Agenda - 01/21/1992 - Library CommissionAGEI IDA OE I'HE L I BRARY COMM I S S I ON January 21, 1992 1. Tour of the library II. Adâ–ºninistration of oath of office to new corrinissioners and reference to 11 1 inois Library Law. Ill. Consideration of organizational,stiructure. IV. Reports A. DuPage Library System B. Oak Brook Library Association C. Librarian's statistical quarterly report r V. New business A. Orientation of new members Al. Where are we? A2. Where are we going? A3. How are we going to get there? V1 ~.- 'Regular meeting schedule dates for 1992 April 21, 1992 July 21, 1992 October 20, 1992 VII. Adjournment.