Agenda - 01/21/1992 - Library CommissionAGEI IDA OE I'HE L I BRARY COMM I S S I ON
January 21, 1992
1. Tour of the library
II. Adâ–ºninistration of oath of office to new
corrinissioners and reference to 11 1 inois
Library Law.
Ill. Consideration of organizational,stiructure.
IV. Reports
A. DuPage Library System
B. Oak Brook Library Association
C. Librarian's statistical quarterly report
V. New business
A. Orientation of new members
Al. Where are we?
A2. Where are we going?
A3. How are we going to get there?
V1 ~.- 'Regular meeting schedule dates for 1992
April 21, 1992
July 21, 1992
October 20, 1992
VII. Adjournment.