Minutes - 06/15/1995 - Safety Pathway Committee• u OAK BROOK SAFETY PHTHWHY COMMITTEE CORRECTED MINUTES OF MEETING, JUNE 15, 1995 Committee Members: Heidi Huizenga John Hartmann* Steve McShane* Connie Craig* Tom Richardson, Co- Chairman Rosetta Lombardi* Sue Walters, Co- Chairman Ana Sisson* Dale Durfey, Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook Bruce Kapff, Village of Oak Brook Tom Suhs* Oak Brook Park District *Present 1. Minutes of the May 18, 1995 meeting were approved. 2. Working off a list of previous pathway priorities a s documented in the list prepared by Bruce Kapff, dated February 18, 1994, the following general prioritization was established: 1. York Road 2. York / 22nd Street intersection 3. 22nd Street under tollway. Question: Does it extend all the way to Spring Road on the North side of 22nd? 4. Harger Road over Salt Creek 5. York Road over N. tollway connector 6. York Road over S. tollway connector 7. 31st Street over Route 83 8. Timber Edge from Twin Oaks to Forest Preserve trail 9. Timber Edge from Forest Preserve trail to York Road 10. Connection to regional trail along Salt Creek under Roosevelt Road 11. Wood Glen Lane 12. 31 st Street over Salt Creek improvement 13. Midwest / 35th. Very important safety considerations 14. Midwest Road from 31st Street to 22nd Street 15. 35th from Trinity Lane to St. Paschal Drive 16. St. Paschal Dr. from 35th Street to 31st Street 17. Spring Road between Adams and Forest Preserve entrance 1 18. Spring Road along old Colby's property 19. South of 1 88 from Route 83 tunnel to 22nd Street If there is any question on the placement of relative priorities, they can be resolved at the July meeting where priorities will again be discussed. 3. 22nd Street Pathway: Tom Suhs from the Park District indicated there are still problems with easements. 4. York Road: There was considerable discussion among residents attending the meeting. Tom Richardson indicated that the committee had voted in the previous meeting to recommend to the village board that the pathway be constructed along the west side of York Road between 31st Street and Robinhood Ranch because of elevation drop, frequent flooding on the Forest Preserve trail, and a feeling that a pathway within the sight of the road was more secure. Resident Jack Rogalik expressed his opinion that village pathways were frequently used by cars, and that the pathway would not be properly maintained by the village, and that dogs are left to roam is the pathways without leashes. Resident Matthew Anderson indicated that he felt that the pathway would radically degrade his property value. Resident Arlene Birkhahn indicated that the pathway would be within 22 feet of her garage. Tom Richardson clarified that the actual extent of her property was 22 feet from her garage, and that the pathway would not come closer than 32 feet from her garage. Resident Russ Strahan indicated a concern for safety at the proposed termination of the pathway and Robinhood Ranch since cars turn the corner going rather fast without looking out for people or bicycles. Resident Matthew Anderson asked if the committee had requested any engineering studies of the Forest Preserve alternative. Pathway committee member Ana Sisson reported on a survey of all Robinhood Ranch residents which indicated that the majority of adult residents favored a pathway along York Road, rather than the Forest Preserve alternative. is At the May committee meeting the following motion had carried: 2 That the pathway be constructed along York Road between 31 st Street and Robinhood Ranch, because this rout e is high, g dry, straight, most direct, and with the best visibility for safety and security of pedestrians and bicyclists. Connie Craig made the following motion: The committee will delay making our recommendation to the village board for up to 90 days, until the village has time to provide expert opinions on two subjects raised by the group of residents: 1. Because of frequent flooding, the pathway alternative through the forest preserve from the south end of the Church property is often under water. Could the flooding be avoided, making this alternative feasible? 2. There are safety concerns about the termination of the pathway at Robinhood Ranch: Is there good reason for serious safety concern and can safety concerns be addressed by a traffic consultant? The village will be requested to provide opinions on these subjects before the September meeting. The motion carried. 5. Bicycle racks at Oakbrook Center. John Hartmann will ask the management for their recommendations on the location of racks. 6. Tom Richardson indicated that Tom Doyle from Robinhood Ranch had been appointed by the village to the Pathway Committee. 7. The next meeting will be on July 13. We plan to skip the August meeting. St cShane Secretary • 3