S-962 - 03/14/2000 - BUDGET - Ordinances Supporting Documentsilk o- S-962-- v� O F 0 A � � 4 �\ Gy S0UNT� - %i VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60523 -2255 PHONE Date: March 8, 2000 FA x W E B S I T E To: Village President and Board of Trustees From: Darrell Langlois 91d` i I 630 990 -3000 630 990 -0876 ww%% oak -brook ors, Recommendation: That the Village President and Board of Trustees approve the attached ordinance authorizing transfers among budget line items for the year ended December 31, 1999 Now that all of the year -end accounting adjustments have been made, several budget accounts, categories, and programs have been determined to have ended 1999 over budget. The Village Board's policy on Finance, Taxation, and Budget outlines the following procedures for budget administration and how these variances are to be addressed: 1. That the Budget Officer, with the approval of the Village Manager, may authorize transfers of budgeted fiends between accounts or between account categories within a single budget program 2. That any transfer of budgeted funds from one budget program to another' shall be subject to approval by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of tine Village Manager. 3 That any transfer from contingencx shall be subject to approval by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the Village Manager. 4. That any increase in the total appropriation within any fund shall be subject to approval by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the Village Manager. In order to make as few changes to the budget as possible, formal budgetary control has been established at the category level, i.e. personnel, materials and supplies, operation and contractual, and capital. For example, if staff turnover created a need for ove IT, ime, this may lead to the overtime account going over budget. However, this would be i offset by regular salaries being under budget. By not doing budget transfers for these types of situations we preserve the original budget as the basis for evaluating our actual performance versus expected performance. 1� / z Budget Transfers March 8, 2000 Page 2 After the budget transfers were made administratively as authorized in item #1, some individual programs remained over budget. The schedule attached to the ordi i ance provides the necessary transfers between budget programs so that each category in � very program is within budget. Please note that while some over - budget line items will remain, each account category will be within budget. Program Transfers The :following is a brief explanation of the causes of the more material budget transfers: Program 162- Emergency Management: This variance resulted from the costs associated with food service and the purchase of communications equipment related to Y2K. Program 621- Police Field Services: These variances resulted from the deferral of the purchase several mobile data terminals from 1998 to 1999, the implementation of the new union labor contract (salary increases for bargaining unit members were not budgeted), and a delay in staffing the tactical unit in program 632 - Police Investigations, which resulted in the allocation of more police officers to this program than were budgeted. The amount of the payroll - related transfers was significantly mitigated by a positive variance of approximately $100,000 resulting from pension contributions being under budget due to the Police Pension Fund being overfunded. Program 700 -Fire & EMS General Salaries: Most of this variance is attributed to salary adjustments and retroactive payments made to union firefighters which were not budgeted. The amount of this transfer is also mitigated by a positive variance of approximately $127,000 resulting from pension contributions being under budget due to the Firefighters' Pension Fund being overfunded Program 351 -Water Operations: These variances are attributed primarily to a large increase in the number of water main breaks, the purchase of more water from the DuPage Water Commission than was budgeted (with a corresponding increase in water sales revenue), and costs associated with providing emergency power to Well #6 in the event of a Y2K power failure. Programs 811, 812, 813, & 814 -Bath & Tennis Club: Most of these transfers are due to increased activity at the facility in 1999 which resulted in the need for more part time and seasonal staffing at the facility. Budget Transfers March 8, 2000 Page 3 Programs 821, 822, & 823 -Food & Beverage: These programs were all over budget due to 'substantially increased activity over what was assumed in the 1999 budget. While the Banquet program budget transfer is $196,055, revenues from Food & Beverage operations were over budget by $180,591. This positive revenue variance offsets most of the expenditure variances. Fund Appropriation Amendments At the fund level, total expenditures for the Self - Insurance Fund exceeded budget by $2501595. This variance was the result of health and dental insurance claims being significantly over budget, which was the primary factor in raising equivalent premiums 12.5% effective July 1, 1999. Since there are no other programs in this fund from �which to transfer funds from, it is necessary to increase the total appropriations for this fund by $250,595 This increase in appropriation will be funded with the equivalent premium increases and the Fund's fund balance. Please feel free to contact me if you should have any comments or questions. by the construction of the Tollway The name "Old Harger Road" also appears on the aerial Sidwells and within the old plat books The two residences which front on that street (Lot 3 is vacant), have addresses of 1 and 2 Yorkshire Woods. In reviewing this item, staff does not see a reason to retain the "Old Harger Road" designation and it seems most appropriate to revise it to "Yorkshire Woods ". This action would be in keeping with Ordinance S -332 that renames all of the streets within the Yorkshire Woods SLlbdivisioll to be "Yorkshire Woods ". Attorney Martens has prepared Ordinance #2000- ST -NC -S -961, "An Ordinance Renaming a Previously Nanled Street within the