R-361 - 02/26/1984 - FINAL PLAT - Resolutions Supporting Documents VILLAGE Or OAK BROOK Minutes -I February 28, 1984 B. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING VARIATIONS PROM THE PROVISIONS OF A PENDIY I of THE Zt}11ISO ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK ORD NANCS NO. 'G-60 AS ANSRDRD REL&TIMN TO C60ACT CAII PAR[ IREMBNTS Official Airline ides Clearwater.Driv+s As directed at the Regular Nesting of February 14, 1954• Trustee Matson moved, accorded by Trustee Listecki... To table this matter until too next Regular Tasting of March 13, 1984• VOICE VOTE: All present, is favor. So ordered. C. AN ORDINAL GRANTING A FLOOD PLAIN SPBCIL USE TO ALLOW A A A D IOIIAL ONCE WfSTWTION OF C 8C7 10-34 FA WIT f TWO IAIR Olr TS>l< Of ppMi Official Airline Guides Clearwater Djij ,'As directed at the Regular. Nesting of February 14, 1984. Trustee Watson sowed, secoadsd by Trustee Listscki... To table this utter ontil the most Regular Nesting of Xareh 13, 1 984. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor.: So ordered. D. ION NO. R- - A ON AVTMIZING PARTICIPATION B A R TRA IC Stru F—M-0—,1 Ro al Camden Court i As direetod at the Regular feting of February 14, 1984. Trantes Invie 01OW", b7► Trustee Watson... To pans mad approve Resolution No. 1-359 as presented and waive reading of saes- ROLL CALL VOTE: Area: Trustees Iwris, Listsdlki, Naher, Philip, Rush and Watson. Nays low So ordered. f E.1 139"Mon i0. R. 1 - A ION APPROTM TIM FINAL p - gE XN04PN AS ED BATES DIVISEON 1 Oak Brook•Road As directed at the Regular Nesting of February 14, 1984. Trustee Matsu 80vvd, seconded 1W Trustee Rush... To page and approve Resolution Na. 1-361 as presented and waive reading of arse. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Inrie, Listacki, ]Asher, Philip, Rush, and Watson. Rays: None So ordered. F. RESOLUTION No 1-360 - 1984 PEMT RESOLUTION Proposed Resolution required annually for work on State Highways within the Village limits. Tzvstse Ierie Roved, sacmded by Trustee Philip... To pass and approve Resolution Wo. a-360 an presented and waive reading a-f mans. JILMM OF OA[ 50M IKnutee - 't - ftbrea y . 1964 77 77 R ±aa III I VILLAGE F OAK BROOK 1200 OAK I91tOQ1K ItOAD I OAK BKOOK, ILLINOIS March Z, 1964 Mr. Id let" it 689 aCi�► Drive W11100moak, Illinoix. "521 �. Dear Mac. Wov s ;> ¢r , ' Tho Villa,{ ftealdeut and loard of Trustees at its meeting of esdsy, February 28, 1964 considered the resolution apprOv ng the Fieeal Flat of Subdivision knom as 14 U t" lKvisim and approved the Resolution In tbst regard, Resolution go. 1F-351, ftclosed bsr*witb is a copy of Resolution No. R-361 for your records. If see can be of any furtber assistance pleasa feel free to contact. this office. Slucerely, 8. Bredhin Fil a Manager JU/cak NMI. cc: Bruce F. xapff Assistant to Village Manager Richard A. Martens - Acting Village Attorney Donald G. Bddy - Donald G. 3 4dy AssocUtes Joseph Xubic ik li I i! r w b 6 A �i F.