section 39 . `4enlbprs shall not deliver any address on fire
.department matters without written approval of the Chief of the
Section 40 . Members when answering the station telephones shall
.give the following information and in the order listed:
Fir Department, unless it is the business lines, then
it is : -r ire Prevention Bureau, and. .surname of individual
answering the telephone.
Members calling shall identify themselves as follows :
Rank and surname and_ indicate to whom they wish to speak.
Section 41. Members shall not
A. violate any oath of office they take.
E. Neglect or shirk any duty lawfully assigned.
C. Refuse to obey and carry out any lawful orders given.
D. Absent the:.:selves from quarters or any other assignment
to duty without permission from proper authority.
D, Indulge in the use of drugs or narcotics without medical
F . Indulge in or be u-nder the influence of intoxicating
beverages :,,bile on duty or at any time while in uniform.
C --hen in unifor !, enter any palace <here intoxicating beverages
are sold or dispensed except in line of duty.
Use indecent, p:cofane , or ur�civ_�1 language.
I . Engage in indecent or immoral conduct_
- u `'„rage in any altercation, co-': nit an assault; or Violate .
any law, or do anyth� q fo-r T.'7hicti they may be arrested.
K. "Ia:_e a false state7men—' -v,'ith Intent to deceive any senior
or investicrati -ng o=`icer in the line of duty
L . Tillfu?lv damage any department property or handle any
in a manner.
Neglect or refuse to pay legal debts when due.
N. Solicit or accept any compensation , rev7ard or consideration
for services performed in the line of duty, or any gift
or donation as a member of the department, without the
written approval of the Chief of the - department.
O. Use official letterheads or stationary for personal
business .
P . Lend, sell or give away any department property except
with the permission of the Chief of department,
Q. M: cabers of the fire depart-ment shall not loan their
uniforms or any portion thereof.
R. Religion shall not be discussed in or about the department
headquarters . No member of- the fire department shall
ridicule, criticize or joke with another member of the
fire department regarding his religious beliefs .
S . Card games, checkers , dice and other devices are prohibited
on apparatus floors , and gambling for money or other
articles of value in or about any fire station of the
department is strictly prohibited.
Section 42. Members shall -report for and go off duty in the
uniform prescribed for the season of the year and the occasion. No
badge, button, or lodge pin shall be worn upon their uniforms except
those authorized by the Fire Chief. The summer uniforms shall be worn
from April lst to September 30th each year. The winter uniform is to
be worn at all other times unless special permission is granted by the
Fire Chief. (NOTE: The uniform schedule shall be posted on the
bulletin board and shall be considered a part of this rule and
Section 43. Uniforms shall at all times be clean and neatly,
pressed so that members reflect credit upon the department by their
appearance and demeanor. `
Section 44 . When reporting to time quarters of any superior
officer of the Village or official of the Village, members shall
wear tie proper uniform for the season of the year.
Section 45 . Coat badges shall be properly displayed on the
lei_ breast, when wearing the uniform.
Section 46 . Equipment: Officers and members of the fire
�- de�,artm=tint shall purchase and own the necessary and regulation
eRuii9mtint required for the fire duty as prescribed by the Chief
of tie fire department. Company officers shall inspect and see
-hat each member has provided himself with the necessary equipr!ent.
Section 47. Private telephones Every member of the :fire
derja -I—eixt shall have a private telephone and the same shall be
l Lstt d cinder his name.
Section 43 . A member of the department shall devote his whole
time and attention to his fire duties . He is expressly prohibited
fro. -ollowing any other calling:, or occupation, or being engaged in
anv other b�ls iness , unless per?�mission is given by 'L`.he Chief of the
sire Department. .
Section 49 . Always on duty : A. ?:member of the department , for
disc iniinary purposes , shall be considered as being on dutZ7 at all
ti= s . Although certain hours are allotted to a respective member
of the department for the performance of duty on ordinary occasions,
he is required to respond immediately, day or night, in any emergency
on notice that his services are required.
Section 50 . Probationers - to observe: All original appoint
meats of firemen to the fire department shall be for a probationary
period of one (1) year , continuation in the service being dependent
upon the conduct of the appointee , and his fitness for the perform-
ance o-. the duties to which assigned, as indicated by the quality of
his .;ork and by reports and recom endations of his superior officers .
If during the said one (1) year , the appointee proves unfit , he will
be d�.spissed from the service of the fire department by the Fire Chief.
Section 51, The loss of any coat, cap, badge, or other department
prc-:e_ty shall nroraptly be reported to the officer on duty. All
negligent losses must be replaced at losers expense.
Section 52 . Each member is responsible for all equipment
assi-pried to him, and when his membership in the department is termin-
ated, lie shall return all' department property in his possession.
Section 53 . No person, not a member of the department, unless
author-zed by a department officer, shall be allowed to ride on the
pparatus or to handle equipment.
Section 54. All- fire. department rubber lined hose shall be
subjected to a hydrostatic test at least once a year of not less
than one-half (1/2) the hose' s rated pressure (Example: 600 pounds
test hose will be tested at 300 pounds. ) held at that pressure for
at least three (3) minutes . (Refer to the National Fire Codes for
detailed information) .
