Minutes - 10/20/1994 - Safety Pathway CommitteeOAK BROCK
Ninutes of Meeting October 20, 1994
Committee Members:
Heidi Huiz enga
John Hartmann1l
Steve McShane
Connie Craig*
Dale Durfey, Village
Tom Hawk, Village of
Bruce Kapff, Village
Jon Sommer* Oak Brook
Tom Richardson*
Cathy Giangrasse
Sue Walters*
Ana Sisson*
of Oak Brook
Oak Brook
of Oak Brook
Park District
* Present
1. Yinutes of the September 15, 1994 meeting were approved.
2. Connie Craig will call Yike Miranda regarding a serrious
safety situation at 35th and Midwest Road.
3. Route 83 Underpass: Jon Summer reported on delays in cor-
recting the drainage problem in the tunnel under Route 83 connec-
ting Brook Forest with the Park District property. 'T'he committee
expressed concern about the delay as it was hoped this situation
would be corrected before winter.
4. 22nd Street Pathway: Jon Sommer reported that both IDOT
and NIGas have approved plans. The project is moving forward
slowly; soil borings need to be done.
York Road: Some residents are concerned about the proposed
width of the bridge. Discussion of on -road bike lane vs. off -road
bike path. Sue Walters will call Fruce 1,;apff regarding statud of
this project with r';ayors and Fanagers committee and whether ap-
proved grant money can be transferred to Ful age County if they
take-over the project.
6. Harger /York Road bridges:
firmed with Tom that Mayors ani
posal. Upcoming meetings with
confirm and approve details of
the committee to publicize the
check with Bruce as to whether
Moving ahead. Bruce Kapff con -
3 Nianagers have approved the pro -
federal and state officials to
grant. It was the concensus of
approval of the grant; Tom to
or not this is appropriate.
7. 31st Street: No progress report
8. Regional Trail: Ton Sommer will call Steve Plum, Supt. of
Elmhurst Parks, for an update on this project.
9. Old Business /Committee Vacancy: Per Ana Sisson, William
Bristol was interested in the committee but unable to serve at
this time. No other names presented.
10. Old Business /Survey: Discussion and minor changes in survey
•as originally presented. Connie will check with Mike Martin
president OakProok Civic Association, as to how survey can be
done through the Association and how we can get return postage
paid. Ana and Connie will rewrite a "mission statement" to be
sent out in the Civic Association Newsletter in the issue prior
to the survey. Survey hopefully to go out in early spring.
11. The next meeting will be November 17. No meeting in December.
Connie Craig; for Steve PcShane , Secretary