Minutes - 01/20/1994 - Safety Pathway Committeer� Revised 2/7/94 OAK BROOK SRFETY PHTHWRY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1994 Committee Members: Heidi Huizenga* John Hartmann* Steve McShane* Connie Craig* Jill Fleishman Tom Richardson* Cathy Giangrassi Sue Walters Ana Sisson Dale Durfey* Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook Jon Sommer* Oak Brook Park District Wes Pence* Resident * Present 1. Minutes of the November 18, 1993, meeting were approved. 2. Reporters from the Doings and the Press were present. 3. Reports: A. 22nd Street Pathway: Jon Sommer reported that the 22nd Street pathway under the tollway engineering study has been completed and appears to be on schedule. There will be a 3 foot barrier on the south side of the roadway. Jon Sommer and Benes Engineering have met with federal and state officials. Apparently there is a problem because the pathway goes across Northern Illinois Gas property, and since this is private property, this causes a problem with federal law. If this is in fact a serious problem, it may be necessary for the village or the park district to assume responsibility for part of the pathway cost. Assuming all goes well, contract letting will take place in the summer, and work will be completed in the fall of 1994. A, B. York Road Pathway: Dale Durfey reported that the • consultant will be making a presentation on the York Road project at the village board meeting of Tuesday, January 25, 1994. The topographical study and survey have been completed. It includes pathway alternatives on both sides of the road, each 10 feet wide with 2 foot shoulders. Cost estimate is $180,000. One side requires 14 easements. The other side requires 10 easements. After this meeting, a phase 1 report will be made to IDOT, then a public hearing will be held in late February or early March. One side or the other will be picked by the village board. Members of the committee were encouraged by Tom Richardson to attend and participate in the meeting. C. Midwest Road Pathway: Dale Durfey reported that he met with county officials and the project is on hold as consultants are reassessing the situation. The earliest date for construction would be 1995. D. Harger Road and York Bridge Pathways: Dale Durfey reported that there was no status report on the new grant applications for bridge pathways. Bruce Kapff of the village is • trying to get answers. 4. Tom reported that village president Karen Bushy has reassigned him to represent the Northwest quadrant of the village, and that Steve McShane will be an at large member of the committee since he recently moved from Timber Trails to Fullersburg Woods. He suggested that members whose terms are ending in February (Steve McShane, Heidi Huizenga, and Jill Fleishman) notify president Bushy of their desire to continue to serve as members of the committee. He suggested to her that any new members make a commitment to be at every meeting. 5. At the next meeting we will discuss priorities. New priority suggestions should be proposed using the new project development sheet. A copy of the latest priority list is included with these minutes. Dale Durfey pointed out that if the current proposals are approved that village funding will be tied up for three years. Jon Sommer indicated that the park district may also be able to fund future projects. 6. An annual "state of the pathways" report will be given to the is village board in June. 7. A motion was made by Steve McShane and seconded by Connie Craig to recognize the village personnel who worked to improve the pathways through maintenance projects in the past year. Dale Durfey indicated that Doug Patchin oversaw construction and Ray Drager handled design and planning. Steve McShane will draft a letter for the committee chairmen recognizing the efforts of these men. 8. Tom Richardson presented the rules of procedure of the plan commission as a model for the development of rules of procedure for the pathway committee. A copy of these rules is included with these minutes for review at February's meeting. 9. Connie Craig presented a press release (copy enclosed) which included a report on maintenance projects completed, the development of the suspended pathway for bridges developed by Wes Pence, and the savings of money to the York Road pathway as a result of the county decision to rebuild the bridge over Salt Creek. ve McShane Secretary