Section 55. Rewards: All rewards of money or gifts made out
to the fire department for rendering fire service shall be reported
in w•;citing to the Fire Chief through the ranking officer of the -
company of which the officer or member receiving said reward is a
member. Said report shall be made within five (5) days after the
receipt of the reward and all money shall be paid over to the
V .11age of Oak Brook Firemen's Pension Fund Treasurer, who shall
deposit same according to law.
Section 56 All volunteer members shall be required to have' a
physical examination _yearly, at the expense of the Village , after
reaching the age of fifty-five (55) years . The Chief of the Fire
Department will provide the forms and will send the member to the
doctor handling such examinations for the Village.
Section 57 . Department members shall not leave quarters- until
properly relieved or dismissed by the platoon officer in charge.
Section 1. The following records , -reports , etc. are to be
completed before the tour of duty is considered completed. Those
mars'-zed with an. asterisk shall be submitted to the Fire Chief for
review and they will then be forwarded to the responsible people
for processing.
1 . Alarm of fire*
2 . Alarm of non-firer
3 . Alarm of emergency rescue*
4 , %ttendance record*
5 . Volunteer payroll fo,m*
6 . Drill report*
7 . Off duty permit*
S. Vehicle work order*
° . State Fire Marshall Fire Report*
10 _ Hose records
11. oxygen and compressed air service records
12 . Daily log
13 . Radio log
14 . Daily gasoline records
~' 15 . Monthly gasoline report
16 . Monthiv apparatus run report.
Section 2 . All "monthly, weekly and quarterly, reports are
to be completed and processed before the tour of duty is considered
complete for the day listed st_ed -for said report to be ^fade out. ^heYr
will be forwarded to the responsible people for processing.
Section 3 . The foll-.,Ting is a list of daily , weekly, monthly,
and quarterly records , reports , etc. , and directions concerning them:
A. Alarm of fire: An alarm ,of fire report shall be made
out by the platoon officer on duty every time the fire
department responds to an alarm of fire.
B. Alarm of non-fire : An alarm of non-fire shall be made
out by the platoon officer on duty every time the fire
department responds to alarms other than alarms of fire
and alarms of emergency rescue
C. Alarm of emergency rescue : An alarm of emergency rescue
shall be made out by the platoon officer on duty every
time the fire department responds to an alarm of rescue
transport, inhalator transport, rescue squad not needed,
first aid, and mutual aid for emergency rescue.
D. Attendance record: An attendance record is to be made
out by the platoon officer on duty for all regular, platoon,
and special drills , platoon officers and officers co-immand
�. meetings , all alarms and whenever else the Fire Chief may
deem it advisable.
E. Volunteer payroll form: A volunteer payroll form shall be
made out by the platoon officer on duty for all personnel
ordered to duty by the Fire Chief.
F. Drill report: A drill report shall be made out by the
platoon officer on duty for all regular, platoon, and
special drills , and platoon officers meetings , and officers
Command meetings and whenever else the Fire Chief may
deem it advisable,
G. Off duty permits: An off duty permit shall be made out
by the platoon officer on duty for all off duty time
granted a man. All off duty time must be approved by the
Fire Chief or the ran shall be considered absent without
leave. An off duty permit shall be made out for absence
and the work "Permit" struck out and the words `Absent
Without Leave" tvped in place thereof.
11. Vehicle work order : A vehicle N,�7ork order shall be made
out to the mechanic, but forwarded through the platoon
officer on duty whenever repairs , adjustments , etc. , are
required on apparatus and fire equipment and such repairs
are beyond the capabilities of the man making out the
vehicle *.,ork order. The mechanic will complete all the
work requested and process the vehicle work order as
indicated on the form.
l ., 'lose records : The Dlatoon officer on duty shall be
responsible for keeping the hose records up to date by
recording the use of hose .
j O,,,vgen and compressed air service• records : Service records
shall ba kept current weekly by the officer on duty•
Daily les : A da 'v _tog shall be kept by the platoon officer
on dintv . r ne shali -record the day , date roll call , weather
report at 8 : 00 A.2':. , all activities , goods Yeceived, and
sign the same in blue ink and record all ala=s in red ink
L for each tour of du y.
L. Radio log: Every officer and man is responsible to log
all radio communications he has from the base station
transmitter. The same shall be recorded in the radio
log book.
�.. ii. Daily gasoline records : All gasoline ptmiped daily shall
be recorded by the men on duty and filed for the monthly
N. Monthly gasoline reports : (Recap of daily reports) The
platoon officer on duty the lst day of every month shall
compile the "Monthly Gasoline Report" for the previous
O. Monthly apparat-Ls run report: The platoon officer on
duty is responsible to log all apparatus mileage on
the monthly apparatus run report book,
P Fire Prevention Bureau monthly report: The Director of
the Fire Prevention Bureau shall make out the Fire Pre-
vention Bureau monthly report for the months assigned:
Platoon "A" January, March, May July,
'September and November
`.. Platoon "B" - February, April, June, August
October and December
q_. Fire Prevention Bureau report and correspondence:
1. The fire inspectors shall make out "Inspector's
Route Cards" daily and shall send them to the
Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau on the last
day of each month.
