Minutes - 09/12/1996 - Safety Pathway Committee• ORK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1996 Committee Members: Heidi Huizenga Tom Richardson* John Hartmann* Tom Doyle* Steve McShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig* Ana Sisson* Rosetta Lombardi* Dale Durfey* Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook Bruce Kapff, Village of Oak Brook Roy Cripe, Oak Brook Park District * Present 1. Minutes of the May 9, 1996 meeting were approved. 2. Pathway map: Dale Durfey reported that the map had been entered on AutoCad. Bruce Kapff is looking at a means of printing. Several members will stop and see Bruce to review the map. Bruce will have it printed in an 1111 x 17" format, for mailing out to residents in the spring. The committee discussed the ideas of getting tourism funds and getting a centerfold in a Civic Association newsletter. The committee requested that Steve McShane draft a letter to the village board suggesting wide distribution including the village newsletter, the Civic Association calendar, availability at the recreation center, and to consider making one side available for printing for use by local hotels. 3. 22nd Street Pathway: No report. Sue will contact Roy Cripe. 4. York Road Pathway: Dale Durfey reviewed a copy of a letter sent by Bob Vick, Director of Planning and Development for the Forest Preserve District to Executive Director Utt. The letter suggested reopening various options which have already been • considered and Y rejected b the committee. Connie Craig agreed to call Steve Veich and suggest that the village recommend that Mr. Vick review the April 19 report from Bruce Kapff which discussed the various options. Phase 1 is completed. IDOT should let contracts by mid -1997. It was suggested that "Bicycle Crossing" signs be placed on either side of York Road at Canteberry Lane. Tom Doyle noted that a pathway has been completed in front of Oak Brook Lakes now. Pathways south of Oak Brook Lakes are now possible since easements have been granted. North from Oak Brook Lakes, only two easements are available for extension of the pathway to Canterbury Lane. Tom Doyle moved that the money set aside by the new York Lake subdivision be used to complete a pathway in front of York Lake, with the goal of continuing all the way down to the Salt Creek bridge with the same design as the Oak Brook Lakes pathway. Steve McShane was asked to write a letter to Karen Bushy and the village board. 5. Midwest Road: Steve McShane moved that a letter be written • to Karen Bushy with a copy to Steve Veitch acknowledging the efforts of the village board to support the integrity of the safety pathway system against pressures to eliminate this vital link. Connie Craig will write the letter. 6. Harger bridge: The Harger bridge is owned by the Tollway Authority and they want to transfer ownership to the village. According to Dale Durfey this issue may be worked out in the next couple of months. 6. Regional Trail: Dale will be meeting with all participants. Will include discussion about Canterbury Lane connection under the Tollway and the underpass under Roosevelt Road at Salt Creek. 7. Election of officers: Connie and Tom will continue at co- chairmen and Steve will continue as Secretary. 8. Spring Road between Adams and Madison: Steve McShane contacted Dan Griffen and Bob Vick from the Forest Preserve District about developing a pathway through the forest preserve. Mr. Vick indicated that funds were not available but that he would discuss the environment impact with his people. After discussion the committee suggested that a letter be written to Karen Bushy • suggesting that Spring Road be widened by 3 to 4 feet on both sides to allow on -road pathways. This letter will be sent after the first of the year. Spring Road will be added to the agenda for future meetings. 9. The next meeting will be on November 14. Steve McShane Secretary u 0