S-1036 - 05/13/2003 - SPORTS CORE - Ordinances Supporting Documentsa A\ VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK C-1 o Village Board Transmittal Memorandum COUNT` 1\ DATE: March 19, 2003 SUBJECT: Refinancing of Installment Contract for the Bath and Tennis Clubhouse Prod ect FROM: Darrell Langlois RECOMMENDATION: That the Village Board' authonze staff to proceed with refinancing the installment contract on the Bath and Tennis Clubhouse FUNDING SOURCE: Sport Core Fund- Unbudgeted -Will result in lower interest costs in future years. When the installment contract of $1.8 million was issued in 2000 for the financing of the Bath and Tennis Clubhouse expansion project, it was deemed advisable to negotiate the terms of this issue with only two local banks due to various litigation issues involving the Sports Core property The installment contact certificates totaling $1,170,000 due through 2007 at the rate of 4 96% were sold to American National Bank and certificates totaling $630,000 due 2008 through 2010 at the rate of 5 15% were sold to Oak Brook Bank Since the installment contract financing was done as a negotiated issue, the Village was able to incorporate terms so that remaining principal would be callable at Any time The Oak Brook Bank portion was called using proceeds from the sale of the 31st Street nght -of -way Last fall the Village Board considered several options that would enable the Village to take advantage of lower interest rates The Board decided to leave the remaining amortization period the same (through 2007), and a lower rate (2.5 %) was negotiated with American National Bank This was done as a simple rate change agreement and we were able to avoid many of the costs associated with a new debt issue At the present time the total amount of principal payable through 2007 is $875,000 Due to cash flow issues at the Sports Core, direction was informally given to investigate extending the maturity schedule out to ten or fifteen years In order to possibly lower the cost of issuance, staff first approached American National Bank to get its best rate As we worked with them, it became apparent that changing the amortization period would likely require drafting of new ordinances and documents This would require incumng the costs of bond counsel and nearly all of the costs associated with a new issue In the opinion of the Village's financial adviser, R V Norene and Associates, the rate quoted by American was not competitive enough to avoid a competitive process s 0 f" Attached is a memorandum from R V Norene and Associates that addresses both a 10 year and 15 year refinancing plan The ten -year refinancing plan appears to go a long way towards meeting the objectives previously indicated Debt Service payments for 2003 will be decreased from the budgeted amount of $181,875 to approximately $90,000 (this includes interest from 12/1/02 to 5/15/03, which is not reflected on the debt service schedule) Please note, however, that interest costs overall will increase due to extending the maturity schedule for a longer period of time Based on today's market rates, the average coupon rate will be increased from 2 5% to approximately 2 95% due to the longer term As previously mentioned, a competitive process is recommended for the issue Thus, the actual interest costs and coupon rates are subject to normal market changes and will not be determined until the bid process is completed. It is recommended that the total amount of principal to be issued is $890,000 in order to include the estimated costs of issuance ($15,000 to cover the financial adviser, bond counsel, and underwriters discount) It is also likely that the issue will not be callable for at least five years in order to obtain the best interest rates The proposed plan is somewhat different than normal in that we would continue to make principal payments in December, not twelve months from the issuance date (expected to be May) This was done intentionally since having principal payment due in May would cause a large annual outlay at a point of the year when cash balances at the Sports Core are traditionally low Although the average annual debt service in 2008 -2012 will increase approximately $20,000 from the previous four years, continued improvements in operating results as well as completion of the debt service payments on the irrigation system installment contract in 2009 should enable the Sports Core Fund to fund the increased costs Please let me know if you have any comment or questions MAC, 20, 2'03 8: 18AM R, V, NORENE & ASSOC, R.V. Norene & Associates A Crowe Chizek Company MEMORANDUM To; Darrell Eanglois, Oak BroolC Director of Finance i From: Ron Norene, Financial Advisor � Date: March 19, 2003 Subject: Oak Brook - Refunding of Sports Core Note N0, 2896 P. 2 Enclosed are the 10 and 15 year maturity schedules for the Sports Core Refunding Note. I have assumed the issue would be delivered on May 15, 003 at which time the 2.50% Nate would be redeemed. The 10 year refunding 1lote par amount is 5890,000 which includes a $15,000 provision for cost of issuance (f that amount, the { 55,310 provision for bond discount probably will not be necessary if we can sell the note to a local bank). The 15 year refunding note par amount i� S895,000 vvith the increase in the par amount attributable to a higher discount allov6nce (which might or might not be necessary) because of the increase in the number of odd -lot maturities (i.e., less than $100,000). Given the number of odd -lot maturities, 1 have also assumed a 10 basis point increase in the interest rates. ' Total debt service on the 10 year issue from May 15, 2003 to-tho final payment on the refunding note on December 1, 2012 is $1,035,554 which I results in a total increase in debt service of $102,955 and the present