Minutes - 07/10/1997 - Safety Pathway Committeet • • ORK BROOK SRFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, JULY 10, 1997 Committee Members: Heidi Huizenga* John Hartmann* Steve McShane* Connie Craig* Rosetta Lombardi* Tom Richardson* Tom Doyle Sue Walters Ana Sisson Dale Durfey, Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook Bruce Kapff, Village of Oak Brook Roy Cripe* Oak Brook Park District Howard Trier, Commissioner, Oak Brook Park District John Baar, Oak Brook Civic Association * Present 1. Minutes of the May 8, 1997 meeting were approved. 2. Priorities: The village board requested a new priority list. Tom Richardson will send. Some small projects may be able to be accomplished during the summer, such as Myers Road, adding a section between the 35th Street pathway and the new Covington Court pathway, 22nd Street between Clearwater and Windsor on the north side, and York Road from Dover to the 188 Spur, and from Clearwater to the 22nd Street underpass. 3. Project update: A. York Road: Nothing new. B. Midwest Road: At the Bicycle Workshop, a question was raised about the county's obligation to put pathway on both sides of Midwest Road, according to Sue Walters. C. Harger /York Road bridges: Still no resolution of Oak Brook take over of Harger Road Bridge, and the Tollway take over of the 22nd Street underpass. Tom Richardson suggested that the • Village put more pressure on the Tollway authority to consummate this swap. D. Spring Road: Nothing new. E Regional Trail: A report on regional activities was distributed. Tom Richardson will contact Steve Plumb to invite him to an upcoming meeting. F. Maintenance: The village did a nice job of cleaning up the underpass under Route 83 and installing mirrors. 4. Pathway Map: The committee suggested adding street names, putting in the creek, adding various sections, identifying pathways in the the forest preserve and the Sports Core, and the new pathways along York Road and 35th Street. 5. Bicycle Friendly Community: There was no response to Sue Walters' letter to the village, dated March 5, 1997. 6. New Business: Signage and striping are needed by 35th Street and Midwest Road. 7. Myers Road: Joe Kovarik, a resident who lives on Myers Road was present at the meeting to support the Myers Road pathway. 8. Next Meeting: September 11, 1997 at 7:30 PM. Election of officers will take place at this meeting. Steve McShane Secretary is 0