S-1297 - 11/09/2010 - FINANCE - Ordinances Supporting DocumentsITEM 6.F.2)
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
November 9, 2010
SUBJECT: Amendment to Financial Policy Ordinance
FROM: Sharon Dangles, Finance Director
RECOMMENDED MOTION: Approve an amendment to ordinance S -957 of the Village
of Oak Brook to amend a fund balance and reserve policy 2010, revised with technical
changes for financial reporting.
On January 24, 1995, the Village Board passed an ordinance to adopt a reserve policy. This
policy has been reviewed and revised in October 26, 1999. The reserve policy officially
recognizes the policy decision that some funds are legally or otherwise obligated for specific or
general purposes. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), the rulemaking
authority for governmental accounting, has issued a pronouncement relating to how we report
fund balance. Up to now, we have used terms such as Restricted and Unrestricted, Reserved and
Unreserved, and Designated and Undesignated. More detailed fund balance reporting and the
increased disclosures will aid the user of the financial statements in understanding the
availability of resources. This pronouncement (GASB Statement No. 54) seeks to make this
reporting much clearer. The new terms are easier to use and implement and provide a more
logical framework for presenting the Village's fund balance.
The section that was added on the Village's financial policy is Section 16, which is adding in
some technical language per GASB No. 54. This is not changing any other part of the financial
policy, which includes the Village's six month cash reserve policy.
GASB Statement No. 54 has identified 5 levels of restrictions on fund balance, listed in a
hierarchy from most constrained to the least:
❑ Nonspendable (i.e. prepaids, inventory, etc.)
❑ Restricted (limited by external actions such as state or federal law)
❑ Committed (self - imposed restraints imposed by the Village Board)
❑ Assigned (for an intended purpose)
❑ Unassigned (anything left over and available)
The three less constrained (committed, assigned, unassigned) are locally controlled. Other key
changes are that we must make any commitments prior to the end of the fiscal year (necessitating
this proposed action now), noting in what order dollars from these categories will be spent, and
who can determine assignments.
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Governmental Accounting Standards. Board
Summaries / Status
Summary of Statement No. 54
Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type
(Issued 03 /09)
The objective of this Statement is to enhance the usefulness of fund balance
information by prodding clearer fund balance classifications that can be more
consistently applied and by clarifying the wasting governmental fund type
definitions. This Statement establishes fund balance classifications that comprise a
hierarchy based primarily on the extent to which a government is bound to observe
constraints imposed upon the use of the resources reported in governmental funds.
The initial distinction that is made in reporting fund balance information is
identifying amounts that are considered mnspendable, such as fund balance
associated with inventories. This Statement also provides for additional
classification as restricted, commted, assigned, and unassigned based on the
relative strength of the constraints that control how specific amounts can be spent
The restrictedfund balance category includes amounts that can be spent only for
the specific purposes stipulated by constitution, external resource prodders, or
through enabling legislation. The committed fund balance classification includes
amounts that can be used only for the specific purposes determined by a forms]
action of the governments highest level of decision- making authority. Amounts in
the assigredfund balance classification are intended to be used by the
government for speck purposes but do not meet the criteria to be classified as
restricted or committed. In governmental funds other than the general fund,
assigned fund balance represents the remaining amount that is not restricted or
conndted. Unassigned fund balance is the residual classification for the
governments general fund and includes all spendable amounts not contained in the
other classifications. In other funds, the unassigned classification should be used
only to report a deficit balance resulting from overspending for specific purposes
for which amounts had been restricted, committed, or assigned. Governments are
required to disclose information about the processes through which constraints are
imposed on amounts in the conrnited and assigned classifications.
Governments also are required to classify and report amounts in the appropriate
fund balance classifications by applying their accounting policies that detemhine
whether restricted, comnited, assigned, and unassigned amounts are considered
to have been spent. Disclosure of the policies in the notes to the financial
statements is required.
This Statement also provides guidance for classifying stabilization amounts on the
face of the balance sheet and requires disclosure of certain information about
stabilization arrangements in the notes to the financial statements.
The definitions of the general fund, special revenue fund type, capital projects fund
type, debt service fund type, and permanent fund type are clarified by the
provisions in this Statement Interpretations of certain terms within the definition of
the special revenue fund type have been prodded and, for some governments,
those Interpretations may affect the activities they choose to report in those funds.
The capital projects fund type definition also was clarified for better alignment with
the needs of preparers and users. Definitions of other governmental fund types
also have been modified for clarity and consistency.