value thereof at 2.95% is 559,915. Total debt service on the 15 year issue from May 15� 2013 to the final payment on the refunding note on December 1, 2017 is S1,203,692 which results in a total increase in debt service of $271,093 and the present value thereof at the 3.55% rate on the refunding note is 5141,382. Whereas the presently scheduled debt service from May 15, 2003 pn the outstanding note increases from $171,846 in the current year to $194,750 in 2007, the enclosed debt service schedule for the 10 - year issue is $77,354 in Ithe current year, approximately $95,000 over the next four years after which it increases with a range of $107,550 to 5129,250 in the last year. The 15 year refxnana 'ing plan has debt service of 536,000 in the current year, approximately $52,000 for� the following four years, $75,000 for the next five years and in the last six years range from 596,000 to $118,500. The refinancing plans provide immediate cash flow relief tol the Sports Core operations with the trade off being the lengthening of the final maturity of the debt. As the costs of issuance are included in the refunding issue aTount(s), the total present value cost of the 10 year plan is approximately 860,000 and for the 15 year plan approximately $141,000. Please let me know which plan to use. i MAR, 20. 2003 8:18AM R, V, NORENE & ASSOC, NO, 2896 P. 3 i 10 Year Refinancing Plan i Oak Brook — $6907000 G.O. Sports Core Refunding Note, Series 2003 y Interest start detat 05/15/03 First interest payrent; 12/01/03 Bid per 11000 994.00000000 , NIC 3.04251% Avg coupon 2.93484* Avg life 5.57253433 Bond yrs 41959.56 i Interest start date; 05115103 First interest payzenti 12/01/03 DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE PERIOD ANNUAL I ENDING PRINCIPAL RATE INTEREST TOTAL 1 12/01/03 651 000.00 1.200 12, 354. 81i 77, 35A. 81 2 12/01/04 75, 000.00 1.3513 21, 912.50 96, 912.50 3 12/01/05 75, 000. 00 1. 650 20, 900.0 95, 900.00 4 12/01/06 75,000-00 2.050 191 662.5 94, 662. 50 5 12/01/07 75, 000. 00 2.300 18, 125.0 931125.00 6 12/01/08 100, 000.00 2.700 16, 400. 00 116, 400. 00 7 12/01/09 1001000-00 3.000 13, 700.0 113, 700. 00 6 12/01110 100, 000.00 3.150 10, 700.0d 1101 700.00 9 12/01/11 100, 000.00 3.300 7o550.06 107, 550.00 10 12/01/12 125,000-010 2.400 47250-00. 129, 250.00 iiw'49M �' vq-.N= iadam.0 G3leJ.tsf� TOTAL B901000.010 145, 554.811 1, 035, 554.81 Savings Analysis Ending Date Refunded Ser 2003 Savings 1 12/ 01 / 03 1717849 777354 I 94094 2 12/01/04 1621875 96,912 85,1962 3 12/01/05 188,750 951900 92,1850 4 12/01/06 194,375 947662 991712 5 12/01/07 194,750 93,125 101,625 6 12/01/08 0 116, 400 — 116,1400 7 12/01/09 0 113, 700 — 113,1700 9 12/01/10 0 110,700 — 110,700 9 12/01/11 0 107V550 —107y550 10 12/01/12 0 1297250 — 12`91250 — 932,599 111335,j 554 —1027 1955 Present Value Q 2.95 % ....................... 591915 R.V. Norene & Associates i MAR, 20. 2003 8:19AM R, V, NORENE & ASSOC, N0, 2896 P. 4 15 Year Refinancing Plan Oal Brook - 1895,000 G.C. Sports Core Refunding Note, 6eries 2003 it 1S Yr) I Interest start dater 05/15J03 rirst interoat payrentr 12/01/03 i Bid per 11000 990.00000000 NIC 3, 64392x Avg coupon 3.54319x Avg life 9.73438857 i Bond yrs 8,712.28 I j I i Intorast start dates 03/15/03 First interest paylontt 12101/03 i DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE I PERIOD ANNUAL ENDING PRINCIPAL RATE INTEREST TOTAL 1 12/01/03 20, 000.00 1.300 16, 080.17 3�, 080.17 2 12/01/04 25, 000. 00 1.450 29, 275. 00 5�, 273.00 3 12/01/05 25, 000.00 1.750 28, 912.50 33, 912. 30 4 12J01/06 25, 000.00 2.150 28, 475.00 5�1 475.00 5 12/01 /07 25, 000.00 2.1-00 27, 937.50 52, 937.50 ! 6 12/01/08 50, 000.00 2.800 27, 337.50 77„ 337.50 7 12/01/09 501000, 013 3. 100 251937.--'a 75, 937. 50 8 12/01/10 50, 000, 00 3,250 24, 387, 50 74, 387.50 9 12/01/11 50, 000.00 3.350 22, 762.50 7�, 762.50 10 12/01/12 75, 000. 00 3.450 21, 087.50 9E1087.30 1 l 32/01 / 13 100, 000.00 3.500 ] B, 500. 00 11 B, 500, 00 12 12/01/14 100, 000, 00 3.60e 15, 000.00 L 15, 000, 00 13 12/01 /15 100, 000, 00 3,700 11, 400.00 11 !, 400, 00 14 12101116 100, 000.00 3.890 7,700.0e 1@, 700. 00 15 12/81 / 17 100, 000.00 3.900 3,900.00 103, 900. 00 TOTAL �`• 99,000,00 •wR••w308 69267 ■•■ 1.203 692.67 i Savings Analysis I I I Ending � Date Refunded Ser 2003 Sayings i 1 12/0L/03 171,849 36,080 135,768 2 12/01/04 182,675 547275 128,600 3 12/01/05 188,750 53,912 134,837 4 12/01/06 194,375 537475 140,900 Z 12/01/07 194,750 52,937 141,812 6 12/01/08 0 77,337 - 77,337 I 7 12/01/09 0 75,937 - 751937 8 12J01/10 0 747367 - 741387 9 12/01/11 0 72,762 - 72,762 10 12/01/12 0 96,087 - 9b,087 j ll 12/01/13 0 118,500 - 118,500 I 12 12/01/14 0 115,000 - 113,000 13 12/01/15 0 111,400 - 111,400 14 12/01/16 0 1071700 - 107,700 15 12101/]7 0 103,900 - - -- - 103,900 -- - - - - -- 932,599 - 1, 203, 692 ------ - - - - -- -271, 093 I Prtsenc Value @ 3.55 % .................... 141,382 I I R.V. Norene & Associates Mn. -nL. i o �nnz r , 1 t j UgkB o VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK O tq G � � Village Board Transmittal Memorandum �OUNT1 Date: May 7, 2003 To: Village of President and Board of Trustees From: Darrell Langlois, Finance Director ''. Recommendation: 1. That the Village President and Board of Trustees approve the attached ordinance "Approving an Amended and Restated Installment Purchase Agreement and Authorizing the Issuance of $890,000 General Fund Refunding Certificates, Series 2003, of the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois ". At the Village Board meeting of March 25, 2003, staff was directed by the Village Board to proceed with the refinancing of the 2000 installment contract for the Bath and Tennis Clubhouse project The primary purpose of this refinancing is to extend the remaining amortization period from 4.5 years (2007) to 