2. The inspector's "pink" copy of all orders issued
shall be sent daily to the Chief of the Fire
Prevention Bureau.
3. Monthly summary of inspections : Each inspector
shall make out a monthly . summary of inspections
report. The report shall become a part of the
Fire Prevention Bureau monthly report.
R. Weekly vehicle inspection report: The platoon officer on
duty shall make out the weekly vehicle inspection report.
`- S. Vehicle service report : The mechanic shall make out the
vehicle service report whenever he lubricates the vehicle,
tunes up the motor, or winterizes the radiator.
Section 4. Any and all correspondence wkitten on fire
department stationary, or pertaining to this department ' s
activities , shall be sent to the Fire Chief for his review and
approval prior to mailing or handing out , processing, etc.
Section 1. Any member of the fire department , who shall be
guilty of violation of any of the rules and regulations herein-
before set forth, or of any one or more of the following offenses
"chile on or off duty, shall be subject to one or more of the
penalties hereinafter provided:
1. Conduct unbecoming a fireman or employee of the department.
2 . Immoral conduct.
3 . Neglect of duty.
4. Violation of any criminal law.
5. Inattention to duty.
6 Incapacity or inefficiency in the service .
7 . Disobedience of orders
0 D ..,ti ,, 1
9 . Being absent from duty without permission.
10 . Using coarse or profane language to a superior officer
or to any member of the department.
11. Insubordination or disrespect toward a superior officer.
12 . Using coarse or profane language to a citizen.
13 Neglect to treat an officer or member of the department,
or another person, ciui_l_1_y and respectfully.
14. raking a false official report.
15 . Neglect to comply with rules governing fire clothing ,
uniforms, etc.
16 : Neglect to appear neat and tidy.
17. Receiving a ,brbe of money, or other valuable .
18 . Accepting a: gift or reward from a person for a service
rendered, or pretended to be rendered, as a member of
the department.
19. Neglect to report any member of the department known to
be guilty of violating any rule or regulation issued for
the guidance of the department.
20 . Failure to report inefficient probationers .
Section 2 . Penalties
1. Reprimand.
2. Suspension by the Chief of the Fire Department for a period
not to exceed legal limits as set by law.
3. Suspension, during investigation, by the Board of Fire and -
Police Cormnissioners for a period not to exceed legal limits
set by law.
4. Discharge from the fire department and the service of the
Village of Oak Brook after a hearing duly held as required
by law.
Section 3. Disciplinary measures : The Chief of the Fire
Department may, in proper cases, administer the penalties enumerated
in Section 2 above. Mhen the penalty is an official reprimand, he
shall cause a record of the same to be transcribed upon the personnel
record of the offender. A suspension order by the Chief of the Fire
Department under Section 2 above shall in no case exceed legal limits
as set by law. The enforcement of all other penalties as outlined
is reserved to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners for regular
firemen and officers . For volunteer firemen and officers ,' the Fire
Chief may enforce according to the laws and ordinances of the Village
of Oak Brook.
Section 4. Department property - to turn in: A member of the
�- department, upon suspension for a period of five (5) days or more,
shall promptly surrender all department property in his possession,
which property shall be -retained by the Chief of the Fire Department,
and returned to the member when relieved from suspension or restored
to duty.
Section 5 . During any period suspension, a member of the force
shall not wear or display his official uniform, or any part thereof.
Section 1. All charges and trials for offenses herein shall be
made and conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations
promulgated by- the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners and the
statutes in such case made and provided.
Section 2 . Preferring and contents of charges : Any superior.
officer may prefer charges against a subordinate for any one or
more of the foregoing offenses . Charges shall specify the rule
violated, the general nature of such violation, and the names and
addresses of witnesses . The defendant shall be notified of the
c:n; tents cif c:haraes and cha l l he rpoui rPd to c bTni t- A wr; ttPn
statement in answer thereto. Additional charges shall be preferred
where a: defendant refuses to submit a written statement. Charges
together with defendant's statement shall°be forwardedthrough
official channels to the Chief of the Fire Department.
Section 3. Subordinates may make complaints: A subordinate
having a complaint against another member of the department for a
violation of rule, or deeming himself aggrieved, shall make a state_.
ment thereof under oath, attaching names of witnesses, and transmit
same directly to the Chief of the Fire Department.
Section 4. Service of charges: A copy of charges shall be
served on tze 3efendant not less than five (5) days before the date
of trial. Return of such service shall be by a receipt of the
defendant on a retained copy of such charges or by affidavit of the
officer serving the same. It is the duty of an officer to whom
charges are sent for service to secure service and Make return
thereof without delay.
Section 5. The commanding officer of a member or employee of
the department named as defendant, as well as those preferring
charges, shall be present when the case is scheduled to be heard.
All prior ordinances of the Village of Oak :Brook in conflict
with the.,-provisions of this ordinance are repealed to the extent
of such conflict.
PASSED and APPROVED this day of f.,AujCtdrf , 1973.
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Village Clerk