Minutes - 10/14/1999 - Safety Pathway Committee11 11 ,99 13. 25 'a847 439 ►1111 NSc;A
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1. Attendees
Committee Members Present
Steve mrshane John Hartman
Tom Richardson Ron CuI'lum
Sue Walters
Also in attendance Howard Trier, Dale Durfey, Roy Cripe
Ran Cullum was appointed temporary secretary in the absence of Tom Doyle.
2. Prior Minutes.
Minutes of May 13, 1999, meeting were approved ur3&Nmou5ly
1 Project Updates
a 22nd Street (by Roy Gripe)
Fxm .;fie BW tit under the 186 tog way
- IDOT is recommending two one wey paths (one on eec h side of 22"d Street).
- There are 4 owners of property that w4l be needed Agreements have been reached
with NICOR, Nlc',Donalds, and Franctuse Realty. So fv no agreement has been readheb
with Bay Side Realty, which owns a small portion of the land_ -DOT plans to let the bids
on !November 17, 1999, but only if all land deals arm clos*d by November 20, 1999.
- Enwtng discussion noted the potenttal d9irulty of getting the land deals done in time.
If the deal is not done soon, we may lose all the IDOT funding for this project
- The committee also discussed the idea of having the path only on the soulh side of the
street, which would take less room, and ertri*mte the need to cross 22" d Street at Jorie
• Blvd. It was also noted that very few riders would seriously oboy one way bicycle paths
The raanxmittee fait that having one path oWy on tt' a smth si; of the suet was
preftwable to the IDOT recommendation.
b York Road (by Dale Durfey)
South of Robin Head Ranch to the big bend in York Read
- Contracts have been offered. Awaiting final approval
This should be done by November 29
c. Midwest Road (by Dale Durfey)
South from Saybrook on west side of 1Nidwest Road ,
Also, the curve by 35' Street win be reconfigured to move the path off the shoulder
- The new paffi witl be done with the wKkmvig of tf�e street.
- Bids to be let next spring
- T+e coffin lttee noted its preference for the like trall to be on t1w east side of
!!Midwest ors, the west side which is proposed,
d. HargerNork Road bridges (by Dale Durfby)
This proms is on hold awaiting a final decision as to whore will own the bridge.
- Presently it is owned by -tie toll way, who wants to give it to the village However, the
village is reluctant to take ►t, s►nee that will mean that the village will incur the costs of
future maiTdenance_ Since there is now a village resident on the toil way board, we may
be able to resolve the issue and proceed
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e. Spring Road (by Dale Durfey)
• On the side of Spnng Road from the Forest Preserve entrarw to Adams
- We have a request to the Forest Preserve There is no proposal There is limited land
available This could be a long way off
31' Streeet (by Bale Durf-ey)
-On the south side of 31'' Street from Trinity Lane to Jorie Bind There mll be a separate
bridge over Route 83_
- The design consultant is now back on track after being delayed several months He
started last spring based on the ongAnal grant- However, there was a delay when the
projected cost of the bridge exceeded the grant. Now IDOT has given its OK for the
additional cost, and tt-ie project is proceeding.
- The Phese 1 grant expires raid ne)d year_ We will have to seek en extensinn or re-
apply since the design cannot be completed by then_
g. Regional Trail
In Oak $rook the bziR wffl come under the i4poseveff bndcre over Spnng Creek, go on the
south s+de of the Roosevelt frontage road, turn sov#h on both skies of York Road. the go
east on Canterberry Lane. A new section wifi go from the east end of Canterbeny Lane
along h�e W ways and under the Spnng Creek badge.
- Llale has sect.ued - Weemeud with the presKdenf of Timber Trails on the route which will
be all on existing right of way-
- Steve received an update on the total b-al on October 13.
- The engineer is fine tuning the alignments
- There are 8 municipal governments involved They need ogreernent with all of them
before proceeding
- Elmhurst has their plan approved
- They expect Phase 1 (design) to be completed in early 2001 Construction will take at
• least 6 mriths, making completion in early 2002 at the earliest
4. ad Business
S. New Business
a, $tnpim the Oaths,
Howard Tner stated that he had seen deep parallel fissures in the path along 31" Street west
of the Bath and Tennis Entrance He reported these to the village and they were fixed
"immediately_" Howard, and the committee were impressed with flow responsive
the village was to this problem.