10 years (2012). This will result an annual debt service level that the Sports Core Fund is more able to afford. I have attached a copy of my memorandum of March 19, 2003 to provide further information on the proposed issue. The attached documents have all been prepared by Katten, Muchin, & Zavis, the Village's bond counsel. Since the sale of the proposed certificates is scheduled for the morning of May 13, 2003, the documents remain in draft form as most of the financial information has been omitted'. Final documents will be presented at the Village Board meeting. The following is a brief explanation of the four documents related to this certificate issue: 1. The enabling ordinance provides for the issuance of the Refunding Certificates, Series 2003. You will note that the Board's request to have the certificates callable has been included. In the third year, the certificates are callable at 102% of par (similar to a prepayment penalty), in the fourth year the certificates are callable at 101% of par, and the certificates at callable at 100% of par (no penalty) anytime after December 1, 2007. 2. The initial certificate issue provided for the execution of an "installment purchase agreement" for the project. Since the 2000 Certificates are being refunded, an amended and restated installment purchase agreement is required. The new enabling ordinance authorizes the execution of this document. R.V Norene and Associates, the Village's financial adviser, has indicated that they expect an average coupon rate of approximately 3% on the new issue based on today's market rates Thus, the financial results should be close to those outlined in my March 19, 2003 memornadum 2003 instal Icon tractbtboard doc M r{ 3 The assignment agreement assigns the right to receive installment payment to Bank One, the paying agent for the issue. The bank will then make payments to the actual certificate holders 4 The opinion of bond counsel regarding the certificate issue. The key component of the opinion is that the certificates are exempt from federal income taxes, which has the effect of significantly lowering the Village's borrowing costs. You will also note that it is an unqualified opinion, which the last issue did not receive due to litigation involving the Sports Core Ron Norene of R.V Norene and Associates will be in attendance at the Village Board to answer any question you may have regarding the issue 2003 instal I con tractbtboard doc I El- 7 B * - 4 Motion by Trustee Caleel, seconded by Trustee Craig, to approve Phase One and Phase Two as one phase, excluding the children's play area and conditioned upon the Village Board having final approval of the design drawings ROLL CALL VOTE. Ayes: 5 - Trustees Aktipis, Caleel, Craig, Miologos and Yusuf Nays. 1 - Trustee Konn. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried 8 ACTIVE AGENDA (Items for Final Action) A. CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS: None. B ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS CONFRM APPTS ORDS /RES 1) 10RDINANCE 2003 SC -B &T- FOP -S -1036 , "AN ORDINANCE ORD 03- SC -B &T- FOP -S -1036 , APPROVING AN AMENDED AND RESTATED INSTALLMENT INSTLMNT PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF PURCH AGR- ISSUE GEN FND $890,000 GENERAL P`UND REFUNDING CERTIFICATES, SERIES CERT- SERIES 2003 2003, OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS" At the Village Board meeting of March 25, 2003, staff was directed by the Village Board to proceed with the refinancing of the 2000 installment contract for the Bath and Tennis Clubhouse project. The primary purpose of this refinancing is to extend the remaining amortization period from 4.5 years (2007) to 10 years (2012). This will result an annual debt service level that the Sports Core Fund is more able to afford. The documents have all been prepared by Katten, Muchin, & Zavis, the Village's bond counsel The following is a brief explanation of the four documents related to this certificate issue. 1 The enabling ordinance provides for the issuance of the Refunding Certificates, Series 2003 In the third year, the certificates are callable at 102% of par (similar to a prepayment penalty), in the fourth year the certificates are callable at 101% of par, and the certificates are callable at 100% of par (no penalty) anytime after December 1, 2007 2. The initial certificate issue provided for the execution of an "installment purchase agreement" for the project Since the 2000 Certificates are being refunded, an amended and restated installment purchase agreement is required The new enabling ordinance authorizes the execution of this document. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 9 of 15 May 13, 2003 I 00 4` R v 0 B 1) 3 The assignment agreement assigns the right to receive installment payment to Bank One, the paying agent for the issue The bank will then make payments to the actual certificate holders 4 The opinion of bond counsel regarding the certificate issue. The key component of the opinion is that the certificates are exempt from federal income taxes, which has the effect of significantly lowering the Village's borrowing costs Ron Norene of R V Norene and Associates was in attendance at the Village Board meeting to answer any questions. Trustee Yusuf suggested paying off the debt and use the $8,000,000 in reserve to pay off the debt Trustee Caleel explained that these funds are a six -month reserve that the Village Board has requested for the operating funds. Finance Director Langlois explained that this would impact the General Fund and a concern of the ability of the Sports Core to repay the debt at the level it is required now If there isn't enough funds to repay the debt there is a concern that this will have a negative cash flow for the Sports Core at the end of the year as those shortfalls have had to be funded by the General Fund This would reduce the likelihood that this would happen. Motion by Trustee Aktipis, seconded by Trustee Caleel, to approve Ordinance 2003 SC -B &T- FOP -S -1036 , "An Ordinance Approving an Amended and Restated Installment Purchase Agreement and Authorizing Issuance of $890,000 General Fund Refunding Certificates, Series 2003, of the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois." ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5- Trustees Aktipis, Caleel, Craig, Korin and Miologos. Nays 1- Trustee Yusuf Absent 0 - None Motion carried 2) ORDINANCE 2003-PP-S-1037, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZIN THE SALE OF CERTAIN PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK" Chief Pisarek and Sergeant Weber advised Village Attorney Martens that the court has awarded five (5) vehicles to the Village, which were seized and forfeited because of their use in certain criminal activities The Village has no use for these vehicles, therefore the Village Attorney drafted an ordinance that declares these vehicles as surplus personal property and authorizes their sale at auction VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 10 of 15 ORD 03 -PP -S -1037 , AUTH SLE OF PERS PRPTY OWNED BY vOB May 13, 2003 a 1 k ORDINANCE No. 2003 -SC-BST- For -s -1036 ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AMENDED AND RESTATED INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $890,000 GENERAL FUND REFUNDING CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2003, OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS Section 1. Authority and Purpose. This ordinance is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Section 11 -61 -3 of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 (the "Act ") and the Local Government Debt Reform Act, 30 Illinois Compiled Statutes 350 (the "Local Government Debt Reform Act ") for the purpose of refunding $875,000 outstanding principal amount of the General Fund Certificates, Series 2000, of the Village, maturing in the years 2003 to 2007, inclusive (the "Prior Certificates ") The proceeds from the sale and delivery of the Prior Certificates were used for the purpose of financing the construction of improvements to the Village's Bath and Tennis Clubhouse (the "Project ") w I Section 2. Refunding Plan. The Village determines to refund the Prior Certificates. The Village elects to redeem the Prior Certificates on June 15, 2003 All of the Prior Certificates shall be redeemed at a redemption price of par, and accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption. Section 3. Determination to Authorize and Provide for an Amended Installment Purchase Contract. There is presently before the President and Board of Trustees of the Village (A) a form of an amended and restated installment purchase agreement between the Village and the Village Treasurer, as the nominee seller on behalf of the various contractors who undertook the original design and construction of the Project (as so amended and restated, the "Installment Purchase Agreement ") pursuant to which the Village will refinance the costs of the Project and pay the costs of the certificates herein authorized, and (B) a form of an assignment agreement (the "Assignment Agreement ") x between the Village Treasurer and Bank One, National Association, as assignee (the "Assignee ") pursuant to which the Village Treasurer, as nominee seller, will assign his rights to receive payments due under the Installment Purchase Agreement to the Assignee for the benefit of the owners of the certificates authorized by this ordinance It is hereby determined that it is necessary and in the best interests of the residents of the Village for the Village to enter into the Installment Purchase Agreement, to provide for the refunding of the Prior Certificates and the refinancing of the purchase by the Village of the Project The Installment Purchase Agreement is hereby authorized, with a refunding of the Prior Certificates and the refinancing of the Project including legal, financial and other expenses of not to exceed $890,000 Payments by the Village under the Installment Purchase Agreement shall be made pursuant to the terms of the Installment Purchase Agreement and this ordinance. -2- It is hereby found and determined that the Installment Purchase Agreement is in the best interests of the Village and that no person holding an office of the Village, either by election or appointment, is in any manner interested, either directly or indirectly, in his own name or the name of any other person, association, trust or corporation, in the transactions contemplated by the Installment Purchase Agreement. The Village Treasurer is hereby authorized to act as nominee seller under the Installment Purchase Agreement and as assignor under the Assignment Agreement. Section 4. Form of Documents. The form, terms and provisions of the Installment Purchase Agreement and the Assignment Agreement are hereby in all respects approved, and the Village President and the Village Clerk are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver the Installment Purchase Agreement in the name and on behalf of the Village and the Village Treasurer is authorized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver the Assignment Agreement The Installment Purchase Agreement and the Assignment Agreement, as executed and delivered, shall be in substantially the form now before this meeting and hereby approved, or with such changes therein as shall be approved by the'officers of the Village executing the same, the execution thereof to constitute conclusive evidence of the approval of any and all changes or revisions therein from the form of the Installment Purchase Agreement and the Assignment