Minutes - 05/09/1996 - Safety Pathway Committee1 �J • ORK BROOK SRFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, MAY 91 1996 Committee Members: Heidi Huizenga John Hartmann* Steve McShane* Connie Craig* Rosetta Lombardi Tom Richardson* Tom Doyle* Sue Walters* Ana Sisson* Dale Durfey, Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook Bruce Kapff, Village of Oak Brook Roy Cripe* Oak Brook Park District * Present 1. Minutes of the April 11, 1996 meeting were approved. 2. Pathway map: Tom Richardson reported that the pathway map was in progress according to Bruce Kapff. It will be mailed out with the next village newsletter. 3. Grant progress: Grants for the major projects have been made and the orientation of the committee will now become more towards maintenance projects. 4. 22nd Street Pathway: No report. S. Spring Road north of 22nd Street: Pathway is needed where only sidewalk exists. It was suggested that McDonald's be contacted to put in a pathway when they construct a building on this site. 6. 31 st Street over Route 83: The widening of the bridge including the pathway will now be funded by McDonald's. • 7. Spring Road between Adams and Madison: Tom Richardson will get the name of the person from the Forest Preserve and Steve McShane will call them about a pathway through the forest preserve on the west side of Spring Road. 8. Harger bridge: The Harger bridge is owned by the Tollway Authority and they want to transfer ownership to the village. Bridge pathway extension scheduled for 1997. 9. Regional trail: We will get someone to our November meeting to bring us up to data on the regional trail. 10. Midwest Road trail: This project which has been on our priority list for a long time will be proceeding soon according to Tom Richardson. This is an important safety priority. 11. Dale Durfey will be invited to our September meeting. 12. The committee decided to cancel the meetings for the summer imonths, and to meet every other month on the second Thursday starting in September. The next meeting will be on September 12. .f� &'4 f f (Steve McShane Secretary •