Minutes - 02/18/1993 - Safety Pathway CommitteeOHK BROOK
Heidi Huizenga
John Hartmann*
Steve McShane*
Connie Craig*
Jill Fleishman*
Ana Sisson*
Robert Robinson*
* Present
1. Minutes of the January 21, 199 meeting were approved with
minor modifications. A copy of revised minutes was sent to
Margaret Rimbo at the Village office.
2. Guests at meeting included Christie Hart from the Daily
Herald, and resident Joe Rush.
3. How+ can we '�be sure that we know _when bicycle trail issues
will be discussed in village board meetings? Tom Richardson will
discuss strategies with village trustee Lexi Payovich and report at
next meeting.
4. Funds will be escrowed by the developer of Covington Court for
a pathway along the north side of 35th Street. Trinity Lakes
Homeowner's Association will discuss in their next meeting. Connie
Craig will report.
5. New pathway loop will go through new Forest Preserve land.
Dale Durfey and Jon Sommer suggested a letter to Forest Preserve
District. Jon to get name for Steve McShane to draft letter.
6.� Regarding York Road
qualification statements from
7. Regarding "No Turn on
spoke to Chuck Tokarski of D
Suggested getting the school
pathway, Dale Durfey is reviewing
3 engineering firms.
Red" 31st and York Road, Ana Sisson
upage County Division of Transportation.
involved to stress safety of students.
8. Regarding updated map of pathways, Dale is trying to get a new
Autocad system approved which will facilitate. Tom Hawk
suggested a simple manual up- dating of the current map.
9. Village budget plan is up for review. Bicycle path issues:
$10,000 for normal screening of gravel paths, $60,000 for capital
improvement of asphalt paths, $60,000 for York Road pathway,
$40,000 (previously approved) for Midwest and 35th Street, and
22nd Street and Salt Creek. A letter from Sue Walters and Jill
Fleishman will be placed in the meeting package for the village
budget meeting on Saturday, February 20, 1993. Sue Walters and Bob
Robinson will try to attend.
10. Jon Sommer explained the committee's plan for a tunnel along
22nd Street under the Tollway. Jon thanked Sue Walters for input
and Bruce Kapff from the village for support. Likely timing: 1994-
95 year. Joe Rush indicated concern from Fullersburg Woods for the
cost, and security issue. Other committee comments pointed our the
serious safety issue regarding the present danger of riding along
22nd Street, and the need to bring the northern part of the village
together with the rest of the village, the economic value of a link -up
to the shopping center, and the clean air impact of reduced use of
automobiles. Jon said that the cost of an overpass would be cost
11. Dale Durfey indicated that priorities for the village board
should be put together for the village board April meeting.
12. The plan for the year will be discussed in the March meeting
per Sue Walters.
13. The next meeting only will be held on the second Thursday
because of a meeting conflict. Please note: March 11, 1993 at 7:30
PM. Normally meetings will be planned for the third Thursday of
each month.
Steve McShane
cc. Margaret Rimbo V1'