Agreement now before this meeting, and from and after the execution and delivery of the Installment Purchase Agreement and the Assignment Agreement the officers, agents and employees of the Village are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to do all such acts and things and to execute all such documents as may be necessary to carry out and comply with the provisions of the Installment Purchase Agreement and the Assignment Agreement as so executed. -3- 1 4 e Section 5. Authorization and Terms of Certificates. The sum of $890,000 is appropriated to meet part of the cost of refunding the Prior Certificates and the costs of issuance of the certificates herein authorized. For the purpose of financing said appropriation, general fund certificates of the Village, evidencing the fractionalized interests of the owners thereof in the right to receive amounts due under the Installment Purchase Agreement, are authorized to be issued and sold pursuant to the Act and the Local Government Debt Reform Act in an aggregate principal amount of $890,000, and shall be designated "General Fund Refunding Certificates, Series 2003." Certificates shall be issuable in the denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof and may bear such identifying numbers or letters as shall be useful to facilitate the registration, transfer and exchange of certificates. Unless otherwise determined in the order to authenticate the certificates, each certificate delivered upon the original issuance of the certificates shall be dated as of June 1, 2003. Each certificate thereafter issued upon any transfer, exchange or replacement of certificates shall be dated so that no gain or loss of interest shall result from such transfer, exchange or replacement The certificates shall mature on December 1 in each year shown in the following table in the respective principal amount set forth opposite each such year and the certificates maturing in each such year shall bear interest at the respective rate per annum set forth opposite such year ME Principal Interest Principal Interest Year Amount Rate Year Amount Rate 2003 $65,000 150% 2008 $100,000 240% 2004 751000 1 55 2009 1001000 270 2005 75,000 1 60 2010 100,000 300 2006 75,000 160 2011 1001000 3.10 2007 75,000 2.00 2012 125,000 320 ME Each certificate shall bear interest from its date, computed on the basis of a 360 day year consisting of twelve 30 day months and payable in lawful money of the United States of America on December 1, 2003 and semiannually thereafter on each December 1 and June 1 at the rates per annum herein determined. The principal of the certificates shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America upon presentation and surrender thereof at the principal corporate trust office of Bank One, National Association, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, who is hereby appointed as registrar and paying agent for the certificates Interest on the certificates shall be payable on each interest payment date to the registered owners of record thereof appearing on the registration books maintained by the Village for such purpose at the office of the registrar, as of the close of business on the 15th day of the calendar month next preceding the interest payment date. Interest on the certificates shall be paid by check or draft mailed to such registered owners at their addresses appearing on the registration books or by wire transfer pursuant to an agreement by and between the Village and the registered owner The certificates maturing on or after December 1, 2006 shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity at the option of the Village and upon notice as herein provided, in such principal amounts and from such maturities as the Village shall determine and by lot within a single maturity, on December 1, 2005 and on any date thereafter, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount thereof to be redeemed plus, if such certificate is to be redeemed during any period (both dates inclusive) shown in the following table, the applicable redemption premium, expressed as a percentage of such principal amount, set forth opposite such period. -5- Redemption Period Redemption Premium December 1, 2005 to November 30, 2006 2% December 1, 2006 to November 30, 2007 1 In the event of the redemption of less than all the certificates of like maturity, the aggregate principal amount thereof to be redeemed shall be $5,000 or an integral multiple thereof and the registrar shall assign to each certificate a distinctive number for each $5,000 principal amount of such certificate and shall select by lot from the numbers so assigned as many numbers as, at $5,000 for each number, shall equal the principal amount of such certificates to be redeemed The certificates to be redeemed shall be the certificates to which were assigned numbers so selected; provided that only so much of the principal amount of each certificate shall be redeemed as shall equal $5,000 for each number assigned to it and so selected Notice of the redemption of certificates shall be mailed not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for such redemption to the registered owners of certificates to be redeemed at their last addresses appearing on said registration books. The certificates or portions thereof specified in said notice shall become due and payable at the applicable redemption price on the redemption date therein designated, and if, on the redemption date, moneys for payment of the redemption price of all the certificates or portions thereof to be redeemed, together with interest to the redemption date, shall be available for such payment on said date, and if notice of redemption shall have been mailed as aforesaid (and notwithstanding any defect therein or the lack of actual receipt