Minutes - 11/14/1996 - Safety Pathway Committeej • OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, NOVEMBER 14, 1996 Committee Members Heidi Huizenga* Tom Richardson* John Hartmann* Tom Doyle Steve McShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig* Ana Sisson* Rosetta Lombardi Dale Durfey, Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook Bruce Kapff, Village of Oak Brook Roy Cripe* Oak Brook Park District * Present • 1. Minutes of the October meeting were approved, with the exception of item 4, which states "...only two easements are available for the extension of the pathway to Cantebury Lane." It should say "...only two easements are needed...' . 2. Pathway map: According to the Village Newsletter, it has gone to print. It will be taken off the list of agenda items. 3 22nd Street Pathway: There are still problems with the NiGas easement which create a conflict with IDOT policies. No resolution yet. 4. Roy Cripe reported that the McDonald's land deal has resulted in $250,000 earmarked for the Conservation Department of Dupage County for the benefit of the village. It may be used to acquire easements. Possibly could be used for an underpass under 31st Street, or connecting Dean's Farm to Graue Mill. 5. York Road Pathway. Nothing new to report. 6 Midwest Road Pathway A motion by Heidi Huizenga that reiterated that Midwest Road pathway is essential to the whole pathway system plan passed. 0 i • 7 Harger Road Bridge This is still held up unless the Village agrees to take ownership of the bridge from the Tollway Authority 8 Spring Road between Adams and Madison Tom Richardson suggested that Steve McShane contact Dan Griffen again regarding the Forest Preserve District participation 9 Meyers Road A letter from Village Manager Steve Veitch along with a letter from the Ginger Creek Community Association were reviewed, regarding the proposed construction of a pathway between Butterfield Road and the entrance to Ginger Creek. A motion by Tom Richardson and seconded by Sue Walters to support the Ginger Creek Community Association's desire for support in this project. This will be added to our priority list. A letter from Steve McShane will be sent to the village board supporting the residents of Ginger Creek. 10. Bicycle Friendly Community Sue Walters will write a letter to the Village President suggesting that Oak Brook apply to be a "Bicycle Friendly Community'. 11. Next Meeting: January 9, 1997 at 7:30 PM. Tom Richardson will talk with Bruce Kapff about getting an updated priority list out to all committee members, and all committee members should review priorities for discussion at the January is meeting. Steve cShane Secretary •