Minutes - 08/19/1993 - Safety Pathway CommitteeU CC,'V� ORK BROOK SRFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE *J MINUTES OF MEETING, AUGUST 19, 199 Heidi Huizenga* Tom Richardson* John Hartmann Robert Robinson* Steve McShane* Sue Walters Connie Craig* Tom Hawk* Jill Fleishman* Jon Sommer Ana Sisson Dale Durfey* * Present 1. Minutes of the June 17, 1993, meeting were approved. 2. Wes Pence participated in the meeting. A reporter from the Daily Herald was present. 3. Tom Hawk indicated that Margaret in the village office will mail out agenda and minutes of meetings. The secretary will get them to her one week in advance. 4. Tom Richardson and Bob Robinson did not have enough input to present priorities to the village board for September meeting. Will try to get together more concrete objectives for presentation at a future meeting, perhaps January or February. S. Election for chairman of the committee vVas postponed to the next meeting. 6. Dale Durfey reported that the consultant is moving forward on the York Road pathway project. IDOT design approval is expected for 12/20/93. 7. An application has been made for funding of the various pathway bridges. One application with three phases. 8. According to Dale, the Park District has hired an engineering firm and is proceeding with the grant for the pathway along 22nd Street. 9. Dale indicated that the bid received for maintenance was high and not approved. He has gone back out for bids with certain reductions. 10. The pathway at 35th Street and Midwest Road ends with no warning. Tom Hawk will call Mike Miranda to get a warning sign. 11. Tom Hawk indicated that some village board members were concerned about the new name for the committee. A motion was passed to stick with the name "Oak Brook Safety Pathway Committee ", unless there is good reason to change -it. 12. Jill Fleishman reported that the Brook Forest Association requested that lighting be included in the underpass. The committee moved to support this concept. 13. Bob Robinson suggested that a Saturday meeting at some time may give us an opportunity to consider long term plans. 14. Because a quorum was not available for a September meeting, the next meeting will be October 21, 1993 Z<V"X4�� Steve McShane Secretary cc. Margaret Rimbo