Minutes - 10/21/1993 - Safety Pathway Committee16!_ OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWRY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, OCTOBER 21, 1993 Heidi Huizenga Tom Richardson* John Hartmann* Cathy Giangrassi* Steve McShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig* Tom Hawk* Jill Fleishman* Jon Sommer Ana Sisson* Dale Durfey * Present 1. Minutes of the August 19, 1993, meeting were approved, with one modification. Tom Hawk requested that minutes and agendas be submitted to Margaret Rimbo in the village office, and she will distribute to the press. She will pass them on to Gail Polanek, who will distribute to members of the committee. 2. Sue Walters introduced Cathy Giangrassi, the new park district appointed committee member who replaces Bob Robinson. 3. A motion was passed to request the village to amend Article 488, Section 3, Item B to call for a change to the date of committee chair elections from July to September, since it is difficult to obtain quorums in July. 4. The election for co- chairs was held, and Sue Walters was re- elected, and Tom Richardson was elected. S. Reports: A. The 22nd Street pathway under the tollway engineering study has been completed and appears to be on schedule. B. In Dale Durfey's absence, Tom Hawk indicated that the York Road project is proceeding forward, and will be completed in 1995. C. Hawk. D. taken car Club area. E. for bridge Midwest Road easements still not obtained per Tom For the first time ever, repairs and maintenance is being e of. Contractors are currently working in the Midwest There was no status report on the new grant applications pathways. 6. A pathway connecting the existing pathway along Spring Road from Oak Brook Road to Adams, to the forest preserve pathway entrance at Madison was proposed. This pathway would effectively complete the loop around Oak Brook Road, York Road, Forest Preserve, Spring Road, back to Oak Brook Road. This will be added as a new priority, as other priorities are taken care of. 7. Sue asked all committee members to let one of the chairs know if you cannot make a meeting. 8. Sue suggested that the committee may need a permanent alternate. A letter will be drafted to the village suggesting this. 9. Sue suggested that we utilize project development guidelines, including the following steps for each new project or maintenance project request: A. A project is proposed to the committee. B. A committee member from the Quadrant will survey the site and and make observations, take photographs, etc., to assure that all committee members understand the situation. C. A report will be made to the committee. D. The committee will decide whether or not proceed with the project as a priority. 10. A project development sheet will be formatted. 11. All pathways will be inspected by committee members each year in April. 12. In June of each year the committee will request time on the village board meeting to make an annual report on pathway progress. 13. Letters of appreciation will be written to the various village Is and park district elected officials and staff recognizing the work •• 1 .i 09 they do as accomplishments are achieved. We will also strive to obtain publicity in the press as accomplishments are achieved. 14. The question was raised regarding the terms of committee members. Cathy will call Karen Bushy to try to clarify this. Steve McShane Secretary •