Minutes - 01/21/1993 - Safety Pathway CommitteeA kw ORK BROOK PEDESTR I RN BICYCLE PATH COMMITTEE Heidi Huizenga John Hartmann* Steve McShane* Connie Craig* Jill Fleishman* Ana Sisson* MINUTES OF MEETING, JANUARY 21, 1993 Tom Richardson* Robert Robinson Sue Walters* Tom Hawk Jon Sommer* Dale Durfey* * Present 1. Minutes of the November 18, 1992 meeting were approved. 2. Sue Walters proposed a monthly agenda format, and it was approved by the committee. A copy is enclosed. 3. Federal grant money will be made available for the York Road path. Village money is still available for the engineering study. 4. How can we be sure that we know whe bicycle trail issues will be discussed in village board meetings? Tom Richardson will discuss with Lexi Payovich. 5. Jon Sommer and Dale Durfey expained grant possibilities from the Dupage Mayors and Managers Group, clearing house for IDOT grants. Other groups: Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), Chicago Area Transportation Study (CATS). Transportation Control Measure (TCM) is a method of funding. 6. Errol Jay Kirsch, from the Covington Court Group made a presentation about the Whitehall development. He offered to provide land for a pathway along 35th Street. This would offer the possibility of a pathway loop through Trinity Lakes. 7. The committee decided to support the objective of developing a bicycle path connecting to the current Trinity Lakes path along 35th Street, through the Covington Court property adjacent to 35th, and continuing east through Trinity Lakes again to its easternmost border. We would hope to link this path in the future with the forest (f) 47 C- r preserve property and continue north with the path along Pasquinelli Drive, and eventually complete the loop to Trinity Lakes on Oak Brook Road. 8. Connie Craig agreed to contact Linda Podzamsky from the Trinity Lakes Homeowners Association to get their input and support on the new pathway loop. 9. The committee (Sue and Jill) will send a letter to the Plan Commission with copies to the village board of trustees supporting the overall objective of developing the new loop. 10. Regarding the York Road pathway, Dale Durfey reported on his conversation with Grace Dysico who is administering grants for IDOT. The pathway must be complete, with no breaks. She has sent a contractual agreement. 11. Jill Fleishman indicated that we could proceed now even with missing easements by going south to Robinhood Ranch, through to the creek, along the creek, and back to York Road. It was decided to go ahead along York Road, with a cross - hatching across York Road. 12. Dale Durfey will check into the possibility of getting a "No Turn on Red" sign at 31st Street and York Road. 13. Jill will try to get an updated trail map from Tom Hawk prior to the Plan Commission meeting. 14. The need to connect the northern subdivisions of the village to the pathways in the south were discussed. Jon Sommer proposed a tunnel alongside of 22nd Street under the Tollway. Jill, Sue, Jon and Dale will meet to discuss the tollway crossing. Jon explained that this idea joins the northern part of the village with the pathway, and it also has economic impact because it joins the shopping center with various offices and hotels. 15. The 3 major priorities are: York Road, New 35th Street pathway along Covington Court, Tollway crossing. 16. Sue to follow up on easement needed along Midwest Road, from a private party and the Homeowners Association. r r V r 17. According to Sue, a maintenance budget is needed to maintain current trails. 18. According to Ana Sisson, a bike clinic will be held in April at Brook Forest School for the entire village. 19. A short paragraph will be placed in the Civic Association newsletter regarding our committee's activities, by John Hartmann. 20. A copy of the existing bicycle path map is enclosed with these minutes. 21. The next meeting will be held on February 18, 1993 at 7:30 PM, and will be planned for the third Thursday of each month. Steve McShane Secretary cc. Margaret Rimbo V W RO n O ' D � D IL 3 r m �4 x Tye Roo O D Q t CAyy AVE. O � X ' O M�pW RD a i 4 "vtry O- c O x �i ° - z cy pR o / P v � Ni D n CD ILL z O D A m O 7z 0 To sPRI v t N N O ' M A D l SON Sr / �D �rl O n 33 0 Z p p O m M O -ODD J6 -! In D rn w) IJdTON M ( O¢ o w� o� R Da-