Village of Oak Brook Du Page and Cook Counties, IL" which formalizes the name change. Motion by Trustee Craig, seconded by Trustee Caleel, to approve Ordinance 2000- ST -NC -S -961, "An Ordinance Renaming a Previously Named Street within the Village of Oak Brook Du Page and Cook Counties, IL" as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE. Ayes: 6 - Trustees Butler, Caleel, Craig, Kenny, McInerney and Savino. Nays: 0 - None. Absent- 0 - None. Motion carried 03) ORDINANCE 2000 -BU -E\ 1 -S -962 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TRANSFERS ANJONG BUDGET LINE ITEMS Now that all Of the year -eml accoUllting adjUSt1llC1ltS have been made, SC% cral bLidget acCOL1111S, CatC001'1CS, al1Cl prOgCaillS have been determined to end 1999 O�Cl- budget The Village Board's policy on Finance, Taxation, and Budget outlines the following procedures for budget adi inistratloll amt flow these % arlaiiccs al c to be addressed 1 That the Budget Officer, %vith the approval of the Village Manager, may authorize transfers of' budgeted funds between accounts or between account categories within a snlgle budget program 2 That any transfer of budgeted funds front one budget program to another shall be subject to approval by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the Village Nlanager 3 That any transfer f10111 c011t1n,;C11CV shall bC Subject to approval by the Board of Trustees upon the ieconlnlcndation of the Village Manager VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 'No Page 5 of 13 March 14, 2000 ORD 2000 lit I \ 1 -S -902 BUDGI I 4. That any increase in the total appropriation within any fund shall be subject to approval by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the Village Manager. In order to make as few changes to the budget as possible, formal budgetary control has been established at the category level, i.e. personnel, materials and supplies, operation and contractual, and capital After the budget transfers were made administratively as authorized in item ""I, some individual programs remained over budget. The schedule attached to the ordinance provides the necessary transfers between budget programs so that each category in every program is within budget. Please note that while sonic over - budget line items will remain, each account category will be within budget The following is a brief explanation of the causes of the more material budget transfers: Program 162-Emergency Managcnlent This variance resulted from the costs associated with food service and the purchase Of conlnlurlications equipment related to Y2K Prograrll 621- Police Field Ser\ ices These variances I-CSUited from the deferral of the purchase 01'se%e1a1 mobile d,lta ter-111111,11s front 1998 to 1999, the 11111)IC111Cilt , lt1011 01' the new union labor contract (salary Increases for bar ".11111110 1,11111 111en1bcls \%crc not budgeted), and a delay in staffing the tactical unit 111 1)10111,1111 632- Police Investigations, which resulted in the allocation of more police officers to this program than were budgeted The alllount of the payroll - related transfers was slgnlficantly nliti�ated by a positr\c variance of approximately S100,000 resulting front pension contributions belly under budget due to the Police Pension Filnd being overfunded Program 700 -Fire & ENIS General Salaries Most of this variance is attributed to salary adJustnlents and retroactive payments made to union firefighters which were not budgeted The amount Of this transfer is also mitigated by a positive \ anancc of approximately S127,000 resultnlg from pcnslO11 COntllblltlons bC1n0 finder budget due to the Firefighters' Pension Flllld be111� 0%C1 funded Plogranl 351 -Water Ot)clatlons These variances are attributed primarily to a lark lncicase In the nu111bcr of water main breaks, the purchase of more water front the DuPagC Water Commission than was budgeted (with a corresponding Increase 111 water- sales revenue), and VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Nllllutes Pagc 6 of' 13 March 14, 2000 JC2 costs associated with providing emergency power to Well #6 in the event of a Y2K power failure Programs 811, 812, 813, & 814 -Bath & Tennis Club: Most of these transfers are due to increased activity at the facility in 1999 which resulted in the need for more part time and seasonal staffing at the facility. Programs 821, 822, & 823 -Food & Bevera�,,e. These programs were all over budget due to substantially increased activity over what was assumed in the 1999 budget While the Banquet program budget transfer is $196,055, revenues from Food & Beverage operations were over budget by $180,591 This positive revenue variance offsets most of the expenditure variances. At the fund level, total expenditures for the Self- Insurance Fund exceeded budget by $250,595. This variance was the result of health and dental insurance claims being significantly over budget, which was the primary factor in raising equivalent premiums 12 5% effective July 1, 1999 Since there are no other programs in this fund from which to transfer funds from, it is necessary to increase the total appropriations for this fund by S250,595 This increase in appropriation will be funded \\ Ith the CC11111/a1C11t prenllunl increases and the Fund's fund balance Motion by Trustee Caleel, seconded by Trustee Savino, to approve Ordinance 2000 -BU -EX 1 -S -902 ".An Oidlnancc Authorizing Transfers Alllong Budgct Line Items" 161 the year ended December 31, 1999. ROLL CALL VOTE Ayes 6 - Trustees Butler, Calecl, Craig, Kenny, McInerney and Savino Nays- 0 - None. Absent- 0 - None Motion carried B AWARD OF CONTRACTS 1) 2000 CRACK SEALING PROJECT Scodeller C011StI-uCt1011 is al)pro \iniatcly , 9 3% lower than the Engineer's Estimate Plospcctive bidders weie required to be IDOT prequalified for this work Bic] packages were picked up by four companies The contractor is responsible foi providing any necessary traffic control to direct motorists around work zones Disruption is minimal with this process The work is scheduled to be completed by VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK M1111.1tes P-0 Page 7 of 13 March 14, 2000 2000 CRACK SIAl IROJ