The requirements of this Statement are effective for financial statements for periods
beginning after June 15, 2010. Early implementation is encouraged. Fund balance
reclassifications made to conform to the provisions of this Steternent should be
applied retroactively by restating fund balance for all prior periods presented.
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How the Changes in This Statement Will Improve Financial Reporting
The requirements in this Statement will improve financial reporting by providing
fund balance categories and classifications that will be more easily understood.
Elirnination of the reserved component of fund balance in favor of a restricted
classification will enhance the consistency between information reported in the
government -wide statements and information in the governmental fund financial
statements and avoid confusion about the relationship between reserved fund
balance and restricted net assets. The fund balance classification approach in this
Statement will require governments to classify amounts consistently, regardless of
the fund type or column in which they are presented. As a result an amount cannot
be classified as restricted in one fund but unrestricted in another. The fund balance
disclosures will give users information necessary to understand the processes
under which constraints are imposed upon the use of resources and how those
constraints may be modified or e0mdnated. The clarifications of the governmental
fund type definitions will reduce uncertainty about which resources can or should
be reported in the respective fund types.
Unless otherwise specified, pronouncements of the GASB apply th financial reports
of all state and local governmental entities, including general purpose governments;
public benefit corporations and authorities; public employee retirement systems;
and pubic utilities, hospitals and other healthcare providers, and colleges and
universities. Paragraph 3 discusses the applicability of this Statement
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ORDINANCE 2010- FI- TX -BU -S -1297
WHEREAS, on January 24, 1995, the President and Board of Trustees adopted Ordinance S-
793, entitled, "An Ordinance Establishing Certain Finance, Taxation and Budget Policies of the Village
President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook (Finance Policy Ordinance), as an advisory
statement concerning said policies and procedures; and
WHEREAS, on October 26, 1999, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak
Brook adopted Ordinance S -957 entitled "Comprehensive Amendment to an Ordinance Establishing
Certain Finance, Taxation and Budget Policies of the Village President and Board of Trustees of the
Village of Oak Brook" (Finance Policy Ordinance); and
WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees desire to amend certain policies and
procedures concerning finance, taxation and budget which are in the Finance Policy Ordinance and
include these changes in this Comprehensive Amendment to the Finance Policy Ordinance.
Section 1: The foregoing preambles are restated and incorporated herein by reference as though
fully set forth herein.
Section 2: The Village will conduct a continuing and comprehensive program of financial
planning in all funds, encompassing both operating and capital needs. The principal objective of this
program will be to identify and address potential financial problems in advance, thereby avoiding financial
difficulties before they arise.
Section 3: The Village financial plans and budgets shall be based on reasonable assumptions
which recognize the limitations on the revenues available to the Village and which adhere to sound
principles of municipal fund accounting and financial management.
Section 4: The budgeting and management of the Village shall be based on a system of goals
and objectives, developed by the Village staff under the leadership and direction of the Board and
integrated into the annual Municipal Budget.
Section 5: It is the policy of the Board that the Board should at all times encourage and solicit
public participation in the processes of setting goals and objectives, reviewing proposed long -range
financial plans, and reviewing proposed annual budgets. The annual schedule for obtaining such formal
public participation shall, insofar as possible, be as follows:
Section 6: The Village's Five -Year Financial Plan and annual Municipal Budget will be prepared
and presented on a cash basis and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report will be prepared on an
accrual or modified accrual basis, as applicable and consistent with generally accepted accounting
principles as promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Further, it is the policy of
the Village Board that the Village strive annually to receive the Government Finance Officers Association
Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.
Section 7: It is the policy of the Board that the general operations of the Village continue to be
financed without the imposition of a general tax on real property.
Section 8: It is the policy of the Board that it will consider the imposition of a tax on real property
within the Village only to meet financial obligations of the Village which have been approved by the voters
at referendum.
Section 9: With respect to the imposition of a utility tax on natural gas and electricity, it is the
policy of the Board to impose the tax for periods not to exceed one year and, thereby, to obligate the
Board to consider the continuance of the tax at least annually.
Section 10: It is the policy of the Board that enterprise and utility funds shall be financially self -
supporting. Rates or other charges for services shall be established and maintained at levels which
produce revenues sufficient to defray expenditures within each fund, including reasonable
reimbursements to other funds for services or benefits received therefrom. Enterprise and utility funds
shall not receive transfers from other funds except in the form of loans made pursuant to Section 15
hereof, or as grants authorized by the Board.
