Minutes - 09/15/1994 - Safety Pathway Committee• • • re Vft ft ,r) rC_ OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1994 Committee Members: Heidi Huizenga* John Hartmann* Steve McShane* Connie Craig* Tom Richardson* Cathy Giangrasse Sue Walters* Ana Sisson* Dale Durfey, Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook Bruce Kapff* Village of Oak Brook Jon Sommer* Oak Brook park District * Present 1. Minutes of the August 17, 1994 meeting were approved. 2. Tom Richardson suggested that the agenda be changed to show that the priority discussion has been completed, and the by -law discussion has also been completed. Grants discussion was added to the agenda. 3. Required maintenance: Tom left the various project development sheets with Mike Miranda. Nothing has been done yet on the Route 83 underpass. Sue Waiters will submit a new sheet on road grates in Brook Forest. These need to be made bicycle friendly. 4. Spring Road /Madison Street: Bruce Kapff indicated that this subject has been handed off to Dale Durfey in engineering for response. 5. York Road: The committee agreed that transfer of this project to the County would be beneficial, and a letter will be sent to Karen Bushy and the village board taking this position. ry r d _r 6. 22nd Street Pathway: According to Jon Sommer, final plans • will be approved by IDOT and NIGas by mid December. Contracts will be let for Spring work. 7. Midwest Road: No progress report. 8. Hargeri York Road bridges: This proposal is going to Mayors and Managers transportation coin rnittee. It could be approved next week. Bruce Kapff will call Tom or Sue with report. The project value is $1.1 million, with the village's share: 25 %. 9. 31 st Jtr eet across Route 83. Federal grant has been applied ro ; i-�r.�::yi: r+�4!�� rr%r i g to Bruce. We may get- an answer this I all. 1 ^. Regional Trail: This fall we may hear about the regional trail I ui iding. 11. The committee recognized the tremendous contributions of Bruce Kapff in developing these funding proposals. 1 2. rieiui nuizenga has been I reappointed buy Karel l� Bushy for another three year term. Jill Fleishman's resignation has been accepted, so there is a vacancy on the committee. 13. The election of officers was held. Tom and Sue were reelected co- chairmen, and Steve McShane was reelected Secretary. 14. Old business: Connie Craig and Ana Sisson presented a draft of the questionnaire they have been working on. 15. The next meeting will be on October 20. The November meeting will be on the 17th. There will be no December meeting. f �u Steve McShane Secretary