Howard also noted that there were problems with the pa#fi under .lone Blvd in that people
had a tendency to nm into each other He noted that the Pad, District has put a center
line stripe in the center of the paths on tt"r property_ The village will now do this to the
Jorie Blvd. underpass.
Upon drscussion of fire positive txenefits of the stnping, the committee will recommend to
the village that all paths be striped. For safety Treasons, we recommend that the
stripe be paint and not a material (like a tape) that cold be slippery and a safety
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• b Signage Program
Ron Cullum {presented recommendations for a pathway sagnage program (see Attachment 1)
which had four objectives
1. Make it easy for anyone (specifically including first time riders or walkers) to find their
way from where they are to wherever they want to go.
2 Improve t#fe safety of all riders and pedestrians.
3 Let more people exploit the marry advantages of our partway system
-t. Portray an even better image of Oak Brook
After a discussion about the program and potential cost, the committee believed that there
was merit to the program and something we should .pursue V\Athouf getting into the
details of the design the committee approved the concept of a stgnage program The
committee recommended that we present the signage program to the village and
let them cost it out, and put the program into their next year budget, It was noted
that the entire program did not have to be done at one time, and that there was a lot of
room for changes, additions and deletions from what was presented
e Protects and Priorities
Ron Cullum presented a pies of prolecis and rrW repatrs tae had rQted wt*le tnspecttrrg
the bicycle paths These are shown in Attachment 2. It was deeded that these would to
con}bine with the other pros { aptal tmfxovements) the committee has
ea( r6m nen&A and prior►ttzed and tha inure last will be the sul led of our next mo( tUng.
d. Attef Mr= at M�mtlm*
It was noted that at bmes it has been difficult to obtairi a quorum for the meetirgs While we
have several members who do travel in their work, we must all redouble our efforts to
participate whenever we are in town
• It was also noted that Jim Cox has moved from Oak Brook and we will need a replacement
for JTM
both of these issues will be brought to the attention of Karen Bushy for her action-
e New Officers
John Hartman and Ron Cullum were elected co- chairmen of the committee for next year (with
John bung the primary lead, and Ron backing him up) Tom Doyle will continue to be
f Water Trails f car cefmq )
The issue of making Salt Creek available for canoeing was discussed While some
communrttes are purse this, it will to a long Wit-, before Salt Creek to Oak Brook c;oUId be
available for canoes since much of the creel is in private property
q, Next Meeting
The next meeting will be Tuesday, NoVambor 16, 1999_
h Adjourn
Being no further business the meeting was adpumed at 9-00 PM.
Ron Cullum, acting secretary
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Attachment 1
Oak Brook Bicycle Committee
Sept=ber 14. 1999
Ronald L Cullum
Signs (How to Find Your Way Around)
Presently it is difficult in many cases to easily get from one location to another without a lot oftml -and
error (even with a BikelHike Paths m,ap) I te?_zftim.eftd that we take a postttoii that would have four goals,
5 Make it easy for anyone (specifically including first time riders or walkers) to find their way from
where they are to wherever they want to go
6 Improve the safety of all rirders and pedestrians
7. Let more people exploit the n=y advantages of our pathway system,
8 Portray an even better image of Oaf: Brook
i believe that these goals can be accomplished vrith a combination of pathway signs (with directional
arrows), displayed mts of the pathway system, improved road imrlangs, Bicycle crossing signs, markings
on the paths, and "Welcome to Oak Brook" signs_
ThPqr- dine meld he nlari�d as foilowe
Type of Sign
Place a nice sign saytng, "Wei-conic to
York Road trear Graue Mill
1, 3, 4
Oakbrook Blcycle/Pedestri I Pathway
east end of Canterbe",
System" wherever a path enters Oak
Timber Trails by the Spring Creek underpass
Brook A map of the pathway system
(when completed)
should also be there
Hambletonian (in Saddlebrook)
Wyers R-o d ts-r 188
York hood near I83
Oak Brook Rd near Meyers Road
3 5'h Street tear Meyers Road
A asap of the pathway system. (This
At all locations wbtxe the path (or dcsigmted road
1, 3, 4
could be a clear plastic display winch
shouldex) enters Oak .Brook,
woWd hold the 8 '/," x i I" Bikr/Hik-e
At all lo=ons where the }path (or designated road
Paths" map we presently have We
shoulder) entry a dcv6opmcnt Most of thr-
should be able to replace the rnap
developments (such as Brook Forest) will have 3
whenever it is updated
to 5 such signs Seethe red "M" in a circle on the
artachedmap for suggested locations
A small bicycle sign (say 8' x 6") with
These should be planed at every location where it
1. 2
the picture of a bike (similar to signs in
is not immedbately obvious which way to go when
the Forest preen e) There should also
one comes to an mtersecnon or tomes w a strreet
be an arrow showing the direction to the
where the path is not immediately straight ahead
ccmuinuatton of the path if not -obvious.