Section 11: For the General Corporate Fund, it is the policy of the Board that every effort be
made to maintain the greater of:
a. an uncommitted cash balance equal to not less than six (6) months of budgeted
expenditures for the forthcoming fiscal year, exclusive of budgeted capital projects; or
b. an uncommitted cash balance equal to not less than six (6) months of projected
expenditures, exclusive of capital projects, based on the average of the first three (3)
years of the most recent Five Year Financial Plan adopted by the Village Board.
Section 12: Investment of idle funds will be guided by a comprehensive Investment Policy, the
principal objectives of which shall be to strive for full investment at the best possible return, consistent
with appropriate liquidity and security of capital.
Section 13: The Budget Officer, with the approval of the Village Manager, may authorize
transfers of budgeted funds between accounts or between account categories within a single budget
Section 14: Any transfer of budgeted funds from one budget program to another, any increase in
the total appropriation within any fund, or any expenditure from any budgeted contingency amount shall
be subject to the approval of the Board upon recommendation of the Village Manager.
Section 15: Loans between funds made in order to transcend temporary operating shortfalls or
cash shortages and which can reasonably be expected to be repaid within the fiscal year in which the
loan is made, and in an aggregate amount not greater than $250,000, may be authorized by the Village
Manager upon recommendation of the Finance Director/Treasurer and after appropriate notice to the
Village Board. Loans between funds in an aggregate amount greater than $250,000, or in any amount if
the loan is not expected to be repaid during the fiscal year in which it is made, are subject to the specific
approval of the Village Board. All loans shall be documented in writing.
Section 16: Attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A is the Fund Balance and
Reserve Policy, 2010, which outlines technical changes of the standards for governmental accounting.
Section 17: The validity of any action otherwise taken by the Board in accordance with applicable
State law shall not be invalidated, impaired or otherwise affected by noncompliances with any part of the
procedures or policy set forth in this Ordinance.
Section 18: This Ordinance supercedes Ordinance S -957, passed on October 26, 1999, and
entitled "Comprehensive Amendment to an Ordinance Establishing Certain Finance, Taxation and Budget
Policies of the Village President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook ".
Section 19: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby
repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 20: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval
and publication as required by law.
APPROVED THIS 91" day of November, 2010.
John W. Craig
Village President
PASSED THIS 91" day of November, 2010.
Charlotte K. Pruss
Village Clerk
Village of Oak Brook EXHIBIT A
Fund Balance and Reserve Policy, 2010
Fund Balance — the difference between assets and liabilities in a Governmental Fund.
Nonspendable Fund Balance — the portion of a Governmental Fund's net assets that are not available to be spent,
either short term or long term, in either form or through legal restrictions.
Restricted Fund Balance - the portion of a Governmental Fund's net assets that are subject to external enforceable legal
Unrestricted Fund Balance is made up of three components:
Committed Fund Balance - the portion of a Governmental Fund's net assets with self- imposed constraints or
limitations that have been placed at the highest level of decision making.
Assigned Fund Balance - the portion of a Governmental Fund's net assets to denote an intended use of
Unassigned Fund Balance - available expendable financial resources in a governmental fund that are not the
object of tentative management plan (i.e. designations).
Note: In non - governmental funds, management may decide to "assign" funds for a specific purpose. This will be done as
an internal budgeting procedure rather than as a formal accounting entry.
A. It is the policy of the Village of Oak Brook that every effort be made to maintain the greater of:
a) an uncommitted cash balance equal to not less than six months of budgeted expenditures for the forthcoming
fiscal year, exclusive of budgeted capital projects; or
b) an uncommitted cash balance equal to not less than six months of projected expenditures, exclusive of capital
projects, based on the average of the first three years of the most recent Five Year Financial Plan adopted by the
Village Board.
B. It is also the policy of the Village of Oak Brook to assign a portion of Fund Balance in the amount of debt service
payments for governmental debt for the following year.
C. This policy may be amended from time to time according to the wishes of the Village of Oak Brook Board of
D. The Village will spend the most restricted dollars before less restricted, in the following order:
1) Nonspendable (if funds become spendable),
2) Restricted,
3) Committed,
4) Assigned,
5) Unassigned.
E. The Finance Director will determine if a portion of fund balance should be assigned.
Adopted: January 24, 1995 (1995 -S -793)
Revised: October 26, 1999 (1999 -S -957)
November 9, 2010 (technical revision for GASB 54, 2010 -S -1297)