G-801 - 02/13/2006 - OFFENSE - Ordinances Supporting Documents9. C. 5) Motion by Trustee Kennedy, seconded by Trustee Manofsky, to approve a
professional Services Agreement with Hitchcock Design Group, 221 W. Jefferson
Avenue, Naperville, IL 60540 for the Village of Oak Brook Beautification Project
in the amount of $57,000 subject to renegotiation of the scope of services. ROLL
Ayes: 5 - Trustees Aktipis, Craig, Kennedy, Manofsky and Yusuf.
Nays: 0 - None.
Absent: 1 - Trustee Sanford. Motion carried.
The Village Board, at its January 24, 2006 meeting, continued this subject to the
February 13th Special Board meeting. At the Board's direction, the fiber optic repair
and network design projects are to be completed prior to purchasing a replacement
telephone system. Both of these projects are on schedule.
Underground work for a portion of the fiber network began last week. That part of the
fiber network that serves the Sports Core buildings will be taken down the week of
February 13th to reterminate multimode fiber, terminate singlemode fiber and testing.
Remaining work, including testing within the Village Hall and Public Works, will be
complete by the end of February.
Network design meetings with TDSi covered subjects including current network
needs, future planning and network reliability. A list of improved network switching
equipment will be purchased and installed by the first week of March. The IP re-
numbering scheme (to improve overall network performance) and any remaining
network issues will be complete in early March.
The recommendation to replace the telephone system will return to the Board for final
action by early April. Discussion regarding this topic was included during discussion
of Agenda Item 9.C.4).
Motion by Trustee Kennedy, seconded by Trustee Yusuf, that the Board of Trustees
continue this subject to the February 28, 2006 Board Meeting. VOICE VOTE:
Trustee Aktipis opposed. Motion carried.
The following information was requested by the Village Board from their discussion
at the January 24, 2006 Village Board Meeting.
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 8 of 16 February 13, 2006
9. E. The Village Attorney is charged by Village Code Sec. 1 -5132F with prosecuting all
local violations including Driving Under the Influence (DUI) for the Village. A local
DUI prosecution program for the Village of Oak Brook has great merit. The local
prosecution of DUI offices gives the Village greater control over that process,
provides continuity of prosecutor for each DUI case and will increase net revenue to
the Village.
Margaret O'Connell, of Kubiesa, Spiroff, Gosselar & Acker, P.C., is an experienced
and competent DUI prosecutor (not a DUI defense attorney) who will be assigned to
prosecute DUI for the Village, if the Board reinstates this program. The Board was
provided prosecutional background and information about her Elmhurst success with
the local DUI program for which she has been the only prosecutor since its inception
in 2003.
Trustee Yusuf summarized the advantages of dealing with this process locally such as
having a dedicated prosecutor, control over the process and the possibility to
implement other sanctions that could enhance public safety.
Additional material was provided to the Board indicating support of the Alliance
Against Intoxicated Motorists (AAIM) after their review of the process that the
Village is proposing. Representatives from Mother's Against Drunk Drivers
(MADD) were not in attendance due to the date change of the regularly scheduled
Motion by Trustee Yusuf, seconded by Trustee Aktipis, for passage of Ordinance G-
801 Amending Title 7, Chapter 1 (Motor Vehicles and Traffic) of the Village Code of
the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois (DUI Prosecution).
Trustee Aktipis offered an amendment to the motion requiring that this enforcement
be done by an attorney experienced in criminal drunk driving law with experience in
DuPage County and is selected and appointed by the recommendation of the Chief of
Police rather than the Village Attorney. Trustee Manofsky seconded the amendment.
Trustee Aktipis asked if Trustee Yusuf who made the original motion if he would
accept the amendment as a friendly amendment. Trustee Yusuf accepted the
amendment for discussion and asked if someone would second it. Trustee Manofsky
seconded the amendment for discussion.
President Quinlan did not disagree that the Village should hire an attorney that would
do a good job working with the Police Department, however the Village Board has
hired the law firm Kubiesa, Spiroff, Gosselar & Acker, P.C. to be the Legal Officer
and to exclude that firm from the process would be a huge mistake. He agreed that
the Chief of Police should have significant input into the process and into whom that
person is who will handle the prosecution because one of the objectives is to make
sure that the person will be able to work well with Village officers and allow them to
do a better job on the prosecution side.
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 9 of 16 February 13, 2006
9. E. Trustee Aktipis agreed with the concept, but he would be much more comfortable if
the prosecution was handled quite independently of the office of the Village
Attorney. He felt that the Village Attorney had a large area in which he was involved
and that this other area should be totally dedicated to prosecutions and should be
under the control of the Police Chief in terms of the selection of the proper attorney.
