Minutes - 02/17/1994 - Safety Pathway Committeet
Committee Members:
Heidi Huizenga
John Hartmann
Steve McShane*
Connie Craig*
Jill Fleishman*
Tom Richardson*
Cathy Giangrassi*
Sue Walters*
Ana Sisson*
Dale Durfey* Village of Oak Brook
Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook
Jon Sommer* Oak Brook Park District
* Present
1. Minutes of the January 20, 1991; and special February 7, 1994
meetings were approved.
2. A reporter from the Oak Brook Press was present.
3. Oak Brook Plan Commissioner Tony Tappin and Village Grants
Coordinator Bruce Kapff were present. Steve Plumb, Elmhurst Park
District Manager was a guest.
4. Steve Plumb reported on plans to create a trail along Salt
Creek which would ultimately connect the Prairie Path with
Brookfield Zoo. A key link would be the Oak Brook pathway system.
The plan is to go along the west bank of the creek in Elmhurst which
is all public land. Mr. Plumb suggested that a cooperative grant
application be made with the cooperation of DuPage County Forest
Preserve, the Oak Brook Park District, the Village of Oak Brook, and
the Elmhurst Park District to obtain funding to provide the link
which would bring the pathways of DuPage County together. The
grant application would be made with ISTEA. Tom Richardson,
speaking for the committee indicated strong support for this
concept. (Mr. Plumb's telephone number is 993 - 8900.)
• S. Reports:
A. 22nd Street Pathway: Jon Sommer reported that the
pathway will be developed on both sides of 22nd Street so that there
will not be a need for a realignment of the pavement. An attempt
will be made to obtain an easement to relieve the glitch regarding
the NIGas property on the south side of 22nd Street east of the
Tollway. It may be necessary-for this part of the pathway to be
funded by the park district or the village.
B. York Road Pathway: Dale Durfey reported that state and
federal review of the preliminary plan will take place at IDOT in
Schaumburg on March 8. The Village will hold an open meeting for
residents in late April or early May. At the request of the Village
Board, informal resident meetings will be organized the Safety
Pathway Committee to answer resident questions. The first of the
meetings will be held on March 16, 1994 at Ana Sisson's house. Only
Ana Sisson and Jill Fleishman from the committee will be present so
that this will not be an official committee meeting. To prepare for
the kind of questions the residents may ask, Ana will be talking to
the people at "Open Lands ". Sue Walters indicated that "Rails to
Trails" will be sending information. Sue will be talking with the
Village attorney about the issue of liability of residents in the case
of accidents on the trail. Plantings will be available to replace
existing plantings according to Dale Durfey. All committee members
were requested to get any suggested information for a hand out to
Steve McShane who will try to summarize information received.
Apparently crime goes down and property values go up when
pathways are built. According to Officer Nugent of the Oak Brook
Police Department, there have no incidents of crime on the pathways
to date. At the resident meetings, we cannot ask for or pressure
residents for easements. Steve McShane agreed to prepare a meeting
announcement to be mailed to the approximately 30 residents along
York Road.
C. Midwest Road Pathway: Nothing to report.
D. Harger Road and York Bridge Pathways: While it appears
that our funding application will not be approved, Bruce Kapff
indicated that another application has been made through the Mayors
and Managers.
` 6. New Business: Bruce Kapff recommended that additional grant
• money can be applied for, and he suggested that the major links
should be top priority. Tom Richardson moved to make a 31st Street
pathway between Concord and Jorie Blvd, across Route 83 our next
priority. The motion was seconded by Sue Walters, and the motion
7. Steve McShane indicated that he had been reappointed to
another term by President Bushy. Jill Fleishman has been asked to
remain on the committee, and she agreed to do so for the time being.
8. A motion was made by Sue Walters to change the date of the
next meeting to Wednesday, March 9. The motion was seconded by
Tom Richardson and the motion carried.
Steve McShane