thereof by any registered owner) then from and after the redemption date interest on such certificates or portions thereof shall cease to accrue and become payable If there shall be drawn for redemption less than all of a certificate, the Village shall execute and the n i ! s i registrar shall authenticate and deliver, upon the surrender of such certificate, without charge to the owner thereof, in exchange for the unredeemed balance of the certificate so surrendered, certificates of like maturity and of the denomination of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof. The registrar shall not be required to transfer or exchange any certificate after notice of the redemption of all or a portion thereof has been mailed The registrar shall not be required to transfer or exchange any certificate during a period of 15 days next preceding the mailing of a notice of redemption that could designate for redemption all or a portion of such certificate. Section 6. Sale and Delivery. The certificates are sold to Bernardi Securities, Inc , as purchaser, at a price of $884,663 30 and accrued interest from their date to the date of delivery and payment therefor The Official Statement prepared with respect to the certificates is approved and "deemed final" as of its date for purposes of Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15 (c)2 -12 promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 The Village President, Village Clerk and other officials of the Village are authorized and directed to do and perform, or cause to be done or performed for or on behalf of the Village each and every thing necessary for the issuance of the certificates, including the proper execution and delivery of the certificates, the Installment Purchase Agreement and the Assignment Agreement. Section 7. Execution and Authentication. Each certificate shall be executed in the name of the Village by the manual or authorized facsimile signature of its Village President and the corporate seal of the Village, or a facsimile thereof, shall be thereunto -7- i 1 4 affixed or otherwise reproduced thereon and attested by the manual or authorized facsimile signature of its Village Clerk. In case any officer whose signature, or a facsimile of whose signature, shall appear on any certificate shall cease to hold such office before the issuance of the certificates, such certificate shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if the person whose signature, or a facsimile thereof, appears on such certificate had not ceased to hold such office. Any certificate may be signed, sealed or attested on behalf of the Village by any person who, on the date of such act, shall hold the proper office, notwithstanding that at the date of such certificate such person may not have held such office No recourse shall be had for the payment of any certificates against any officer who executes the certificates. Each certificate shall bear thereon a certificate of authentication executed manually by the registrar No certificate shall be entitled to any right or benefit under this ordinance or shall be valid or obligatory for any purpose until such certificate of authentication shall have been duly executed by the registrar Section 8. Transfer, Exchange and Registry. The certificates shall be negotiable, subject to the provisions for registration of transfer contained herein Each certificate shall be transferable only upon the registration books maintained by the Village for that purpose at the office of the registrar, by the registered owner thereof in person or by his attorney duly authorized in writing, upon surrender thereof together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the registrar and duly executed by the registered owner or his duly authorized attorney Upon the surrender for transfer of any such certificate, the Village shall execute and the registrar shall authenticate and deliver a new certificate or certificates registered in the name of the transferee, of the same aggregate principal amount, maturity In and interest rate as the surrendered certificate. Certificates, upon surrender thereof at the office of the registrar, with a written instrument satisfactory to the registrar, duly executed by the registered owner or his attorney duly authorized in writing, may be exchanged for an equal aggregate principal amount of certificates of the same maturity and interest rate and of the denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof. For every such exchange or registration of transfer of certificates, the Village or the registrar may make a charge sufficient for the reimbursement of any tax, fee or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such exchange or transfer, which sum or sums shall be paid by the person requesting such exchange or transfer as a condition precedent to the exercise of the privilege of making such exchange or transfer No other charge shall be made for the privilege of making such transfer or exchange The provisions of the Illinois Bond Replacement Act shall govern the replacement of lost, destroyed or defaced certificates. The Village and the registrar may deem and treat the person in whose name any certificate shall be registered upon the registration books as the absolute owner of such certificate, whether such certificate shall be overdue or not, for the purpose of receiving payment of, or on account of, the principal of or interest thereon and for all other purposes whatsoever, and all such payments so made to any such registered owner or upon his order shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such certificate to the extent of the sum or sums so paid, and neither the Village nor the registrar shall be affected by any notice to the contrary Section 9. Nature of Obligations. For the purpose of