Trustee Yusuf indicated that he had reviewed Margaret O'Connell's credentials and
experience which is extensive. He did not feel that in any way was she lacking in her
ability to do the job nor has he heard anything in his inquiries that would cause him to
worry about her ability to do the job effectively. He agreed that whoever prosecutes
these cases has to work effectively with the Police Department and that begins with
the Chief of Police. He was not in favor of giving the control of that choice to
anyone other than the seven people sitting on the Board. He indicated that the Board
valued the Village Attorney's input into it and the Chief of Police's input.
Trustee Kennedy summarized that there were two issues, one being whether the
Village takes back in house the prosecution of DUI's and who would be the person
prosecuting those cases. He indicated, coming from his background as an outside
counsel to a number of corporations, that it seemed to him that the choice of the
prosecutor should be that of the Village Attorney in consultation with the Chief of
Police and the Board. He added that he has had an opportunity to work with
Margaret O'Connell in her position as counsel to the Plan Commission. He felt that
she is very competent and he felt that if he were ever stopped for a DUI he would not
want to face her as his prosecutor. He felt that the discussions of the appointment of
the prosecutor was a personnel matter and should be done in Closed Meetings. He
asked Attorney Kubiesa if that was appropriate and Attorney Kubiesa responded that
it would be appropriate.
Trustee Aktipis commented that it was inappropriate to discuss the credentials of an
individual person that the discussion was not about individuals, but about principles.
He disagreed with Trustee Kennedy's conclusion that the appointment should be
made by the Village Attorney. He felt that there was nothing inappropriate with the
consent of the Board to entrust the Police Chief with the selection of a prosecutor
since the prosecutor works very closely with the Police Department. He stated that
he would pass the ordinance with the modification that has been suggested. He called
the question.
President Quinlan asked Trustee Aktipis to restate what was being voted. Trustee
Aktipis stated that as the Ordinance has been presented with the following addition:
"This ordinance supersedes any other provisions of the Village Code or other
ordinances relative to the appointment of a prosecutor. The prosecutor will be
appointed by the Police Chief."
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 10 of 16 February 13, 2006
9. President Quinlan was advised by the Village Attorney that the original motion must
be acted upon and in addition, he was advised that a prosecutor is an officer of the
Village and no one other than the Board has the authority to appoint an officer of the
Village. Therefore, the issue about who would appoint the prosecutor would need to
be taken up by this Board or assigned to an officer of the Village and in this case the
appropriate officer would be the Village Attorney. Otherwise the Board would need
to take that duty upon itself. Those are the only legal ways that the Board can do this.
Trustee Manofsky asked for a point of order. She indicated that she had asked that
same question several months ago and was given different information. Her concern
was that she was told that the Board did not have the authority to appoint a
prosecutor. President Quinlan clarified that the Board always has the authority to act
in an overriding manner.
President Quinlan called for the vote. Trustee Kennedy asked for clarification as to
what was being voted upon. It was clarified that the vote was the motion presented
by Trustee Aktipis with the amendment that the prosecutor would be appointed by the
Police Chief. ROLL CALL VOTE-
Ayes: 3 - Trustees Aktipis, Craig, Manofsky
Nays: 3 - Trustee Kennedy,Yusuf and President Quinlan
Absent: I - Trustee Sanford. Motion failed.
President Quinlan stated that under the rule of threes, he may vote in this situation
and his response was no and the motion was out of order.
President Quinlan asked for a motion on the original ordinance.
Motion by Trustee Yusuf, seconded by Trustee Kennedy, for passage of Ordinance
G -801 Amending Title 7, Chapter I (Motor Vehicles and Traf ic) of the Village Code
ofw thee Village of Oak Brook, Illinois (DUI Prosecution).
Additional discussion relative to the sanctions suggested by the Chief of Police in his
proposal was the legality of the mandatory use of a breath interlock device since the
Village of Oak Brook as a non -home rule entity cannot impose that requirement
because it is not a part of the State of Illinois DUI provisions. Chief Sheahan
responded that in practical terms there are frequent negotiations and that as part of
those negotiations the Village may include the breath interlock device which he felt
would set the Village apart from other communities and portray the Village as a
tough enforcer.
On the topic of prosecutors, Trustee Craig stated that previously prosecutors were not
necessarily a part of the Village Attorney's firm.
VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page I 1 of 16 February 13, 2006