See the an hed map with the red arrow markin8
most of the locations where such $ sign could be
Crosshatch Cl aikings on siren. In
Wherever the paih crosses any stmt
addition there should be a "Bicycle
Crossing" sign on the street about 50
yards before the crossiwg (What is
being presently done in Saddlebrook
should be our mode
Street caution signs saying something
On all streets noted as such on the "Bikelfi-Dix
like "Designated Bicycle Pathway"
Paths" ma
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Attachment 2
Oak Brook Bicycle committee
Stpb --mb r 14. 1999
Ronald L Cullum
Small Prcyi°rts or Improvements
The path from St Francis Circle to 31" Street in Trinity iakts should be eor t—ed Is has about a 50
foot space where you have to ride on grass t1wough a scowl If this is not clone now, it shcmld
definitely be done when the 31' Street project ts done
The path along the 31 m Street bridge ovtr Salt Creek just eASt of �rllage Hail should be paved to the
edge and marked for the bicycle path It presently has a lot of gavel and pot holes which make it a
bit dangerous as you try to dodge the obstacles
The path m the Sports Core between Mr-Donald's and the semce road by the polo fields has a lot of
loose gravel. The standard packed gavel path would b>e much better
The section of the bike path in the Sports Core along the road by the polo field and up to the Butler
gulf arm it virtually u.nacceptabk for mad bikes_ This is hands down the worst portion of our entire
path system
The 222r" Street path at the Salt Creek bndge >;=l to the Oak Bn uk f Cmn-=) that vrmneers the
east/west path to the underpass is difficult to find, blocked with bushes, and virtually nonexistent It
should be complctdy rcplaccd
There is approximmely a 100 ft. section on the nom corner of Spring Road and 22➢a Street where
there is no bike path. This should be completed to connect the path coming from the shopping center
to the one going east on 2213d meet.
Spring Road at 16'h street 'there shotild be a way for someone to more easily get from Spring Road to
the path on the south side of le Street without having to nde about a half block on the wrong side of
the road to connect to the path -Presemly it is not safe
The padh on the north side of Spring Creek where it meets York Road is blocked by a gate that forces
one to get off their bike and walk it around to cominue on the path This should be made so one does
not need to d=== to nde tbrough the area
The connection from Spnng Road to the bicycle path just west of Gfvtie Mill is very bad A
conpecting section should be built
The southeast corner of Jorie Boulevard and 22�d Street should have a connection to the street
presently, for a person coming from the Oak Brook Shopping Center has to go several block south
on Jorie to find a place to get onto the path This is not as safe as it could be
1 l
Wbile already on the plans, I believe the connection from Canterberry Lane to the 1294 underpass
should be top priority, Presently it is virtually impassible to anything but serious mountain bikers.
This is not a project, but a noted disappointment The new iNfidwest Road bridge across 188 has a
bicycle path, but it is so marrow that one has to get off and walk his cr her bike if anyone else is
coming the other way The sidewalk between Baybrook Lane a.nd the bridge is also narrower than
outer paths, but it is passable.
Wage 5
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