providing funds necessary to pay amounts required under the Installment Purchase Agreement, the Village agrees and covenants to make provision therefor in each annual budget to be adopted by the BE f President and Board of Trustees of the Village Pursuant to Section 13 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act, the Village hereby pledges the sales tax and use tax receipts derived by the Village from taxes imposed under the Use Tax Act, 35 Illinois Compiled Statutes 105, the Service Use Tax Act, 35 Illinois Compiled Statutes 110, the Service Occupation Tax Act, 35 Illinois Compiled Statutes 115, and the Retailer's Occupation Tax Act, 35 Illinois Compiled Statutes 120, as further security for the payment of amounts due under the Installment Purchase Agreement The pledge of sales tax and use tax receipts is on a parity with the prior pledge of such receipts as security for the payment of the General Fund Certificates, Series 1999, of the Village, and the General Fund Certificates, Series 2001, of the Village The Village may issue additional debt secured by a parity pledge of such receipts The obligation of the Village to make the payments required under the Installment Purchase Agreement constitutes a contractual obligation of the Village, subject to annual appropriation and payable without priority from the general fund of the Village There is no statutory authority for the levy of a separate tax in addition to other Village taxes or the levy of a special tax unlimited as to rate or amount to pay amounts due under the Installment Purchase Agreement. No person shall have the right to mandamus any tax in connection with payments to be made under the Installment Purchase Agreement Section 10. Form of Certificates. The certificates shall be issued as fully registered certificates and shall be in substantially the following form, the blanks to be appropriately completed when the certificates are printed -10- No. United States of America State of Illinois Counties of DuPage and Cook VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK GENERAL FUND REFUNDING CERTIFICATE, SERIES 2003 zl INTEREST RATE MATURITY DATE DATED DATE % December 1, 20 REGISTERED OWNER PRINCIPAL AMOUNT. June 1, 2003 Dollars ($ The VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, a municipal corporation of the State of Illinois situate in the Counties of DuPage and Cook, acknowledges itself indebted and for value received hereby promises to pay to the registered owner of this certificate, or registered assigns, the principal amount specified above on the maturity date specified above, and to pay interest on such principal amount from the date hereof at the interest rate per annum specified above, computed on the basis of a 360 day year consisting of twelve 30 day months and payable in lawful money of the United States of America on December 1, 2003 and semiannually thereafter on December 1 and June 1 in each year until the principal amount shall have been paid, to the registered owner of record hereof as of the 15' day of the calendar month next preceding such interest payment date, by wire transfer pursuant to an agreement by and between the Village and the registered owner, or otherwise by check or draft mailed to the registered owner at the address of such owner appearing on the registration books maintained by the Village for such purpose at the principal corporate trust office of Bank One, National Association, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, as registrar or his successor (the "Registrar ") This certificate, as to principal when -11- due, will be payable in lawful money of the United States of America upon presentation and surrender of this certificate at the office of the Registrar. This certificate is one of a series of certificates issued in the aggregate principal amount of $890,000, which are authorized and issued under and pursuant to the provisions of Section 11 -61 -3 of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5, and the Local Government Debt Reform Act, 30 Illinois Compiled Statutes 350, and under and in accordance with an ordinance adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on May 13, 2003 and entitled "Ordinance Approving an Amended and Restated Installment Purchase Agreement and Authorizing the Issuance of $890,000 General Fund Refunding Certificates, Series 2003, of the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois" (the "Ordinance ") The Village Treasurer, as the nominee seller for the various contractors who previously designed and constructed various improvements and the Village have entered into that certain Amended and Restated Installment Purchase Agreement dated as of June 1, 2003 (the "Installment Purchase Agreement "), pursuant to which the Village will purchase certain previously constructed improvements to the Village's Bath and Tennis Clubhouse At the direction and with the consent of the Village, the Village Treasurer, as nominee seller under the Installment Purchase Agreement, has assigned his rights to receive amounts due under the Installment Purchase Agreement to Bank One, National Association, as assignee for the benefit of the cetificateholders This certificate evidences the fractionalized interest in the right of the owner hereof to receive payment of amounts due under the Installment Purchase Agreement FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS NECESSARY TO PAY AMOUNTS DUE UNDER THE INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT, THE VILLAGE HAS AGREED AND COVENANTED TO MAKE PROVISION THEREFOR IN EACH ANNUAL -12- BUDGET TO BE ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE. PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT DEBT REFORM ACT AND TO THE EXTENT PROVIDED IN THE ORDINANCE, THE VILLAGE HAS ALSO PLEDGED THE SALES TAX AND USE TAX RECEIPTS DERIVED BY THE VILLAGE FROM TAXES IMPOSED UNDER THE USE TAX ACT, 35 ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 105; THE SERVICE USE TAX ACT, 35 ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 110; THE SERVICE OCCUPATION TAX ACT, 35 ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 115; AND THE RETAILER'S OCCUPATION TAX ACT, 35 ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 120. THE OBLIGATION OF THE VILLAGE TO MAKE PAYMENT OF AMOUNTS DUE UNDER THE INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT CONSTITUTES A CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION OF THE VILLAGE, SUBJECT TO ANNUAL APPROPRIATION AND PAYABLE WITHOUT PRIORITY FROM THE GENERAL FUND OF THE VILLAGE. THERE IS NO STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR THE LEVY OF A SEPARATE TAX IN ADDITION TO OTHER VILLAGE TAXES OR THE LEVY OF A SPECIAL TAX UNLIMITED AS TO RATE OR AMOUNT TO PAY AMOUNTS DUE UNDER THE INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT. NO PERSON SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO MANDAMUS ANY TAX IN CONNECTION WITH PAYMENTS TO BE MADE UNDER THE INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT. The certificates maturing on or after December 1, 2006 shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity at the option of the Village and upon notice as herein provided, in such principal amounts and from such maturities as the Village shall determine and by lot within a single maturity, on December 1, 2005 and on any date thereafter, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount thereof to be redeemed plus, if such -13- certificate is to be redeemed during any period (both dates inclusive) shown in the following table, the applicable redemption premium, expressed as a percentage of such principal amount, set forth opposite such period Redemption Period Redemption Premium December 1, 2005 to November 30, 2006 2% December 1, 2006 to November 30, 2007 1 Notice of the redemption of certificates will be mailed not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for such redemption to the registered owners of certificates to be redeemed at their last addresses appearing on such registration books The certificates or portions thereof specified in said notice shall become due and payable at the applicable redemption price on the redemption date therein designated, and if, on the redemption date, moneys for payment of the redemption price of all the certificates or portions thereof to be redeemed, together with interest to the redemption date, shall be available for such payment on said date, and if notice of redemption shall have been mailed as aforesaid (and notwithstanding any defect therein or the lack of actual receipt thereof by any registered owner) then from and after the redemption date interest on such certificates or portions thereof shall cease to accrue and become payable This certificate is transferable only upon such registration books by the registered owner hereof in person, or by his attorney duly authorized in writing, upon surrender hereof at the office of the Registrar together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the Registrar duly executed by the registered owner or by his duly authorized attorney, and thereupon a new registered certificate or certificates, in the authorized denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof and of the same aggregate principal amount, maturity and interest rate as this certificate shall be issued to the transferee in exchange -14- therefor In like manner, this certificate maybe exchanged for an equal aggregate principal amount of certificates of the same maturity and interest rate and of any of such authorized denominations The Village or the Registrar may make a charge sufficient for the reimbursement of any tax, fee or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to the transfer or exchange of this certificate. No other charge shall be made for the privilege of making such transfer or exchange The Village and the Registrar may treat and consider the person in whose name this certificate is registered as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment of, or on account of, the principal and interest due hereon and for all other purposes whatsoever This certificate shall not be valid or become obligatory for any purpose until the certificate of authentication hereon shall have been duly executed by the Registrar It is hereby certified, recited and declared that this certificate is issued in part pursuant to the Local Government Debt Reform Act, that all acts, conditions and things required to be done, exist and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this certificate in order to make it a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Village have been done, exist and have been performed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law, and that the series of certificates of which this certificate is one, together with all other indebtedness of the Village, is within every debt or other limit prescribed by law -15- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Village of Oak Brook has caused this certificate to be executed in its name and on its behalf by the manual or facsimile signature of its Village President, and its corporate seal, or a facsimile thereof, to be hereunto affixed or otherwise reproduced hereon and attested by the manual or facsimile signature of its Village Clerk Dated June 1, 2003 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Attest CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION Village Clerk`K This certificate is one of the General Fund Refunding Certificates, Series 2003, described in the within mentioned Ordinance By Village Tr asurer, as Registrar -16-